Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Walls Publisher Brian Slaight General Manager THURSDAY DECEMBER 1m Pul Remember That Christmas Is Very SoonDo Shopping ow It may come as shock to many people but we would like to point out that there are only id shopping days left until Christmas Downtown and plaza stores in Barrie are decked out in Yuletide splendor and there is plenty to choose from in the way of gifts Forget about all the scare headlines and the war frenzy which keeps screaming at people No major conflict is in sight despite all the talk about shelters Ber lin and Cuba Weather is strange Stranger are the reactions of people to it The long autumn weather this year has been delight to many It has meant savings in fuel and clothing And it hos been fine thing to be able to get about without plowing through heavy snow either on foot or driving But it has been tough thing on the merchants And it has been hard on the Christmas trade Reassurance that the big rush is sure to come is welcome But it does provide many problem Those problems are for the purchasers as well as for the merchants At the present time shoppers can make their purchases under most favorable condi tions They can make their choices from splendid range of merchandise free of the confusion which is certain to accompany lastminute rushes If they are unable to get what they want they can in all likelihood still get the desired color size and style through the merchant And merchants stress they dont need to have the money now but can have the articles put away to be picked up later on or in many cases merely delivered and charged Probe Charges Of Crime Ontario Liberal Lender John Winter meyer has made very good case for royal commission on organized crime in the province In lengthy state ment in the legislature he has stated very definitely that all is not well either with crime in Ontario or with the polic ing of such crime out of Ontario At torneyGeneral Roberts efforts to be little this effort with the suggestion that he is trying to whip lot of dust and dirt into hurricane of suspicion is ridiculous The Liberal leader went as far as was prudent or decent in presenting facts to the public session of the Ontario Legislature He no doubt is willing certainly should be to turn over the much more intimate details of Ontario crime to the premier and attorneygeneral in private into The reputations of per Roynl Commissions can turn witch hunts sons who are innocent or nearly so can be ruined as they seek out those who are actually responsible Yet they ap pear to be necessary where there are those who will not do their duty one of the vital needs is stronger provincial police force To attain that it is necessary to spend considerably more money both on the provincial force and on municipal policing For one thing traffic policing has become such major problem involving lives that other seriousaspects of pollicing must be neglected At the same time low salary scales always increase greatly the threat of actual dishonesty It is up to Mr Roberts to show im mediately and actively that his depart ment and the government at large take serious view of the many charges that are being made or bow to the demands for an investigation Down Memory Lane ILLFATED TUGBOAT The Barrie Saturday Morning of Sept 8051911 gave the final account of the illfated tug CCMartin when the bodies of two more victims were picked up on the shore of Black Bill Island They were Ernest Hughey and the cook Fred McQuain They were half mile from where Engineer Hooks body was iound Mystery was added to the trag edywhen raft was found some three or four miles from the bodies No doubt made by the crew from six doors the flagpole and engine room floor the raft was spiked with fourinch nails and evidently made while there was still light on the tug The crew had evidenty ly weathered the storm as trolling line was tied on no doubt to secure food The rail was taken to Parry Sound TELEPHONE FIRE IN 1911 Saturday Morning of Sept 30 1911 told of fire in the Bell Telephone of fice It was discovered by An cher Editors Views CHANGE DIVORCE LAW Gait Reporter For years Canadian legislators have successfully ignored the scandalous con niving faking of evidence and perjury indulged in by high proportion of the couples seeking to dissolve their marriag esfThey have ignored too the fact that much of the blame for the sorry situa tion must be attached to our antiquated divorce laws which are based largely on theBritish Matrimonial Act of 1870 and which the British amended more than 20 years ago In Ontario some official recognition of the situation was forced last year by newspaper revelation of the way much divorce evidence is rigged and Queens Proctor was appointed to take closer look Since then the Queens Proctor El liott Pepper has publicly stated that many people are clamoring for revisions The Barrie Examiner authorized second cllss null ran Office Dapnrtrnenf 0mm and to payment of pastlfle in cash Dally Siindsyl Ind Stltutory Holidays excepted KENNETH WALLS Publisher nnuilv stomar General Manager sleelisnsolv Manning Editor cflantzs wanes nuiinm Manager nanny WILSON Advertising iomv neuron circulation Mun Sunicilptian Into unity by currier s5 weekly slain your Single copy Ic by mail in Ontario non year 5400 six months 3159 three mnniiu sum month Outside Ontario 5900 year Outlide Cm gunman year Offices 425 University Ave Toronto anthem sheet Montreal ms wm Gearlin slmz Vancou ver Memb of the onmuinn only Newlpnpcr Pub IISIIBII association Th8 Canadian Pfell And Audit Bureau of Circuixuam nu Canndlnn Press is cxclunivoly entitled to in Ilieylu royalublilcritioiit of ElihnflWLdII altncdlicdprielglthg HPQI cred or Kevin and on local now published tbmin drews when he returned to the office and quick action by him with fire ap paratus kept there for emergencies no doubt saved great financial loss and possibly the throwing of all local phones out of commission LAY PLENTY 0N BALL GAME Saturday Morning of Sept 30 1911 told of Ball Game for $500 Side In is matched ball game at New Lis keard Haileybury defeated the locals by 11 to 10 in an exciting game It was played for $500 side and the strife was bitter There was treeforall fight in the third innings when supporters of both teams rushed on the field and mixed things up when Young of Kelley bury hit Jones New Liskeards first baseman Cameron won the game for Hailcybury by clearing the bases in the eighth with double when his team was one down Cameron OBrien Hawkins and Graham of Toronto played for Hail eybury Batteries were for Haileybury Cameron and Graham New Liskeard Archie Burton from Barrie and Massey of the Divorce Act and has admitted that many others who are not legally en titled to divorce will not stop even at perjury to obtain what they want He spoke at recent meeting of theCan adian Club in Hamilton Still more recently however Justice Minister Fulton told London audience that there seems to be no compelling reason to enlarge the grounds for divorce at present and that public opinion is so divided on what should be done that until there is some crystallization of pub lic opinion it would be unwise for the Government to tamper with existing situ ation Mr Pepper we believe is much c109 er to public opinion than Mr Fulton hav ing been in position for some time to make personal and close study of the situation Still Mr Fulion should have learned enough from the disgraceful div orcemiii activities of Parliament to pro duce some better comment than there seems to be no compelling reason to en large the grounds for divorce at present There is compelling reason There is such widespread cynicism about divorce methods that written law is brought in to disrepute and moral law is eroded PRICE STABILITY KitchenerWaterloo Record The key to prosperity lies in this countrys ability to sell goods compet itively in home and world markets at prices which those markets will pay Neither government nor labour unions nor management can alter this basic principle of economics although some of them by choosing to ignore it can make efforts to achieve price stability extremely painful OTTAWA REPORT Russia Now Waving The Olive Branch hy PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWAEussis has ended its atomrattling is this genu inc and lasting clionge or temporary deceptive lowering of the heat Russia for whatever reason now is officially waving the olive hrancb This was asserted at the recent 2an Congress of the Communist party of the So viet Union and it was reiter ated here last week at an on usual press conference held by the Soviet ambassador Dr Amssasp Aroutunlan was at his affable best as he ad dressed some 50 journalists gs tliered in ills lsitsest private theatre in his countrys rebuilt embassy here He has been in Ottawa nearly three years and incidentally is rumored to be about to be replaced But he can take back to Moscow with him the reputation of being the man who has worked the hard est at befriending Canada The recent Soviet Congress do clared that nowadays its policy is undeviatingly and consistently to seek peaceful coexistence with states of different social and political system the am bassador said This is the only way to save mankind from devastating nuclear war We have myear plan to build Communist utopia in Russia but we have on program to re habiiltatc cities after nuclear war WOULD BEFRIEND CANADA Dr Aroutuniau stressed his countrys wish for friendlier ve iatlons with Canada foran ex panded twoway trade with us and for large program of ex cblenge visits by students and of ers My country wishes to re nounca war as means of sch tiing international disputes he said our aim is to bring about the dismantling not only of NATO but of all military al liances such as NATO and the Warsaw Pact which links the Communist nations and satel lites of eastern Europe as well as the stockpiles of atomic bombs armies general staffs and even military academies After reading his prepared text the ambassador invited questions from his audience These he handled adroiLly with his quick mind and high humor speaking English fluently with few faults What was his reaction he was asked to Prime Minister Diet enbairers recent charge that the Kremlin was twofaced in cas tigating the colonialism of western imperialists whilst it self enslaving nations in an un precedently brutal way Such speeches make me amusing smiled Dr Aroutun inn cannot argue with the prime minister of the country where am accredited but it is very strange situation when anoppressed nation can send me an Armenian as the am know have these things he added in sly dig at Ottawa in communist China as dedi cated to pence as the Soviet Union he was naked You have to ask the Chinese ombas sailor that question he replied in another sly dig since ills am bassador from the China which is officially recognizes comes from Formosa not from the mainland Communist Cliina Why did Russia set off all those nuclear test bombs if it is so dedimted to peace was an other question We have to strengthen our defences be cause you are putting Bomarcs on North Bay was his smiling but irrelevant answer In such humor oitso scathing of Canada ills ambassador good naturedly ridiculed the suggestion that his country is warlike But at no point did he deny his leaders threat We will bury you Nor did he re move the threat that cold war waged on the trade and ldenlnv bassadnr of its uppressor while another oppressed nation the Ukrainc can send the military attache of the Soviet Union here The RussianSocialist Federal Soviet Republic it shouldbe ex plained is only one of 16 repub rlics making up the Union of So viet Socialist Republics others include Airmenia and the Ukraine Georgia he continued did not have an alphabet before the October Revolution Todty it is Soviet Republic and it has an opera ballet and symphony gicsl fronts can be just as deadly as nuclear war BIBLE THOUGHT Be ye therefore followers of God Ephesians 51 The desire to be found in the family of God and to do His will is the most laudable purpose in life We can follow Him through study of His Word and the promptlngs of His Spirit Todays Dimerick On diet of pickles and alien kins Lived bilious young fellow named Perkins And vinegar too was his fav orite brew lill it pickled his internal wer kins JorNr RESEARCH LETHBRIDGE Alia CF The Lethbrldga research station is to work with other agricul tural research establishments in Canada to find ways of remov ing radioactivity from food Dr Ansley director of the sta tion is optimistic about finding practical methods for treating cereals milk meat and pots toes its the eXtIa orchestra Not all capital REPORT FROM UK Sets High Standards For Hoielkeepers By McINIYRE HOOD Special Losan England Correspondent for The Barrie Examiner EASTBOURNE Sussex The city corporation of Eastbourne popular summer resort on the south coast of England is look ing far sliced into the future in its plans to maintain that popularity by providing amenit icl which visitors will enjoy and appreciate It is setting up st andards for its hotel which will fix the leases of those on cor poration property up to the year me And those who wish to re main in business after the pre sent leases expire in 21 rs time will have to agree to set of minimum standards of nccommodntion laid down by the town council This situation arises from the fact that the corporation of Eastbouma is the ground landv lord of ills Royal Parnds fac ing the senfront The properties there consist mainly of hotels with leases which expire in 19 82 But this your 21 years in advance the council has given notice of the conditions on which these lenses may in that year be renewed in fur ahead as the middle of next century the year 2050 BIIFF CONDITIONS There are two main conditions on which these lenses may be renewed First is on increased rent to be decided by the dis trict Valuer The second is that the hotel proprietors provide oc commodzition up to minimum which has been agreed to by the town council Some of the conditions seem onerous to the hoteliers Theta must ha of least one bathroom to every 10 guests and sep arate lavatory for every seven guests These are minimal stan dards more must be washbasin with constant supply of hot water in every bedroom with ceoLrai heating or gas or elec tric fires There must be Halit lng points over beds and wash basins and points for electric shavers Electric passenger elevators must be provided The interior of the hotels must be redecor ated every five years and the exterior every three yearn There must be at least 10 Iqu arc feet of space to every per son in dining rooms and 20 square feet in lounges and com munnl rooms There must also be at least six squars feet of space per person in kitchens and stores The hoteliers have known for some time of the conditions on which they can renew their losses but at that time the council had not finalized its minknum standards of accom modation So far none of them have either accepted or reject cd the councils proposals Now they are all being notified by letter from the lawn clerk of ï¬le decisions made by the coun Some of the councillors thought the standards were too strict but ihey were in the minority Alderman Sydney Cof fyn one of those who fought to have the now minimum st nndnrds adopted said am frankly appalled at the suggestion that these stan dards are expecting too much We have got to force the is sue if hotels are too small they will just have to amalga moie so that an elevator can be provided and the other siondards met 50 YEARS AGO Britains Royal Flying Corps predecessor of the RoyalAir Force was created in ma Linked will Canadian growth and progress we SSE GASOLINES moron ous that counts