OUR TELEPHONES For Examiner Want Ads Tole hone PA 82414 The telephone number to call for the Business or Editorial Dept in PA 66537 97th YearNo 285 FACING UP TO ROYAL GIFT Queen Elizabeth looks away as Prince Philip take clos er look at box containing live boa constrictor gift to him from Sir Milton Margot prime minister of Sierra Leone in while robes behind Prince Incident is in Free town Sierra Leones capital Stall On Wheat Pact May Bite Euromcrrt OTTAWA or The gov eminent is expected to resist firmly any attempt to extend the International Wheat Agree ment unchanged for another year The three year pact expires July at and there are signs the extension will be sought pend lng solution of the European Cnmmon Markets assorted og rlcultural problems The wheat agreement is one of three international commod ity pacts the others cover sugar and tin and one which has remained pillar of Cana dian trade policy since the late 19405 All six of the European Mar ket countries are members of the member agreement di vided into wheat importing and exporting countries France for one is regarded as likely to ask for an extension without change so that it can attempt to get Common Market agicemchto sell more of its surplus soft wheat inside the Market alli ance Working out common agri culture policy is big problem for the Market and especially in negotiations about British entry SEEK HIGHER PRICE On the other hand Canada and the United States as two main exporters are expected to seek new three year treaty by July 31 and to press for higher in in price per bushel The present level is $190 and Canadian top grades due to depreciation of the dollar and good dmemand coupled with re duced harvests are close to that now It is taken for granted that Canada will seek higher maximum price while those con Beei Prices Will Remain High But Expected To Go No Further OTTAWA CPI Highriding Canadian beet prices arent ex pected to show any recession until February or later But neither are they due to rise much more because of the firm anchor of United States supplies always ready to move in when Canadian prices in crease enough Meanwhile livestock market ing officials here said Tuesday that the impending holiday sea son means more turkey and ham sales and that beefeaters wont be crowding store count ers until after the festivities The price rise 12 cents pound since July 1is stage two of developments caused by prairie drought First farmers were anxious to avoid being caught with an imals and no grain or fodder See Living Costs They steped up the normal aii tumn marketing rush by three months The run started to be felt June 15 and by Oct 28 nearly 270000 more cattls than usual were marketed ditions prevail perhaps asking us much as 30 cents more while settling for say around 20 cents Under the agreement the 34 importing countries agree to take certain amounts of wheat at prices prevailing between high and low limits The ceiling protects the buyer in the event of demand outpacing supply The floor price protects the pro duccr in theory from hav ing the market price sink be low pegged level Attlee Is Very Ill AMERSHAM England Rene crslEarl Attlee former Brit ish prime minister was re ported today to be very seri ously ill in hospital here The 7syearold Attlee who was labor prime minister from 1945 until 1951 entered hospital here Tuesday for what his daughter described as an up set tummy His daughter added that Attlee also would undergo complete checkup Lady Attlee is in the same hospital as her husband She is suffering from iumbago Attlee entered Parliament in 1922 and retired 13 years later after 20 years as leader of the Labor partylonger than any other head of any British party in modern times On his retiremcntin 1955 he was created an earl and en tered the House of Lords HALIFAX CF Canada in the last year has moved from recession into new phase of expansion William Nicks president of the Bank of Nova Seatia said today at the banks annual meeting How strong the forward surge will be is not yet clear Mr Nicks added but it is clear that 1962 will be better year than 1961 At the some time good deal remains to be done Mr Nicks ssid Gains in productivity and employment are not sufficient ioinukeodequute use or our resources The number of job penings is not increasing as ro ldly as the number of young people reaching working age Under these circumstances there is not enough new employ ment to sustain our accepted longterm goals for immigra tion in fact this year the in flow has fallen below the out flow to the United States and Europe Despite the consider able improvement in our trade position our international pay ments still show net excess of $800000000 l0 $900000000 for this year MUST REDUCE COSTS These and various other fac tors mean adjustments for ev HERES one Prospective Fatherinst If give mydaughter large dowery what have you to fcr in exchange Prospective SoneinLaw can give you receipt eryone in business Mr Nicks continued ljinagement will have to conti us to search for ways to keep down costs The sales force will have to weed out order takers and woo the customer in more ardent fashion Workers will find wage increases will draw to bear more direct re lationship to productivity His comments were contained in text made available to the press in advance of delivery In regard to the European Common Market and Britains proposed entry into Nicks spilt it is approp Canada should express its point of view on questions so vital to it It is equally important how ever that we face realistically the changes that have taken place in Europe and seek ways of adapting ourgelves to them LOCAL WEATHER Cloudy snowflurries Thursday becoming colder Low tonight 20 High Thursday 25 For full summary turn to page two Ramp aiEx Barrie Ontario Canada Wodnudey Bomber I961 Thant Declares War May Leave For Congo UNITED NATIONS CPI Possibility of new meeting of the United Nations Security Council onlhe Congo was seen today after Acting Secretary General Thant ordered strong action to quell lighting in Ku tonga province Faced with the gravest crisis since he took office month ago Thant moved swiftly to place the UN on virtual war footing in rKatanga and hinted he might take personal mis sion to The Congo Delegates felt Thunts promise to give the council full report on the latest Katanga events indicated he will be quicker to seek guidance from the UNs top security body than his predecessor the late Dag Hammsrskjold Thant ordered up reinforce ments as word reached here that the 115 embassy in Lee poldville had placed US Globe master planes at the UN com mands disposol to ferry troops into the Katangn capital of Eli ssbcthville Delegates believed that Rus sia might use the latest Ka tanga upheaval to demand la France had sabotaged the UN secession of the mineralrich province Gen Sean McKeown Irish commander of UN troops in The Congo described as quite true OBriens charges that the force had been hindered by certain powers McKcown who passed through London en route to The Congo said Britain should have taken more vigi lent stops to get British mcr cenaries out of Kstanga once it there lfcleown said he will quit his command Dec 31 but only be cause he has no wish to make career with the United Na tions Meanwhile the UN General Assembly heard suggestion by Nigerias Foreign ter Jaja Wachuku that the issue of Chinese rship in the world body be settled on the ba sis of tth Chinas Wochukuthe first such sug gestion since the debate opened Fridayproposed that CommuA nist China be admitted to UN membership but not at the ex pense of allst China lwelssich ould also czisi men ans expec ea Vaccme Sent Thursday on the Chinese ques new strain and that Type vi tion has indicated it will sup rus does not spread as quickly port United States resolution stating that any decision re as the more common Type virus garding expulsion of Formosa Several schools were closed and visitors barred from hospi tals in the Regina district be cause of the qu outbreak Dr Nagler said the incidence of in lluonza is normal in the rest of the country according to his new council meeting on The Congo This would give it chance to air charges by Conor Cruise OBrien of Ireln nd who re signed Saturday cs UN chief in New Influenze Schools Closed OTTAWA CPIHealth de partment official confirmed Tuesday that new strain of influenza virus has been found in Canada but added that an existing vaccine is effective against the virus The departments laboratory of hygiene reported it has iden tified new strain oi Type virus as the cause of an influ require twothirds vote of tbo losvmember assembly The Sov ietUnion has introduced re solution stating that only sim ter emitter Not Mgr Than per Copy26 FagI UN BATTLE RAGES ARMS FLOWN IN Blasting Them Oat UN Says Were Still There Katanga ELISABETHVILLE Fight ing raged betweenllnited Na lions and Katango forces in Katongo that Britain and residential area of Elisabeth ville today and at the old nir by encouraging the continued field just north of the city UN spokesman said the Katangans were redeploying the troops of their secessionist Congo provinceat the old atr field sile of Tuesdays out break of the fighting We are blasting them with mortars he spokesman said Katanga information Minister Albert Nyembo claimed the UN had been driven from its head quarters north of the city and mum they were ape Ming the lndisn Gurkha camp around But the deputy UN civilian chief Abdul Latif Suegar de nied the claim and said all was quiet in the area of the UN headquarters except for spor ELISABETHVILLE message from Elisabethv ville reached the Brussels office of The Associated Press Tuesday after fight ing broke out in The Congo It read Watch us and love us and for Gods sake pray for us The sender of the message is not known adic mortar fire which had scored some hits Nycmbo also claimed Katan gan troops had forced the UN to withdraw from the former MSW Feb Lido Hotel which the UN had been using as rest camp guarded by small garrison Six v5 Air Force Globemas pie majority is required since it ters took off from Leopoldville is merely procedural mat loaded with armored cars and an antiaircraft battery to bol departments information The new strain of iofiuenza is reported to be on the wane in Regina but spread into rural areasto the east and west of the city Dr Murray Acker director of enzn outbreak in the Regina area Dr Nagler chief of the virus laboratories said the strainwas isolated at the Sas katchewan provincial labora tory in Regina He said the Church Call For Reasonable Risks For Sake Of World Peace stlclr the UN forces in Elisabeth vr Kniangas small air force swung into action with bomb int raid on the Unith Nations hcld mnin Elisabethville airport by converted Germanmade Dornicr UN spokesman reported that three bombs were dropped but they did not cause serious damage or casualties This morning nnolhcr Katnn gsn plane circled in the UN headquarters and the adjoining Gurkha cra mp UN troop opened up on antiaircraft bar rage while European and Negro civilians gathered in the streets to watch JETS IN ACTION UN headquarters in Leopold villeannouneed that its lsjet MOISE TSHOMBE air force has been ordered to attack air force strongholds in Jadotvlllo snd Kolwezi and Indian Brig If Rain the UN commander in Katanga said Swedish jets strafed Katangan Fouga jets Tuesday at Kolwezl 15o miles northwest of Elisabethville Raja said the attack at Kol wezi prevented planned attack that same strain was detected re cently in Florida The strain was closely re Iated to Type GreatLakes influenza virus which was is olated in Michigan in 1957 IDr Nagler said Type vac cine is effective against the WRONG WAY RIGHT WAY STRAIGHTIIWAY NEW YORK AP Mrs Genevieve Hebert French horn art lover has caught the Museum of Modern Art in an artistic taux pas For the last 47 days the museum has been hanging an Henri Matisse picture upside down Museum experts ad mitted their mistake Monday and turned the picture right side up The picture in question is simple cutandpasted gou ache of sailboat and its re flection Consequently it looks pretty much the same one side up or the other And so it apparently did to all but one of the 116000 per son who have visited the mu seum since Matisse exhibi tion opened Oct litincluding the late French masters own son New York art dealer Pierre Matisse Crew Is Sale On Lake Vessel HOUGHTON Mich AP The Us Coast Guard cutter Woodrush Tuesday night towed the disabled Canadian freighter Secord into the shelter of the Beta Grise Bay at the north ern tip of upper Michigans Ke weenaw Peninsula which juts into Lake Superior The powerlessfreighterrwas rescued Tuesday by the cutter from rough Lake Superior waves Beta Grise Bay is onthe east ernsideIof the Keweenaw ps ninsula and affords protection from the west and westnorth west winds that had been but telling the ship the Saskatchewan health delt partments regional services branch was in Toronto Tues day toobtain supplies of vac ctnc Severslschools in the Regina rural health district were closed Tuesday as attendance in some dropped 90 per cent Roberts Promises Announcement On Probe Demand TORONTO CP Premier Robarts in ate Tuesday night there will be an announce ment before Christmas on the Ontario governments course of action to meet recent demands for an investigation of organ ized crime He said inan interview he is stillanalyzing last weeks speech of Liberal Leader John Wintermeyer in the legislature dealing with the crime situation doubt very much that it will take me until Christmas tc make up my mind he said consider this to be matter of great importance and will deal with it as soon as can Asked what course of action he might take berssld will examine the situation as told the House last week and make up my mind what will recommend to the govern men pension fortaking an unauthorï¬ Pontiac is under the religious trolled from nearby Pembroke NEW DELHI AP Chris tians ended their global con clave today with plea to all countries to take reasonable risks for the sake of peace Those who would break through the vicious circle of suspicion must dare to pioneer declared the general assembly of the World Council of Churches The assembly called for halt to the arms race an end to the war of nerves to pres sures on small countries to the rattling of bombs It recommended this code of international conduct Let there be restraint and selfdenial in the things which make for war patience and persistence in seeking to re solve the things which divide and boldness and courage in grasping the things which make for peace The appeal to all govern ments and peoples was adoptedshortly before the 18 dsy assembly In this Indian capital closed with stirring service of psalms prayers and hymns The delegates from 198 Prot Chaput Begins His Campaign FORT COULONGE Que CPIMarcel Chaput president of leading Quebectseparatist movement said Tuesday night the large Quebec county of domination of predominantly Englishspeaking diocese and should be placed under French longusge control The president of ie Rassemlt blement pour llndependance Nationals told gathering of some 175 persons in this com munity 60 miles northwest of Ottawa that the religious and any n1 ls almost totally con Ont It was Dr Chapots first speaking engagement since he resigned his government post after receiving twdweek sus ized leavs to attend Laval University mgfereoco estant Orthodox and other de nominations 350000000 members urged all states to renounce the threat force many generations and the heri tage of ages past hang in the balance cited as the goal but first steps toward meantime such as verified ces sation of nuclear tests countries theappeal also urged more cultural exchanges free dam of information and human contact and elimination of bar riers churches even families Russ in students Biintl BurglarsllsedSeeingÂ¥eÂ¥ech on UN forces at Elisabeth ville He reported one Fouga got off the ground but made forced landing near Luluabourg in Kasai province In Paris Katanga President Moise Tshombe said Foreign Minister Evariste Kimba had informed him UN troops had attacked Katangsn forces in Manono 275 miles north of Elisabethville and the fighting in Katanga apparently had be come general Tshombe said he would leave for Katanga to day More than 40 dead were re ported from the lighting so far butthere was no possibility of an accurate count with more than The appeal said the future of General disarmament was it were urged in the To build confidence between divide peoples IN UTSHELL $100000 Stocks Stolen From Car MONTREAL CF briefcase containing 3100000 worth of mining stocks was stolen Tuesday night from the car or Leonidas Boileau of suburban Dorian The car which also contained Mr Boileaus passport and other papers had been parked in the midtown Reform Club lot The thief gained entry by breaking window Cleaner Falls 60 Feet Lives HAMILTON CP 37yearoldwindow washer fell 60 feet fromthe fourth floor of downtown office todayand survived suffering from back chest and leg injuries Stolen Locomotive Breaches Border BERLIN AP daring young railway engineer and at friends andrelatives seized an East German train Tuesday night and roaredat 50 miles an hour past startled border guards to safety in West Berlin Studentsivaap Nay Monlor Nyetk ABERDEEN Scotland AP Three medical students Tuesday night talked thousands of commercial television viewersand an entire studio into believing they were Visning ndAP Ablind man was accused Tuesday of eingeye dog nd 13yearold boy to help limit string of home burglaries here New Pints shown jail Terms SHEEEROOKE Que CP Justice MinisterTultoo said Tuesday thegovernrnent plans to alter the Canadian penal system to provide for the serving of all jail sentence exceed ing one year in federalxtnstitutione