Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Dec 1961, p. 16

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IO HELP WANTED UNSKILLED MEN The Royal Canadian Air Force Offers Training In valuable trade free uniforms free medical and dental care good pay 30 days annual holiday an excellent pension plan Earn While You Learn Applicants must be single to 29 years oi age Canadian citilens or British subjects and hav at least Grada education for Full Inlormation Visit MOBILE RECRUITING UNIT banana ARMOURIES December Noon to pm II LEGAL NOTICES CAREERS tor YOUNG MEN in the CANADIAN ARMY It you are between the ages of 1v and it and single get lull lniormation on exciting career opportunities with the CANADIAN ARMY Visit your Army Recruiter at Barrio Armoury between 10 and it am on Monday Dec ember Ii or write ARMY RECRUITING OFFICE 27 ST CLAIR AVE EAST TORONTO our TRUCK DRIVERS WANTED Must be 24 years oi age or over Apply in person to 207 TIFFIN STREET EARRIE ONTARIO zxclznnzlu lNcoIIIE or part timo selling darn and Advertising Specialties Fine line with top commission Rely Rodeo Products nrocio vile Ont FEMALE HELP for lull srll Calen EMPLOYMENT OFFICER UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION EARRIE ONTARIO salary ZOO$4710 Documentary evidence of high school graduation will be re quired Several years of experience re lated to the duties of the posi tioa For full particulars as to resl denoe qualification require ments and application forms see Posters on display at the National Employment Service and Post Oiiice Apply before DECEMBER 16 19m to the Civil Service Commission St Clair Avenue East Toronto Ontario Quota Competition number SITIOGI LADIES Elm extra money in your spare time it you have car and ara tree three nights weak telephone PA 32910 Bellman Baby sitter required or afternoons per week in our own home in the caklay Park Hire district Telephone PA 521 alter pm EXPERIENCED Waitresses want ed Permanent work with good salary Apply Mr Hathaway United Cigar stores Ltd an Duri lop st East Barrie CLERK for interesting position or varied orrlce duties Good typlt ing essential general cmploycl benetltsl Permanent chIy stut in age education and experi ence to son liarrla Examiner SECRETARY or an lnterestlnl and responsible position Must be an accurata typist with diotuphono equipment experience an asset Excellent working conditions Please reply by letter stating age education and experience to Box Barrie Examiner EMPLOYMENT WANTED anll scrroor girl will baby sit weekends Telephona PA 0535a rarsonmo Lndles and Me alterations drcsses made To phone PA 845 alter p111 wru LODK Anni children In my own home Will xlck no and deliver Telephone 51636 BOAT PARADE QUEBEC CPIThe ItIIIth an niversary of this Quebec Yacht Club was celebrated with pn rade of boatscabin cruisers sailboats Outboardsdown the St Lawrence River and around the Isle of Orleans More than 50 flag decorated crait took part in the back row of the public MALE HELP IN THE MATTER OF the clos lng of part oi Brock Street ba lng the Road Allowance be tween Lots 25 and 16 In the sixth Concession of the Town ship of Vespra now In the City oi Barrie AND IN THE MATTER OF The Municipal Act Take notice that the Council oi the Corporation oi the City of Barrio will niter the publis cation at this notice at least once week for four t4 suc cessive weeks in The Barrie Examiner consider and ii deemed expedient pass byAlaw to close and stop up that part of the Road Allowance between Lots 25 and 26 in the Sixth Con cession oi the Township of Ves pra now In the City of Barrio known as Brock Street des cribed as follows= ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract oi land and premises situate lying and being in the City of Barrie In the County at Simcoe in the Province oi Ontario being com posed of part at the Road Al lowance between Lois No 25 and 26 in Concession of the Township oi Vespra now in said City and known as Brock Street which parcel ls more particularly described as foll ows COMMENCING at the inter section oi the southerly limit of said Road Allowance with the northerly limit oi the Road Allowance between the Town ships oI InnIinI and Vaspra said point being the most west erIy angle of Lot No 51 ac cording to Registered Plan No Is and also the most westerly angle ot Lot No 25 In Concesa sion ti oi the Township of Vesr pra THENCE North 5E degrees 04 minutes 15 seconds East along the southerly limit oi said Hoadv Allowance 5770 feet to point in the westerly limit of Highway No 400 as shown on plan attached to instruments No 145m and 14995 for said Township THENCE North 31 degrees 75 minutes 45 seconds West along said westerly limit 660 feet to point in the northerly limit of said Road Allowance between Lots 35 and 75 THENCE South 58 degrees 04 minutes 15 seconds West along the northerly limit of said Road Allowance 31453 feet to point in the northerly limit oi the Road Allowance between said Townships THENCE North 72 degrees 21 minutes 85 seconds East along said last mentioned northerly limit i3i25 leet THENCE North 72 degrees 41 minutes 20 seconds East along said northerly limit $330 feet to the point of commencement II LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of FRANCIS ALBERT CREIGHTON lata oi the City at Barrie In the County at Simone Civil Servant deceased who died on or about the 25th day oi Odo ber 1961 are required to file particulars ol ume with the undersigned on or before Jan uary 10th 1962 after which date the estate will be distribu led without regard to uniiled claims LESLIE BALL QC 461 Dundaa Street Woodstock Ontario Solicitor tor the proposed Ad mlnlstrator Plans IN THE MATTER OF the clos ing at part of Penetangulshene Road in the City at Barrio ac cording to Registered Plan Number One AND IN THE MATTER OF The Municipal Act TAKE NOTICE that tho Couns cil oi the Corporation of the City of Barrio will after the publication of this notice at least once week for tour ouc cessive weeks in The Barrie Examiner consider and It deemed expedient pass by law to close and stop up that part of the Penetanguishene Road in the City of Barrie ac cording to Registered Plan Number One described as fol lows ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract at land and premises situate lying and being in the City oI Barrie In the County or Simcoe in the Province oi Ontario being composed of part at the Pene tanguishene Road tbelng the Road Allowance between the Townships oi Vespra and era as shown on Registered Plan No tor the County oi Simone which parcel ls more partlcu larly described as follows COMMENCING at the south caoterly angle of Lot No 12 on the north side oi Davis Street now shanty Bay Road yTHENCE North degrees 26 minutes East along the wester ly limit of said Penetanguish ene Road 32255 teet THENCE North 55 degrees 51 minutes 15 seconds East 8821 feet to point In the easterly limit DI said Penetunguifliene Road THENCE South degrees 16 minutes West along the east erly limit at said Penetanguish ene Road 38096 feet to the southwesterly angle of Lot No 13 on the north side of Davis Street THENCE North 02 degrees 40 minutes West 660 feet to the point of commencement AND FURTHER TAKE NOT ICE that any person who claims that his land will be prejudic ially aiIected by the said by law and Who applies to be heard shall be heard by the Council either In person or by his counsel solicitor or agent This notice is first publLshed on the 25th day of November AD 1961 STRAUGHAN Clerk of the City of Barrie By City Solicitors BOYS SEAGRAM AND ROWE 13 Owen Street Barrie Ontario MULTHLE BIRTHS or the 415930 births recorded in Canada in 1957 there were 1009 sets of twins 187 oi tripA lets and tour of quadruplets iTry An Examiner Want Ad I2 TENDERS GENERAL TRADES EXTENSION T0 DISTRICT OFFICE BUILDING ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS HUNTSVILLE ONTARIO SEALED FIXED SUIII TEND ERS properly endorsed on forms supplied by the Depart meal will be received by the Tenders Secretary Room 0630 East Block Parliamenbbuild lngs Toronto Ontario until 330 pm ESTI on WEDNESDAY JAN 10th 1982 for the General Trades Work which Includes the Mechanical and Electrical Trades in con neciion with the construction ot the Extension to the District Oiflca Building tor the Ontario Departmentoi Highways Huntsville Ontario Specifications Tender forms Tender envelopes and Contract Requirements may be obtained from or viewed at Room 704 Tower Depart ment of Public Works East Block Parliament Buildings Toronto Ontario Emp 31211 Local 21279 and may alsp be vlewedat the Builders Exchange at Sudbury Barrie and Orlllln Ontario and at the Department of Public Works Ollicc Huntsville Ontario $300000 Bid Bond and 100 PcrIormance Band will be required as speciiied Tenders will not be considered unless made on forms supplied by the Department of Public Works Ontario in accordance with the terms and conditions as set iorth therein Deposit oi $5000 CASH or CERTIFIED CHEQUE made payable to the Treasurer of On turloi will be required per set oi tender documents which will be refunded ii documents are returned In good condition with in thirty days of above closing date olhcrwise ioricitcd The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted MILLIR Deputy Minister Department of Public Works Ontario Parliament Buildings Toronto Ontario December Slh 1961 I3 AUCTION SALE BANKRUPTCY AUCTION SALE Friday December 15 pm sharp At The Form or JOSEPH COWIE at Lot 25 Concession Adjala Township miles straight west of Alliston and miles south ot Highway 89 Auction sale of pigs cattle farm machinery hay and straw Terms cash No reserve as this is bankruptcy sale Auctioneer JERRY COUGHLIN ENHANCES FLAVOR Reltesting cooked turkey in barbecue sauce freshly cooked flavor rather than warmedvover one AND FURTHER TAIGJ NOT ICE that any person who claims that his land will be prejudicially affected by the said byIaw and who applies to be heard shall be heard by the Council either In person or by his counsel solicitor or agent This notice is first published on the 25th day of November AD 1961 STRAUGHAN Clerk of the City of Barrie By City Solicitors BOYS SEAGRAM AND ROWE 13 Owen Street Barrie Ontario WRONG PLACE CHATIIAM England CPLA teenage couple was ordered out of courtroom here for cuddling RATEPAYERS 0F ESSA Thank you for thoconfidence you have placed In us by selecting us as your Council for 1962 SANFORD PAGE Reeve GEORGE DAVIs Deputy Reeve KEN BLANCHARD Councillor EUGENE SMITH Councillor srewanr DERMOTT Councillor gallery vors GORDIESIIEY DECEMBER II I96I REELECT HERSEY ALDERMAN some 8000000 on the death of Millionaire Wont Stand Trial Police VANCOUVER CP IIIII Ilonairc Patrick Balientine former Toronto advertising executive will not stand trial on charge oi attempting to mur dcr Vancouver doctor Deputy Police Chief Gordon Ambrose said Friday Ambrose said an order has been obtained to commit Ballet IIRCIIO provincial méntal hos Bailentine 34 who Inherited his lumberman father Edward Ballentine in 1054 was charged with attempted capital murder alter Vancouver Gen eral Hospital physician Dr Howard Weaver was found on tho Bulientine lawn suffering wound In the thigh VDr Weaver underwent aur gcry for severed thigh artery and now Is In satisioctory con ditian SOIL STUDY WINNIPEG CPIMore ac curate crop forecasts may re sult from soil moisture study being conducted by tho Mani toba department of agriculture and the University of Manitoba Soil samples to be taken throughout the province In the next live years will provide clearer picture of moisture re serves BAYCITY UPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND MODERN Beautiiul Samples Free Estimates FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY PHONE PA 87433 BARRIE Upholsterlng El Our BusinessNot Just Sideline 65 Bradford 5t Michigan Ia an MRI mirrors sorenon DECEMBER m1 Ilid Against Canadian Dirt LANSING Midi CPIGu ernor John Swainson Friday asked lur Iederal aid to help eliminate Canadian pollution of the Detroit River and Lake Erie He sent the request to Abra ham Ribicoll secretary of health education and welfare Governor Swainson said reports reaching him charged that Windsor and Sarnia wens disI charging untreated sewage into the waters LADYBUG RAIDS VICTORIA tCP Entomolo gicaI officials here report there has becn population explosion oi ladybug beetles on southern Vancouver Residents were warned the Insects will soon be invading homes in search of warm place to spend the winter BARRIE HEATING FUELS Phone PA 66531 CALLING till KIDDIES SANTAS ARRIVED AT EATO TUESDAY 1030 am an bum 230 pm and 330 pm candy which the klddlcs 59 Santa evér Dont forat y°° Santa has for al NS and THURSDAY 30 am EATON CBam amen no can EATONS OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY DEC 13 TILL 530 pm Slop Wishing Start Building WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ALL THE NEEDED MATERIALS OR WE WILL BUILD IT FOR YOU THERE Is STILL TIME TO COMPLETE RECREATION ROOM FOR HOLIDAY FUN LOOK TO US FOR THE KIND OF FRIENDLY EXPERT SERVICE THAT HAS BUILT OUR REPUTATION Re Sure Of The Utmost Quality Insist That Your Buildar Uses Bertram Brothers Products BERTIIIIM Want to finish all your ultic or basement refinish your floors orycio I00l other proiects Rent the hats you need and youll save lime money dnd loborl DRILLS SAWS POLISHERS SANDERS und lots more oteconomic rental prices See Us Today FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD TRUSTEE FOR REFRESHING YOUTHFUL APPROACH Occupation Lawyer and solicitor WARD acrlvn REPRESENTATION Baoacas 429IIIIIIIE sr 50254 Complete Stock of CROWN DIAMOND PAINTS TIME TO SERVEYOUR INTERESTS For rranrportutton call pa 51934

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