Quebec Given Veto Over Constitution By DON liANRIGIfl UIIAWA CPIThe principle of unanimity for constitutional changes affecting basic provin cialrights has been upheld in proposed amending formula made public Friday by Justice Minister Fulton The principle would give Que bee or any other province the power to veto any move by Parliament to make such changes Mr Fulton had pledged recently that the formula would make French Canadian rights Ounalterahle without unanim ity This appeared to be the key provision in the formula worked out in series of four meetings since October 1960 among Mr Fulton and the pro vincial attorneysgeneral with Youth Minister Gerln Laloie representing Quebec Itlr Fulton said the formula has the backing of the great majority of the attomcysvgen oral who have agreed to sub mit it to their governments He did not indicate which provinces have dissented Saskatchewan air has voiced its objection to use of the veto However it remains for the federal government to decide whether all the provinces must agree to the formula be fore it is submitted to Parlia msnt WOULD APPLY TO Ul lf Parliament consented the draft formula then would be sent to London with request that it be passed by the United Kingdom Parliament as the 18th and final amendment to the British North America Act of 1367 Thus Canada for the first time would get the power to amend its own constitution it is the only one of the 12 mem bers of the Commonwealth which now lacks that authority due to lack of agreement in Canada on the amending for hints Unanimous agreement of all provinces would be required provincial rights and legislative Windsor Visit For Vaniers WINDSOR Ont CPIGov ernorGeneral Vaniar and Ma dame Vanier left for Ottawa riday following zoom visit Windsor The highlight ufitlleir visit Friday was sixhour visit to Assumption University where the Governor General partici pated in the official opening of the universitys new student centre Following convocation address by Gen Vanler special degrees and awards were pro nted The Governor General re ceived an honorary doctor of laws degree and the first Gov ernnrGenerals Silver Medal to be awarded at Assumption was presented by Gen Vanier to Mrs Labute who re eelved bachelor of science de gree in honors mathematics at Assumption in June The $1600000 university cen tre is planned to provide food cultural and recreational facili ties for students faculty and alumni Mine Mill Men Drop Issue In Dispute TORONTO CPiThe Inter ational Brotherhood of Mine Mill and Smelter Workers 1nd notified the Ontario La bor Relations Board Friday that it has withdrawn objections pre viously made about vote in yurlsdictional dispute at the Port Colbornc works of the in ternational Nickel Company of Canada The MineMill union said it did so to speed up the vote which will be held Monday Tuesday and Wednesday to de termine whether the 1000 work ers at the plant are to be rep resented by the United SteeL rkers of America CLO or the MineMill Local 637 as at resent Whichever union is the work ers choice must then enter ne gotiations with lace for new contract The old contract has expired and the workers are powers the use of the English and French langu es or the DNA Act section uh ch provides that no province can have fewer seats in the Commons than to the Senate Parliament already has au thority through 1949 amend ment to the BNA Act approved by landen to make constitu tional changes affecting mat ters that are designated in the DNA Act as strictly federal There was some suggestion at the last meeting of the attor neys general here Sept 1112 that some of the provincesit was not clear which ones wanted this 1949 amendment re opened for discussion before they will approve the new amending formula Mr Fulton made no mention of this In his Itstemcnt Fridsy The formula provides that where constitutional change would effect only few prov inces then the consent of only those provincial legislature in required before the amendment could be made by Parliament All other sections of the con stitution would be open to change by Parliament only after the consent of legislatures in twothirds of the to prov incesmeaning sevenwith 50 per cent of the national popula tion as it was at the last gen eral census IMMIGRATION iIIIL RRIVALS INCANADA IMMIGRATI immigration to Canada ls running at an 11year low The immigration department reports 50168 newcomers during the first nine months of this year down about one se 53 third from the same period in 1980 Graph estimates the years total based on the ninemonth figures and also estimates Canadian emigra tion to the United States CP Nowrmap Issues Narrow On Columbia Row VICTORIA CPIIssues ap parent are narrowing In the ot tawa Victoria controversy which has stalled Canadian rat ification of the Columbia River treaty for 11 months Statements Friday by From lar Bennett and Jus tice Minister Fulton made it clear the question is not one of whether power allotted to Can ada under the treaty should be sold to tho UnitEd States but of how much should be sold and for how long Mr Fulton said in Ottawa that Clause of the proposed treaty with the US is designed to permitsnle of such power as may be surplus to British Co lumbias Immediate needs from time to time He said earlier this week In Prince George BC the BC governments proposal to sell the whole entitlement is sheer madness Mr Bennett said Friday he interprets the clause to permit the sale of the complete Cana dian share of power half of that generatcdtln tho US as result of flowcontrol installa tions to be built in BC under the treaty NOT FOR ENTIRE TIME But the premier said he pro posed sale of Canadas entitle ment for only the first 20 of the 80 years for which the treaty would remain in effect He said DC has never said the power sale should be for the whole treaty period The premier released letter to Finance Minister Fleming dated Nov 27 in which he asked for meeting with Mr Fleming In Victoria or Ottawa for dis cussions on the matters in dis pute Mr Bennett also told report ers his government would be willing to sell power generated at dams in Canada to any na tional power grid which might be set up in Canada at consid Macaulay Leaves Hydro Executive TORONTO CMEnergy Re sources Minister Macaulay is giving up his post as first vice presldent of the Ontario Hydro Electric Power Commission and Will be replaced by George Gathercole deputy minister of economics Premier Roberts has announced Willinm Davis Progres sive Conservative member for Peel be tomes second vice erahly less than the five mill figure at which the power would be offered to the US BC is most anxious to see national grid begin without delay he said at press can terenoe Mr Fulton said in Ottawa that before the treaty was signed by former President Els snhower for the US Ialt Jan uary the BC government made it plain it intended clause to cover only shortterm sales of power surplus to BCl needs The minutes of our meetings with BC shortly before the treaty was signed fire quite clear he said He noted that Premier Bennett has not previ ously raised the question of clause in his speeches Premier Bennett has been caught with his hand in the cookie jar and he now is try ing to slip out of the pantry the minister said Canada Split On Market Issue Newspaper Says LONDON CPlPubllc opin ion in Canada is divided on the Common Market The Scotsman of Edinburgh says Ralph Hancox writing from Ottawa for the Conservative pa per says the government and many people feel that if Britain enters the European community it will cut sharply into Canadas export business Others he says are of the opinion the Common Market will provide market for Canada which could be expanded by assa clate membership Since Canadas economy is still suffering from hangover of postwar affluence Hancox says Trade Minister Hess re gards an increase in competi tion as disastrous For Expert Guaranteed TV REPAIR all makes Cali Borneo Beaumont At MONARCH REFRIGERATION TEEIARRE SATURDAY DEC II1 CAPSULE NEWS Insurance Chief MONTREAL CF Michael CorseScott 33Yearoid prui dent of the defunct Canadian Shield General insurance Com pany was sentenced Friday to two years in penitentiary for fraud involving 0172031 worth of premiums received its pleaded guilty to fraud and fal Ilticatlon of company books The company was forced Into liquidation last February Trustees Harold inns and Lloyd Paul testified they found only $400 in the treasury to cover some 000 claims total ling more than $500000 Banks Pay More WASHINGTON APtUnited States banks were authorized Friday night to pay interest of up to four per cant on some savings deposits The announced raasons for the move were to Increase freedom of competi tion and help the US balance of payments situation Frondizi Flys ATHENS AP President Arturo Frondizl of Argentina arrived here today by jet plane from Montreal on the second leg of his roundrtbaworld trlp Honor For Daddy MIAMI BEACH Fla AP Fredorick Gardiner chain man of Metropolitan Tomato was honored Friday for out standing clvlc achievement by the 81th annual conference of the National Municipal Magoo Gardiner is to retire as ltlctro chairman at the end of the year ilTest Date WASHINGTON AP The Atomic Energy Commission set firm time and date Friday for an underground nuclear test and selsmologists throughout the world so they can check it The detonation first In program to test peace ful uses of nuclear explosions will be set off at 10 am EST Dec 10 1700 feet underground near Carlsbad NM it will he fivekiloton blast the equival ent of 5000 tons of TNT Bank Robbed BUENOS AIRES Argentina APiFive bold young gunmen carrying pistols and submn chinegun held up suburban branch bank Friday Unofficial reports said they escaped with 45000000 pesos $560000 Miss TiCat Is Miss Grey Cup TORONTO CPlIngrid Os molowsky Miss Hamilton Tiger Cat Friday night was crowned Miss Grey Cup of 1961 The 19yearold brown eyed blonds flashed winners smile as the traditional black and white banner was placed around her neck during the Grey Cup festival dance Miss Osmolowsky secretary for Hamilton tire company was born in Dresden East Ger many Runnerup among the nine an trants from Canadian Football League oitlea was Theresa Stangl Miss Winnipeg Blue Bomber Steifany Laird Miss Ottawa Bough Rider placed TRAINS 02 TRACK 190 or 4690 CROSSOVER 89a pr 203 REMOTE CONTROL 449 ELECTRIC SIGNALS 29 UNION STATION 329 Authorized Repair Dept For Triang Headquarters for no track switches buildings trees LARGEST TRAIN DISPLAY NORTH 01 TORONTO ROBINSONS QUALITY HARDWARE Split Personality By JOSEPH MIcSWEEN UNITED NATIONS CPI The acting ucretarygeneral of the United Nations said Friday there are two Thants Both of them showed in an engaging manner at his first major press conference with UN correspond en Tho nyeahold Burma Budd hist mentioned his diplomatic split personality when ho was asked about his views on the admission of Red China into the United Nations Banana King Is Dead NEW ORLEANS AP Sam uel Zamurray 04 former president and chairman of the board at the United Fruit Com pany who was known to import ing circles as the Banana King was buried Friday He died in hospital Thursday night after lengthy illness He conceived the idea of en tering the ins business while watching yellow bananas being thrown into Mobile Bay because they were too rl and no job ber would buy cm Zemurruy later sold his com pany to United Fruit for 300 000 shares of the old New Eng land companys stock and be came United Fruit director Survivors Include his wife daughter and two grandchil dren His son was killed in the Second World War ml CHURCH FOR ALL ALL 1H CIWR The views of former ambas sador Thant said Thant are won known He didnt am plify but it is known that Burma wants Red China in the UN But as Acting SecretaryGeneral Thant said Thant he has no opinions except those required for implementation of UN rose lutioos The directness of this reply was in contrast with how Sec retaryGeneral Dag Hammarsk iold killed in an African plane crash in September handled correspondents Thant took blunter stand when he was asked about state ments that Moise Tshombe president of the Congos seces sionist Kalanga claimed two UN officials were beaten by soldiers in Elisabeth villa merely to discredit the Rs tnnga regime TSHDMBE UNSTABLE would say that Tshombe is capable of making any kind of BABY TEETHING Goalie Sinduals quickly help Minn loathing troublestom mopnon uput tummy Promote nutNI comfort or bittyInd yma mild iuamv Main and statement Thant repliedI After consulting with those who know him get the im prossion that stomba is very unstable man known thus to instigate has tional figure except in terms so derstaod The Swedish diplomat and Nobel Prizewinner phrased his statements in such way that correspondents sometimes found themselves drawing con clusions for themselves Thant on the other hand took 144 atttiude to the que ries directed at him Friday Much like Hammarskioidpen serene and he recalled his days anewspaper man Hammarskfold was never involved as to he difficldt to we hops more aoha was cairn and APPOINTMENT NOW FOR THAT SPECIAL CHRISTMAS PORTRAIT See Us For PERSONALIZED CHRISTMAS CARDS FAVERO PHOTOGRAPHER 29 Dunlop PA 550 The Chords is the cutest actor on urth for the building of character and good cihmsltip It ttoldlouse at spiritual values Without strong Church neither danceac nor civilianon an sur vive There an four sound moo why every pawn should attend service regular and support the camel They are For his own abs For Iris childrens are For the alas of its community and urban For then of the Church lbefllgllmneods hu mogugd material mp to go In and mad yoanlblc daily may Day Gazptzr Verse Sundry lab as at Monday Job 42 16 vbudzy Matthew 2534 may ICorinthiam la in may Gllatnm on may Matthew 513 Sltmday ICoirnth in 110 ofih universe With them plague all of us You and those around you THIS CHRISTMAS SEE OUR WIDE SELECTION OF OIL PAINTINGS MIRRORS CHRISTMAS CARDS CUSTOM FRAMING DATES PAINT AND WALLPAPER DUNLOP ST PA 33210 UNDERSTANDING Suppose you were given keys that would unlock the mysteries Would you use them Of course you asyi Think again And once youve thought you you could answer the whys that know what was going to happen Ito you tomorrownext monthn zxtyear you might shake your head hand back and say No thank Common sense tells us that man was not mat to under stand every mystery of life The reesons why because our Creator in His wisdom how much man can both stand and BE remain as they thoroughly knows just understand God has gratergift for you than these or any other the gift of Faith You will find it by going to church regularly II THIS FEATURE IS CONTRIBUTED TO THE CAUSE OF THE CHURCH BY THE FOLLOWING INTERESTED INDIVIDUALSAND BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS BERTRAM BROS LTD BUILDING MATEle JOHNSON sort MACHINE moo DONS IEXACO SERVICE DON COWDEN LESSEE PA 35801 In Iiiï¬n St Mr Lackie Prop PA 83994 06 Ross St BINNIIIS IEXACO SERVICE GRAF BINNIE LESSEE PA 8422 Highway 20 and 21 PA 82059 Dunlap at PA owl PA H254 429 Blake St DENIS SHEAR LTD LUMBER AND BUILDERS SUPPLIES Phones now covered only by an inte rim agreement The objections had concerned number of employees at lnco which the Steelworkers claimed as members of their union but who were alleged by the Mine Miil union not to have paid dues to the USW chairman THERRIEN CUT STONE DENNIS THERRIEN MGR PA 68083 44 Ellen 51 ELOXOM CONSTRUCTION CO LTD PA $3021 28 Candles Road BTECKLEY UNERAL HOME 30 Worsley St Stroud 60 Painswlck Zenith 56600 Barrie For New leadership Elect JIM HART For Mayor Previous Moyoraliy Experience BARREEIRON WORKS GEORGE HELD PROP mil580 Pa noose 11 High St MONUMENT 00 PA 84021 154 Burton Ava BAYCITY UPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND MODERN Beautiful Samples Free Estimates FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY PHONE PA 89748 BARBIE Upholstertng on BusinessNot Just sideline 65 Bradford St 9A was HURON MOTORS PA was 158 Vespra 8t GORDON SPRIZNG ENTERPRISES Gordon Spring PreS MARTHI MODEL KITCng MARTIN PROP PA 80781 RB No 4Barrie MAYFAIlt CUSTOM panorama BILL BARRY sauna saavrcn STATION PA 37123 281 Dunlop St COOKE CARTAGE and STORAGE LTD AND CLEANERS BUILDING coNrnacron PA oasis 4a Road PA also as aaviietosr ps 85091 lss Codrington St ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE Beat The Barrie Examiner Church Announcornenta for the Times of Services and Religious Activities