Canadian Bomarcs fl Will Have Live Tests COMPILES DICTIONARY Robert Holiler director oi the French government tour ist oifice in Montreal works with tape recorder in com illng the iirst Iroquois eneh di onary published Colder Winters Right Up Until By HAROLD MORRISON WASHINGTON CF will winters become warmer or colder during the next live years7 You may be wrong Even top weathermen canit agree The National Geographic So ciety says that because of short term reverses in the general warming trend the world can expect colder winters until 1965 when the current cold interval should end But Dr Charles Abbot research associate of the 115 Smithsonian institution believes there will be general warm ing tendency during the next five years This renowned weatherman bases his prediction on what he describes as celestial musica discovery of harmonic rhythm in the history oi weather This discovery resulted from 32 years oi daily observance of the heat potential of the suns rail latiou from three observing sta tions on mountains 7000 to 9000 feet high in thovnited States Egypt and Chile Ey determining the average iorms and amplitudes at the harmonic periods for intervals 01 1000 months Dr Abbot says successful forecasts may he made tor years to come or backeasts may he made for former years and compared with former events Agreement oi such hackeasts with the rec ords warrants confidence in fu ture forecasts RISKY GUESS The National Geographic So ciety says climatologisis admit their to forecast weather on the basis of past cycles are risky Most agree the world is warming up but some suggest the warming is interrupted by shortterm re verses Taking past reverses as in Montreal since 1878 Mr Holller 39 studied the In quois language during the lost year on the Caughnawaga res ervation near Montreal Photo lire Forecast ll 1965 Warmup guide the current cold interval should end about 1965 the so cler adds In the last halfcentury the rise in temperatures has moved the Canadian Prairie crop line about 50 to 100 miles north of where it was in the moor That means more land available for grain and less chance at sud dent cold blast destroying the harvest Warmer weather has pushed the timberllne up mountain slopes in Sweden Glaciers have retreated in many areas and even fish are migrating once unknown in Greenland the cod has become food staple for Eskimos But the warmer climates are not all matter at joy in parts oi Eastern Canada and northern New England warmer weather has killed birch trees Spruce and balsam also have suffered And the agriculture depart ment warns armies of termites are moving northward encour aged by the sun and this may mean new trouble for home dwellers along the Canadian border Bomsrc Intl aircnit missiles have not been tested under operationaL conditions with nuclear war head In this story Harold Morrison CPI WISH110011 correspondent tells oi some of the uncertainties involv tag the weapon By HAROLD MORRISON NEWPORT NEWS Va CPI Once year the commander at this composite Bomarc base plans to take missile and crew to Florida to test the operational weapon in lull flight against flying target but without detonatlng the missiles nuclear warhead Bomarcs assigned to the Canadian bases in Ontario and Quebec likely will be put through the same annual opernlt tlonni tests along with periodic inspections on base But there is great deal oi doubt here that in the course at practice there over will be an opportunity to explode the atomic load in the air under conditions which would be simi lar to those existing at time of surpriseï¬attack The BomoroB ior example was ready for operational test ing in 1559 But by that time the United States and Russia had nuclear test muratorium in effect TESTS UNLIKELY The Rusdans broke thnt moratorium last September with series oi air tests in cluding the biggest nuclear ex plosions in history The United States ioilowed with series oi small underground tests and President Kennedy hinted of possible air explosions later ii 15 security required this There still is some doubt YOUR ansr THII nonmln ssAsoN flirla Special Perms $500 up Perms 850 and up REGINA CURL SHOPPE PA 3924s 5s Dunlap at KEN MORRISON ALDERMAN WARD respectfully solicit your vote Monday December llth 20 OFF Kennedy will order atmospheric blasts and even so then is some question what priority the Bomarc would be assigned some air explosions were ai lowed 50 ofï¬cers here agree that until the Bamach is fully tested with all its nudear load under all operational condi tions there may always be some question at the mistlee lull eiiiclency But they are con lldent the Bomarc will work SITTING DUCKS Yet there is questioning whether the planners did right in their program Eomarc squadron in iour tight rows oi shelters with nmissiie in each oi the seven shelters in each at the rows appears like group oi sitting ducks iron the air There is nothing close by to protect it Could not an enemy plane in one swoop destroy the entire base with one nuclear bomb Oliicere here nclaiowlcdge this may be remote possibility ii the plane could slip by radar screens undetected This they consider unlikely yet they wisti the missile shelters were more widely dispersed or planted un gergmund for greater prattclt on The problem they say is that all this would mean higher costs To place Bomarc squad ron underground might boost construction costs sereniold All through the area here there are air lam signs urging airmen to anaemia The Bomsrc is an expensive operaqu including research and development out lays nah missile is estimated to cost about 5LNOOO CANADA LUCKY The entire base here which include 28 BomamA and 28 80mlch misiles is estimated to cost more than $60000000 The missile is shipped here from the iactory in 11 parts it takes three days to assemble each Bomare and another 10 721 TEE BABEE EXAMINER THURSDAY DEM days to test it out To maintain the two SP6 warehouse has been built to hold 130 differ ent spare parts You people in Canada are lucky to gel the Romeroii rather than the BomaroA ob served LtCol Robert Ands rews the base commander The BomarcA requires let oi attention Unlike the model which Izolzaay 56450 72 has solid propellant the Shar terrange type is launched by kerosene blend oi liquid inc and an oxidizer ol rod innring nltri acid This propellant is considered more 01 fire hazard than the nuclear warhead Each time the model is inspected it must go through decontamination procem to make sure there il no trace at the nitric acid serve Mr Pickwick Party Pane1 hospllsIfy In Ilia grand old English lrsdltlon Placenlargepieeeofieeinthaoenixeofapunohbowl Pour in 55 lb of melted sugar quart of orange juice and halfpint of lemon Juice Mix well then add the least of ï¬ne party puncha bottle of Mr Pickwick Gin Pour in large bottle ofgingar ale stir again then decath withfrnfl Youll ï¬nd Mr Pickwick Gin adds wonderful snoutlines tothopunchoudtheparty1ryittodayl MR PICKWICK losnoii DRYGIII THOMAS ADAMS DISTlUERS LTD TORONTO VANCOUVR thoughtful ways for you to Wish her very Merry Christmas sun isueru mamas nylon cotton flatmelons mu lie blends 523851038 GIVE HER THE FINEST HOSE Evangelinas renmfree and Fully tnshloned styles $IOO$l39 SWEATERS SHEll lDVl In angers tins botany wool lur ï¬bres Orion $798Sl 995 GLOVES AND MlTTSnylon and cotton lined or unlined leatheriwoolsorlonxSUV$293 As property owner and taxpayer Ward am interested in expanded development in Ward and submit for youraonsiderahon my qualiï¬cations Che Emfl 0mm °f 0m twenty yam oliveaqua goldbrawn Packs and launder easily First Praident and Chairman of The Barrio Chamber of Commerce and my term secured for name we Sizes small medium or large $17993 General Electric Co the first PostWar Industry that sparked the expansion and growth of Barrie member of the National War Finance Committee mi The ad advanta es 9f Christmas Shopping at Evangeline ario Division in the last war Member of Canadas Meat Board during the 13 war FAMOUS FORGUALITYAND STYLE TRAINED SALESWOMEN First Chairman of the Barrie District Collegiate Board to help you ï¬nd the gifts most likely years service to please her Former Director and Chairman of Finance of Royal Vio ONE sroa snoriiiNe AI voun EVANGELINE tmia Hospital Former National President of Daaadas 4th largest In theres an Evangeline Shop near your home or place of work treasure house for dustry Am still active as President of Associated SeniorExeeu all your feminine gifts EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS tive of Canada and Associated oiiices in Montreal and if your gift to her is not ust quite right Winnipeg exchanges and refunds orealwcys happily TRAVEL PYJAMA SET WITH MATCHING SLIPPERS ln Very mm mu print choice at brownrod it EEAUTIFUI BLOUSES¢atfoII hallsie prints terylenss $398 $696 GLAMOUR SLIPPERS for casual and haudolr wear $295 believe my many years in businas and finance could be of help to our next Council It you want your tax dollars spent in sound basins manner vote on 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