Help Santall Sell Those Not Needed Items With Want Ad PA 8241 TILE EARRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY DECIAIBER 1961 ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE 5000 NEWS sloriil Wnul on Inaounn tbs birth at your eitqu rbs aarno Examiner clippings oi ins noun are availabi baby noon lly Trev Rscordi and in mail voui lricndi and rent ltn iboas tar Away place re to an Innouncemcnl Alter airib ear Pia nmlnrr Cluslfled IA um IN MEMORIAM Guns4n nil memory of dear husband and lovinl illher Edmund Brownie Gales lhn entered into mt Decimp lo 1955 Gone mm us but lraving mem oriu neam can never take away Memories that will niwlyx iinrcr while upon this earth we stay Lovinrly remembered by wlla Sarah and daughter Peg CARDS or THANKS MCDONALDWe wish to can press our Ilnccre thanks and prcclation in retailsu men and neighbors or klniinels and sympathy shown In the recent bc raavrment at our dear husband and laihcr nraiord McDonald milr Ilargo and Rodney Mclt Donald COMING EVENTS EUCHRE Every Wednesday Night PAINSWICK SCHOOL 530 PlI Admission 50c 11 games Lunch and rcirrsh meats Special Christmas Euchre Dec zitProceeds for School Sunday School Concert MONDAY DECEMBER 11 8pm MIDHURST HALL Guest speaker Wendy Hicks AdulLs 50c Sdioolage children 25c Your annual Christmas Home Decoration Contest is on again Sponsored by your BARRIE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY OPEN TO ALL RESIDENTS OF BARRIE lst 2nd and 3rd Prizes awarded in each of the Wardswith an overall prile for the BEST DECORATED HOME Also lst and 2nd prizes tor the best Door decoration in each oi the Wards Door decoration entries are the only ones that need to he phoned in Deadline for phon ing entries Dec 13th Judging will take place from December lath to Decunber 20 Please have your Christmas Lights turned on this period TEL McLAREN PA 68066 FOR DETAILS AND DOOR DECORATION ENTRIES ma ROTARY cLUn or Barrias Innull radio auction Bidding am Wednesday December in at poo Hundrc of itcms to choose tram Want Ads SELL Most Anything PHONE PA 82414 CLASSIFIED gADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classilieo adver Lisernelits are inserted at the rate of do per word per insertion or one and two times 3c per word for three four or ï¬ve times and 2m per word lol or more insertions 10 addi tional charge ll not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT IS 960 EUR 24 WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS OR $106 FOR 24 WORDS IF CHARGED PER SINGLE IN SERTION muons on CORRECTIONS Advertiser are reminded that all phone insertion orders ara acne an as convcnicnca to you ta Advertiser Thsrcrorc tho Classidcd Advertising Department rcouirea an advertiser to kindly rechcclr their Idvertlsemcnt immediately rtsr asst insurtion in order that any errors or omissions may be rcportcd hctora 351 in order that some may be rocuacd tor tho iollowlng days insertion order We wish to point out that Tho aarriu Examch ii rcsponslhla ror only one incorrcctly printed imsrtion on any advertisement and then only to tho extent or portion or ad that involves tha mirprint nrrors which do not lessen the valua or the advertise merit are not eligiblo Ior corrco tioni by main gondl Coming Events St per word minimum charge $150 Birth and Death Notices for up to 25 words tovei 25 words per word extra In Memoriam No tices $150 if verse used so per word extra 13le LETTER REPLIES lntonnatlnn regarding advertisers using nllnd Ldttcr Box Number or neptics is hold strictly coniid cntlal Replies to Letter aoxcr win be hold only in days attsr 195 day publication Classllied advertisements and notices or these pages must be received by pm day pro ceding publication with the ox ceptlon of Classiï¬ed Dlspioy advertise nts which be in by llnnTl piecedingday liaic and typo styles tor icini dlsplny classllicds may no no mood through The Examiner ad Vertlllul daplrtmanL ROSE REAL BEAT aRoKRR TirriN aTRur BARN CALL DAY on EVENING PA 82379 Member ol tba Rama and District Ru Board MOVING Dont target to transler your INSURANCE and il you need extra coverage at any kind SEE STEVENSONIS PA 64301 OR PA 61802 ill Dunlap St Keith MARSHALL Realtor and Business Brokers i5 CLAPPERTON ST BARRIE ST VINCENT ST bedroom homo Large living room dining room kitchen bathrooms basement and new Iurnnce Close to schools and shopping Inspect this one now as it must be sold at once STROUD bedroom bungalow large liv ing room dining room kitchen bathroom 2cm attached gar age 0n niccly landscaped treed lot or only $9500 with low down payment CLOSE TO BARRIE 2V2 acres with it nice bedroom bungalow complete with gar age for only $5300 with low down payment HananPA aura FRANK NELLESPA oosva OFFICEPA use lilambrr oi Barrio District Real Estta rd Stoutt CENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST REALTORS COLLIER STREET PA 85901 ZZZIP YOUR WALLET This will pay for itself Imme diate possession Newly decora ted bedroom brick bungalow with bedroom basement apt Large lot Close to schools and shopping Make appointment to see it now INCOME HOME Excellent location on good sized lot Lovely white mason ry fourplex Each apartment has kitchen living room one bedroom and piece hath Stove and refrigerator Separ ate water heaters Call now for appointment to see Mlmbct ot the Harris and District Real Estate Board EVENINGS CALL MERV GOULD 0R0 2515 EDE GOULD ORG 1515 HARRY SLESSOR PA aosli oltcA BROWN PA 57265 LLOYD HOCKLEY PA dasls HENDERSON REALTOR lo cotle srnm PHONE PA P2673 EVENINGS CALL RITA SCANDREIT PA 365 DOROTHY WILCOXIS PA oasdi PERCY FORD D7930 malter SWAIN PA Hana litamber or harm and District and Ontario Real Estate Board CARSON 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the Imperial Theatre PA 66481 iiiemhcr or Barrio nd District rt Estate Board MOVING For complete moving service saler and easier Call COOKE CARTAGE STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT 43 Essa Rd Barrio PAikway 85575 CEMENT CLAD house ior sala lu village at Thornton Terms could be arranged with substantial down amcnt Telc hona PA elm py 5500 DOWN 910509 lull price cilia monthly Carrie principal and in teresi Five bedrooms Five years old Can easily be duplcxcri Gimn strecL Priva PA outta BTBOU Two bcdroom home Modern convenienccs oil heat tile and hardwood throughout New garSe Large lot clue to school and shopping Terms strand 42ml SEMIDETACHED Eungalnw NHA three bedrooms all hnacmcnt storms and scrccna Located in Ncwmiirkct Will soil or trndnlor house in Barrie Telephona Now market Tw 54m liionnnN six room brick bunga low thrco ncdmoms Oll nine mcnt suitable or npartmont with two piece birth out special discount ror cash to mortgago Private solo Apply to Baricit liiulr in Co Illigton street PA all evenings PRIVATE BALE Attractive 5V9 on old thrcc bedroom bunlnlow apeduvlll underliningch tourPlow color hath with limits in vanity Hcatcd dunrnbm Also includes two bedroom hasamant artrnant always rented Tala plinna PA um alter pln Agencies Ltd storm through REAL ESTATE ONE DUNLOP NR id IL uooRLPA Hill ROGERSPA was PROPERTY FOR SALE ROGERS CONNELL REALTORS METEAST First In Barrio Homo SalesForemost in Quality oi Service PA 8568 TRUNK LINES EVENINGS CALL NsflmPA out CONNtuaJA was osmium aARRlz DISTRICT Rm ESTATE BOARD smitb CampbauPA moo Fergus Gary PA em CORBY Phone PA 419 in Martin PA Lima Dvoratt sbruw Oro ms OPEN 1330 Stone NABEL MARSHALLPA 14450 MURIEL imRRYPA one Norman tuninn Call CLIFF BROWN REALTOR HIGH STREET BARHIE PHONES PA 60241 PA 6024 itambara or in arms Ru attit hoard Joan LangPA um REAL ESTATE BROKER 9a Dunlap St COREYPA um Shelswell sack Willson PA Hui Norman sbrlswaii PII 99H Howrd Norris PA Hm HQUSE THIS WEEKEND STARTING DEC 8TH I961 56 MARION CRESCENT Sq Feet Six large rooms Fireplace Large family kitchen Hanover Cupboards Solid Birch Attached Garage CLIFF BROWN REALTOR Phones PA 60241 PA 60242 HOUSES FOR SALE OR RENT nuIiToN AVENUE Privatc sale ti room brick home built or tam lly Living on landscaped lot 165 ft dctp iwo room apartment on main iloor Telephone PA a5zo7 PoUri Ronni House at Iiiincts Point with threeplcco hath Hot water Pull basement Pull prion $5900 with low down payment Talaphono PA liijiil BUS OPPORTUNITIES UPHOLSTERY Business ror aala Going concern workshop Ear atc Two bedroomhouac ow rent illness compels union to anyone Willing to purchase mach lnesg aid Telephone Alliston HE 562 MORTGAGES RENTALS OFFICES STORES RENT AneNrmN Businessmen Oï¬pnh tunity to nava downtown ice sll racilities Including scerciary lilost reasonable Phone or con tact Secretarial Bureau PA ovals barrio immediately GARAGES WANTED GARAGE WANTED to in in vic inity or Codriugton School for agar months Taitphone PA NURSING HOMES ARK EDEN NURSING HOME Built or this work 5ch and prlvntd rooms lsth nursing care goodrood TV rooms station wn son or outings Tclcpbons MRI Stroud HOME OWNERS YOU HAVE HIDDEN MONEY IN YOUR PROPERTY To Pay Your Bills Real Estate Loam Arrang ed In One Visit In The Fol lowing Areas ANGUS WASAGA BEACH BARRIE COLLINGWOOD ORILLIA CHURCHILL LISLE SHANTY BAY STROUD NEW LOWELL STAYNER COOKSTOWN MIDLAND ELMVALE WYEVALE PHELPSTON ALLISTON CREEMORE Ist 2nd Mortgages Low Interest Easy Budget Terms No Hidden Bonuses Loans On Frame Insul Brick Homes PHONE COME IN on WRITE PA sooai MORTGAGE FUNDING 129 Dunlop St East over SIMPSONSSEARS MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE NO BONUS Payments insured against accident sickness death CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST BARBIE PA 50203 MORTGAGE WANTED on ram APPIY units Barrie Examiner APTS HOUSES TO RENT IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY In The Garden Terrace Corner Queen and Duckworth Sts Modern home two bedrooms large living room tiled kitchen with dining area oil heat with air conditioning laundry trays serviced landscaped grounds bamboo drapes $86 month PHONE PA 82740 See This First New clean upper duplex Pri vate entrance bedroom large living room and kitchenette bathroom Heat water and hy dro supplied Dominion store area Available now $55 month Phone Parkway 86603 HoUsE FOR RENT near Codiing ton school 011 heat Use at galv Ig1c Telephona PA Haas evanlnga on Ix Itoulii Homo and garage all heating Central arcs immediate possession silo per month Tele phone PA salial Timur ROOM Apartment tor rant uniumisbcd with heat and hydro supplied Dunlap siscot West Tclophohc PA c1259 Two urinrioolvl hostcd art mcnt in modern triplex on boiioni flour $35 per month Avaliabla January Tclcphona PA 3432 UNFURNISHED iour room apart merit and prlvnto hath Heated Bus stop at door APPly at nicnt 111 Conn strcal eld pnona PA aqua or details FURNISHED two rnnrn apartment or rent In quiet well kept down town home Suit business lad or gonilomnn $50 per month aim Phone PA H201 MORTGAGESIsl and 2nd bought sold and arranged Commarclnl and residential nuna boil oli lulu mortgages unll Mart noga Brokers FA 63504 RENTALS Low COaT BPACB or rent Clean Modern bullfllnll Suitabl lol commercial or lllht industrial Tolapbbno PA diam RELIABLE COUPLE wanted to shore new three bedroom housc Very central location two blocks from downtown ideal ior working couple For further lulnlmltlon telcphcna PA 42mm children or Pet Please UNFURNISIIED Apartment Allan dnla arcallvo rooms living room withflreplace kltchun with dining area thrco bedrooms use or taunr dry room $95 monthly includes heat and hydro Apply as Peal st am pm RENTALS APTS HOUSES TO RENT BRENTWOOD TERRACE Sell contained two bedroom apartment Living room kitch en lull basement Central loca tion 335 per month Telephone tam room nutrd menu Rent RI sonshlr Apply Crai hunt sea ml Slon tslcpnona 75 Tim nouns artmcnt Ior mil unlurnithrd aclmonialnrd NI sonbio rent Availbio alter De umber lalapbona 11R stroud loi turther Iniormatlon Lands MODIRN unturnlsbed apartment tor rcni ihm rooms and bath hot water heated laun dry room with er Available To spoon PA out or PA mil T11R13 ROD healed nicely tun platted nilcontained apartment Also laundry room Private drive East end Avallabla Decam ber 15 Papa PA um CENTRAL NO bedroom art miint mmlxhld Suitable tor Luis nun ill Near holplill Could be Hill up to lnllc Noun Telu phone PA tom alter ii on UNIURleliED heated bottu to rant at Minata Point Oil tired Trim bedroom All city convcnl ancu Also iurnlsbrd room or rent Tolupbona PA 350 PUitNisilzn Dwainmo and nitcbcn room haaicd Ralrlgeraior and stove in Allandalo on bus route Tclaphona PA M11 or Author inrormailon RATED two room mmlmed apartment Private bath saparala entrance Steve and NIIIKEIIIDI nuiltIn cupboards week aln lc xi week couple Telflpholfl 68515 COMFORTABLE our room untur nlshcd apartment plus heat hy dm nd parkinf bus stop at door fling9 distrc Tclophona PA Two BEDROOM Apartment Naw refrigerator and slow washer and dryer Now building Avalllble Imr mcdlaicly Telephnno PA Mast LARGE nicely decorated two bed room nostril scltcontainud lplrt mom Cantral location Children welcome Tolephona PA Hall MODERN Bungalow with garg ntar barrio Pllu Also Iurnlshc healed inrrc room apartment at in Hayncld strcal Apply Harris Flowers Phona PA 0i AVAILABLE November two bedroom bungalow nll convenien ccs all best llclsonnblc Tele phono Oilkvllle VINCE 74300 or writa box or barrio xnmlner UNFURNISIIED heated apart mont iour room plus Iunporch and bath Ovcrlooklng like cen tral Available now Tclcphona PA N082 UNFUENIBHED room bpnrtt mm on rant on North St fluted Plenty of cupboard Space TcleA phnnn at meal tins or evaalass II PA HMO HEATED three room unrurnishtd apartment or rent selltulitnincd centrally located valcr auppllcd Available immediately Tclephonn PA Miss or PA and ANGUS Pour room housa with bath uniurnishcd lip ly to ill Robertson telephone asses Avallibla Immediately UNrUrtleHan upstairs apart mcnt three rooms privata both central location Oil hcatcd PrI vaio hot ivaicr tank In privnio homeno other tcllunts Avail nbla now Tclcphono PA 39751 UNFUILNISHED ona and two bed room apartments hcated central Iy located Kitchens with bulltiri cupboards Adults only Tclcpnonu gagciao and prior so pm PA COMPLETELY Furnished clean apartment Living room kitchen bedroom with twin bcds bath room Selfcontained chtcd Cen tral Adults only Apply at 19 Collier street Two ucnnooll unlurnlshcd apartment In mallard apartment building hcrrlgarator and stays Host wltcl sioragc parking and laundry tdclllLIcs Available Del ember is Tclephonc PA oilsl UNFURNTSIIED upstnlrs aparlv mcnt Ibrca rooms private bath Central location on heated Prl vate not water tank In private home No other tenants Telephone PA 157 Avnunbia now WARM TWO ROOM utment cupboard stovo and re rlgcratnr conveniences City bus stop Mod crato rent Telephone PA mm or PA oosio HOUSE Port RENT zstorey sevcn room brick home Gas ï¬red rum acc water heater Good uniden tini street immediata ossusslon nercrences Cali butts and Co PA iiuas NEW liioaan two bedroom Ipart merit uvlng room ltltchon bath room and laundry room with use or dryer Remnants rent Tclc phona PA 51537 ior turthcr par tlculiin NEW AND Modem one and W0 bedroom lpbflmeuts averlanding scanln Rempentelt Ely Edit wa tar plum and Janitor scivice Included Automauo washing ra clllues PA 5490 LARGE central ground floor Apartment could accommodsta two children Nicely furnished Rented hot water and puking Also bachelor lplltment Tele phona PA Ml mornings THREE nsnnoonl House Living room dining room and kitchon garage Oil heated Mudeni eons vcnlencu mllcs rroln Barrio ogzï¬lghway closa to school PA UPPER nuPLisx or root two hcdrnnms living room and kitch cn rully tiled Inurvpieca bath room Oll heotcd Laundry soili ties Immcdlntc possession Tele phone PA adios Moian APARTMENTS rooms and privatu hath hot water hunted Utilities sup lied Lo cated in Angus lclep one camp Borden 139 1215 pm1l and alter pm NEW MODERN ccntrnliy located two bedroom apartment or rent Ileirigeratai stove and laundry raotlltics Avallabia Immcdlntoly Janitor service Tcicphono PA Mos tor Dinner lnrormntion LARGE HEATED Apnrtmenl le lng room dining room kitchen bedrooms and bath soil contained Very central Plenty or storage spncc Availbio now $95 monthly Tclcphono PA aibu LOWER soucontained two hell room unfurnished apartmcnt In the west end Completely modern with buiIHn cupboards and prim atc bath Boot and water supp lcd lclepnono PA 58915 RENTALS APTS HOUSES TO RENT DUI to rent at dakiay Park ï¬ns rarcs bedrooms all brat oloo monthly Available im Romulus Tamas PA um ior urinal culls 0N Bdnnoosl tarnished heal ed mural Iell conialnad Lou or king spare Tile noon and largo closed in vcrandab Tait glunl day PA 210 avtninsa 84308 ON BEDROOM Apartment and and Grove Simu area limpi sioraso parkins laundry room with dryer Availab December Telephone PA 331 or PA out or Ill Hm nvn LARCL Room two bedroom belted arimcni uniurniihrd ariaui root and back yards osa to public and so araia acbools Available Immsd aioly ielrpboo PA Luna Two BEDROOM Ap meat in modern apartment building Com flelely tellcontained Stove rc rismior waanrr and or rug lied Avallahla Deccm modeln unlun elcpbona PA alilll 0N BEDROOM nisbcd basement apartment 35500 er month Availbin irnniadiata Telephone PA am or appiy human POUR RD men illa bath unlurnubtd stove and re irigrralor au plied Centrally lo sated No ch ldnn Avallabla im mediately For Iuribrr lniorma lion telephone PA 60211 THREE Ruoiis sell contained wlib sink and modern cupboards oil healed tllcd Hoots kitchen plenty or closet soasa store and rorrigcrator supplied suit couple Phona PA Miss THREE unoil ground lloor Apart merit aeparata Dinner and bath but on piled Close to school Also ran room modernly dolt canted arlmcnt with nuncry Each avsiablc December lolo pbnno PA Mm ROOM BOARD ROOM AND nuAriD avillabla Cloia to downtown Apply is Hot cu Strch or lurthcr lnlorniatlon noon AND HolIiiD available on Ills rtoad in private home Will pack lunches ror runner lnfnlnh atlon ioiophona PA W51 MARY STREET Vicinity Room and Board Gentleman prctcrrcd Wll ark lunches Home privile pas lose to downtown Tolephona PA Moss 00 ANn ImAiiD available on Essa Road Parking Incllllins leI pack lunches ll doslrcd Tele bbnno PA dsiid tor iurlbcr dot tails R00 AND nOAim Ivalllbln close to dowlï¬town knantifmdan rclcrrcd Lune as so co Tired Parking area Eiclcpnoua PA adm noon AND noAItD with mnthcrA 1y cara glvon lor babies and children in my own homo by tho week Apply to Box In barrio Ext nmincl ROOMS TO LET BEDROOM AND Kiichcn or rent ntlly Iumlshcd Light hunt and waicr included Central location Telcphonr PA aassa ARTICLES For SALE HANDY HARDWARE ath Line Innisiil Alcona Beach Road OComplete matchbox model series oSkates tobbogans tricycles wagons OFull line of Bdc toys DGiltwares IBcatty Appliances CASH OR TRADE on Skates Appliances etc WRECKING BEAUTIFUL LARGE HOME 140 Dunlop Street East ALL MATERIALS MUST BE SOLD Ohiodern plumbing OHot water heating system including sectional boiler and radiators IMndern kitchen cabinets and cupboards linoleums oak flooring stairs windows and doors oLumher or every description IMany more items too numer ous to mention SALESMAN ON JOB ST CLAIR WRECKING CO LTD FURNACES FOR SALE FORCED AIR OIL OR GAS NEW $110 FINANCE RATE Phone Colieet Stroud 41115 WOODWARD SONS Heating Contractors RR Stroud HOME FREEZERS Food Plan Available GE General Factory Trained Service LOWEST PRICES MCFADDEN Appliance 128 PENETANG STREET PA 89m TERMS scale NEED NEW STOVE OR ERD3GE Buy em with lowcost lifeinsured SCOTIA PLAN LOAN The Bank of Nova Scotla Iollt IiDOM COTTAGE for rent right on Highway no near man Station Ncwly painted inside Pump in wall Outside rocllitlcs sin monthly Apply 290 Tim street Burr UNFURNISIIED APApTMnNr heatad tour rooms and Iiblll MnIli Ilonr ltiodcrn newly dec ornterl stove relrlgeratar and draped in plied clean arlrinp Near aarra post olllca aAaai CASH LOANS$500 at $22 per month Telephone PA M203 gircslccnt Plnancu za liunlop st as Two ONLY uacd Filler Qucon Cleaners in good condition $5950 also now lost modula slamsu and up Make this Christmasn Filler Quccn Chrlamns Very low down aymciit Tolcphona PA Moat Ior linnie presentationgel air or nylon free No abliutlon it buy ARTICLES for SALE LOOKI LOOKI LOOKI Sale of building salvage north of Loblaws Store 21d Ball Planing Mill 0t ice lBalhroorn equipment basinS toilcls IKildien cabincIs sinlu shelv Ins OPIate glass stairs ceiling tile window and door ironies sashcs interior doors Ii plywood IIooring Oliat water heating system lurnace and radiators OAbout so radiators All material sold on the site Cash Salc Removed by purchaser wash Emery Engineering and Contracting Co Ltd EWSPAPER MATS Sizes will Ideal tor lining hon houses attics garages etc perich insulator 25c PER DOZEN Apply The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario Used TV from 4900 Used Refrigerators from 8900 Used Ranges from 2900 All unconditionally Guaranteed MCFADDEN Appliance 12a PENETIING STREET PA 39288 STORE OWNERS Assorted quantity of old stock COUNTER SALES BOOKS SINGLE CARBON AUTOMATIC These books are in per fect condition but have I95 on the data line REGULAR PRICE FROM I2c to 20¢ Clearing at 9c ea lus PROVINCIAL SALES Commercial Printing Dept Barrie Examiner Phone 66537 TELEVISION for sale thlnch ncw lcturo tube one your warranty rlophonc PA also7 ralc Apply Township or Vespru i7 Owen Street Barrie Telephone PA um APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE Service to all makes I47 DUNLOP ST PA 61 I42 CARPENTRY NEW HOMES Remodelling shinglingr porches recreation rooms Complete trimming to houses and garages BRUCE CAMERON PA 65071 DIAPER SERVICE BARRIES FINEST DIAPER SERVICE Twlcu wccltiy pickup as dsiivcry mums or REAR PA 68551 Less than pack of mantle lily ORILLIA SCHOOL OF SAFE DRIVING Since 1555 FOR APPOINTMENT CALL PA 66551 EXCAVATI NG FILL GRAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS FUNDED Excavating and Grading Water Delivery Crushed stone Halt yard Backhoe tor hira DENNIS MORAN 29 Anne Street PA 29IYI PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING Barrio is calms Poplar Cord WoodIor DRIVING SCHOOL ARTICLES For SAL IANrA cLAus sum Ior not Reasonb nlel Proceeds or IllYR Teiephunl PA can or PA H721 or marryHana and Intonnatlon Ya Meneueicluh aioroii nlxl ior Hit in Model tau li91$tellrtlld ugd one reason up on BLADE Delta Radial Saw with nd Dado head In new coodb ti Trienbona PA omi between pm humans or laxso IIII crib in sale also babys batbinoiie Built In cxrollent condition Telephonl PA use tor Iurtnrr particul sANiAa clinlsniAa muzzl See them at Leonard caseyi Centre Sirat Barrie or telephon PA mi Plus your ordar now rm crnvrry bumlilo TRAIN or sale 110 gauge lsyoui under com riructlon Rolling stock transloo mer clc Includcd Tole no 59174 PLASTIC SEAT cOvist lor nle or iront out or 1981 or mi Co msi tar Like new Telephone PA adios ssiALL mow uLowun with or wilbnul horsepower casino May be seen at 12 smut or telephone Plt 6417 car nm in pruned Scotch Pine Christmas Trees ii at lama or and delivered Iicri Haw tel iléogoo ailnaslnl or Rania PA iiali price WASHING nlAcliINt Westib house auiomauc Laundroma Good worklnr condition Priced at $35 or best olrcr Honda night Taitprions PAbszan cntcASSIAN WALNUT HID springs and matircss noeliant condition lianii knlt ribbon and boucle dresses size in and red on brown Tclaphono PA on CHRISTMAS TREES or sala to 10 choice balsam sorura and Scotch Pine no to Apply Conrads Fruit zilarkcl Highway 11 or trlcphono 0rd 171 plan BIIANTIES well construct ed an arch also zoo Allan and sod glllon minnow tanks Ap 1y Vic Palmcr Kcmpcnlelt Sr Telephone PA com ilARnINu CARPET it 11 with heavy loll underlay iwolona belle tlowur design in excellent condltlon like new For iiirthrr inlormatlon tclcpbona PA 2231 1941 mLLYa JEEP four wheel drive equipped with ma engine so rcal buy or someonr Apply at 71 nurlon Avenue or tria phona PA Msnl Alli cOIiPnasson small Tabla Jigsaw sill lablc Saw or best man Gilsou Automal Dryer bcst otter Ladys coat sire is iclcphona PA 81 CHRISTMAS TREES scotch PinI So much per mw or sold indiv idually standlng at the patch Reasonably priced Telephone Ewlrt Carson PA aosza pm to lo pm BLEOTRIC RANGE or sale delux model by General Elcctrio dou blc oven two storage drawers oven timcr bullttin rossurii cook er Good condition clrphnna PA 53568 DOGS PETS Minimal nnAGLn Pups seven weeks old Tcicpbono PA 59104 CHRISTMAS Gltt Puppies Ger man Shepherd six ivocits old and washed Will makc the period glit Telephone PA was mmNiiLY English Bulldog Pup pics rcpistrntlon opus puPP shots included in or co lilalos 51o Families 575 Riumwicham an Rurka Falls dog Kcnncl Phone loan GOLDEN narnlavnlt pups only lclt bcst champion stock pa Pers lentle tamocrmcnt Ideal with chlldrcn weeks old Tele prions PA 31134 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month or Year Telephone PA 82414 PLASTERING STUCCO STONE QUIKBRICK AND PLASTERING CEILINGS ROOMS ARCHWAYS PATCHES FREE ESTIMATES TERMS No DOWN PAYMENT SIMCOE QUIKBRICK LEFROY 60M PHONE COLLECT MASONRY If it can he built with BLOCK BRICK or STONE CALL SPROULE MASONRY CONTRACTOR For guaranteed workmanship at reasonable prices PA 60966 REFRIGERATION HOOD REFRIGERATION SERVICE Domestic Commercial Airconditioning 31 PRATT STREET PHONE PA 61673 SANITARY DISPOSAL DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT We have been licensed to re move your dead and crippled from animals under the above Act FREEREMOVAL Phone COLLECT BARRIE PArkway83617 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE LICENSE 95061 EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Hanging Spray Painting Service Since 1920 RR Barrie PA 66956 Its wonderful the way Classified Ads get re suits Phone PA 8Z4l4 WELL DIGGING WELLS DRILLED PUMPS INSTALLED av LICENSED DRILLERS mac ESTIMATES Couplund Drilling an aAnhiE PA 87646