COCIIRANII NEW COUNCI CAMPBELL tLLORS T00 SAWYER NRRENS Cochrane Defeats Sproule Inniisfil Vote Is Heavy In what has been termed one if the toughest election fights In years in the township elec tors In innisiil Township turned out In record numbers to elect practically ncw stake of mu nicipal officials for the coming years Sitting Reeve Charles Sproule was defeated by wide mar gin In the race for the reeve ship lie was beaten by Cochrane Deputy Reeve on the present council Mr Coch rnncs plurality was 709 as he beat Mr Sprouts 1313 to 699 In an exciting race tnrthe deputy rceveship Councillor Campbell defeated Council lor Mrs Mary Law The vote for Mr Campbell was 1032 and for Mrs Law 808 In fiveway limit for three seats on council Sawycr Iodd and Torrens were suc cessful The two alsornns were Martin and Hobbs New DeputtyReeve Councillors Returned In West Gwillimbury New faces all downs the line were the result of aloctions in West Gwllllmbury Township on Saturday new deputy rceve two new councillors mud new school board member will com mence duties next ye or Reeve Herbert Hughes was returned to office with 505 vol cs His competition was Wil frcd Knecshaw Inst years de puty rceve Knccsh aw missed election with 369 la fly In Mr Kneeshawsplaca next year will he James Elateman as deputy reeve of tho township ltir Bateman roceivcd 429 votes Stanley Cmirns ran against Eatoman arid got 329 votes For school board newcomer was elected to take the place of sitting member Joseph Vom on Mrs June Brown was elected with 637 votes to beat out Mr chon who had total of 315 The other member re turned from this year will be Nell Wler receiving 474 votes Council members elected were Mrs Viola lliaclllillan 516 vot es Keith Langford 425 and Arthur Wright with 41 Mrs MacMillan and Mr Langford are new to council whilc Art Wright Is sitting member Unsuccessful candidates were Graham Darling 314 and Dam inic Simone with so and sitting member William Scotch was defeated with total of 348 Another member from this year Edwards did not run be cause of health and job reasons OBIITUIIRIES MRS JAMES IIIASON In failing health because of advanced age Mrs James Ma son of Stroud passed away on Friday Oct 20 lot at Blue Mountain Rest Horn Stuyoer at the age of 93 Born in Sussex Etngland on July 12 l875 the for mac Bessie Florence Wigg flui was the daughter oi the late Harris Wigg and former Emma Wood man Right from this date of her marriage on April 12 1089 In Orillia she had vantll failure of health in 1959 lilved on the farm at Lot 21 Con 11 Innis iil and was mcrnber of St James United Church Stroud Her husband Jar nes Mason predeceased her In January 1961 One son Go rdon is in Stroud one brother Carl Wigg lives In Orillia andi there are two sisters Mrs Eli Elliot Ella of Toronto and Mrs Fred Bagshaw Gerï¬e of Vic toria EC There are also two grandchildren Mrs Mason was lover of Ilowtsrs and also of animals The funeral service at the Jennett Funeral Horne Barrie was on Monday Oct 23 with Rev Fred Jacksun of Stroud as officiating minister Many floral tributes from friends and neighbors showed it so esteem In which she was held For in terment in St Jamtss Cemeterl Stroud the DBIIDIBHTEIS were former neighbors Birnie John Johnston hunk Oakley Robert Givens William Gib bins and Frank Gneen JOSEPH DOMINL CK MORAN Born in lnnistii an March 23 1991 Joseph Dominick Moran brother of Ambrosn Moran RR Phelpston died on Wednesa day Nov 15 1961 in Innisfail Alberta Son of the late lir and Mrs Dominick Moran he had lived in Phelpston until 1909 and the remainder of his life was spent in Calgary and lnnisiail Joseph Moran as of the Ro man Catholic faith The fun eral service on Monday Nov 20 was held in St Patricks Church Phelpstm with re quiem mass by Re Iv Father OGrady Relatives and friends attended from the district and from Toronto Barrie Midland Penetauguishene and Anton Mills Interment followed in St Pat ricks Cemetery Pallbearers PHOTO PORTRAIT FOR CHRISTMAS SMITH IUDIO as Dunlap St PA 84116 over 111 oils were William and Eugene Mor an Joseph Belcourt Emmett Stone Joseph ONeill and Clarence Carson Beautiful flowers in rememhlt arnce Included those from the guests and staff of Autumn Glen Lodge Innlsfall Alberta JAMES HAMJLL horn on July 1934 in Chi cago James Hamill who was killed in highway acci dent Nov 1961 was the son of Mr and Mrs James Harn ill He had friends in Simcoa County as he had come here about 1940 and spent eight years with his uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Frank Hamill of Phelpston returning to Chl cago in 1948 His death occurred on High way 69 Illinois when car and truck were both held in the shoulder mud Mr Hamill had stopped and usch his truck to free both vehicles He was un fastening chain when west hound car came along and struck his vehicle crushing him between the two He was of the Roman Cath olic faith and the funeral on Nov was from the Kelly Carrol Funeral Home and from there to St Agnes Church Chicago where flowers were banked In remembrance and many mass cards sent Burial followed in St Marys Ceme tery Attending from Phelpston were his uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Frank Hamill Mrs Jane Gilchrist and John Mo Giu cousins Mr and Mrs William McGltl and Mrs Bern ard Stone Of the family left bereaved are his widow the former Eliz abeth Irene Bradshaw and five children Patricia Ann Mary Catherine James Arthur Dan iel John and Ethel Diane his parents and his brothers Wil liam and John Francis and sisters Mrs Fisher Catherine and Mrs Burldow all of Chi cago James lIamills primary edu cation was at SS No 17 and New Flos schools and he took his first communion at St Pat ricks Church Phalpston TALKING BUDGIES centate Registered Talking Strain $595 UP nanrz MOUNTAIN CANARIES Guaranteed $695 singers Tropical Fish Gold Fish and Turtles Aquarium Supplies Jnsfrlts Pet Supplies HARRIS FLOWERS 99 Dunlap St PA 6440 Charge Driver Car Leaves Road careless driving charge has been laid against 33yearold Kenneth Thompson 57 Peel Streetnas result of an accl dent early Saturday night Mr Thompson Is allegedfo have been proceeding cast on Codrington Street when his vehicle went over the curb on the north side in front of 212 Codrington and travelled at an angle across the boulevard through hedge in front of 218 through wire fence and up to the edge of 220 total of 150 feet The vehicle then stopped and the driver is reported to have reversed and backed 11 feet onto side lawn New Congregation Receives Charter Will Build Soon new church congregation came into being in Barrie last night The Willowdale United Church received an official charter at an evening service last night The congregation has been meeting at Steel Street Public School since the beginning of 1961 The Sunday School which has been operating For the past two and onehall years now numbers well over hundred in its weekly attendance said the congregations student min ister Allen Tomlinson Mr Tomlinson assumed the duties of Mr Atkinson student min ister who has been with the congregation since its formation last year site at the corner of Cook and Willowdalo has already been purchased by the congre gation with plans for building to be realizedsomctime in the future said Mr Tomlinson MOST HOT WATER at LOWEST COST with NATURAL GAS RENTAL WATER s17 can Fully Guaranteed RE SERVICE MAINTENANCE and INSTALLATION molasses than ï¬mtwrmwowu Water heats times faster Costs less Tool an GI Willy does lfllPlfl ii me Siiiiilï¬iséniy ANS rial sum to soil and lawn moxni ul nlflllulflhtï¬lm mags1pm 5w Was 67 TORONTO 51 PA 559 The polling strength of the five was as follows Sawyer 1137 Todd 1051 Torrens 991 Martin 690 and Hobbs 12 SCHOOL BOARDS The school boards with five members to be elected to each did some changing as well In Area One at the south end one member had resigned and the election replaced him with former board member Russell Stewart That board now from prises Don Beatty 429 Frank Roll 371 Lucas 367 Rai ney 331 Stewart 4113 Quin not elected pollcd 206 votes In school area two north end two of the old members were dropped Lloyd Booth who had been member since the boards beginning and Fraser Sutherlandflast years board chairman failed to poll suffi cient votes to win seats Ken Johnson member of the Bar rIc Planning Board who lives in the west side of the town ship also was without sufficient votes to gain asenL The voting here was as fol lows Bruce Vicc 73 Roy Lennox newcomer with an old township family name poll ed 601 votes William Gib bins son of former township reeve and former making his start in municipal life was giv en 579 voles Roy Goodfcllow who has twice been on the board and served his term as chairman when several of the farmer schools were built rc ccivcd 522 votes Ferguson Fralick former board mem ber polled 499 votes Formation 0i Research Group For Retarded Children Viewed Dr Koegler member of the Ontario Association of Retarded Childrens Research Committee and Clinical Direc tor oi the London Psychiatric Research Institute for Children visited Barrie recently to dis cuss the possibilities of the es tablishmcnt and function of re search committees in the locals of this region An informal meeting of rap resenlatives of local associa tion was held in the King George School with representa tivcs from Duffcrin County Dundalk Orillia and Barrie Dr Knegler spoke of the ad vances made in the field of re search connected with mental retardation in the past few years outlining several of the many projects that arein pro gress and stressing the urgent need for public support both moral and financial He told of the research ad visary board established by the Canadian Association for Re tarded Children composed of professional people experienced in research work The func tion of this board is to screen all applications for grants from the association for research work with view to eliminat Ing duplication of proiccts or projects which have too lit tle promise to be worthwhile The function of local re search committce will be to keep the local association in formed on how it can help and the public informed of develop meats in order to maintain in forest Dr Recglcr rccom mended that one general meet ing year be planned around the research program French Priest Shot In Churchyard SEHF Algeria lAPI French parish priest injured when military patrol mis taker opened fire on him has died of the wounds Rev Lau rent chalen parish priest of the village of Tocqueville south west of here was pacing the courtyard of his church when the patrol shot at him Saturday night BLUEBERRY PIE Plump blueberries dry and clean make the best pies and should not be washed until just before using EMPTY Call Niagara for extra money Up to $250000 sometimes more NIAGARA LIIANE NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY llMITED LowestAMomdmoCansumerLomampony Barrie 11 Collier sf Orillia 63 Colborne St Phone PA 8649 FA 4358 Three Sitting Members Back On Vespra Council Only one seat on Vespra township council was contested in election Saturday but can didate Les Bertram was unsuc icesfui as the three councillors from Iastyear were rctur ed Wellington Dobson and Earl Duran were voted in once aglin with tallies ol and Russell Rarris with 891 Les Bertram missed by only seven votes with total of 73 School board elections also saw the some members return Liken CoOp Manager To QB lie Calls Plays Team Executes By JOHN HUGHES Simcoe County Federation of Agriculture Forlthc last few weeks foot ball and especially Grey Cup day has been uppermost in the minds of many people Thls is what wecould call football fev er and it happens every year at this time look at the teams in both the eastern and western divisions emphasizes the fact that the abilities of the players on most tennis are fair equaL Teamwork Is just as essen tial in cooperative endeavor as for an athletic team The manager the staff the board of directors and the members are all important teammates in tho coaperauve enterprise Each one must carry out his respon Slbiillles efficiently in order that the organization may func tion effectively It is generally recognized that the manager has vital posi tion the quarterback in piloting the Coop business and that he and the employees must give each othcr efficient support by carrying out their res active assignments But it is ust as important that the directors map out sound strategy and give the manager wise counsel continuously Loyal patronage by the members gives the other participants on the Coop team the effective support they need to achieve new goals When all team members work to gather harmoniously everyone gains the satisfaction of worth while accomplishment for the common good We have all heard reports of how cooperative member has used the prices and ser vices as leverage to get better deal from another busi ness concern This highincking is not only demonstration of poor faith on the part of the coop member it is poor busi ness us well Blackmail bar gaining is no credit to the people who use it It injures the cooperative as an economic FRYING LEGS or BREASTS SHOULDER PORll STEAKS LEAN IBS Wtrnrns 4le5 NO IMPORTED CHICKENS FRESH CUTUP CHIC EN spans mas rouarorsz avjroooMAttttsr TIADUNLOPSI philosophy as well as working business hardship upon of operative operation Luckily tha great majority of the members are people who believe in the princi Ics of cooperation and their oyalty is one reason why the cooperative movement is gaining ground steadily Another reason for this steady growth is the many demonstra tions of success that we have in our service cooperatives pro cessing coops and retail coops third reason is that there Is better understanding among all peoplaof the principles and Ideals of the cooperative move ment And finally the loyal support of the members dircc tors staff and management all working as team gives the map movement Its strength and cffectivaness In the mar ket place ed Mrs Vina Jones and Hui ter Rueil were reelected and Dalton Siessor was the un successful candidate Morris Cantu last year member was unable to qualify when he mov ed out at the township into Bai rie Mrs Jones had 218 votes and Hunter Russell 05 Reeve Carmen Downey Iul Deputy Reeve Walter Forbes were returned to office earlicr by acclamation Hiroshima Book Wins Peace Prizd CHAUDFONTAINE Belgium AP Austrian born writer Robert Jungk10 won the 50 Ooofrnnc $1000 international literary pence prise for his book Lived in Hiroshima Ha said the prize was awarded to all my friends In Hiroshima ask governman that the nut summit meeting be held In Him shima In this city wounded by the first atomic bomb only then will they understand HELPS SEWING The thimble centuries ago In Holland was first worn on the thumb and was known as thumbbcll CN Station To Close Downtown Move To Allandale In April Canadian National Railways is to move its passenger ot fices from the downtown loca tion in Barrie to Allandalc sta tion at Bradford and TIffln streets It was announced today by Bloomfield manager Northern Ontario area Tents tivo moving date is the end of April The Allandala designation will be changed to Barrie station since It is within the limits of the city of Barrie Consolidation of our facil ities Is in order Mr Bloom field said and with an in creasing number of our custom ers using automobiles to and from the railway depot there is adequate parking facilities at the new location SITE AVAILABLE CN Telecommunications will also move to the Allandala site The CN station and buildings in downtown Barrie will he nvail able for redevelopment LB LB on BOLOGNA has GRADE No CREAMERY BUTTER csLLo PKG Some local residents have re ceived the Impression that CN passenger services have already moved to Allandalc Until the end of April travel arrange ments can be made at the downtown office The move will take place over weekend and there will be no break in regular service Iran Bans Trade In Private Gold TEERAN IAPIIran banned private import of gold Sunday as measure to fight increasing dope smuggling The govern ments central bank in making the announcement said that since gold Is used by smugglers of heroin and other drugs gold imports hencefoth will be hnns died by the government Export of gold always has been handled by the government TIIES WED SPECIALS FRESH KILLED EVISCERATED 25° 39 LB LB 39 om