SKIRTING THE BAY By EILEEN DIXON BSP Sorority Will Provide Yule Basket The regular Beta Sigma Phi Sorority meeting was held Nov at the home of Mrs John Vair Miss lrepe Watson armor2111 COUNTS president presided Rules of etiquetteare demanded in any business or social contact and are not meant to be observed it only on festive occasions Yet it seems that the rules achieved in daily living find new force during the hol iday season One of the aspens of this season in which etiquette counts ls in Christmas card sending For those who want to mail early here are few do and dont suggestions by Coutts Hallmark Cards to prevent faux pas Do address the envelope to both the husband and the wife even if you know only the husband The exception is the sembhuslness card you send only to the office Do not typewrite on the envelope The name and address of the person receiving your card should be it was decided that the soror would again provide Christmas basket for needy family and Mrs John Merreli will be in charge of this Mrs Harold Nichol During the rogrnm every member told at Beta Sigma Phi had meant to them The Christmas dance will be old at the Club Pavilion Oril Dec The next meeting Doc it will be Christmas party at the home of Mrs Frank Graccy Sophia Street handwritten or imprinted if you are going to have the familys name im printed on the card decide upon the degree of formal ity For business acquaintances use ME AND MRS JOHN SMITH For friends and relatives use JANE taurant honored including Mrs Larry Gilliland ritual dinner was held Nov 29 at the RobRoy Res New members were Miss Gerry boume Miss hay Buckley Miss Helen AND JOHN SMITH or THE SMITHS JANE AND JOHN By concentrating on all this youve probably for gotten close friends and written envelopes in correct Kecskcs Miss Eleanor Dorian Children should be listed according to age Mrs Gerald Williams Miss Dorothy iimmons and Mrs King 1N ONE afternoon it is no thing for the women volunteer form but with wrong addresses But relax At Christ mas its really the spirit that counts TOY TIPS FOR CHRISTMAS Did you ever dream of giving your offspring toys you never had chance to own Its natural enough feeling but dont get carried away Parents who try to relive their childhood in the toys they give their children frequently overstep the safety boundary by givingcomplicated toys meant for older children to toddler Ontario Safety League offers the following sugge5lt OW THE BARRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY DECEMBER 1951 tions on toy selection as guide to Christmas shopping For tiny tots its hard to resist the stuffed an imals that inhabit toytowns just now but if you buy one with buttons for eyes its good idea to replace them by sewing on woolley eyes instead before giving to young child Small parts such as this can he too easily chewed away and choked on perhaps with fatal results For two and threeyear old wooden and plastic toys of all kinds are attractive pullapart objects blocks cars trucks and pushandvpull toys for solid construction with no small removable parts to swallow In the four and fiveyear old group children WI Members Contribute Candy For School Christmas Concert 112 November meeting of the Dalston WI was held at the oma of Mrs Harriet Voliwin Fourteen members and six visit Look ors answered the roll call with An objective or bylaw tr the WI handbook The president Mra Lo ory brought the meeting to enjoy simple building sets blackboards puzzles simple Order with the Institute Ode musical toys paper cutouts with blunt scissors and Mory Stewart Collect and the dolls which incidentally are much safer nowadays being made from soft vinyl plastic instead of break able plastic and china Doctor and Nurse sets are fun but for this age group take out the pretend pills made Lords Prayer The minutes of the last meet ing were read and dealt with also the correspondence Memb Mrs Allan Brown and Mrs Jory assisted by the hostess The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Lorne Handy Dec l4 Roll call will he an item for the shutin box cs workers to wrap more than 125 dozen dressings to he used in obstetrics This group of workers devote one afternoon week to this one branch of Lheauxillary services Above from the left are Mrs Lawrence Mrs William CooA per Mrs McGregor and Mrs MiChael Hogan chair man Women Volunteers Devote Time To Wrapping Hospital Dressings Editors Note This is the fourth in series of ar ticles explaining the ser vlcesol the Royal Victoria Hospital Womens Auxiliary The volunteer workers cam miltee wraps dressings for the obstetrical departments ready for the sterilizer This committee was formed approximately nine years ago Prior to its formation the work was done by student nurses Mrs Michael Hogan is the committee chairman and her helpers include Mrs William Cooper Mrs Mildred Fraiick Mrs Frcd Eplctt Mrs II Christie Mrs Jock Butler Mrs Waiter Boyliss Mrs Ed ward Kohlmeyer Mrs Garrett Mrs MacGrcgor Mrs Gorvin Mrs Bloke Lawrence Mrs Roy Tod Mrs Orchard Mrs McKen zie Mrs Lcnvcns Mrs Murray Mrs Russ Underhlli Mrs Sid Roach Mrs Kay Drake Mrs Sarjennt Mrs Judd Kelly Mrs Tascona Mrs Heffron Mrs Newton and Mrs Eva Graham Nurses Job InNorthern Post PEOPLE AND PLACES Phone Ellth Dixon of Aunrc Comma PA 66537 FWIO MEETING Mrs Victor OBrien Hawke stone provincial board director has returned lrom Guelph where she attended the provin cial board meeting of the Fed erated Womens institutes of Ontario The meeting was held at the Ontario Agricultur al College Mrs Mary Ward Bayficld Street was dinner guest at the home of her nephew Ed win Dougall and family of Stuyner Among the guests were the hosts parents Mr and Mrs Sid Dougall of Elm vale CHRISTMAS DANCE The Beta Sigma Phi Sorority members and guests will be travelling to Club Pavalon Or its this evening for is Christ mas dance party The president Miss lrcne Watson and Mrs Jean Bailersby ot the social committee are convening the event cocktail party will be held prior to the dance at the home of Miss Lorna Richards Bradford Street DANCE PARTY The office and service store staffs of thaCanadian General Electric Company met in th Club Room las evening for the annual Christmas party Dance music was supplied by the Four Clots of Orangeville dinner of Kentucky fried chick en ns served at midnight So cial committee members in ch arge of the event were as Carol Myer Miss Diane Tru man Miss Lindo Dallcy so Barbara Goodwin Mrs Sandro Williams Peter Whittaker and Mel Wiley FLORIDA HOLIDAY Mr and Mrs TarBush Newton Street are holldayin at Sarasota and other points on the lower West Coast ol Fl orida RITUAL DINNER The Beta Sigma Phi Sorority members held Ritual Dinner at the Rob Ray Restaurantr Barrie Plaza Nov 29 New members received at the dim nor were Mrs Larry Glllliand Miss Gerry Bourne Miss Kay Buckley Miss Helen Kecskes Miss Elcanor Dorian Mrs Ger nld Williams Miss Dorothy Tim mlns and Mrs King Many New Winter Coat Fashio 0i Wash Wear Wohder Fabrics if each of your youngsters doesnt already have warm winter coat for everyday wear or if you have to shop for re placement its high time to get busy With snowy blowy days al ready at work In some sections of this great land and with the stores nicely stocked with line selection of outerwear shopping day is due You should have no trouble finding an attractive yet prac tical coat for your son or daugh terother than the problem of making final choice that is There are so many styles to choose fromlull length all weather coats shorter car coats and the really short ski jackets that look like parkas These hip length styles most of which have zlpvfronta and attached hoods are as warm and com fortohle to wear as they are up pointing to look at Growing Interest Especially popular are the cotton suede coats lined in short curlylamb type of pile NOVEL SPORTS COAT One outstanding style for the subtcen girl is sevenelghths sports coat with giant cowl hood and pullthrough leather thong belt Younger schoolgirls might prefer fulllength coat out lined in braid while for the boys there is hooded sports coat of pilelined cotton suede in golden olive shade Popular on cotton suede ll its not tho only fabric being used for these sports costs on can choose from largo variety of corduroy poplin duck and the vinyl plastics that slmulat real leatherall of which comb with cozy pilc linings to mak them warm and weatherproof Best of all every one of these costs is washable Yes was able in fact some models are even tagged as washandwear which means that they can be washed and dried by machine Goes Beyond Call OiDuty In Leaihercrait ers agreed to supply candy for MODERN MIRACLES of candy as these youngsters can confusethe two readily enough as it is IMAGINATIVE TOYS Six and seveneyear olds like carpenter tools roller skates ice skates skipping ropes imaginative ploy sets doll houses and furniture games and sturdy out door toys such as sleighs toboggans teetertotters and Outdoor equipment is being manufactured lately out of lightweight wellrounded climbing equipment aluminum which wont rust Parents are advised to wait until child is at least eight years of age before selecting electrical toys of any kind and be sure that it bears the CSA Canadian Standards Association seal of electrical safety Elementary as they may seem these tips are im portant You can keep toy accidents out of your home by careful selection and have real Merry school childrens Christmas con cert The motto if we plant char acter in the home we will blus sum in the community was commented on by Mrs Walter Forbes Mrs Earl Scott past presid ent of East Simcoe Wl gave interesting account of her trip to the institute National Con vention in Vancouver Mrs Scott also showed pictures and souv enirs of her trip Refreshments were served by WHAT THE WABASCA Alta CF public health nurses job in the tiny villages of Wabnsco and Dementia goes far beyond medL ne Nurse Laura Attrux for seven days week combines her tol ents in medicine administration and community leadership to assist residents of the commu nities 210 miles north of Ed monton From her modcrn duplex STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA MARK SILVER ANNIVERSARY Mr and Mrs Lorne Orser of lilidhurst celebrated their silver wedding anniversary Nov 28 They entertained friends and relatives at house party Cards and music were enjoyed for part of the evening and but fet lunch was served Many tory messages were received by the couple from their many friends DYCKS FOODMARKET Top QualilyFronts of Beef Hind Quarter of Beef Side of Pork GUARANTEED ro SATISFY ovcxs rooo MARKET ISO Collier St Phone PA 85339 For Delivery the first gifts cards and congratula For Tomorrow The accent is on personal re lationships now so during lei sure houra arrange some form of social activity in which friends and loved ones can par ticipate During the evening hours make plans for the com ing week For The Birthday it tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that gratifying achievement in job and financial affairs both pos sible during the next three months will depend largely on your spirit of enterprise and willingness to take on little more than usualwith the zest that never fails to impress su periors This should not be dif ficult since aspects between De cember and late February Pan tlcularly encourage new ideas and novel plans Keep alert then to profit by your skills and tal eatseven latent ones The period between May and August should prove exception ally happy from personal standpoint and nextSeptcmber and October will offer new op portunities for business expan siou child born on this day will have an unusually magnetic per sonality but may have to curb tendency to gamble The Day After Tomorrow planetary influences endeavors on Monday However theres tendency toward care lessness which must be curbed in order to avoid needess cr rorsBe alert and take nothing for granted For The Birthday it Monday is your birthday your horoscope indicates that during the next three months it would be advisable to focus your attention on job and mon ey matters since there is promise of unusual success in both if you capitalize on every opportunity as of now Midyear should prove ex tremer lively from social standpoint and there is also the possibility that you will travel either in July or August Be alert to questionable ven tures during March and April however and dont let anyone persuade you to risk cash or other assets foolishly then Lookfor fine opportunities to further worthwhile goals next September and October child born on this day will be gifted with fine mental pow ers and keen judgment but may be overly independent at times SPECIAL TREAT Halloween coffee good for parties any time is flavored with orange slices topped with whipped cream chocolate shav ings and grated orange peel should encourage all worthwhile CONSTIPATED TAKE FRUITATWES Combat the dangers dis comfort and bad results of eonstlpulion with mild genllo Fruitotivetl let Frultotivos origlnol2 ingredient formula give you fast effective relief Ask for Fruitotlves the lowcost quality laxative on which Canadians have relied for over hull century More than £00 million tablets sold home which doubles as an of fice she travels through the bush and muskcg district in four wheel drive nutoniubilel looking after the needs of more than 1200 Mctis and lndituis The nursing station here was established in year ago and al though the majority of her pa tients are lnrlians they are cared for by the provincial nurse in accordance with an agreement between the provin cial and federal governments in return for care given in dlans here the federal govern ment treats Mctis at Fort Chip ewynn Nurse Attruxs first project was an intensive preventive health program which included immunization of all children against whooping cough tet anus diphtheria smallpox and polio 28 TB CASES Through her guidance resi dents also received chest xraya during the periodic visits of ma bile equipment Twenty eight POPULAR EVENT MONTREAL CWA total at $7500 was raised by the eighth annual sale of paintings by the Victorian Order of Nurses at the Montreal YMCA when record crowd of 2300 saw some 750 paintings Most were done by amateurs the proceeds being split on 5050 basis The V0N share will go toward purchase of care needed by nurses in their work HEATING FUELS Phone PA 66531 tuberculosis cases have been de tected and now are being treated at Edmonton Most families now have small vegetable gardens thanks to suggestions from nurse Attrux They help to provide more balanced family diet Prior to this the family diet consisted primarily wild game and fish with heavy use of lord and flour For the community children the trading post now sells selection of canned baby food and vitamins at cost confinement program for expectant mothers at the ho mon Catholic mission hospital at Demarais has been initiated by the mission nnd nurse Ate trux in an attempt to lower the high infant mortality rate Women now enter the hospital prior to delivery During the morning and even ing hours nurse Attrux travels the sevenmile area between Wabasca and Demnrals to take modern medicine to the homes Her office is open each after noon for four hours This allows her to build close personal relationship with residents and give prompt as sistance in emergencies and so cial problems ON ZELLERS EASY CREDIT PLAN ZELLERS LTD 80 DUNLOP ST PA 82439 EVERY YARD IN THE SHOPl 25 arr SALE ENDS DEC LARGEST STOCK OF FABRICS IN SIMCOE COUNTY LOIS ROBERTSON PEG MORE THE FABRIC SHOP OFAVBARRIE 16 COLLIER 5T PA 87712 Members of the Canadian So ciety of Creative Leathercraft held the November meeting at the home of Mrs Clarence Cor bett Highland Avenue Wednes day evening with to members present Miss Edna West and Mrs Nora Huyck Newmarket were received as new members The project for the evening was covering ahoe horns in structed by Mrs Reg Tuck vicepresident of CSCL Mem hers displayed framed purses which they had completed The Barrie 0501 group was formed in March 1958 with membership of 10 In three years the membership has dou bled with at members Any one interested ln ieathercrait work and who has had some training would be welcome at the meetings Further inform ation can be obtained by phon ing Mrs Ken Cavanagh PA 84013 or Mrs Bottrill PA 87575 There will not be Decem her meeting but two meetings will be held in January the first being Jan Travel Arrangements World Wide Service AIR SHIP BUS BAIL HOTELS RESORTS CRUISES CAR RENTALS 0K Johnson and Co Ltd 101 Dunlap Butte an arm to any st Toronto EM com When you stop to think about it its really amazing what miracles modern science can perform to make these fake fu and cotton suedea look so mu like the real thing Yet they can be tossed right into the washer and dryer And of course so can the oldtime favorites like corduroy poplin and duck In fact the only materials that really need to be sudsed and rinsed by band are the leatherlike vinyls season Glrls Special Perms SHOPPE an 8924 Duality II Its lime to make checklist of all the topgrade ma terials youll need to make the necessary fixups at your place BALL PLANING MILL CD has nil the sup piles youll need to get your home set for in rough Weather ahead Well give you easytofollow advice so you can make lots of repairs youmclfl CALL THE BALI PLANING MILL 4B ANNE ST CO LTD PA 82496