MORROW PRESIDENT Barrie has been chosen as the location for Red Cross pilot training course for Homemakers the ladies who go into horn and do the job that mothe for reasons such as illness can not do if this training course is successful it will be adopted across the province Tho training of homemakers has been the main problem Mrs Bowman chairman of the Homemakers Committee Barrio Red Cross said last night There has been one course available at McDonald Institute Guelph and the Barrie branch is fortunate to have supervisor of the Homemakers Service who has attended the course there Mrs Bowman was spcaking of Mrs Ferguson in the first annual report to the branch Rev Rid dcl post chairman of the Home makers Service Committee said that there were presently five homemakers on the register and that they are kept busy most of the time The service was inaugurated on June 1961 and in the words of Mrs Ferguson think that the ser vice is finally beginning to see return for its efforts since June would estimate the re turn at about 53 per cent At the annual yearend meet ing last night the Barrie Red Cross rerlnstalled Morrow as president for the following year First vicepresldcnt will BOAKE OLOEST ONTARIO REALTOR Oldest Realtor In Province Is Proud Boast Ol Bill Boake Perhaps it is his Irish an farming but he added ceslry that helps William Boakc would rather make friend kcep his motto to always than sale look on the humorous side of Mr Boakc has also been act things Mr Boake now 85 ive in the political scene hav yoars old holds Ontarios title lag been on the Essa Township for the oldest man in the real Council for six years While er Olive Wallace and took over estate business the longest in of land Mr Boakes father James married the former Robecca Cooper of Cookstown and mov ed to begin mixed farming there 100 yours ago Mr Boake was bornI and Went to school with his two brothers and four sisters there His father retired from farm ing in 1905 Mr Eaak married the form lha farm from his father Eliz He also holds the business title having established 55 year background in the selling on the council he served as councillor and deputy rccvc He was also on County Council for three years In 1934 the Liberal party nominated Mr Boake to be their candidate for the Butler inSimcoo riding that the men who so strenu are my best friends today said Mr Boakc In 1950 he sold his farm and business and moved to Barric where he has bccn selling real be Wallace again and second viceprcsident will be Richardson in place of the Rev Riddel who has resigned from the society doc to work pressures Treasurer once again will be Patterson and Mrs JackMaanren will be secretary for another term My greatest achievement is 28 PASS ously opposed me on counci 328 students in their Water Safe ty program this past year The cost for this imntcly $105 mittce chairman Horsey reported expenditures totalling $34354 estate ever since booklets an pamphlets crests and pins and The Barrie Red Cross passed service was approx pcr student Com includiag advertising manuals cards abeth Mr ankes sislcr mar instructors The staff was ar ried the brother of Mr Boakos ranged for and supervised by wife Olive When he married the Barrie Recreation Commit By THE CANADIAN PRESS Oiuvm Ephraim Herbert Coleman 71 former undersec retary of state and Canadian ambassador to Cuba and Brazil after short illness Ottawa Former Justice Frederick Hogg 83 who my sister the only way could get even with him was to mar ry his sister quiped Mr anke in 1910 he began the Ivy Thornton Stock and Grain Com pany which developed into quite large business it was reputed to be the best grain market in the district he too The total numbar of stud ents was estimated at 600 for the season Mr Hersey added that the 378 who passed the tests were only those who were present for the tests but many others were qualified and could have passed He said that the swtm area at Kinsmen Food was improved considerably and that Johnson Street was improv swam CW ed with the addition of wash He also became coal deal Ontano for 22 years mm uniï¬es or in 1910 Ilnllfnx George Fox on The Slrncoa County Recreation Service supervised the counlylt wide water safety program County awards to students total led 817 and Red Cross awards 161 beginner 70 junior 35 inter mediate and is senior There were 1266 children enrolled in this years program directed by who joined the Halifax police force in 191s and served as chief from 1945 until his retirement in 1950 Of heart attack London Sir Basil Henriques 71 chairman of the East Lon don juvenile court fnr 19 years who spent his life working In 1912 Mr anke decided to go west and began his real estate career in Edmonton in 1012 In 1514 he returned to Thornton and began selling and to farmch in the area am still selling farms to farmers for farming he said amon the youth of Londons Mrs Mary Elliott Allistoa know farmers and know toughgeas and showed the highest enrollme Qnebec Dr Camlle Slm NEED DONORS ard 66 medical director of the Quebec workmens compensa tion board who served the board as assistant medical director since 1931 Abbolsford BC Dr Charles Sears McKee 85 an Ontario born pathologist cred ited with the discovery that bak ing soda was the most effective neutralizer of mustard gas dur ing the First World War of CHEESE Liquor Poll Votes To Be Recounted TORONTO CP Senior York County Judge Robert Fore syth ordered Monday that bal lots from suburban Etubicokes Nov 25 liquor plebiscite be re counted Liquor and dining lounges were approved by the vote which however failed by less than one per cent to sanction cocktail bars Judge Forsylh ordered the re count alter Clive Sinclair chairman of the wets pointed Jack MacLaren chairman of the Blood Donors Committee reports that 309 more donors are needed to meet this years quota of 1200 The last clinic for 1961 will be on thiesday December 12 In March service club clinic was held with donors from all the local Barrie clubs The Kiwanis Club had the high est number ol donors Mr MacLarun added that pennan ent trophy has been struck and TODAYS STOCK PRICES Compiled By Flynn 93 Dunlop St 172 Barrie BarrieA Test Site For Homemaker Plan will be presented each year to the dub recruiting the highest number The Kiwanians will hold it for year June was part labor Council and part tel ephone canvass and 10 donors responded to this call Mr niacLarcn added that the com mittee has stayed within its $1 00000 budget for the year The Womens Work Commib tee sewed knitted quilted or stitched total of 1729 articles this past year The articles such as quilts and infants wear are given to the needy to hos pitals and homes for children Mrs Olive lowo chairman of the committee added that with out the help of organizations that pitched in to help the ladies could not have done such fine job AID FIRE VICTIMS Mrs Gertrude Heffron chairv man of Welfare Committee re ported that four families who lost their homes through fire were presented with ciothlng bed linen towels and the like two needy persons were given overcoats socks sweaters and DIVISION OF COSTS report was received from aboard of arbitrators made up of the assessors of the munici pnllties concerned West Gwill imhury Bradford and lnnisfil with the county assessor acting as chairman This gave new division of the method of cal culating the costs for the oper ation maintenance and capital costs of the Bradford District High School area Their recommendations word that West Gwilllmbury would assume 385 per cent Bradford 324 per cent and lnnlsfll 2902 per cent reducing somewhat the proportion which had previ ously been assessed as ionis fils share The board of reforees had taken into consideration both areas of assassment as well as the overall assessment of the part of the municipalities which were served by the district school This report signed by assessors with Eric Simpson county assessor is said not to have been accepted too well in the town of Bradford where it is rumored an appeal may be entered SCHOOL DEBENTUBE letter from the administra tor of public school of West Gwillimbury informed council there would he need for the addition of room to one of their central schools at cost of $33150 and mat la nisfil was requated to approve of the debenture This is to cover that portion of assess ment amounting to $230000 which is the part of the town ship which is still part of the Gilford school section Drafting motion to give an answer whidz would express the feeling of Innisfil Council which had been unsuccessful in its appeal to have this portion of the township returned was matter which used up some paper and took considerable discussion The clerk was in structed to write the school ad ministrator to theeffect that Innisfil would not be agreeable to approval of the debenture and was opposed to paying any further part ofthe costs of education in the south town ship The matter was brought be fore the educational committee of County Council last year and on motion of the Whole council Innisz was refused leave to appeal the decision of thathommiltee Since recom out there were 2605 spoiled bal lots ast vs Asbestol 85 Dom Found sou Nor Ont no Ahlubl rots Dom Stores 1415 Moore corp Algoml stair 431 Born Tar in Oshawa Aluminium Exquisite aria lav Pacific rm AlberLl Ga 35 Famous Ploy 15s Pun Pipe Atlas sun 27 on Lake new Que Nat Gu on olMontreal 711 out Pow as Ron Bank or us we Harden Farm 11 Rourmunr Hall Tel sass Home en 415 Romain Brazilian 340 Home on 121 liloAlgnm an on 351 Hudson anMin 53 Salado snirriu at Power 3251 Imp Tobacco 17 Simpson CdnEkofConi ma imp on on Stafford Cdn Brewerins soy Ind Amch am Steel or Can can 25 Inland NG 515 Stolnberz Canada Cement 28V Inter Nickel oi unborn Bk Can Chemical Interprov rip 32 TranCan rm can on assi Jockey Club 353 Trans Pipe Con nanoshi ms thm 153 Trader Pin Paw ii iir inc er all 1550 GT gm 45M Nornnda Wilkes saw mu 6V Guanu 1150 Qunmont v15 gigi333 700 Hollinger we Sher Gordon as Can DelRlo 700 KerrAddison 945 Steer Rock 1795 Con Denison 101 Lamaqua 335 United Di 642 Con Hall Long Lac 190 Ventum 12 Sullivan Lat Mnrltlmes lid gs Wilrw Neonbrldfl 7015 Notmetal Geno Mine was Opemlslts uo FIVE MOST Acnv STOCK mendalions have been made by school inspectors that these porlt lions of overlapping school sea lions be wipedout by returning them to their original bound aries ASSESSMENT INFOWATION INNISIll NOTES Division Of Costs underwear An appeal from the Public Health nurse on behalf of woman who couldnt afford dmgs was answered by the committee which purchased the necusary drugs Also the rt port went on four children in the family were fitted with galosbes and shoes Thirtysix public ward patients at Royal Victoria Hospital were given Christmas presents last year and this gesture will be made again this year Mrs Heflron said The total amount spent on welfare was $211 Civilian Enquiry Committee under the direction oi Mrs Jean Gable spent only $130 for the year but was instrumental in bringing woman tbrough years of immigration problem from Russia to see her family and also assisted in two legal cases The loan bupboard assisted on people this year with wheel chairs crutches and the like all fern of charge Mrs Ethel Turner loan cupboard chair man reported that case of cod liver oil was given to the Victorian Order of Nurses BUSY with annual reports at last nights meeting of the Synopsis Strong west to northwest winds are bringing colder air into Ontario Tempe raturcs will be near the sen $133 is soon normals today which is Catharine drop of 20 degrees from tho Toronto high raturcs Monday Barrie and District Branch Canadian Red Cross are rec WEATHER FORECAST nation Kitchener retary Mrs Jack MocLarcn right president Morrow centre and tensurcr Patterson Report To Council By 863 council some information which he claimed was not being told to the public in the paper He wanted to point out that in the increased assessment this year of $473960 less Cooksiown there was an added increase on farm property of $62500 This was vided betwcca land and building increases He said that vacation land and property had taken the biggest share of the increased assessment and that all buildings were likely IO be increased next year tc Scattered snowfiurries will oc 79110 Hugh company the colder air By Wed Klllnloe 15 ncsday return to southwest Muskoku 20 winds will result in moder sunsuacoaunssssa Ibianks which could be filled PA 84661 Asked if the farm reassessment was finished his answer wasI simple Residential lands had increasA ed by 55015 and residential southwest 20 Wednesday North Bay 10 atmg trend in temperature and Sudhury cloudy skies over most regions Eamon Northern inn Bay Kapuskasmg southern Timngami Algoma rc wmgc River gloas Soult Ste Marie North 005mm Bay Sudbury Cloudy windy Ss Marie and colder with low snowllur riesh today dPa rtly cloudy tip gtflfliflflmKnflll nig clou iag ovcr Wednes day Winds west in northwest 25 GIFTING cum rakes you 5° mm to as decreasing to is tonight SLIPPERS FOR mm mm y° my and becoming southwest 20 Vcd CHRISTMAS new ncsday PACKARD Northern ami Coch FOAM TREAD ranc regions Cloudy windy oomyms and coldcr with snowflurrias to moms day Mainly cloudy Wednesday Winds northwcst 30 decreasing GI CERTIFICATES to 15 tonight and becoming 1m my high Wednesday SHOE STORE FRENCH MOTORS Windsor 20 40 58 Dunlop St PA S2397 1s andrord sirrri nuns oatno St Thomas 20 40 nmnmmnmnm WillKWEl an anonly car out nlmpr only on ml buildings and new buildlngs had added $21625 to the total of assessment increases When the assessment in creases in this township you are making it better for the municipalities who are associa ted with us in other than local expenses councillor Gibbins remarked feel it is better to make some of the additions annually rather than save it up for complete reassessment the assessor stated BEACHES BUOYS AND BOATS letter had been sent by the towndiip clerk to the Toronto office of the Federal Depart mentof Works asking that some information be supplied to enable the township to draft plan for the handling of boats and boatparklng along the lakeshore Council also desired some information about and permission to erect some type of grains in tbeform of stones placed so as to reclaim the land along the north shore reply was received enclos ing number of forms and and forwarded to the Toronto office together with descrip tion of the plans being consid ered for reclaiming the shore line motion was passed suggest ing that trial be made of somepf these stone groin or weirs some 15 feet out from shore and arranged every 10 feet for short distance in or der to ascertain if this would reclaim the shore lines which had washed out This plan together with the completed forms will be returned to fed eral officials loan gamck HAIR STYLISTS announce coxz mu for moans evzny wan FRDMJIIS ens special Student Rates By appointment only 38 Maple Avenue Assessor Robert Sproule gave Lake Durauit Moan Corn Steel of Canada Wiltsey Rio Alanna Dowaooives NEW YORK AVERAGES Industrial down 64 mil downnlfl utilities down TonoNTo STOCK EXCHANGE max Industrial down 44 Gold down 25 Metal up 37 Dill up as mmnamammmmmi PRECHRISTMAS SPECIAL MON TO THURS till DEC 20 gt ELECTED MAYOR Elmer Dority who was elected Mayor of Stayner in elections yesterday guxuuuuuuumllnluwnwflnug PERMANENT WAVES completo nmnnmnmmnnnnmnnm By Appointment Only OTHERS 695 750 850 1000 1250 Flowers For All Occasions at FENDLEYB FLOWERS 7i Blake St PA 85975 Shampoo andrSot At All Time 5125 EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE 33 ESSA RD live Lcnnox ALLANDALE Rwumuuuluv roun OPERATORS PA 6857l Gwen smith dun Johnston Germaine Ilnwa Applicalinns addressed to the undersigned are invited forythe position of INDUSTRIAL COMMISSIONER industrial real estate background an asset Applicant to state age qualifications lanes and references Salary open Pratt Chairman Barrie PO Box 400 Barrie exper lnduslrial Commission Ontario What everyone should know about compound interest Compound interest is fascinating thingff you can really make it work for you The trouble is most forms of investment pay dividends or interest as earned It is so easy for young and middleaged men to take such dividends and interest and spend them as they come alongwith the result that they become old men ready to retire before they realize that they havowaSted the true power of compounded interest Permanent personal life insurance is unique It pays compoundinterest upon the invest moat portion of the premiumbut it does so by saving the sinipie interest and compounding it instead of paying it out each year or making it so easily available that the temptation to take it out is almost irresistible The Excelsior Life man in your community can tell you how compound interest in permanent personal policies may provide an attractive Blueprint for Security for you and your family Ind EXCELSIOR LIFE