ARTICLES For SALE UlT veoeï¬atss ImlghlAl mlglrdnï¬velad to ur am may arms uplzsaaas PA Mata or PA Moss APPLI Cluck man or mu less also appld butter or crus saiI math or anytime We buy allots and hail sallou un islo phone PA was ARTICLES WANTED MBTABLI itemu Player naud louhspeed automatic chants mum la good condition and reasonably priced Telepnoas PA NI FARMERS MARKET DEAD smelt ighest prices paid for dead or rippled cattle and horses Small animals removed MCI For lust service phone BARRIE FA M751 collect or aslt or ZENITH 91130 NO CHARGE hours day7 am nus ICKS DEAD STOCK RR Foxmead Ontario License No i390 LIVESTOCK GOOD Plus or sale ala waaas old Telephoul ivy land as LANDRAcc Ind Yorkshlu weaned Pigs tor sale Telephon PA Leas evenings or noon hour FIGS FOR sane ssven weeks id Satin itII Telemann onnlp hit ennvais ItquI nls six hurt to mu Citstun ply to ï¬n VIII north Punzunzn llolateln Heller duo December sired by and bred to ouuiandlnl unit auli Rellatared and tully uncredited Stein Brothers Cooksiown or 554748 FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH FARM SUPPLIES SERVICE Cue New Houlnd David Brown unity Farm Equipment in BURTOh AVE PA 8437 SPECIAL Team of horses one seven years old one three years old Drive well SPECIAL gtne Massey Binder with canvasses $6500 CASH TERMS Gimp ttAsmsmIsu or sale it with belt Good condition Telephon Gordon Hickllns PA Mm YOU WOULDNT DISCONNECT YOUR PHONE COUPLE OF DAYS WEEK because you knuw that good prospects might be trying to get in touch with you during those periods when your phone service is discontinued Its the same with your adver sing People are buying every Dont let that nusiness pass you by because your advertising is discontinued AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE Ml DTOWN YEAR END CLEARANCE 1961 Pontiac $2725 1959 Pontiac 17000 miles 1961 Ford Fairlane $1990 1961 Pontiac $2550 1960 Chev Biscayne $1725 1959 Buick Hardtop $1830 1959 Chev $1390 1956 Chev Sedan $690 1956 Ford Custom $595 1955 Oldsmobile $587 All cars reconditioned and guaranteed Same with automa tic transmission radio and snow tires 41 ESSAROAD ROY HAWKINS SPECIAL 1957 Karmen Ghia hardtop with custom radioI two tone paint and very good heater Entire car in very good condition Will accept trade and will ar range finance Full price $895 Call PA 50195 Vl MOTORS LIMITED Rambler Hillman 10 DOWN 17 GDWAN ST PA 66488 1852 CHEVROLET or sale will any stxï¬lmlsrlgvod tires py ow Li ve phone PA 896 mm or 1357 DODGE or sale under hardtop push button drivsylladio Yellow and white Beat otter Talc phone PA 84170 alter p111 less DODGE tar rain our door Clean throughout Radio Four new tires Telephone Dru arm pm lust nouns Royal two toned with radio and automatic trans lon Good condition No rea aamshlc ottor refused Owner llavlt Ind country Telephone PA 89139 1952 INTERNATIONAL 1110 with stnkc body and cattle chute lsu Chevrolet moi Chevrolet also 1052 Meteor all prices to sail Telephone PA MINE TRUCKS TRAILERS WANTED FOIL CA9 50d ton combination dump stake body truck Tclcphanl PA sTtai unsurqu details 1950 GMC ysTON Truck air con dltlnn Telephone Gordon Hick Juli PAVE9523 tor mriliu intor on on AUTOMOTIVE Going South models Russel Mobile CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS AND CHRISTMAS TREES BEZZANT NURSERIES 69 Johnson St PA 60247 GIFTS FOR HER LA DE BONNAIRE Hair Styling Studio 166 Napier St CHRISTMAS SPECIALS $10 PERMS $8 $1250 PERMS $10 $15 PERMS $1250 TEENAGERS $550 PA 82693 BILL LEBOEUF JEWELLERS DIAMONDS Cash Credit Layaway No interest or carrying charges 52 DUNLOP ST WEST PA 83343 APPLIANCES ONew and used vacuum clean ers $20 and up OFree pickup and delivery on service 0Replacement parts tor all makes of cleaners Hoover SALES SERVICE DUNLOP ST sun moon PA 68848 CATERING WANT TO HAVE CHRISTMAS PARTY And still have cozy homelike atmosphere CALL ALMA LEE 132 Owen St 11 MRI SATURDAY sarcasm III MOBILE HOMES this Winter VacationTrailers Now On Sale MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM All Fully Equipped Up to 20 discount on ALL vacation stock One only Apache camping trailer Special discount Buy Now At Terrific Savings CONVENIENT TERMS Church Homes l70 Burton Ave No ll Highway South PA 89866 its Wonderful The Way Barrie Examiner Classified Ads Get Results Phone PA 82414 GIFTS FOR HIM Smith Rutter FURNITURE 137 Dunlap st 60245 PA 60246 PLATFORM ROCKERS NYLON FREIZE $2995 SERVICE SAVINGS SATISFACTION BARRIE Stamp Coin l7 Bayfield St Buy Him Catalogue for Christmas or Good Album STAMPS COWS MACKS MENS WEAR 33 DUNLOP ST WEST PA 89641 Sweaters $395 up Good selection of viyella socks $150 GIFTS FOR FAMILY STENNICKS VJEWELLERY 127 DUNLOP ST 17 Jewel Watches $1495 Rx and up PERSONALS WOULD You ux your sails to run Illlmssa tron lull Claus Tm bone at Tilmm Parkway and ass or am luunlw Laicmsuan WONDWVL noun of mole III 01 minus to naseo out why In Ihz or lack nilcos can an and about is suns mma new it mull courage to pick ID ml um all it you an minkr and seriously want to study Initiating subject ulcphmu PA um WOMENS COLUMN Bub IEOP Coldans Ciel by musa halrdnsur in your on home ram IllDIE ai PA um or PA sun LOST FOUND WALL LOST brown contIn Lul personal In Wadnlldly on Dunlap near 5m ud sr plane tsiDboul com us pings lfliAYcD Innaauai Ono whit and hell ya Iold Owner all bav Mm DI iityi on JdulA But an PER pAnsus Paon ttn Moss nlAdu boa lost Dstanshcr in Camp Bordn Black In Ind Ihltl Wnflnl chain ehoan coi Ilr Hunt nunlb II AnsIlIrl to us ol hiulllnl Anyon knowing whsnlboull pitu his aaeas cm Burden ms and main amalI boy happy Rumn attend Try An lllmlncr Want Ad PHONE PA Mill GIFTS FOR FAMILY Dixies 8Oke Shop And Record Bar 109 Dunlop St GIFT IDEAS Rust Crait Greeting Cards Boxed Christmas Cards Family Christmas Cards Morris Boxed Chocolates Best Quality Billioids Pipes and Smokers Supplies Tree Lights and Decorations Visit Our Toyiand Party jokes and novelties Timex Watches AT OUR RECORD BAR All the Christmas LPs Holiday Sing Along With Mitch All wristmas selections with the best recording stars Mitch Miller Sing Alongs Ray Connif For Dancing Johnny Mathis Frank Sinatra Jane Morgan Connie Francis Perry Como Pat Boone Bing Crosby Mahalla Jackson Scabreeze Record Players and accessories Record Racks and Cases PA 86133 Do Ask About Our very Reasonable Gift Guide Rates Now At PA 82414 Good bookings stili available Also Misc Gifts BARRIE YM YWCA suecnsrs Yf Membership for young and old It brings full year oi growth through wholesome fellowship and activities CALL PA 87261 Buy Record Gilt Certiï¬cate JACKSONS DEPT STORE Barries Most Famous House of Bargains OUR MOTIO IS SATISFACTION OR CASH MONEY REFUNDED SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE IN THE FAMILY Top Quality Rock Bottom Prices DIAL PA 87735 59 DUNLOP ST BARRIE ONT DOGS PETS FREE Christmas Trees with every puppy purchased from our kennels BASSET HOUNDS POODLES ODACHSHUND on have up bring your children to select and cut the tree of your choicHl Beasleys Turkey Ranch AND Reyal View Kennels miles north of Bartis on Hiyiway 27 PA 89722 BIGCOLORFUL OUTDOOR TREE lIGHTS Featured at CANADIAN TIRE axons nouns each 14 tor 53 7LIGHT ourrIT LIGHT OUTFIT 169 369 289 lSLIGHT OUTFIT FOR 10120VOLTCIRCUITS FULLY APPROVED ITS EASY AND LOW COST TO DECORATE ALL OUTDOORS THIS CHRISTMASat these big Canadian Tire Savings Weatherproof wiring new safety sockets an mods in Canada Extralength Save indoor ILIGHT INDOOR TREE LIGHT SETAssorted cnlnrcd bulbs oper ate inaeries Spring clips on bulb sockets or last tree trimming Bulbs glow brightly to make your Christmas tree brilliant spectacle For 119120 volt circuits 99 With long cord and plug Set EXTRA BULBS For above as sorted colors IEIcLEs gives greater coverage addvon connector for extra sets and spring clips for easier trimming Giant size colored bulbs help you make spectacular displayct minimum outlay OUTDOOR FLOODLIGHT KIT with liewan bulb Floodlight the exterior of your home Includes mount lng bracket and plate or above ground installation also ground spike with weatherproof cord plug and clear bulb ree Lights lLIGIIT INDOOR LIGHTING SET Lights rate In dependently Sprlng clip soc eta usIA est to attach to tree Larger brightly colored bulbs with car plug and addon connect 12LIGIII INDOOR MULTIPLE LIGHTING sec AstaglovaG but 333100 EXTRA sums roi above assorted 9n colors or A5 1553b Pmk Shiny Silver Lead Foil 200 strands 24 Ian 450 strands 24 long 23 Bright slivertone garlands 12ft Igth diam EXTENSION CORD SETS OUTDOOR EXTENSION CORD Weather proof complete with cap and plug heavy duty 1012 87 Windup Reel supplied on 26 bitit stt 59 INDOOR EXTENSION CORD with cap and triplug Big 17 leg spread keep tree fresh DE LUXE TREE HOLDER Larger size with ad ded features Bright nickel and chrome trim With special slots for the tree lights not included 329 TURDYEASY TO SET UP TREE STAND Bi ht holds brags ug am rg green an re sturdy steel Water container to $4533347 18 lgth diam 25 47 FLOODLIGIIT SOGKET and SPIKE Weatherprod socket with extension outlet and wound spike FLOODLIGHT BULBS Clear Colors each FLASHEII Keeps tree lights or other illuminated decors tiona winking on PUSH BUTTON FROSTY SNOW use For decorating win dows trees pack ages etc Essy to use and loads of lull in personalislng presents or decora tions 25tt 195 out 359 loom 649 Ht 79 15 98 Convenient lets you make connection Irom one Push button STENCILS For use above 20 assorted ALL DAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY NIGHTunIiI KIKIIIIJIIMKE USE YOUR INTER NATIONAL CREDIT ROY RONALD LTD IIODUNLOP STREET WE on PA 616418