Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Dec 1961, p. 9

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SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS common Sunday visitors with Mr and hits Art Perry were Mr and Mrs Wes Perry and Ray Pritchard nl Barrie Mr and Mrs Dale Prltchard and sons Stephen Kevin and Shown at Scarboro TORONTO FUNERAL Arthur Perry attended the tuti eral at his tiroihcrindaw Ir ank Howard in Toronto on More day Mr and Mrs Howard Collins nd Wayne at Port Elgin visit Mrs Kolb on Sunday WOMENS INSTITUTE Crcemores iomeas lnsiituia held the November meeting In the Institute room at the town hall on Nov 21 The president Mrs John Knappett was In charge Mrs Sidey gave the Bible reading and 28 members answered the roll call paper entitled No home needs bog but every home needs lead er wa given by Mrs Knappett donation to the Chamber at Commerce Santa Claus Iund was given and committee ap pointed to look alter Hunt for the parade Current events the month were read by Giro Day lrs Sidey dei egate to area convention in Alliston gave splendid re port Mrs Emmott Home Economics Convener gave number of short papers and poem Miss Henclle was in charge at the program and had several members take part in playing Live Borrowed Lite the lives were at former and present wellknowri town resid ents social hour lolioucd TELEVISION next meeting to be hold on May Dec 11 MRS GILL BEREAVED Mrs William Gill received word on Nov 12 ot the death oi her eldest sister Mrs Newman st GraveslndEn gist Her passing followed hose pitnlizstioa and amputation of leg SCOUT MEETING The regular bimonthly meet iug oi the Blue Mountain Dist rict adult members at the Boy Scouts at Canada was held at St Lukes Parish Hall on Nov 71 with about 50 leaders at group committees and members at the Ladies Auxiliary In at tendance Ernie Roberts was chairman in the absence oi Don Rennie Iield commissioner Tito uniformed members met separ ately under District Commission er Solomon and District Cub master Sandie ORciily LEADER TRAINING The uution ol leaderi train ing in district was discussed and it was felt this type at training should be provtded in tho Bluo Mountain district Con crete plans were launched to provide this in the near luturc in the past the training of lead crs has taken place outside the district which meant they had to travel some distance in order to attend With the entry Into the district at leaders who are well qualitied themselves it was felt that they could Iorm the nucleus of local training team The question oi the training of Boy Scout patrol leaders was discussed and it was decided to provide training in the district PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE TUESDAY DECEMBER 400 The Womens Show can Arthur Halnca Show hllka Mercury cmoon only News netinno burn to Draw Farm Market nounrt News Dan Jamleson Weather Sports hen Corey Gary Moore Show lied skeltnn Front Page caiienro Inquiry King oi Diamond cuc TV News The Voumrrmtn Today in Sports Community Now Interpol Calling weuanaitY premium rats Test Pattern Romper noon Papcyn and Fall Noanday Report News Weather Sports Farm IMP Cominl Events Movie trim or This nun Mlle dis Paris illule Break Frienoiy Giant Maggie Musglns The Womens show ya Yes Nanette noun Daiilo Huckleberry nouns News Headlines Provincial Mlalrs Farm Market Report News Don Jomleson Weather Sports rimo llcrtan on Law and Mr Jane Bacholar Father CFTO CHANNE TUESDAY Montana Prorsrsorr Hideaway TBA Sports Walther Pierre Berton News Luvs it To Beaver Zane Grey Theatr Theutru At Eight Gun is ior Kullng Checkmate 017 sa 00 so 45 0o 30 oo 10 so 55 oo 30 THIS EMBLEM Identifies your WELCOME WAtttiiI SPONSflRS 1kmnofpmmmm flw business and civic lion your community For information call PA 66302 nonIo waterside whee aoo Piaydlte 91m We The Panic iooo News Magsin 10io Explorations 1100 cm TV News 1115 Thu Weatherman Today In ans Community ew 1130 Highway patrol THURSDAY Reunion Test Pattern Romper Roan noon and Pull Noonds Re on News Vut er Sports Farm Reg Corning ents Movie The Vanishing American Open House School Toireart People and Places nopu Around the Sun The Womans snow Lots Look Alberta Gama Farm nurio Dorrie Dick Tracey News Headlines iiiun From Mars Firm erkll Report News non Jamiesnn Weather Sport Pierre anrtoa The Flintstone The Real McCDyl sir Francis Drake My Three Sons The Dclenders country Junction One step Beyond 030W News The Weatherman Today in Sports Community leI Naked City TORONTO inao Pstur uunn 1100 News Wentiter 1125 Men or nutlay 11 Bitter Lat wannesnnv nncnmnn News Free and my Channel to Them Pretty Girl Playhouse News protutorr Hideaway TBA 9999149 SGESESSE EOFPrlrS resswu 388383 523382 Spam sports Walther By Film Berton New Bachelor rather 20 Queriions 71 Sunset Strip Elgin Pia hours Flight Honk Kong Thu Detectives News Weather Sparta The Jim Coleman snow Better Late THURADAY nzcnmm Now Free and nary Chhnnel Nine Theatre Love Me Foruvar Sclencn Fiction Theatre News protessors Hideaway iaA sports Weather 8y Pierre nurton News The Real McCoy showdown Theatre At Bin Frontier Gal Big Four Playback Sing Along With Mitch News Weather sports Men or Destiny Better Late resrisesnasnsneu 88218333328 euro °0 PrshPFEP54 shssassssa 2538 George llovies CONSTRUCTION LTD Baffle PA H188 CARRIER MISS YOU If your carrier has not arrived by pm please phone PA 82433 And Copy Will Be Delivered To Your Home THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS or them From the large meet ing came many items that will prove beneficial to all MANSFIELD John Jago is staying at the home oi his daughter Mrs Wy burae Kerr in Everett and is progresiing favorably THE LATE MRS BEATIIE Elva Glitch widpw at Dr Mowst Beattie native at Sun nldale passed away in Toronto last week Dr Beaitie taught In the Mansfield school loi two years about mine He served the people of Sutton and sur rounding community as physic ian allowing his graduation in medicine and his untimely pas sing at the age of so was most regrettable tor ho was loved by all Two sonsPcter and Paul survive Mrs Mary Anderson attended the uncrol of Mrs Besttie with interment at Sutton DRILL FOR WATER Water is again very scarce in the village Alvin McDonald had well drilled on the pro perty the United Church and got some water at 28 tect Congratulations to Mr Mrs Kent Johnston on the ar rival et baby daughter at Dullcrln District Hospital Oran gevilic on Monday Nov 20 sister or Ross Bruce David and Janey Mrs Bert Murphy is apaii ent in Stevenson Memorial Hos pital Alllston Seagoing Drake Dies In London DONDON Reuters Capt James Francis Drake 01 mar Ine superintendent or the Can ard Steam ship Line at South ampton England died Monday Passengers on the liner Car oniu and on the Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth knew him as staff captain ships pen sonnei oiiicer At one time during his tseyear career with Qinard he was master at the Samaria on the Canadian service CONTRACT BRIDGE BY JAY BECKER South dealer Neither side vulnerable norms A1098 ono eras +1972 WEST mass 414 213 press 7K1072 99753 108 ices +Qioos scum 91652 0Q our +Aa The bidding South W039 North East Pass NT Pass Opening leadthree 01 dia monds The best way to approach the play in most suit contracts is to start by counting losers If we apply this rule to the present deal we see that there is it loser in each suit The next thing to do since losing qur tricks means down one is to search for way of saving one of these tricks The first and most obvious chance of gaining trick is to play the jack of diamonds on the opening lead since there is good ehnco West led away from the queen However when we do this East produces the queen We win with the ace and then DAILY cnosswguto ACROSS Hebrew lyre Anal nail flunk electsloci E33 101mm moo 2255 121th Sun 13 beach god to bats 90M Seat Persia 35pr 2cm summer At 11315 °° pose 18Dust spent Iotsauoy 1751am area nuanaznnnna allIan In Elllfifilll Hllfifillll plan magistrates 80 stagnant pool eov aggro DUI attention 39 American Intleap Wrist pm Scottish Gaelic iook or other means at saving 2808a 28 Eskimo 23 Girl stu 2910 Split Nation Is Dangerous Fulton Says CHATEAUGUAY Que divided Canada would be too weak to overcome the danger cl cultural infiltration train the United States Justice Min Ister iultoa said Monday night English Canadians and French diner together will build strong Canadian nation he told Progressive party meeting Speaking In French Mr Ful tori said that in 1818 Col Charles do Salaberry led corn blned French and EnglishCa nadian battalion to repulse In American invasion because he knew that French Canadians could preserve their rights only within the lrameworit Can BOB Today Canada had to late on Intangible dangerour ab sorption by American culture The only way Canadians eouid win the battle was to develop their personality Alone and divided we wtll betoo weak The pressure on us will be too great not living together and helping each other we will build our personality $3600 Damages Given For Death MONTREAL CP civil jury has recommended that Mrs James Vincent Shepherd heroine of the French resist once during the Second World War be given 545000 damages because of an accident that took the lite at her husband Shepherd bank clerk who turned paratrooper in wartime died under the wheels at Montreal bus Aug 31 1959 while riding his bicycle home tram work Mrs Shepherd the armor Andree Nouzllie hclpcd to hide her future husband from the Germans when he parachutcd into occupied France on cam mando mission In 1944 The jury lound the bus driver Leo Desiardins and the Mont real Transportation Commission guilty of negligence in the ac mirrors JULIET JONES LARRY BRANNON to mucosa m1 NIB FATHER KILLED BY WE GMAT JulE HIJULIE THISIS DUNDEE GREER wens ARE may WELLITHEIENSMUfi RAWTIIINNED OUTINE PIONERBLDOQ MWLDNT HAVE LAfiEDAWEEK IN ROGETS mus CRLIEL morsnwnoeu WORLD cident ETTA KETI trick second possibility isto try to make use 01 the queen ot hearts so as to develop two heart tricks here only and presently exists However to do this we have to lead heart from dummy towards the queen and this requires getting to dummy tirsi lor the play Accordingly at trick two we lead the tive of spades to the nine As it happens East has the ace wins it and returns diamond We take the king and lead the six of spades to the ten rioting with satisfaction that both opponents follow suit Now comes the low heart play from dummy Luckily East has the king He takes it cashes diamond and shifts to club This does not bother us sin ce everything is now fully und DONALD DUCK moms MLqu RONNIE SAYS WE SHOULD GET COLOR OUR OFFICE HAS SUGGESTION Box FOR THE EMPLOYEES MAYBE SHOULD PUT ONE UP HERE FORVOUR DATES LIKE THIS AND er control We take the club cash the queen of hearts and then lead the carefully preserv ed two oi spades to the three This enables us to get rid of club loser on the ace of hearts andwe wind up making the contract losing spade heart and diamond The entire process requires some advance planning and moderata amount of luck The result was not guaranteed to be successful since it depended on how the opponents cards were divided but at least we gave ourselves the best chance to make the contract Tomorrow The twoway finesse your in xno muno doom mmmm unmn yrn 1mm 25m ma vnr 4mz rp oon rpn rrcq or Wrath BIPG 0171111 um for cigars shank lmlvea dents tooling compo GRANDMA BUZ SAWYER MUGGSAND SKEETER A5 one VELIVEK NO GO GATGH HAVE NOT BEEN TOO WELL mmsrn rowigovou Antonius CPR MR BIII YOUR RETURNING TILE SWORD DEEPLY TDIICIIES ME 15 mm new mi CARRVW MAILBAGS MR ans IIWE DESIRE TO KNOW You BETTER ISIIALI 35 WATER IF YOU AND IIDNORABLE WIFE HAVE DlNliER WITH ME in MY IIOME Tu BIG DOG ON THcotzNEz WASNTOVERLY FRIENDLY This MORNIN IT5 AWARE HONOR BEINVITEDTDA JAPANESE ROME SAWVER PERM WEVE CREATED MORE GOOD WILL TiIAN WEIIAD IIOPEP

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