help Sanlail Sell Those Not Needed Items With Want Ad PA 82414 TIIE EARRIE EXAMINER IURSDAY DECEIBER m1 ANNOUNCEMENTS REAL ESTATE BIRTHS unArcn At the at vir tort Hos ital on muddy Delrm In Mr and sin Wal Uraper of I25 iron street dlugnlcr in Barrie rAUthm At the tort limpital on liond her Mi To air and Mn Lee ite iaullncr of 75 innuiii street is rrte daughter Ankl afar1e FRENCH At nnyal Virioria Hospital on Sllurdey December mi To sir and bin nooncy French as North smei Barrie daurbter nienrtiiiu At the neyai Vic torib Hospital on Frldly December In To Mr and Mn Gerry hlennde 149 Penetenr street runtr oaurnier PROUD PARENTS THE NEWS of the Blessed Event can be announced to your friends and relatives for only 513 iust telephone PA 82114 ai Vir Derem TCLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condonscd and classifier adver tlscmans are inserted at the rate oi 4c per word per insertion for one and two times do per word for three four or five limes and Bic per word lor or more insertions oddi Uooal marge if not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT IS 96C FOR 24 WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS OR $106 FOR 11 WORDS IF CHARGED PER SINGLE IN SERTION muons on canuacrioNs Advertiser are reminded that all phone insertion erden Acccgl ed convenience to you advertiser Therefore the Classified Advertising Dcpnrtmcnl requires III advertisers to kludy rl4h£Ck their advertisement immediately aner arrt insertion in order that any crran or omirrinns may be reported berore an in order NIH rams ml bo IEEIIRIG or the renownIr days insertion order We wlxh to point out that The Erri maminer Is responribia for only one Incorrectly printed imereion on any advertisement lnv illLn only lo the cxtcnl or portion or Ad that lnvolvel tin misprinl Errors which do not lessen the value or the advertise men are not cllglbla tor comp tions by make reeds Coming Events St per word minimum charge $150 Birth and Death Notices for up to 25 words over 25 words per word extra In hfcmoriam No tlces $150 if verso used 3c per word exlra BLan men ocrhics intermattnn regarding advertiser using Ellnd better our Numbcn or chllcs is held strictly col111d cntlnl Replies to better Doxu will be held only to days after lasl day of puhiieation Cl ssified advertisements and notices for these pages must be received by pm day pre ceding oublicatian with the ex xpï¬on of Classified Display vertisements which must be In by 1200 noon preceding day Elias and type style for semi display classiï¬eds may be ob tuned through The Examiner ad Venlslng department EGovemment Gives €41zDay Holiday TORONTO CF Provincial government ees will have libday holiday at Christmas this year and threeday holiday at New Year In memo Wednesday to all provincial deputy ministers Collins chairman of the ci yil service commission said government employees will be free from pm Friday Dec 522 until the following Wednes day Dec 27 They will have fboth Christmas and Boxing Day off The only extra holiday at New Year will be Jan itself iMonday As usual most gov ernment offices close on Satur day and Sunday COMING EVENTS Turkey Shoot $ATURDAY DEC pm Ted Pattersons Turkey Farm Turn left at the first sideroad ipast Varcoes and follow signs ADDED PRIZE FOR BEST TARGET Sahiais WOPERTV FOR SALE ROSE REAL mlATE linux11 rlrrm 5mm BAlsluI CALL on on EVENING PA 82379 Member of me aemr no lattrier deal but and MOVING Dont forget to transfer your INSURANCE and if you need extra coverage of any kind SEE STEVENSCNS PA 61301 OR PA 61801 ii Dunlop at Keith MARSHALL Realtor and Business Brokers 15 CLAPPERTON ST BARRIE MOOREPA were 1th NELLLSPA Mus OFFICEPA our Member of barrie and District heal nitan Board HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR 08 BAYFIELD ST Pll 66453 ANYTIME TRADE YOUR FARM for nexle ltrnew home in Barrie Three bedrooms livingdining room kitchen bath with vanity and full basement Oil heating attached garage And best of all its ready to move into Call Emory lilil her at PA 641476 or Joe Pal mer at PA 60863 or drop In to 98 Hayfield Street and talk your trade over with any salesman THRIFTY THINKING If you buy this room winterized collage priced at only $6900 and located only 11 mile from lhe water All conveniences gas heating and lmmedlalo possession available Its new 51500 down and $6243 per month will make it yours Call Joe Palmer at PA 60363 MILLION DOLLAR VIEW Perfect marriage oi house and lot Extra large ranch bungalow with attached gar age Maryann Smith at PA 840211 has all the Information at her fingertips ANTEN MILLS Unique styl ing and only $500 downl Large living room kitchen bedrooms modern bath room gas furnace Must be said right away Its once in lifetime buy Call Em ory Miller PA 60470 now BE IN THIS COZY HOME TO START THE NEW YEARI 0r whenever you want to move choicest Allandale lo cation where the children can sleighride to Their hearts content my gas heating in this new brick bungalow Owner will hold first mort gage for the whole balance Call Norm HeskEUl PA 87015 for all the details SNOW TIME LIKE THE PRESENT To see this small frame bungalow on Donald St Ideally located for the retired couple Close to shop ping and bus route Only asking $10000 for land house and all the extras Call Doris Nutlycombe at PA 66453 any imc Member of Barrie and District Real Estate Board Evenings Call Emory Miller PA 641476 Joe Palmer PA 60865 Karl Marshall PA 35517 Doris Nuttycambe PA 87957 Norm Hesketh PA 117016 Maryann Smith PA 84023 LARGE three bedroom brick bun galow Lsbaped living and dining room with fireplace builbln china cabinet Frlgldniru buucln stove and oven unite Hanover kitchen cupboards Builtin vanity in bath room Hardwood floors Attached garage on large lot at lib Marion crescent Telephone Gordan spring PA 115051 Try All Examiner Want Ad COmmg to Handy Hardware Sth Line Innisfil Alcona Beach Road Bring the Kiddies This Saturday Afternoon December 9th FREE CHRISTMAS TREES With $10 Cash Purchase One to household REAL ESTAE PROPERTY FOR SALE TROGERS CONNELL ONE DUNlOP STREET EAST First in Barrie Home SalesForemost lo Qualiw Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES BLOCK FROM POST OFFICE COMMERCIAL ZONING 800 Sixloom stucco Ilrsiorey house in good clean condition new gas lumare Represenu an excellent opportunity to buy and hold for lutue commercial development in this area May be inspected anytime 120116 PA 55568 MILES SOUTH OF BARRIE JUSI OFF HIGHWAY 11 015200 Ultia modern 5bedroom brick home of large proportions almost 1100 square feet of floor area heated on big lot with circular drive close to schools and shopping Youll like the stone firs plaCL In living roomand most appealing modern openplan kitchen The special feature really Is the huge dining room with vaulted ceiling and extra forge windows This bungalow is fully equipped with every uplodnlc convenience and has divided basement suitable for recreation room Cell PA £5568 and no it today Cooperative listing No BB 612 BARRIE NORTH COLLEGIATE AREA RANCH BUNGALOW FIREPLACE GARAGE ATTACHED BD846 515800 Attractive bull brick 3bedroom ranchstyle new In 1057 one owner Many extra fine features include OPaved Driveway OFlne Landscaping Enclosed Yard Woven Fences Fully Completed Rec Room Pretty Stone Fireplace IWosherDryer Connection with Vent This immaculate home has the favourite Lshaped llvingdiniog and large table areii in the kitchen Handy location for either collegiate or public schools Ask for Mr Connell PA 85563 EVENINGS CALL line It MOOREPA o51a1 FOSTERPA out ROGERSPA so CONNflaLvPA Hm umacns mimic DISTRICT um BTATS BOAlu CLIFF BROWN REALTOR 32 HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONES PA 80241 PA 60241 Member or to barri Reel Estate Board smith emptiedPA 31350 Joan LangPA uui Fergus GarveyPA Mm charlie RoddPA 1111111 OPEN HOUSE YOURE INVITED TO INSPECT 19 WELDON CRES FRIDAY AND SATURDAY December 8th and 9th pm pm Number 11 Weldon Crescent Sold IBeauttfui three bedroom ranch brick bungalow with attached garage cUitramndern large modern kitchen Oltoiseil ltolian marble fireplace in spacious living room OCerainit colored tile bath with vanity Alllnlillhm alarms and screens olmmediate possession NHA tcrms HENDERSON REALTOR 19 COLLIER ST PA 82678 RITA SCANDRETT PA 84865 PERCY FORD PA 87930 EMERSON SWAIN PA 68605 DOROTHY WILCOX PA 68548 Member of Barrie and Dislrict and Ontario Real Estate Boards CORBY REAL ESTATE BROKER Phone PA Milli so Duolop St MABEL MARSHALLPA ausn COREYPA Mm MURIEL JEFFERYPA 5533 Norman ShélsweII REAL ESTATE BROKER DUNLOP ST PA 89961 PA 88742 FIRST MORTGAGE FUNDS AVAILABLE7 mm £07 or VALUENo FEE CHARGED Ine Longlln PA omegflmfl mi PA Moo do in Everett sneirweu are 2911 Norman sheliwiu PA Hm Howard Norrie PA coco OPEN HOUSE THIS WEEKEND STARTING DEC 8TH 1961 56 MARION CRESCENT 1330 Sq Feet Six large rooms Stone Fireplace Large family kitchen Hanover Cupboards Solid Birch Attached Garage CLIFF BROWN REALTOR Phdnes PA 6024I PA 60242 MODERN all room brick bung low three bedroom 011 unre ment suitable for apartment with two piece batb stoma through out Special dlrcount loi cult to mortgage Private sale to Barrett Muir 113 CodiIndian street PA 02014 evenings Try All Examiner Want Ad PHONE PAIR2414 FULLY MODERN night room rotm bourn tor sale close to Camp Borden and AlIlLton $5750 with $150 down Telephone HI 51470 Aiuaton $500 DOWN $10500 full prlcl $100 monthlycarries principal and In terest Five bedrooms iivo your old can easily be do iexed Gunn street Private PA mill main REAL ESTATE FOR PROPERTY FOR sALE SALE Motel Restaura ni Blue chip investment log 315000 net are bvallable ll our office Our best business listing Ultra modern motel and restaurant lo cated in busy Georgian Bay town $30000 down payment Show Further particularI Sloull Agencies Lid CQLRUMER ST PA859OI MOVING For complete moving service safer and easier Call COOKIE CARTAGE CT STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT 43 Essa Rd Barri PArkway 85575 CARSON 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the imperial Tb tr LOCATED ON ROSE ST Beautiful split level home with all the extras Paved drive way carport with cement floor front lawn graded and sodded speclal light fixtures through out Mahogany planter box or borile venity in bathroom Three large bedrooms living room kitchen with dining area Tiled floors and completely fin ished recreation room Asking price $14200 with 32000 down For further details call Russell Carson PA 05481 or after pm PA 66181 BARGAIN beautiful year round home with three bcdrooms situated on 94 waterfront lot Modern tiled floor throughout four piece bath oil healed PLUS cottage to rent out singly in the summer House cot tage and lot are real buy at only $12000 with the down pay ment open for disclmslon Call Ralph Boeke at PA Will or after pm PA 50503 PA 6648I Member or Barrie and District Real mate Board HENDERSON REALTOR lb cohhiEn STREET PHONE PA 82679 NEAR OWEN STREET Move in time for Christmas and set the table in the lovely large separate dining room 24 living room Three bedrooms Firdshcd recreation room Close to St Marys $14900 with Slo NllA terms Coop No 590 Call Rite Scandrett SHANNON STREETThis fine six room bungalow is complete in every detail Aluminum storms and screens Garage Well landscaped lot with trees mortgage Call Percy Ford EVENINGE CALL RITA SCANDRILII PA M1168 DOROTHY WILCOX PA 685 PERCY roan PA ovoid muniter swiuu PA eases Hombcr of Home and District and 0112qu Reel PJqu Board Srouir Agencies Lid CENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST REALTORS COLLIER STREET PA 85801 REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE This lovely brick bungalow on landscaped lot Large living room with dining area kitchen and ii bedrooms Located on Vancouver Streel close to schools and shopping centre Asking only $12900 Carries for $90 PIT See this for veluel FARM 195 Acre beat and grain farm good soil barns one new with steel stabling Water bowls new slab silo room brick home with all convenien ces Priced to sell at $21000 with easy terms Member or the Barrie and Distrch Real Estate Board EVENINGS CALL ltIERV GOULu 0RD 2511 Eur GOULD 0R0 2510 HARRY sLILssoR PA sums oncA BROWN PA b1215 LLOYD HOCKLEY PA dettla somrnarncuao bungalow NH three bedrooms ruii basement storms and screens Located in Newmarket will roll or trade for house in nerrie Telephond New market rw Hm bravere sALa Attractive flyc almlld blind bcdronm bungalow lhaped living and dining room IollhpIBCd colored bath with built lu vanity Heated sunroom Also includes two bedroom bnscmpnt agartrident alwnyl rbntfldi Tole one Ill eczse utter 17111 HOUSES FOR SALE OR RENT BURTON AVENUE Private lulu room brick home built for fame Ily living on fenderaped lot inn doe fwo room apartment on loor Telephone PA 71 HOUSES FOR SALE OR RENT roUIt 1100 norm at lunch Point with threepiers hath not water hill baremeni hill price 5900 with low down payment Telephone PA Man PROPERTY WTD TO BUY six on SEVEN Room Home uri ted to buy Central location nan arr oil healed write ititine lo cation an price 10 Mrs Jen ldru RR strand Ontario BUS OPPORTUNITIES UPuoLerRY purines for lie Going concern Workshop lh ate Nobddroorn house Low rent liineu compels ncrlrice to anyone willlbf to purchuo mach lite etc Te opbone Minion HE Mzél MORTGAGES Immediate lST AND 2ND MORTGAGE LOANS Unlimited private funds avail able for any type of dwelling or construction anywhere Free consultation No Obligation CALL PA 60931 MORTGAGE FUNDING 129 Dunlop St East over SlhIPSONSSEARS MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE NO BONUS Payments insured against accident sickness death CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST BARRIE PA 00203 lionronoa WANTED on tam Appiy box harrie Examiner MORTGAGES int and and bought void and mad commercial and residential noun loaned on axhdnr mortgagor arrla Mort elllo broken PA was MONEY TO LOAN PRESCRIPTION FOR PAYING BILLS Pay em all with lowcost lifeinsured SCOTIA PLAN LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA RENTALS LOW COST SPACE for rent clean modern buildings suitable for commercial or light industrial Telephone PA 641575 GARAGES WANTED rent in the burton Avenue Vic Week nights only it nee inity Telephone PA 82955 es Office Space Large or small office space conveniently located downtown on Collier St Hot water heat ing adequate window provid ing natural ventilation and lighting Private washrooms Contact Slessor to COLLIER sr PHONE PA 35934 NURSING HOMES Ann EDEN mama HOME Built or this work Semi Ind private rooms kind nursing care good food TV rooms station wa gpn fdor outings Telephone will roll APTS HOUSES TO RENT See This First New clean upper duplex Pri vato entrance bedroom large living room and kitchenette bathroom Heat water and hy dro supplied Dominion Store area Available now month Phone Parkway +6603 OVERLOOKING IBAY Modern two bedroom bungalow Double garage Low heating cost Immediate possession Telephone PA 87475 Two 1112131100111 hcatcd art ment in mndonl trlplek on be tom 55 per month Available Telephone PA 59204 floor January Two oanuooiu Apartment Now refrigerator and stove washer and dryer New building Available Itri mediateiy Telephone PA b2352 Try An Exnmlncr Wnnt Ad PHONE PA 82411 WANTED immediately Gangs tn iOFFICES STORES RENT $55a RENTALS APIS HOUSES TO RENT UNIURFISIIKD our Min men and private path If Du DP II door AD II meet in ounn met Tel phone PA alias for dentin nsAnD two room furolihrd apartment Prtvaie bath Separlu Erinn Steve and Nfrilullor bluntlal viiirat ll week sin In rod Tole be bull UNFLKNIIIIZD Apartment rooms and Lb Ground near modern Ifcon location Plrklnt Slovl refrluraior and partially furnished if required PA H361 THREE noon artrnont for rent uninrntahrd as tentmed eonbis renI Availbio otter oe ccmbcr Tclelpbonc mu stroud for further in emotion THREE noon heated nicely tun nllhcd reircentained apartment ALIo laundry room Prlvltd drive way Eul end Avaiiabie broom her 15 Print PA M211 CENTRAL Two MONO IRA menl furnlehcd Suitable for our our girlr Near holpllll Could be lllUl up In Alnll room Tclo phone PA Mm alter sun UNFUTINISIIED heated hound to rent at either Point Oil dred anu bedrooms All city conveni ences Also iurnirheo room for rent TclePhnn PA cuss rUltleliEn uEusirrlNa room and kitchen heated Refrigerator and Have in Allandale on our Tclcpnune PA M111 for mrtbcr lnfnr lion UNPUIKNISIIED one and two bed room apartments heated central ly located Kltchcm with builtin cupboards Adult onl Telephone stag1150 and after Lao pan PA NEW AND Modern and and two bedroom ponmeeu overtoounr Iconic Kempnnfoll lily Hull In If arklng and Jlnlwr IINIEI inclu ed Automaue aaaniar ia cllluea PA 52001 four RENTALS AFTS HoTises TO RENT ADJOINING PARK Beside Luke One and two bedroom apart ments complete with stove and refrigerator Use oi washer and dryer Redtcaratcd annually PA 64063 BRENTWOOD TERRACE Self contained two bedroom apartment Living room kitch en full basement Central loca AVAILALLK November two bedroom bunnin convenient err on heal noble Tel pnnno Oakviiie Hobo or write box 51Dbrrio Examiner UNrUnNIsltED healed Iparte merit four room plus luuporvb and bath Overlooking like Cen fléhAvelllblo now Talenbono PA UNYURNISIIED room cpl men tor rent on North st Heated IIcnly of cupboard rpace Tele phone at meal time or aventnu at PA Halo FUansliEu two room apartment in quiet well kept downtown home suit builders lad or nth tirrnan 35v per month elophoao PA 66251 rlquc 1100115 and bath ban mehi ariment not water he with ot Private entrance Cen located furnishcd bhona PA area or PA Mama nullTED three room unfunslthcd apartment for rent tollcontained Centrally Iocltcd wner suDPlled Avelllblc immediately reiepheno PA 85150 or PA 85310 ruansllhb three or four room upper apartment North Mopln Parking suitable for couple week per room vacant ll rill Box Barrio Exlmlner COMFORTABLE four roam unfun nlehed apartment plus heat by dro Ind parking but stop at door Aélggdale dirtrlct Telephone PA rnitcc noon Apartment privat neln refrigerator and Ovrrlookln lAlto immediate poe mulon chudren Telephonl PAbuld whim Two non apartment cupboerd rtova and refrigerator conveniences City bur atop llod erate rent Telephone PA 914 or PA Milo nvl BEDROOM norm for rent at 11 Gunn street Close to chools Five year old Fuii med ern so mont ly Hot air ol heat ing PA 50031 hiciv eiobnniv two bedroom apart meni iivinr room kitchen bath room and laundry room with un oi dryer nelsonhie rent reie phone PA 61351 for mom pm tieuim UPPER DUILEX for rcnt two bedrooms living room and kitche en fully tiled fourpiece bath room Dll heatcd Laundry facili llcx Immediate pouculon Tele bhone PA 83209 MobbnN AlAnTaluNrs four rooms and private bath not water heated Utilitiu ruppiiod Lo cltcd In Angus Telephone camp burden in 1115 tum115 and after pin NEW fIloDEuN centrally located two bedroom apartment for rent Refrigerator stove and laundry facilities Avbllablc immediately fanltnr rervice Telephone PA Mon for further information LARGE HEATED ApbflmanLiv lng room dining room kitchen bedrooms and bath Sol contained Vcry ccntrfll Plcnty of storage Ice Available now 95 monthly eiephone PA Mitzi UNIURNISIIED APARTMENT hellcd our rooms and bath hlaln nour lilouern newly tier orated stove refrigerator and drapes du plied Clam Xalklng Nadr Barr post oftlrc eiesi UNI11 flan Apartment Allen dalc urea Ilvc rooms living room with fireplace kitchen with dining arch lnrco bedrooms use hurt dry room $95 monthly tneiudee heat Ind hydro Apply as real st after pm nELiAaLc cooan wanted to more new three bedroom house Very central location two blocks from downtown Idcal for working couple For iurtner intormetion leisphone PA oiizo No children or pets please BUSINESS EIGHT nooni House for rent Eight mllcs from llarric near N0 11 lIlgluvpy Water lnsldo nenb lug reasonably Telephone 11311 Elmvale ANGUS Four room house bath unfurlilslicd Appi nobertron telephone Available Immediately nousu to rent at Oakley Park square Thrcc bodrooml oil huf ed $100 monthly Availbio im mecinul Teierrrno PA out for urinal ctllls uuumfl AVENUE Three room unfurnished artment for rent Oil heated Ho watcr With stove and refrigerator private bath Ap Ply Cabin Slrcct NEW LARGE Apartment to rent atove with ID III Isl959 in new apartment building and and Wu bedroom suites Sluvl and rotrinerator supplied Laun dry facllltlcl Queen street are PA rodeo ONE uEuuooiu furnished belt ed apartment self contained Lot of parking space Tile flown and large closed in vcnndah Tele hone day PA 35270 evening asaoo LOWER selfcontained two bed room unturnlshed apartment in Ihc west end Complaier modern with builtin cupboards and rtv ate bath Heat and water supp led Telephone PA 53115 UNFUIINISIIIID upstairs nparb rnent three rooms private bath Central locniinn Oll heated Pri vate hot water tank In private homeno other tenants Avail able now Tclcphono PA M157 FOUR ROOM COTTAGE roi not right on Highway in near Es station Newly painted inside Pump in well Outside fbcllltlcl sdo monthly Apply 90 riflln street Barrie SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month at War Telephone PA 82414 APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE Service to all makes I47 DUNLOP ST PA I42 CARPENTRY NEW HOMES Remodelling shinglingi porches recreation rooms Complete trimming to houses and garages BRUCE CAMERON PA 06071 DIAPER SERVICE BARRIES FINEST DIAPER SERVICE Twins weekly pickup deliver II FRANCIS ST REAR PA 68551 Leis than ring or cigarette DRIVING SCHOOL ORILLIA SCHOOL OF SAFE DRIVING Since 1956 FOR APPOINTMENT CALL PA 66551 EXCAVATING FILL GRAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Grading Water Delivery Crushed stone Half yard Backhoo for hire DENNIS MORAN 29 Anne Street PA 4907 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING Barrio PLASTERING STUCCO STONE QUIKBRICK AND PLASTERING CEILINGS ROOMS ancuwovs PATCHES FREE ESTIMATES TERMS NO DOWN PAYMENT SIMCOE QUIKBRICK LEFROY 60M PHONE COLLECT MASONRY If it can be built with BLOCK ERICK or STONE CALL SPROULE MASONRY CONTRACTOR For guaranteed workmanship at reasonable prices PA 60966 REFRIGERATION HOOD REFRIGERATION SERVICE Domestic Commerclal Airconditioning 31 PRATT STREET PHONE PA 61678 SANITARY DISPOSAL DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT We have been licensed to to move your dead and crippled Harm animals under the above FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECT BARRIE PArkway 83617 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE LICENSE 95061 EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Hanging Spray Painting Service Since 1920 RR Barrio PA 116958 Its wonderful the way Classified Ads get re sults Phone PA 824I4