HUGE PUC TRANSFORMER LOCATED HERE Max Munro chiel mainten ance technician or the Barrie PUC studiES the new hlgh voltage transformer on Innis tiI St The new transformer threestage model can han dle more voltage than any other the commission has at Apple Wired To Exhaust Inquest Jury Told Here BARRIE CF coroners jury was told Wednesday that an apple had been deliberately jammed into the exhaust pipe of car in which man died of arhon monoxide poisoning Coroner William Little made the statement in summarizing evidence to be considered at an Iersey Club Meet Elects report on the most recent sales promotion project of Jer sey cows and their milk was highlight of the annual meet or the Simcoe Jersey Cattle Club held recently at the Sunni dale Comers Community Hall The report dealt mainly with stunt conducted recently in Toronto and held at various Metro shopping plazas It con eerned Jersey Cow Milking contest with Toronto radio per sonalities participating Introduced at the meeting were Bremner and Skinner Toronto otfice representative and president of the Ontario Cattle Club respec tively They congratulated the group on their projects and many successes achieved dur ing the past year Mr Bremner was presented with trophy which proclaimed him life member of the Sim coe Jersey Cattle Club New officers for the ensuing year were elected and results are as follows Past President Floyd Treanor Cookstown President William Gib bin Stroud VicePresident Charles Sanderson Shanty Bay Secre taryTreasurer Floyd Treanor Cookstown Directors Maurice Shaer Minesjng John Shear dowa Thornton and Lloyd Bell Staynei Robert MacNicol of Duntroon was elected County Director LOCAL AND GENERAL KEMPENFELT BAND Those visiting the Barrie Plaza from 11 am to pm Saturday will hear the music at Earries Musical Ambassa dors The Barrie Kempenfelt Trumpet Band will be on hand to play thefestive tunes of the season and rouse the spirits of the weary shoppers ATTENDING COLLEGE vo students of the Barrie area are attending the Clarkson miege of Technology located in Potsdam New York John Graves son of Mr and Mrs Charles Graves Newton is senior in the business ad ministration department Cor belt Adams son of Lei hton Adams Anten Mills is sophomore in the same depart =ment lit we present The primary or high voltage is rated at 44 RV or 44000 volts which in the raw voltage as it is purchased lrom the Hydro The second ary or low Voltage is designed for 60 line to line voltage with 2400 volts available from inquest into the death of Doug las McMnnn 24 or Barrie Mc Mann was Iound dead and 13 yearold Linda Villis unconscie ous in his station wagon early Oct 11 in the driveway of the girls Innislil Township home The coroner said the apple had been wired into place in the ahaust pipe The inquest was adjourned un til Dec 20 alter the coroner was informed that Mclilanns wife wished to attend Miss Willis testiï¬ed that the last thing she remembered from the night of the incident was leaving to attend drivein molt vie with another man Fred Lloyd The girl and the dead man were found in the car by her mother pathologist testified that Miss Willis was treated for car bon monoxide poisoning and that such poisoning oiten Dorians Decade Didnt Exist Campaign strain adds years to the lives of some candidates Mrs Dorian Parker running for public school board aged 10 years overnight with little help from The Examiner The lady was reported in an Examiner story to have been born in 1913 Her cor rect yearot birth is 1923 We hope Mrs Parker feels 10 years younger again when she reads this Steel St and Hears Orator Those attending the December meeting of the Steel Street Home and School Association were treated to something little out of the ordinary Richard McIntyre grade student entertained with his prizewinning oratorical speech on the topic John MacDon ald Young Robert was an ent rant in recent public speaking finals conducted by Barrie schools He or course was representative of Steel Street School An insurance adjuster Bell addressed the meeting on the liability of parents whose children were foundto he the cause of damage to school build ings or properties Respon biiity in this case he sai rests with the parents can garrick HAIR STYLISTS announce COKE Trina or ramnsaus Evens WED mom 415 PM sncciu Student nines By appointment only PA H661 13 Maple Avenue THIS CHRISTMAS Surprise the family with the Perfect Family Gift Floor Coverings from Ferguson Reid Youll marvel at the variety choose FREE ESTIMATES of patterns from which to BUDGET TERMS Installed by Experienced Carpet Layers line to ground The trans tormer is oil cooled and wcighs 36900 pounds 18 tons plus It is being held in reserve until next spring at which time the PUC will prob ably have it in lulltime opera tion by constnicting sub station aroundvit causes amnesialoss of mem OTF Ernest Emms who worked with McMann in Barrie ga rage testified that McMann had driven away an the night of Oct 10 alter the two men had each consumed about 12 ounces of gin Emma said McMunn had said she was inside the car He said he took this to mean Miss Willis although he did not see the girl Former Policeman Doctor School Board Candidates Two more candidates tor Bar ries Public School Board in next Mondays municipal elem tion are presented in thumbnail sketches tad DAVID MtCLYMONT Physical education French and musical appreciation are all part of David lilcClymonts in terest in the educational pm gram of Barrie Public Schools Known Ior his work in Scout ing Rovers and St Andrews Sunday School Mr McClyrnont explained his desire to be on the board as being one at the best ways he could serve the youth at the community resident at Barrie or nine years Mr McClymont was born in Scotland He graduated lrom Ardossan Academy and joined the Liverpool City Police Force in 1933 While working with the force be worked on beat traltic and criminal investigation work He received several rewards in commendation or his work in l941 Mr McClymont vol unteered Ior the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve He gained his training at an Okla homa training school and received his commission and pilots wings in 1950 Mr MeCIymont his wile Anne and his two sons Ian now public school teacher in Toronto and David Ir stud eat at North Collegiate came to Canada He has been employed at the Ontario Hydro as Securr lty Ofï¬cer at the Georgian Bay Region since lBSZ past member of the Kiwanis Club Mr McClymont was Rov er Leader oi the lst Allandale group or five years He was chairman of the St Andrews 2nd Barrie Scout Troop Ior tour years Scout mostcr for the 2nd Barrie Troop or our years chairman oi the Scout Apple Day or our years serving the local Scout Council at all times Mr McCIyrnonthas been an elder of St Andrews Presby terian Church or four years and Sunday School Superintend ent for two He is presently the Sunday School Superintendent and member at the steering committee of the neu Presbyv terian Church East Barrie DR GEORGE SEYMOUR Chairman oi Ihe Management Committee or the Barrie Public School Board or the past three years Dr George Seymour was born and raised in Barrie lie graduated mm the Barrie Collegiate Institute Dr Sey Cooke Are On Charles Newton today blasted mayo ralty candidates Les Cooke and Jim Hart for hiding and lgnoring the important is sues in the current election Mr Newton aldermnnlc candidate in War Two said These two men are running on their previous records instead of giving concrete and construc tive answers as to what they plan to do about current prob lems For instance he continued they havent said what they are going to do about the sec ondary sewage plant This is the biggest issue in the election and neither of them have made their positions clear on this matter it is up to these men their duty to the voters in fact to Alllliston Arena Schedule Minor ALLISTON Ont Special The Alliston Arena Board alter sharpening pencils and burning the midnight oil have estimated the deficit or 1951 to be in the neighborhood at $300 This amount is considerably less than expected and the board in statement following recent meeting said We are definitely encouraged However the Board pointed out that great deal of work remains to be done to the Ar Mulmur Elects New Councillors MANSFTELD Ont Special The electorshf the Township of Mulmur elected three new councillors in elections recently They were Russell Nowell 282 Harvey Stewart 287 Wayne Snell 261 Wilbert Ritchie miss ed with count of 161 Both Mr Newell and Mr Stewart are sitting councillors while Mr Snell is new face to coun BACKACIIE For ruin twin luckch or that tiredout Iseling depend on Is $300 In Red Renovations ena building The shortage of funds will definitely curtail ma jor expenditures but minor re pairs and redecoration will be carried out It is expected that all seats and doors will be painted and new shalt instal led on the water cooler Ken Blanchard appointed by Essa Township Council as an observer of the Board was warmly greeted by Chairman Stan Bowen who exclaimed the interest of the township councils is gidetinitely needed and encour Bg CHRISTMAS GIFT SPECIALS INSTALLED PRICES Seat Belts Mirrors Door Type Fender Mount Remote Control ea 1050 495 and no Windshield Washers 1375 Windshield Solvent 75 Hand Brake Light 425 Cigar Lighters 400 ALL GIFTS CHRISTMAS warren French Motors 75 Bradlord St PA 55971 TO THE ELECTORS OF WARD VOTE CHARLES NEWTON As ALDERMAN MON DEC Ilih Charles Newton 10 years of municipal experience lifelong resident of Barrio heavy tax payer Hart Griddle bring to light all the issues and discuss them thoroughly in pub lic debate In fact challenge Mr Cooke and Mr Hart to go before the public in public place and discuss the import ant issues which will face them when one of them becomes may or Their conduct in this elec tion so for has been so disinter ested that they are not giving the voters chance to vote in telligently CHARLES NEWTON LEVITS ARE BARRIER EXAMINER THURSDAY DEM meur studied medicine at the University Tomato and grad uated in 1933 He returned to Harris in 1935 and termed the medical group Drs Seymour Dcidge Swan Ideson and Blenknrn at which he is now the senior partner Dr Seymours activities In the community have included being president or the Lions Club of Barrie and Rectors Warden of Trinity Anglican Church in Barrie He has been member of the Barrie Public School Board or the past our years Education is something you cant buy and anything we can do to help In time well spent he said DAVID McCLthONT Les Cooke Some Leadership Accomplishments STREET IMPROVEMENT CITY BEAUTIFICATION BAY CLEAN UP MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION Chairman of the Public Works Committee lkfl so so when the prcSFnt Year Road Sewer Program was inaugurated car go or completion in 1962 1953 strong advocate for the preservation and development or Barries beautilul Memorial Square Chairman of Public Works Committee when Interceptor Sewer Main was constructed from the Sewage Disposal Plant to Toronto St ma Jor step in alleviating hay pollution 4Point Plan for further improvement is currently un der way Chairman of City Status Committee 1969 when Separation Agreement was negotiated with Simlt roe County resulting in $17600000 settlement to the City Distribution 60000 Bay Front Park Development 10000 Grant for Swimming Pool 50000 Toward Hospital Extension 50000 Fluorescth Street Lighting 5000 Kinsmens Park FOR SOUND POSITIVE LEADERSHIP Elect the Man Who Is In Touch With the Citys Business Today EDDIE for MAYOR voni Take Advantage Of Hundreds Of Terrific Buys During This Event HERES ONE Chesterfields ehestertields lovely home Come in CHESTERFIELD souis beautiful chesterfields Guaranteed to complement your have look buy one tomorrow Over 45 suites to choose from Were expanding again FERGUSON REID FLOOR SERVICE 14 MULCASTER ST PA 82613 man who willrworkto the best Interest of the voters and the city of Barrie eAn RIE PA 314301