Help Santall Sell Those Not Needed Items With Want Ad PA 82414 ll TIIE BARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY DEC 1961 ANNOUNCEMENTS REAL ESTATE blRrHs PROPERTY FOR SALE NAMB ARE lhiPORTANi Chou in am lor your child should be real pleasure and nthrs will want to new tour choic Narn youi child as quickly as possible and use the individual nama la Darrtl Imminrr birth Announcl meni luii call our Claulileo Do artrnent the the min lncluoiiu name and we will publish lilrtn Nollca In too next edition lcr onlyrlso reloohona PA um iar thli Clasillled setvie DEArlls MoonsAl the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Tuesday Dtcv ember I961 Ernest IAWIrd liloore iii 75 Ilolgata slroci liar rlc beloved husband Mary Em ily Price dear lather oi Wilrred or Barrie and Robert oi Toronto nesting at the lpnneii Itlrlcra ilomc 152 Iiradlord sirect Pun eral service Friday evening at 110 oclock Cremation IN MEMORIAM RENNchln loving memory or dear huiinrld and loving rather Edgar Rennlck who paued away December ma Therelis no parting rrora them we are No distance can divide lor today in memorys garden We still walk side by aide non dawning day thought or him At evcntlde raver In the hearts ll loved him He always will be there Lovtncly remembered by wile ramlly Crooked Cagers Plead Guilty NEW YORK APlJcii Volt gel Daniel Quindolzi and Louis Brown Iormcr college baskct ball rs pleaded guilty niesday to conspiracy in the poinlsprcad scandal This brought to live the num ber of accused bribers to plead guilty in the basketball scandals oi the 100061 season in which 37 players from colleges were named Aaron Vagman called the master litter and Joseph Green his associate entered similar pleas last month Vogoi Quindazii and Brown could receive up to year each in prison Judge Joseph Sarto lite of general sessions court sct Jan 10 for sentencing CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classifier adver tisements are inserted at the rate of in per word per insertion tor one and two times Sc per word for three four or Iivo times and 2m per word ior or more insertions 10 addi tional charge it not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT IS 960 FUR WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS 0R $106 FOR 24 WORDS IF CHARGED PER SINGLE iNr SERTION ERRORS OR CORRECTIONS Advertisers are reminded that an phona insertion orders are actc ad as convenienca to you the advertiser Thcrciam tho eiasstned Advertising Dcparrmant requires an advartiscrs to kindly recheck thclr advertisement immediately arier orst insertion in ordcr that any error or onusslons may be raportcd bottom arr in order that same may ba rectlded ior tnc rollowlng days insertion order lvo wish lo point out that The narric Examiner is responsible ror only ono incorrectly prlatcd insertion on any advcrusemoat and than only to the extant or portion or ad that involves tbs rulsprlnt Errors which do not lessen the valuo at tho advcrtisc mcnt no not cnglblo tor correc tions by main goods Coming Events 5c per word minimum charge $150 Birth and Death Notices for up to 25 words over 25 words so per word extra In Memoriam Nos tices $150 if verse used per word extra nLth LETTER REPLIES inrormallon recording advcrtlsers usinc blind Letter Box Number ror Reonos is held strictly conno on cr last day oi humiliation Hy Classified advertisements and notices or these pages must he received by ram day pre ceding publication with the tale peptiori of Classified Display advertisements which must be in by 1200 noon preceding day Rates and type styles tor semi display classlllnds may be ob taincd through The Examiner nd vurtislng dcpartmcni ROSE REAL BTATE Baum IllTIN snlm DADRII CALL DAY on EVENING PA 82379 timber or the Barn aud District Ru But Baud CARRSON 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the imperial Titlire PA 66481 Member at Darn Distrth Real Etta ard MOVING Dont target to transfer your INSURANCE and it you need extra coveragc oi any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA stool OR PA also 113 Damon St KEITH MARSHALL REAL ESTATE AND BUSINESS BROKERS 15 CLAPPERTON ST BARRIE MOORE amid FRANK NELLrsPA 56575 OFFICEPA 31591 Member at Darrlo District Real nittn HENDERSON REALTOR ll coLLiEll srnm PHONE PA 82678 EVENINGS CALL RITA sCANDRm PA 54555 DOROTHY WILCOII PA 55515 PERCY FORD PA 8an Imch slvAIN PA Leno Member or Earns and District and Ontario Rui Litto hoard PULLY MODERN eight room larrn hnIIxe or sale Clnsc in Sign 326ml and liistgn 551152 own ec were Allision will DOWN $10500 lull price $100 monthy carries principal and In tcrest Five bedrooms Plva oars old Can caslly no duplexcd unn strcet Private PA 50951 SEMIDETACHED Runxllow NHA three bedrooms luli bascnlcnt storms and screens Located in Ncwmarkct vlu sell or trada or house in Barrie Telephone New marltct Tiv 54212 MODERN six roombrink hunga low thrcc bedrooms Base ment sulinbla lor apartment with two piece bath storms through out Spccial discount or cash to mortgage Private sale ply to Daricit liiulr in Co rinlton street PA Molt evenings LARGE three bedroom brick bun galaw Irshnpcd living and dining room with ï¬replace hulan china ublnct Frigidaire huiltdn stove and ovcn units Hanover kitchen cupboards Guiltin vanity in bath room Hardwood floors Attached narnzc 0n large lot at 56 nlarlan Crescent Tclcphona Gordon spring PA 115091 HOUSES FOR SALE OR RENT EURTON AVENUE Private sale it room brick home built or turn lly living on landscaped lot 155 it deep iwo room apartment on main lionr Telephone PA c5157 PROPERTY WTD TO BUY THREE ncnnooni modern brick bungalow Central or on bus line Stato location age and prlco to Box or narris Examiner six on SEVEN Room Eouic wan ted to buy Control location can age on heated Write stating lo cation age price to ltrs Ych kins RR stcoud Ontario MO RTGAGES MONEY AVAILABLE FOR Consolidation of Bills Home repairs etc NO BONUS LOW RATES LIFE INSURED $I 549 at $56 Monthly $3544 at $90 Monthly Up to $5000 and 60 month to repay SEABOARD DISCOUNT I4 Dunlop Sr PA 66477 COMING EVENTS MORTGAGE WANTED on farm ADDLV Box Barrie Examiner Santas Coming to Handy Hardware 8th Line Innisfil Alcona Beach Road Bring The Kiddies This Saturday Afternoon December 9th FREE CHRISTMAS TREES With $10 Cash Purchase One to household HEATED three room unitilnlshcd UNPuRNisnED Apartment AllnDlt REuADLE COUPLE wanted to REAL ESTATE ROGERS ONE DUNLoP marri East First in nanla Horn suesroman to Quality at Servlcs PA 85568 EVENINGS CALL IRS MOOREPA 107 imamPA use unions BARRID DISTRICT Btu ESTATE BOARD PROPERTY FOR SALE CONNELL TRUNK LINES formsPA Hm CONNELLPA mu RENTALS APTs HOUSES T0 RENT ADJOINING PARK Besrde Lake 0nd and two bedroom aparts meats complete with stove and reltigcrater Use at washer and dryer Redemrated annually PA 81063 NEW LARGE Apartments in rent in new apartment buildinr One and two bedroom suites sion and rerrlrcratar supplied nun dry iacllitlcs Queen Street area PA coded CORBY REAL ESTATE BROKER Phone PA Bztls liAncL MARSHALLPA Mao MURIEI ImmYPA can Norman REAL ESTATE BROKER DUNLOP ST FIRST MORTGAGE FUNDS AVAILABLE17 to GP VALUENo Pm CHARGED £1le Call loe LoDlLln PA med Everett sbaiswall Oro 2915 Howard North PA no Dunlap 81 coRnlrPA Mm Shelswell PA 89961 PA 83742 iNTERmT Jack Wllen PA Moll Norman shtlawall PA 33961 was UNYUILNIEIIED ONE BEDROOM rurnlshcd beat ed apartment it contained Lott or parkiol Ilacc nlo noon and larga closed in verandah Tel Emma days PA 35170 ovlnlnu Hose Lownk sellcontained two bed room unnirnlsned apartment in in west end Completely modern with builtin cupboards and fly at bath Hut and water nipp ed Tolephona PA 50915 hunted merit livan room bedroom aria lcb ien with stove and reiruerator Lights and water supplied Park in lpau Central location Tela bout PA 5557 or rurtner do alts Two BEDROOM unrurnlahtd apartment or rent with ptparat entrance and bath Utilitlu aup lied Child welcome Available ecember 15 Telephone PA 07130 or iurther inlormann CLIFF BROWN REALTOR 32 HIGH STREET BARRIE Plioncs FA soul PA sow FAVORABLE LOCATION ii you are looking or comfortable home of one floor plan with bedrooms living room separate dining room kitchen and piece bathroom plenty oi closet splice toothis is the home for you The house is of stucco exterior has driveway and garage is neat and in excellent repair facilities Heated by hot air oil lain 0n Clappcrton St Priced at $l2000 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY For sale or rent Ai location suitable ior wrecking business or other small business One new steel with complete plate glass front One older building 20 35 cement block construction ior storage These buildings are situ nted on lot 100 200 west end Dunlap St ion call this oiiice Members or the Bartio Real Palate Board area Ior Iurther iniorm Sinth CampbellPA 57339 Fergus Garvey PA Will MORTGAGES Immediate IST AND 2ND MORTGAGE LOANS Unlimited private funds avail able at any type of dwelling or construction anywhere Free consultation No Obligation CALL PA 60931 MORTGAGE FUNDING 129 Dunlap St East DVEI SIMPSON SSEARS nlORTGAGEBirt and 2nd bought told lDd mlnzod Commercial and residential ndneil loaned on existing modules IrriI him Euro Broken PA mu FINANCIAL $5000 ONLY 4Ic FOR WEEKS ASK FOR MINI LOAN CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST ASK FOR BUD DALEY PA 60203 RENTALS LOW cosT SPACE for rent Clean modeln buildings sullabla or conimcrclai or light industrial Telophonc PA 66575 NURSING HOMES AVAILAnLE November two The full basement has laundry Lot is 47 we easy to main building 30 50 ill brick and lost developing ioan LingPA 55m RENTALS APTS HOUSES TO RENT BRENTWOOD TERRACE Sell contained two bedroom apartment Living room kitch en lull bnsemenL Central loca tion 385 per month Telephone PA 83238 LARGE nicely decorated two bed room heated coltcontained arb mcnt Central location chudrnn welcome Tclcpbono PA weal UNFURNISIIED belted apart menl iour rooms plus suaporch and bath Overlooking lake cans EgéézAvailahld now Telephono PA UNPURNISHED room apart inch ior rent on North St Heated Plcnly oi cupboard space Tele phone at rncni iima or evenlhn at PA 84510 FURNISHED two room apartment in quiet well kept downtown home suit business lady or gen tlcman 35o per month Telephon PA 55137 THREE ROOnls and bath base ment apartman Hot water heated with all Private entrance Central 1y located Partly turnlabcd Telm phone PA 52553 or PA N306 clung Roonr House tor rent Eight miles trom Patric near No 11 Highway Watcr inside chl ing reasonably Telephonn 135R Elmvlle ANGUS Foul room house with both unrurnlshcd Apply to II Robertson telephone HE $5595 Available immediately bedroom bungalow au convenien ces on heat Rcasonnolc Tele pbona Oakvllle Vallcy moon or writasox so hartto Examiner ONE AND Two bedroom aplrt merits stove retrigcraior janitor service and laundry laciutlca Rellb Ins from $0000 monthly Tdephbnu Leech PA 670 Ed ZONE overhaul the DI rooms and bath attached lanle walkout bucmeni cold room storms and screens and may eat Talephono PA moi even PA on ONE DEDROOM Apartment Owen and Grove Street am Ample storage parklnr laundry room with dryer Available December Telephone PA Hui or PA tutu or PA com NEW MODERN centrally iocalrd two bedroom apartment or rent Rclrlgcntnr stove and laundry iacllittcs Available immediately Janitor service Telephone PA 6609 ior iurtner lnlormatioa LARGE HEATED Apartment Liv Itll room dining room kitchen bedroom and bath Sci contained Very ccntral Plenty or storage space Available now 95 monthly Telephona PA Non PivE LARGE Room two bedroom heated apartment unlurnlshed Spaciuiu Rant and back yards close to public and ac araia schools Available immedaicly Telephone PA assoc Two DEDROOM Apartment in modern apartment building com plcttly aciiconialncd stove re Decent riceraior washer and or aug lled Availhie elaphone PA Nils Timlin ROOM Rmimd lonr apart rneni separate antrancn and bath but lugplled Close to school Also trc room modernly ile corated Irtment with nursery Each avainble December Telm phone PA Mull ROOM BOARD Room AND BOARD availbio Close to downtown Apply is Ben cxy Street ier iurthcr lnrolniatlnu MARY sTREET vicinity Room and board Gentleman Preferred vli pack lunches ironic privile ges Close to downtown Telephone PA 045665 Ronni AND noARn available Close to downtown Gentleman prercrrcd Luncncs acked it dew sired Parking aroa alephonePA new ARTICLES For SALE ARTICLES For SALE Barrie SECONDHAND STORE Has all used goods plus new slightly damaged items way below original east We also buy content lots as DUNLOP ST Phone PA 82427 HANDY HARDWARE Bill Linc Innlxiil Alcona Beach Road ICompleto matchbox model series oSkates tobbogans iricyclcs wagons Ilull line of sec toys OGIitwareJ Olientty Appliances CASH OR TRADE on Skates Appliances etc STORE OWNERS tale Assorted quantity of old stock COUNTER SALES BOOKS SINGLE CARBON AUTOMATIC These books are in per fect condition but have I95 on the date line REGULAR PRICE FROM 12c to 20 Clearing at 9c ea lus PROVINch SALES TAX Commercial Printing Dept Barrie Examiner Phone 66537 Used TV from 4900 Used Refrigerators from 8900 Used Ranges from 2900 All unconditionally Guaranteed McFADDEN Appliance 12a PENETANG STREET PA 85288 HOMELITE Dun Chain Saw for gain as new Tclcphono PA o5o91 cAsii LOANssioll at 12 our mouth Talcpilnna PA was areszenl Finance 35 Dunlap st as DILY lianD WOOD tor sale slo Per cord or will saw in stovc lcnirths and dollvu 515 Telephone PA Roost ROOM AND noAitD with mothcrv ly euro given tor babies and children In my own Dorothy 11 week Apply to Box 79 Barrio Ex aminer ROOMS TO LET iuRleHED ROOM Very central Working man prcrcrred 115 Bly lleld street Barrie BRIGHT Furnished Housekeeping Room stove and rorrlgerator Lo cated between hospital and shop ping plaza Telephone PA 55301 DBDRDOM AND Kitchen tor rent iully furnished Light heat and water included Central location Telephone PA 33593 Ronni FOR RENT heated mm lshtd with rangctic retrlgcntor and linen suppllld Apply at 01 Mary street lor turther iniorma tlon Two LARGE unfurnished rooms to rent in private home Located close to downtown would mako an ideal small nparmeut 1ch phono PA 50477 cnnsTnRPlELD vanity Tyrowrltcr All in can condition Tclaphone PA nulls iol turther details annRoN uaby Carri it baby Crib with new mattress Conven abls Baby Swing Reasonable Telephone PA 60105 or sale also and Lamps FRUIT VEGETABLEST APPLE BARN hlcluiosh Snow Coilrllond and other varieties Windialis $125 per bushel Fresh cider Phone PA 89201 CHRIsnIAI Thus delivered to home Apply Gritty Parma telphone PA 54950 or PA 39685 APPLE CIDER run or treat ro tcn also Ippln buiter tor break lut ack or anylilirae1 Wflrhily gauou on up cp pbono PA web FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest prices paid or dead or crippled cattle and horses Smnli animal removed free For last service phone BARREE PA 07751 collect or ask for ZENITH $1130 NO CHARGE It Donn du7 days wash NICKS DEAD STOCK RR Fomiead Ontario License No 139C61 LIVESTOCK Ple Pail hALE seven weeks old Eating well Telephone Gcnnip RR Eimvale 7iiilui Two PUREBRED Herelord horn ed Bulls Icrvicelhlo ago Also young Pigs to in weeks old Apply Alvin Calms telephone PA 55597 POULTRY CHICKS 31 DARRED ROCK Pullth or Hit by month old Also two Deaglo Pops 12 weeks old Telephone PA 650 FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH FARM SUPPLIES C7 SERVICE CIIE New Holland David Brown Bcaiiy Farm Equipment lls BURTON AVE PA 82373 SPECIAL Team of horses one seven years old one three years old Drive well SPECIAL One Massey Binder with canvasses $6500 CASH TRADE TERMS DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE Milkcrs Vacuum Pumps Wash Tanks Separators Paris or any milker HANK BROWN RR BARRIE HOLLY PA 60338 AUTOMOTIVE CARS WTD TO BUY ORV HARDY MOTORS BARRIES NEWEST CAR LOT URGENTLY REQUIRES USED CARS TRADE UP 0R DOWN WE WILL LEND YOU MONEY ON YOUR PRSENI CAR 175 BRADFORD STREET PHONE PA H272 PIANOACCDRDION or sale 120 bass Polllna Cost $270 Hardly used Will rail or $150 Telephunu PA 510 CHRISTMAS Titans tor aaic neauuiul Scotch Pines Apply to Jan Pintrowski Hillsdale or tele phone Moonstona Iolnir ELECTRIC RANGE Gurney 40 in Al condition 34v Recently ra wired Tclephonc HE 05535 tor rurihet internslion CHROME SUITE ï¬vti piece Chrome High Chair red and Pi Pen toi sale All In good cond tton Telephone PA 5511 sensor can coat tor rate also is Lndya nylon oversbocs silo W2 Pawn plankst Coat slza in Apply 107 Sophia Street West narrle otter is out ARTICLES For SALE ARK EDEN NURSING HOME Built or this work semi and private rooms kind nursing care good road TV rooms station in gen ior ouiln Title bond strand APTS HOUSES TO RENT THREE Roulii uniurnishcd bouaa ior JentA Cgflvalallexggesiï¬‚ï¬ per mon pp Dr va ior further intorlnaiioIi TWO BEDROOM heated apart ment in modarn triplex on bottom iloor $55 per month Available January Telephone PA 80204 Two BEDROOM Apartment New rctrlgerator and stove washer and drycr New building Available im mediately Telephone PA 5552 HOUSE in rent at Oakley Park sauarc Three bedrooms 011 huts Available im mediately crrrne PA 34670 Ior urtth dcta IiUltTllN AVENUE Three room unlurnished apartment tar rent Oil heated Hot water With stove and rerrlgcrator private bath Ap ply ia Centre street HEATED two room turnisbed aparunent Private bath Separate entrance Stove and rerrtgerator Butlilri cupboards $12 week sin glesia week couple Telephone PA H518 FIVE llEDRoolll House for rent at us Gunn street close to schooslls5 Fiveï¬ï¬rsfloldhï¬u mod era mon heat ing PA 609111 UNFURNISHED tour room apart ment and private bath Dentcd Bus stop at door Apply at art meat 117 loan street Tele phone PA 51236 or details TilREE Reolii Apartment privaia hath rentgnrator and stove Cvnrlohkln iako immediate poa scssion children Telephone PA nzsiu FURNISHED three or tout room upper apartment North Maple Parking Suitable ror couple $4 week per room Vacant Write Box Barrie Examiner apartment ior tent sclronntaincd Centrally located Water Supplied Available immediately Telephon PA 35350 or PA 35319 conIPGRTADLE our room untun nisbed apnrtmcntplua heat hy dro and parking Bus stop at door 33ng district Telephone PA UPPER DUPLEX tor rrnt two bedrooms living room and kltcb on ruliy tiled touhpleco bath room all heated Laundry acui tlcs Immediate possession Talc pnona PA 53209 dale and live rooms living room with lireplace kitchcn with dining areaimed bedrooms arc of inun dry room 95 mpnthly includes but and hydro Alply Ed Peel Sta alter pm shore ncw three bldflmin house Very central location two blocks ram downtown Idealrior working couple For Kurther inioimntlon telephone PA $1420 No children Or pets please UNPURNIsilED upstairs apart incrit three rooms privata bath Central location Oil heated Pri valo hot watcr tank In private homono other tenants Avail lhla DEW TelepthB PA 39151 UNFURNISBED Apartment iour rooms and bath Ground floor Heated Clean modurilaeIIconv tnlncd control location Parking stove reirlgcratnr and partially mrulshed it required PA 34551 THREE ROOM Apartment rotrcnt uniurniahed soilcontained rend sonabio rent Available alter Dc ccmber Tclephonc 5m strand or iurthcr intarinnilon FIVE RoOlIIEn furnished heat oil apartment with two bedrooms on Kmund floor Private entrance and bathroom Preier or busi ness girls or school teachers Available now Phone PA 54192 UNPURNISHED one and two bed rooln apartments heated centrah ly located Kitchens with builtin cupboards Adults only Telephone gag2400 and atier 650 pm PA NEW AND Modern one and two bedroom apartments DVOTIDOILIDE iconic Kcmpanielt Bay Heat wa ier arking and Janitor carvico inclu ed Automatic warhqu ciiiticL PA c2901 POUR ROOM Apartmcnt tllo bath unlurnished stove and re rigcratoi supplied Centrally lib dated No chldrcn Available inl mediately For urthcr latorma tinn telephone PA 50241 TimBB Rooms not contained with sink and mademcuphnnrd oll heatcd tiled noon kitchen plenty of closet space stove and relrigcralor supplied suit coupla Plian PA 56565 EWSPAPER MATS Sizes mill ideal iot lining hen houses atï¬cs garages etc perfect insulator 25 PER DOZEN APPly The Barrie Examln er Barrie Ontario WRECKING BEAUTIFUL LARGE HOME 140 Dunlap Street East ALL MATERIALS MUST BE SOLD OMndcrn plumbing OHot water heating system including sectional boiler and radiators OModcril ldtcllell cabinets and cupboards linoleums oak Ilnnring stairs windows an doors OLumber of every description Ohiany more items too numer ous to mention SALESMAN ON JOB ST CLAIR WRECKING CO LTD FURNACES FOR SALE FORCED AIR OIL OR GAS NEW $110 FINANCE RATE Phone Collect Strnud 41115 WOODWARD 8i SONS Heating Contractors RR Stroud ciliNEsE KID ETOLE or role grey like new 15 or nearest oiicr Telephone Camp Borden as daytime only nLADE Della Radial Saw with stand Dado head in new condi tion Tclepboon PA ami betwea and Pan 1nt ACEORDION for Dale three 5mm two bases and 51115 row treble keys Brand new Selling reasonably Telephone PA 89191 moments bought told rent ad repaired studcnt rental rates Ask about our Rani Try then Buy Plan star hrpnwiiter Co 14 Bradford St PA 56595 CARD FOR your car ideas paid cit Wc trade up or down Al llDdIlo billion It imp Road Dan rle PA well AUTOMOTIVE CARS wro TO BUY can WANTED for wrecking and scrap any age or model Elilulu an med parts 511 real good 100 20 Tina lrla Truck Platlom Telephone Cookstoim seam TRUCKS 8r TRAILERS 1950 DODGE Pickup fiction in good condition two new rroni tires Selling prlrc 1155 ply at Eoihwell Crescent ie rphona PA can MOTOR CARS FOR SALE MIDTOWN YEAR END CLEARANCE 1961 Pontiac Parisieilne $2725 1061 Ford Fairlane $1990 1961 Pontiac $2550 1960 Chev Biscayne $1725 1959 Buick Hardtop $1830 1959 Chev $1390 1956 Chev Sedan $680 1956 Ford Custom $595 1955 Oldsmobile $587 All cars reconditioned and guaranteed Some with automa lic transmission radio and snow tires 41 ESSA ROAD ROY HAWKINS VIAU MOTORS LIMITED Rambler 8r Hillman 10 DOWN 17 GOVVAN ST PA 68488 wno ELSE WANTS ANEWCAR Buy It Now With LowCost Liteinsured SCOTIA PLAN LOAN THE BANK OI NOVA SCOTIA MOTORS TRIUMPH and STANDARD DEALERS Repairs to All Makes 0ML and NAL Towing 75 BAYFIELD STI PA 84165 1952 CHEVROLET ior sale with radio and tour good tlrcs Apply to so willowdnlo Avenue or teln phnne PA 3795 1951 llloNAlicR for salt in run niog condition two door It tires Tclcphuno PA was ror lurv tbcr details 1950 MERCEDES RENE or sale 190 Diesel pcriect condition 15000 miles $2150 Can be llnanced Telcpbono Camp Gordan Pas lost DODGE Royal two toncd with radio and iiutnrnntlc translt mlsion Good condition No ren sdnaole oriizr reruscd Owncr leav ing country Tclepnonc PA 68185 1554 llloNARCll our door new tires good motor new battery good radio Body in good condl tlon Reasonable trust sell $200 Telephone Mirror 52 1954 PONTIAC Dcluxe twodoor cylinder automatic in good care dltlali vill swap tor pickup truck or llvcstock or will scll tor $450 Tcrms to reliable pcrsou Tele phone cooksiown 4554555 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month or Year Telephone PA 82414 APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE Service to all makes I47 DUNLOP ST PA 61 I42 CARPENTRY RENTALS Singer Electric Port abla Machines for rent by the week or the month Singer Sew ing Centre Dunlap street west Telephono PA Mose or Elmvlle COMPLETE MM lllovla equip meat months old Elmo as zoom Auto Eye Pistol Grip iri Pod Carrying Case Light Dar Argus no wait Projector Screen Total cost $410 511 tor $210 Phone PA M510 Two ONLY used Filter Queen Cleaners in Good condition $5950 also new lodz models $15950 and up Maka this Christmas Piltcr Queen Christmas Very low down payment Telephone PA N482 for homa presentationget pair or nylons tree No obugationto buy About EIJDE Protector for IVs and inch slides Limowatt bulb storage ior to slides used twelve times 523 shotgun Stevens 53 AC repeating bolt action with Savaga aniustnblc choke clip InnK azlne takedown shot capacity 20 gauge used only 15 shells as new 340 Camera Polaroid 500 with electric eye wink light bounce flash cowhide carrying case only used Aims as new $140 Telephone Elmvalc rallRaz DOGS PETS WILLETTS PETS 41 GOWAN STREET Complete lines by HARTZ MOUNTAIN and LONGLIFE Lovely song birds budgies and Finches Tropical and Gold Fish Turtles and all pets OPEN TO 330 PM DAILY PHONE PA 641036 weeks old Telephone PA 89204 ADVERTISE IN THE BARRIE EXAM NER PHONE PA 82410 NEW HOMES Remodelling silingling porches recreation rooms Complete trimming to houses and garages BRUCE CAMERON PA 66071 DIAPER SERVICE BARRIES FINEST DIAPER SERVICE Twice weekly pickup or delivery It FRANCIS 7T lREAR PA 58551 bit than DECK of Cixlflflu day DRIVING SCHOOL PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Hanging Spray Painting Service Since 1920 RR Barrie PA ossso MASONRY If it can he built with BLOCK BRICK or STONE CALL SPROULE MASONRY CONTRACTOR For guaranteed workmanship at reasonable prices PA 60966 REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE 33 Clappertol St PHONE PA 84562 SANITARY DISPOSAL ORILLIA SCHOOL OF SAFE DRIVING Since 1956 FOR APPOINTMENT CALL PA 66551 EXCAVATI NG FILL GRAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMED Excavating and Grading Water Delivery Crushed stone Halt yard Backhoe for hire DENNIS MORAN 23 Anne Street PA 507 INSULATION INSULATION With No Rockwooi THE BLOWING METHOD SCOII MUm AirTito Insulation Rep PHONE MINESING 211 Free estimates guaranteed worli Barrio DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT We have been licensed to to move your dead and crippled tram animals under the above FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECT BARRLE PArkway 83617 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE LICENSE coco WELL DIGGING WELLS DRILLED PUMPS nvsrAliann BY LICENSED DRILLERS FREE ESTIMATES Couplund Drilling RR BARBIE PA 87646 Try Examiner Want Ad PHONE pa null