HOLLOWS Miss Phyllis Wright oi Belle aera Mrs Alvin Greer and Mrs Elgin Spear Colwell Gallaughcr is patl ville spent the leekend III the lei Swim 0mm home at her parents Mr and Mrs Phil Wright Congratulations to Art Wright on being returned as township councillor Visitors at the Art Wright home on Sunday were Mr and Mrs Bert lildcs oi Lindsay MANSFIELD The members oi LOL 7st held euchra at the hall on Satur day evening zitwhich ll tables were In progress large crowd attended the shower at the hall ior Mr and Mrs Frank Erllio nee Mildred Valli who were married recent ly in Toronto where they will make their home They were presented witii platiorm rock er lamp and sum oi money by the iriends nd neighbors oi the community Saturday was achievement day or the girls of the 4H club oi Mllnsiiald held at Shelhurno Their project was Cotton may smart and their leaders onto again or an operation which took place on Monday wasncn BEACH An engagement dinner was held at the home oi Mr and Mrs Michael Ferency to an nounce the coming wedding oi Mrs Bessie Sell and Mrs Hugh ll iiiio both residents at Wasaga Beach They are to be married on Jan l962 Congratulations to Mrs Fred Purcholl who won the Christ mas cake displayed in Angels Restaurant The cake was bak ed by Canada Brand and is worth $10 Edna won it on 25 cent ticket camclmnsr Mrs Simona oi Shelburns ls visiting Mrs Sinton Student teachers Frank Mar lscat and Warren Micklethwalta CONTRACT BRIDGE BY JAY North dealer Neither aida vulnerahlc Imam nos Am quooz axon was no vxoaos um and as vans 9085 +648 scum AKQJDTE VQB 010872 lbebiddtog North East South West INT Pass 24 Pass Posse Opening leadtwo of spades lta vary hard to ho scientiiic about the bidding in some hands All you can do in those hands is take plunge in one direction or the other and hope It comes out all right Look at this hand for ex pla It was played in ha nnl pair championship Sui pose you wero South and part Weloomo Wagon colo brute the arrival otcach new baby with friendly callwith basket of gifts and congratulations of the entiro community Be sure to toll Welcome Wagon of tho arrival of ovary new baby in your Eh yitilcttoluioll PA 66302 BECKER her opened the bidding with one notrump What would you do7 ii partner has the right cards you can make six spadespas sibiy saved it the hands dont it well youll probably make only tour or live The hand was played at Ts tables The slam was bid and made by only 11 NorthSouth pairs When Low Moths Loa Angelcs star playing with Ed ward Taylor held the South hand he got to six spades on the bidding sequence shown West probably surprised by the vigorous bidding in the iace of his two aces and king made the neutral lead oi spade Mathe drew three rounds oi trumps and led club to wards dummy West took the ace and exited with club Declarer won in dummy with the king and led the king oi diamonds When East pla low Mathe assumed he did not have the ace and nllicd the diamond Mathe then cashed three clubs and another trump to bring about this position North 10 East Immaterial South He now led the nine oi spad es and West was In bad shape He could not attordto part with the ace of diamonds be cause the ten of hearts would be discarded and dummy would win the last two tricks So West discarded heart in stead Muthe thereupon discard ed the diamond and made the last two tricks with the ace and queen oi hearts On Monday Another Famous Hand is presented by Mr Bec ker DYCKS FOOD MARKET Top Quality Fronts of Beef Hind Quarter of Beef Side of Pork GUARANTEED 33 lb 49 lb 39 lb TO saris DYCKS FOOD MARKET 150 Col or St Phone PA 85339 For Delivery VOTE KEN MORRISON ALDERMAN WARD respectfully sollclt your vote Monday December llth at Toronto spent last week ob seniog with Mn Martin in the senior room We welcome Mr and lira Gamble oi St Catharines to the village They have bought in store irom Mr Hammeil Illr and Mrs Ernest stun visited irlends in Bond Head on Sunday Mr and Mrs Fraser Carr oi Toronto spent the weekend with relatives hlr and Mrs Sturdy of Tor onto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Pedlingham Try to attend the card party in the public hall Irl day evening Dec in aid at the work or retarded children TELEVISION PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE lAIvnDAY alumna Bowling Livlnl World nun Bonn countryman News wuitm Sparta Jim Coleman Dinnll the Menace Robin Hood Have Gun will rrsvei Peter Guns NHL Hock ililisit€vPM na CBS TV News Weathor News Bportl slovln Penny Prlneau luNnAv nzcnslnslt lo lui Patten Church Servch Papaya and rail News and Weather Good we rnum NFL Football Emldland and Speaking French country Calendar Discovery and News Movie lama Anni News Movil cont Hazel Parade no Sullivan on annnn CloseLip nest or Nawa Weather News Movie nono simii MONDAY ozcmlnzn ls 345 sins Ilan Around Hus Tut Pattern lino Romper hanni lzoo ropeyn and Fall Nonnday lie on News Vcai er Farm it nrt Comlnl vents Movie Lady Iiy Clinics Open llouia Man From lnierpol 3888 lo 3232683 SE an PP==s sszsasznsso nzgssssagn Sports CFTO CHANNEL sATUnuAY DECEMnEn too Wrestling Learn To Draw Cartoon Time Hl Tlms Within Four Walla Sporu Weather News Outdoor Sportsman The Flintstones ilouie so Naked city Jack Benny Show Fight at the Weak Johnny Esaw Show Crass Canada Barn Danna Saturday Night olovls Ziegisld Girl SuNnni DECEMBER io lo1o Youth and Religion llno Around in World moo ninvn Theatra Things Sea NFL rooihsll Jr Hockey TBA ESEESS Camera Room Tricks oi lhn Trado Tolepoll Far Away Places The noninn lined show only Ferrariuric mic llolsra iollthl iniurmwun Academy Forlornnos Part III hnay Gtiitiths Show limo hearing 20 so News Wonther Sports MONDAY nacalilaan moo Mots Presents loan 99 PHIFPFA 3228 83 mon rrisnoi Glam sin Around aneaa Show Almanac Ranll Danll TV ndllnla Popeyll TV Party ruin Market Report Newa Don Janalllon Weather Sparta Zana Gray Thntn Bing Crosby Show Live Borrowed Ll Bob Cummlnla Shot Camera Clnlda Fllhtln Ward CEC News Thu Weatherman Today in Spun Community Nawl IIJO Crossmad rvlsDAY chnsnszll ll Pattern hamper Room Pwsyu and am Monday aspen New weather ram Rs art Corning Inta Mavis leteasional soldier Open Home School mum Adventures of Blinb Flower Pot Men Tho Womens show Arthur ilinei Show ami Dani Mike Mercury cinann Party News Headlines Learn to Draw ruin Market Report News non imiunn Wuthor Sports Ben ciey Gary Moors Show Red skclion fronli an nqu ry Kinlr or Diamonds cnc 11 News The Weatherman Today In SFarls Community New Interpol Calllnl TORONTO Free and Easy Playhouse Channel ll Thasirs Lady on Trllrl News Prnimar Hideaway Man From Cochin Sports Weather Plcrre carton News Pnlhcr Knows ant Top Cat Whiplash inspector Maigret Take chancs looo nitlenian 1010 Loretta Young llJli News Wesihor Sports ilzs Men at Destiny 1130 Better Late TUESDAY DECEMBER ioso New loss Free and Easy Lao Playhouse Channel Theatre Suntan News Protessors Hideaway Man From Cachlsa sports weather Pierre Berton News Leave it To Sasvar Znne Grey Theatr Tnnoire at Eight Criminal Lawyer Checkmate Peter Gunn Nowa Weather Men at Destiny sssa ssiszsss ESE at Sparta 2222222222 new Pa999rfluyv 382 Challenl madamegang euaugamgga or 23 seeansessa Sparta am New Ebttbr Lotti DAILY CROSSWORD 38 Beauty of term 39 Fragment 41 Vendltdons 42 Indian state DOWN Very Second rate AOROSS To move sideways 6Deopptlo rubric Salad in gredlerit 12 Belgian marble 130lgaretta slang 8Dovlllab 14Cblneae 4Naulllus British record soldier 5Hfll an 1500nledm 5th ale knelt 7Song birds Stuarts 8Wavy nlolmorno Han 16Marnenln 9tree cases 103mm Hangman birds $133 33 ill £5 11055 SBJntention relin 9mm 8011 ions flight BLEthnDt bird 32Made of wool van 35 and outs 866mm to place 31New Zena land tribe EEEEEEEE npo icr primv 14 Saucer shaped hall 15 Israel sea port van 16 Society ahun hers 20 PM of to be 21112qu ILAQM Lalw 235andla tposs 263mm 29Awoy from mz nmzo mn nrmum Inm olto tZ 710 Iowa mnpin mm 1it zoo gt37 VOAP zcxpo 5i 80 Cut 82 Wlb 33 Odd ml 34 Spoken Slotha 89 Ember 4am sna nan nan Iï¬ï¬‚llll CARRIER MISS YOU If your carrier has not arrived by pm please phone PA 32433 And Copy Will Be Dallverocl To Your Home THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS LARRY BRAN NON 51 JIMW filmy mm BLONDIE JULIET JONES IF YOU TAKETHIS TEN DOLLARS YOU RISK ocmr now DEW 99 mm VER OFTHEONGINALFWNDEEDFWI WELLTHATS WORTHASWW JULIE WHERE ARE THEY SEWING TN WILLETAYWITH US AND MR DUNDEE GREE IM HAVING IN TNE WOODS Miss JONES A9 wavw FROM PEOPLE A9 CAN REMEMBER you PARTNER DONALD DUCK BUZ SAWYER MUGGS AND SKEETER GRANDMA lt ALL newnwï¬n in immune 5M5 MEPMINI BAG HERE His THE AGENT HMMHI ITGAYEI iN ONE OF Willi PM within CITIES LIVE LIKE KING 6ANTA 6m BIS FAY IZOMILFAOUK ADVANCEMENT WEREDOIN FINE GRANDMAI now is youiz uTTLEiltrrcuEN uTaNaii BAND COMIN AL AND SO HBNOKAVLE FROFESOR IWAKI WWIV LIKE YOU TO HAVE VINNER WI WHEN MVTATNER ENYERlAllli TIIFMAERIHN ITWILLVEJIILEMHRF IGOvSAN GOGH 611 TO TRAVEL ALI OV THE WORLD BY VAN AM REINDEER WINK OF THE FUN HDLIEKIN HO HO ANHUGElN Lill ï¬lialL5 BOMTTWENfYYflR WEVE EVEN DECIDED ENLARGE TH ORGANIZATION VERIIAFS you will FINV WAY TO our niaAMrgimi IN FAP LIGHT Altman AR GWFPHPIL limoJAIN You ceuw OF ifAlslaDOIN THIS YOUESELF 514956 VOWN THE FLU ON NEW YEAKO VE Wit Ghoul7 SEE THE Alf WAT GNEiiifllm was soon As TH TRASH MAN can PICK IJPA FEW MCle FANS F012 US TNT PAKIY NEWS VOUNO INTEILECTUALS LIKE Vail WHEN you iilrlNPlDtEtOME MEMBEK All VEVOTE Wit ENTIRE ENERGY Tl OUR CAIN KNEW THERE SWETNWG You FORGOLGEANPPA You Nl