Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Dec 1961, p. 6

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Plow with Hope Visualize Late in 29 AD Christ up inted 70 persons togo be nre Him two by two toltha cities He planned to visit They were to witness for Christ heralding His ccmlris healing the sick and blessing the homes which received themLuke 10 it they were not well received they were instructedto shake the dust of that place mm their feet and leave warns ing the Inhabitants of their Growth Through Witnessing ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL swamanal 5113 In 1011020 Ash sluiulness and telling them that the kingdom of God was neonLuke 101016 Two other bold witnesses were the apostles Peter and John Brought before the Jewish high council they con Famous Last Words Often Are Unforgettable By REV CECIL BRENN HA Central United Some people last words last words of us Oliver Cromwell faces circling his death bed God beautiful last night he died Howcvcr famous as orable words disciple up to this very hour Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel These are not only famous words they are unforgettable last words They contain command which some people still obey MISSIONARIES On the evening of Nov 14 the writer along with members of the congregation of Central United Church representatives of the Board of Overseas Mis sions of the United Church of Canada and other friends go thered at Matton Airport to bid Godspeed and say farewell to Mr and Mrs Lloyd Straclv an who were leaving for their mission field in Brazil It was an emotional moment for we would not see them again for five yéars However our mood was mitigated to some degree by the greatness of the chal lenge before them in the ser vice of Christ and in the knowledge that as the first missionaries of the United Church of Canada to enter Bre sii history was being made Lloyd and Carol exemplify the modern approach to mission work He is graduate of the Ontario Agricultural College and she is graduate nurse with one year in the United Church Training School They have gone to Brazil to give technical assistance in farming and nursing or course they will preach the Gospel by word but they will do so especially by deed In this they will be following in the footsteps of the Master who went about doing good feeding the hungry heat ing the sick In his book Land of Eldor ado Uberto Barbieri emphasiz es the great need for the preaching of the Gospel in Latin America in this practical way We might add that this is true for greatpart oi the rest of the world DWEERENCE Of course preaching the Gospe in Jesus day was small chore compared to what it is in ours Most of the known part of the world was contaiu ed in thosa lands bordering on the Great Sea or the Mediter ranean Sea as we know it now In ADI only an estimated 210 or 250 million people in habited the earth Sixteen hun dred and 50 years later this number had doubled to 470 mil lion By the year 1955 the world population had reached 260 billion people And since then it has been expanding ah the rate of so million people year But with this mlishroom population explosion the dismal spectre of hunger and suffering stalks die earth as never be fore And this in turn calls for the preaching of the Gospel in practical way as never be ore WORLD HUNGER Here is picture of His worlds need as painted by Don ald Faris in hisbook To line starting from your front door made up of the hungry of the world many ragged and disease ravaged with pinched faces The line goes on out of sight over continent and ocean around the world 25000 miles ADLAN CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION presents 31 PAULS RENEWING OF THE MIND SUNDAY DECEMBER 150 p111 at THE MEETING PLACE 0n Little Lake Road jtst past 400 Bridge REV GEO LEWINGTON on departing this life have uttered famous One thinks of the John Wesley The best of all is God is With upon looking around at the mourniul said will no one here thank Then one recalls the sentence of Dr Peter Marshall the Washington minister Ae he was being car ried ollt of his home on stret cher he said to his wife 111 see you in the morning That such words are they pale Into insig nificance before the most mem In history On the day of his ascension to the right hand of God Jesus said to the 11 disciples and to every Sunday School 945 am Holiness Meeting 1045 can Evangelich Service 700 pm Temporarily held In the Odd Fellows Hall on Collier street 00p Post office and returns to your front door the globe gcring suffering humanity During thirds or on an average two years Christian Chllrch today to send forth preach the Gospel in under developed countries by aiding in tho produciton of food Christs unforgettable last words Go ye forth into all the world and preach the Gospel are coming through today loud and clear DOCTORS Finally it is more than ob vious that the world is crying out for doctors and nurses who will go into underdeveloped areas to preadl the Gospel through their ministry of host HIE The modern trained doctor to say nothing of the hospital bed is prohibitive luxury for twothirds of the people oi the world The sick the maimed the blind among millions have no recourse whatever to the edge that the West considers so important for health United Nations estimates place the number of trained doctors in the World at UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP or BARRIE 1100 am School of Religion 500 pm Taped Sermon Tbs Futility of Fallout Shelters YMYWCA 10 Owen St For Further Information Call PA 80282 Everyone Welcome THE ALLIANCE CHURCH away and Duulop streets George Ross Pastor 945 améunday School 1100 amMorning Worship 700 pmEvangelistlc Service FIRST CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH St Vincent Street Rev Jac Geuzebroeir pastor Phone PA 39876 157 shanty Bay Road 1030 am REY JAC GEUZEHROEK 230 pm BEV IAC GEUZEHROEK Dutch The Church of Back To God Hour Radio Program CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY 59 COLLEE ST Services Sunday School 11 am GOD THE ONLY CAUSE AND CREATOR Reading Room on premises Wed 24 pm All are welcome The Salvation Army Citadel 00 Collier street MAJOR AND MRS GILLESPIE Corps Officers in and on it stretches circling not twice nor five times but 25 times and there is no one in the line but hun tho period 1937 to 1957 this line Increased by lwtli completed new circle every What is more as populations increase it is ex panding over at miles day The hungry of the world are hurling vital challenge at the missionaries who will vast stars of technical knowl REV BRENN lion Some 925000 of these are in North America and Europe In other wordS thrcequartcrs of the total number of doctors confine their attention to one third of the worlds population that challenge to Christian doctors and nurses there is in the remaining twothirds What an opportunity for preach éé founded it by their profound knowledge of Christ and by the rrllracle they had perform extActs 41517 when this Sanhedrin jealous of their power forbade Peter and John to preach more the CATHOLICS SAY Explorers like Lewis and Clark or Stanley and Living stone hsve groped their ways through the wilds and myster les of America and Africa But it would have been so much easier if some one could have given them map of the coun try through which thay were to travel So it Is with life Things would be much easier if we had map of life to guide us But who could make map we could really trust Only one Being knows the full story of life perfectly the whys and lvhcreforcs of its blessings and reverses That Boing is God lfimself Catholics believe that Jesus Christ left map by which we ing the Gospel through the rnln istry oi healing Many of us of course cannot obey the command in Jesus un forgettable last words to go into all the world and preach the Gospel That Is we cannot go personally Howver to say this is not to let us slide out from undemeath our responsib ility we can all help to send someone else and we mustl Through our spiritual support through our prayers and through our money we must send theml LESSON By Alfred Buescher apostles said they had to obey GDdl Will not the Sanhed rini The council was power less against themActs 1822 GOLDEN TEXT Acts t20 We Need It Map For Life can interpret correctly the prob lems of life Many pitfalls and wildemesses trouble our earth ly Iourriey There are many strange and terrible trials At one time we are comfortably well off at another we have lost all our money dear one may have died and we cannot be consoled Without any fault of ours our marriage may not be going well We are in the best of health when suddenly on nccidclit or illness leaves us in valids for life We are baffled by such hardships hut Christs map tells us how to react to trouble of any kind This map is to be found in the teachings of Christ as given to us by Scripture and Tradi tion In these teachings rid and poor sick and strong lion ored and dishonored success ful and unsuccessful find direc tions guide them to their etema destiny To man lost in strange wild and mysterious country man would be most welcome Catholics believe that the teach ings of Jesus Christ are sure map to direct them through the difficulties of ii MANY USES Since nylon became available in mo Its use has extended to clothing ropes tiro cord and fishnets The Unitarian Story What It Is And Does From time to time we hear spot announcement or lit tle news item on the air about the work of the Unitarian Ser vice Committee or we see writeup in our papers and magazines but today we come to tell you the background story and the newest developments of this amazing agenq In July 1945 relative new comer to Canada and refugee from Czechoslovakia herself Dr Lootta muchmanova con ceived the idea of organizing in our country the Unitarian Service Committee to bring aid to the most helpless the chil dren victims of war in Europe Dr Hitschmlmovu was well equipped for this job In her own muntry between and 1538 she had countered streams of people fleeing from Germany and Austria and then when the war broke out she be came as refugee herself and so know first hand how much it hurts to be hungry and without home In 1041 in Southern France she worked with the USC of the United States one of the many American agencch trying to alleviate the hardships of people whom Hitler had put on his black list ORGANIZED USC From her tiny room in Ottawa in July 1945 Dr Hitschmsnova began organizing the USC after she had secured permission CHURCH BRIEFS Burton Avenue United Church is arranging an Ev Smith Night for this Sunday evening Mr Smith will speak from the pulpit outlining his new duties as regional director of broad casting ior Western Ontario for the United Church of Canada It is hoped Rev Keith Wool lard director of broadcasting tor the United Church of Can ada may be present The Ross Caldwell Singers will be seated in the choir loft and will pre sent musical selections Rev David Reeve is preparing Commissioning Service to send Ev Smith into fulltime work within the church dt will take the form of Laying on of Hands from the Board of the Ameri can Unitarian Service Commit tee to go ahead with her dream Astonishineg enough this dream very soon became reality because the time was right for such an endeavor Everyone across Canada was talking about the plight of the little ones whose parents had in concentration camps in slave labor and the Unitar isn Service Committee sudden ly appeared as the channel through which food and cloth ing and medicines could be rushed to them WHAT IT MEANS You may wonder what this word Unitarian means it indicates that the agency was originally founded by members of the Unitarian Church in Des ton anxious to from Nazioccup ed Europe But very quickly after was the USC in Boston was recognized by the United States govern ment not as church organiza tion but as voluntary agency Mr and Mrs Herb Anderson and Murray of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Edward Channcn Mrs Fairfax of iotteliham spent Saturday with her parents Mr and Mrs DAngio Charles Bowdery has returned home after spending week in Toronto wiIh his daughters Robert and Barry Peacock II Barrie spent the weekend with their granpnrents Mr and Mrs Robert Peacock Mr and Mrs DAngio spent nlcsday with their daughters In Toronto Mr and Mrs Thompson of Harrie spent Saturday with Mr and Mrs Holder Mr and Mrs Mackay of Willnwdaie spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Victor Reid Mr and Mrs Bert Paine of Keswick spent Tuesday with Mr and Mrs George Palne Mervyn field of Thorn hilt spent the weekend with his parents Mr and Mrs VI Reid tome Lot its 10mg TRINITY CHURCH Collier Street Next to the Post Office First Sunday In Advent 800 am Holy Communion 030 am Holy Communion Sermon ADVENT The Ven Read Sunday School Nursery 1100 am Holy Communion Sermon ADVENT The Ven Rcad 730 pm Evensong Sermon MAN NEEDS SAVIDUR The Van Heart You are cordially Invited THE itNiiLIIiIIN CHURCHIII CiiNiiDii Worship With Us On Our ST GEORGES ALLANDALE Burton Avenua at Granville Street 1st Sunday In Advent Let Them Give Glory Unto The Lord amHoly Communion ll am Holy Communion Confirmation Class Jr Congregation and Church School Bible Class Nursery 11112 Evening Prayer and Bible Study We invite you to come and Sabbath Day organist Mrs shun asCM Choirlcader Mn is Smothnnt Rector Rev Welter Dyer in Steel Street School SUNDAY scuvlcas ST ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHU Owen and Worsley St Rev Adams BA Minister Director of Praise Raymond Daniels LTCL 945 amSenior School RClt Il00 amNursery Junior School II am THE THREE GROANS OF PAUL 700 PJit PREPARATORY SERVICE Come And Bring The Family To Church ESSAROADH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Corner of Burton Avenue Altamian Rev Bell BA Minlsler Mrs Walker Organist 1100 am BAPTIST ST VINCENT ST COLLIER ST UNITED CHURCH MINISTER The Rev Gardiner Skelly MA BiD ORGANIST CHOIRMASTER Lloyd Tufford 1100 am Subject HERALDING THE DAWN CHURCH SCHOOL years and over 930 am under years 00 am Baby Sitting Facilities at 00 am 730 pm Special service of constitution of the New United Church Congregation of Willowdale Ave to be held IGA CAR PARKING AVAILABLE FOR CHURCH GOERS VISITORS AND NEWCOMERS WELCOME CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH THE NEW CHURCH WILH THE OLD STORY Rose and Toronto Streets REV CECIL It BRENN BA 81 MB IRELAND RMT Organtst and Choirmaster 1100 AM THERES HOPE AHEAD SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL 945 am years and over 00 am up to 9yoars 730 pm Constitution Service of Willowdale United Church WELCOME AWAITS YOU The Secret of Successful Living VISITATION SUNDAY cams Schoolnt into amPrimary to Young People 700 pm TO WALK WITH GOD VISITORS AND NEW RESIDENTS WELCOME 945 amFAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL WHITE GIFT SUNDAY DECEMBER Will It am and am Guest Preacher Rev Locks Baptist Church Hawkins Huntsville Wednesday at 730 Our Mother of Perpetual Help Novena FIRST FRIDAYS MASSES 730 and 1115 am EH Mlntstoi Rev David Organist Mr George and Primary Departments 030 8111 Junior and Senior Departments Sunday Evening at 730 Supt or of Tomitnsnn MIDHUBST STN BURTON AVE UNITED CHURCH 1100 am 100 pan WHITE GIFT saavrca EVERETT Hera Sermon mam mime ls IMPORTANT IE shun chRqV Sunday School 1100 Nursery Fem OUR CONGRATULATIONS TO THE NEW WILLOWDALE AVE UNITED CHURCH CONGREGATION WILLOWDALE UNITED Sunday School and Morning Worship DIvlne Service for the Consiltuiing of Wiltowdale Ave United Church As Congragattonwof The UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Under the Auspices of Simcoe Presbytery STEEL STREET PUBLIC SCHOOL officiating clergy Morden are Chairman or Presbytery Home Missions ncv Arits Lhurch with no church control whatso everd Exagtiy she same bap pen in one in January 1946 the Canadian government recognized the USC as volun lary nondeuominationat agency whose only criterion to extend assistance is greatest human need Canadians of every faith of every income bracket of every age group and of course from every province between Newfoundland and Vancouver Island began enthusiastically to supgort USQ endeavors and over years the agency has built up an enviable record of integrity efficiency and of far reaching effective aid given in the name of Canada BIBLE TODAY For many years the second Sunday in Advent has been de signated as Bible Sunday on which emphas has been told of the centrall of the Scrip tures in the Christian faith and the place of the Bible Societies in the distribution of the Scrip tures throughout the world This your Bible Sunday falls on Dec 10 The whole Anglican Church and the Salvation Army in Can ada are officially observing this Sunday The churches in the United States are also keeping Bible Sunday This Sunday is also kept in England and on the continent The Canadian Bible Society assists the churches by issuing literature on the spread of the Scriptures throughout the world Many churches and individuals make special gifts for the work on this occasion marked increase in interest in the Bible and its message for the troubled world of today to reported from all over the world At the present time the Bible Societies of the world are hard pressed to meet the minimum need of the churches for more Scriptures in more languages Suggested Bible readings Sunday Dec 10 Luke 841 Dec 11 Joshua 241118 12 Psalms 27114 Dec 13 Psalms 46111 Dec 14 Psalms 911110 Dec 15 Psalms 103 122 mo 10 Luke 13950 Reeve BA BD Jamieson ACC0 11o Caldwell singers Reception Following CHURCH 1000 am Barrie Dec 3rd 1961 pm In Rev Roman Catholic 51 MARYS CHURCH SS MULCASTER 51 PA azsss SUNDAY MASSES am am 1015 am 1130 am EVENING DEVOTIONS Sunday pm 600 pan PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SERVICE in JOHNSON ST $011001 STUDENT MINISTER LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD Steel st on my 11 VACANCY PASTOR REVEREND JOHN OBEDA Box 423 Bradford Prospect 58412 Sunday School 145 nun WORSHIP 300 1111 The Church or TV tnl The Life THE BARRIE REFORMED CHURCH Rev Cornelia nous Mtnlatcr Phone PA 63024 SUNDAY MORNING 1100 SERVICE OF WORSHIP in Dutch language 980 am MORNING wows 1100 SUNltJ Dsfmool FOR 130 Me To be held in St James Church SUNDAY SCHOOL at Crown Hill EVERYONE WEMOME YOU ARE WELCOME 03

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