it Probe Crime Links With Government TORDNTO CPI Donald MacDonald New De ocratic Party eadcr in the Ontario leg islature said Friday independ ent investigations are needed to ferret out possible contributions mm it ecrs to political funds and iind out what links there are between crime the government and law enforce mcnti hlr MacDonald spoke during the legislatures throne speech debate in which Liberal Leader John Vintenneycr LIB ciarcd earlier there is evidence that syndicated crime is spread ing through Ontario The New Democratic leaders speech brought several heated interjectians from the govern ment side At one point when itlr lilac Donald suggested the onus was on political parties to disprove claims of criminal contributions by opening their books Provin cial Secretary Ysremko shouted Were all guilty until proved lnnoccnt suppose WANTS COMMISSION ltlr Wintermeyer said Friday that inquiry by royal commis sion was the only way to deter mine the truth of charges he made in the Ontario legislature linking prominent sports and police figures with gambling clubs and gangsters lifr Wintcrmeyer repeated his call for royal commission after Joseph Ryan general manager of the Edmonton Es kimos and long prominent in football in Canada challenged ti Liberal chief to repeat his speech outside the immunity of the legislature Mr Ryan said he could sue ltlr Wintermcyer for 51000000 if he acceptedthe challenge in speech to the legislature Wednesday Mr Wintermeyer said Mr Ryan had booked party oi Detroit gangsters into James Bay Ontario hunting lodge jointly owned by Mr Ryan and Eric Cradock Tor onto stockbroker tormer part owner of the Aloueties and once director of the Toronto Argo nauts DONALD lilacDONALD Other persons named in the wintermcyer speech also issued dcnials named in connection with vitrilt ous Ontario social clubs which Mr Vintermcycr said were sus pected as fronts for gamblers also challenged the ai loader to repeat the remarks outside the legislature Premier Robarts told the leg islature that criminals will not be allowed to operate with im punity in Ontario want to assure this House he said Thursday night that there is no matter place higher than the administration of justice He said that he has person ally ordered complete analy sis of Mr Winternmyers state meats Mr Mac contended that the provincial mines dis parlment had worked with lrnown professional gamblers and may have rushed through geological survey report to help those gamblers promote their stock in mining company The Ontario NDP leader said the American record of crimin al influence on political parties warrants study of such influ ence here it is pertinent to ask whatproof the old parties are Attack Newsmen In Streets 0i Racial Tension Town MCCOMB MISS AHFour young McComb men attacked three magazine reporters on the streets here Friday send ing one crashing into stores plate glass window The three were Don Uhrbrock and Don Underwood of Life magazine and Shamans Feat ress at Time magazine Uhr brook was knocked through the wnidow fentress said they were walk ing toward the McComb Enter prise Journal when they were met by the four who came out of sporting goods store He said one of the men came to him and asked Are you from Time magazine Vehicle Output Rises TORONTO lCP Canadian matcrvddcle production this week is estimated at 10521 units compared with 10308 last week says the Canadian Auto mobile Chamber of Commerce Production consisted of 9355 cars compared with 9167 last week and 1166 trucks com pared with 1141 Production to date this year Isrstimated at 353039 units compared with 364355 in the corresponding period last year made up of 294895 cars com pared with 299051 and 58144 tracks compared with 65304 Car production this week and this year to date with figures for last week and tho corres ponding period last year in brackets was American Motors 340 332 7471 nil Chrysler 1199 11 208 42271 47003 Ford 2663 2625 87395 86000 General Motors 4974 4822 15220 160759 Studebaker Packard 179 130 5548 4289 WELL SURVEYED The geology of Britain ls known in more exact detail than that of any other country Fcntress replied am here on business He said the man prodded him in the chest with his finger said your business is our business and then struck him The group then attacked Uhr brock and shoved Underwood Uhrbrock suiiered swollen hip but the other two apparen woro uninjured Uhrbrock was among reporters beaten in Montgomery May 20 during Freedom Rider riots in the Alabama capital Fridays attack occurred as McComb braced for new tests of its desegregated bus termi not by Freedom Riders Bank Savings Mark Rise OTTAWA CF Savings on deposit in Canadas chartered banks at Oct 31 amounted to 57053000000 up from $7724 000000 month earlier and the $742500000 total for Oct 31 I960 The chartered bank statement for October also showed Friday that call and short loans in Ca nadian funds amounted to 8338 017000 at Oct 31 compared with $297000000 month ear lier and $N000000 year ear lier MANY SIRENS FAIL OTTAWA GP The army said Thursday night that only 60 of its 501 nuclear attack warning sirens failed to operate properly in the cross Canada civil defence exercise lhcsin last month CrossCanada sur veys are being conducted now on the need for additional sir ens the array said and the to tal may reach 1500 When in stallations are complc can gamck HAIR STYLISTB announce COKE THIIE ror TEENAGERS EVERY wan mom 415 ear spzotzt student Rate by appointment only PA 84661 38 Maple Avenue DANCING Ono FELLOWS HALL comes sr EVERY FRIDAY SATURDA FRIDAY TOM CROWE SATURDAY NORM BURLING ADMISSION 25c and his Quintet from Newmarket REERESHMENT BOOTH NO SLACKS OR JEANS PERMITTED Oid Tymasnd Modern Dancing people of this province that their campaign funds are not be ing augmented by contributions from to rs of organized crime bir MacDonald said ASILS PUBLIC AUDIT The case is even stronger for public audit of the central iunds oi politiCal Dania if politicalparties are not he recipients oi contributions from organized crime than the obli gation tails upon them to prty vide the proof not simply by verbal denim of tho factthat isnt good enoughhut to open their books to public auditi He noted hir Wintermcyers speech Wednesday had linked unnamed senior officials of the attorney generais depart ment with bigtlme gamblers and had suggested Attorney General Roberts called off an undermverinvestlgatioo of gambling Tomato lawyer Louis Herman willing and able to give to the TEE BARRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY names 1m Trinidad To Chooseiiovemment litter Hard Violent Campaign PORT OI SPAIN Trinidad CP The end is drawing near in rinidads election carn paign campaign marked by hitter words some violence and one death Voters there are 370000 el igible will choose their gov ernment Monday in precedent setting election For the first time in this Caribbean islands history voters will be required to produce identiï¬cation cards at the polls They will be the ï¬rst here ever to register their votes by machine The polling comes at the end oi five years and two months of rule by the Peoples National Movement of Dr Eric Williams 50 year old historian and author who held only slim majority in the 30 scat legis laturc He is opposed by the Demo cratic Labor Party under Dr Rudranath Capildco is year old physicist and lawyer Both parties are contesting the so leg islature The revived party of Tubal Uriah Bur Butler is contesting four seats The odds makers are predict lag re election of the Peoples National stovemcaowith com iortabic majority Trinidad is one of the worlds most cosmopolitan muntriu People of aoli races live and mark Ingetherharmonlousiyi Dr Capiidcos party cancelled public meetings last week alter man was shot to death in the wake of parade by the Petr plos Movement through Democratic Labor Party stronghold Dri Williams has declined to make an election issue of the future of the West Indies feder ation badly shaken by Jam aicas decision to withdraw and seek self independence German police stand guard behind barbed wire along new 250yard massive con crete wall at Berlins Bran $200000 Suit Lost TORONTO CP Mr Jus tioe Spence Friday dis missed with costs an action for $200000 brought against town planner G1 Faludi by builder Joel Morgenstern Mr Morganstern sued Dr Fal udi of laludi and Assa ciates town planning consult ants on the grounds that re port Dr Faiudi presented to Oakville council contained also information As result of the report he contended council relt fused to rezone from residential to commercial 326 acres of land owned by Morgenstern Mr Justice Spence said there was no allegation that Dr Fal udi was in any way fraudulent in any representations he made in the report in 1953 He held that allegations of careless re presentation and negligence was unfounded He said would be inclined to find the opposite of negli gence by the exercise of care and mature and informed judg ment DUTCH CAPITAL Amsterdam has been the cap ital of The Netherlands since 1814 although the seat of gov ernment and royal residence is at The Hague denburg Gale today as Com munists in background mt centre pull down fibre board screen behind which building operations took place Charged The writscnrrn COMES DOWN material used for the screen can be seen loaded into truck on other side of com creto barrier AP Wirephoto via radio lrorn Berlin Convict Indicts Guards KINGSTON CPlA Kingston Penitentiary prisoner who will stand trial for holding six pri son employees hostage last summer said in court Friday that prison ofï¬cials did every thing they could to prevent him from preparing his defence John Peters as serving 20 year term at the maximum security prison said he would try to lay charges against War den David Maciean for ob structing justice intimidation and threats and tampering with mail Peters was committed for trial with another prisoner Real Vincent Hamel 27 torm erly of Montreal who is serv ing 15 years for armed ml beryl They were charged jointly at preliminary hearing Fri day with unlawful confinement of penitentiary employees who were held prisoner for 26 hours beginning last July 31 Peters asked Magistrate Garvin who presided at the hesring how charges could be brought against Warden Mae lean gt When Magistrate Garvin told GIFT TICKETS NOW ON SALE STARTS MON FEATURES a1 SUN AT 855 STARS AT 700 mm Rim qucNEILDEE ax mommmrmmrnuh WAIDAVIDMDH Disadth COFEATURE EA it FOR THE STARS WITH CWEilitiiiZit von Bliiti cotuaoamoonstone CURTJURGENSLVICTORIASHAW ttgimtttsll scram man HillIII TODAY ONLY DANNY KAYE IN ON THE DOUBLE in Color ranruns AT 215 415 55 cm 1010 Peters he would have to write letter to the Crown attorney of Frontenac County Peters re plied that be wassure the letter would never get out of the pri SDI Have Children In 33 Months CORNWALL CPlMr and Mrs Fernaud Aliaire have had five children within ssmonth period There were five children in the home when set of twins was born two years and nine months ago This double birth was followed by single birth and the last set of twins was born at Cornwall General Hos pital Wednesday on Mrs Al laires 29th birthday Their 10 children are all un der the age of 10 years ARE YOU WEll COVERED For Driving On Snowcovered Roads In the winter roads are slippery No matter how careful you are you could skid into an accident CfAs automobile and accident insurance could help you pay the costs of liability to others damage to your own car injuries to you or members of your family in your own or someone elsel car WILBUR WALTON 52 Newton St PA 84000 TIM CRAerRDV 155 Penetang Shy PA 64791 CLARENCE anowN PA 85689 Coupcratnrs insurance Association Clii Congo Russia Swap Ambassadors Again LEOPOLDVILLE IAPlThe Congolese government today re diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union Poland and Czechoslovakia Charge dAifaires of the three Communist missions presented iormai letters of introduction to the foreign ministry this mom ing Acting Foreign Minister Mar cel Lengema accepted the let ters foilownig meeting of the cabinet authorizing the resump tion of diplomatic ties Relations with the Soviet Un ion and Czechoslovakia were broken at by the Congolese in September 1960 immediately following the military coup dctat of Gen Joseph llfobuiu Poland never had established an embassy in Leopoldvilie after independence and first recognized the ramp Congolese government of Lumurnblst An toine Gizenga when he was es tablished in Stanieyvilis claim ing to be tho only legal pm ruler The Communist diplomats have been here for three Witnesses Lose Appeal In Babys Death TORONTO CP The On tario Court of Appeal Friday rejected request from io hovahs Witnesses couple from London Ont to quash the pro CEcdings of an inquest into the death of their lzdaygld daugh tar The court upheld an earlier Supreme Court decision by Mr Justice Wells transfusion was given after family court order declared the child ward of the Chil drens Aid Society but the girl subsequently died on April Is 1960 The Wolfes protested the pro ceedings of an inquest under coroner Robinson which asked the attorneygea oral to provide legal means to prevent the recurrence of such deaths Mr Justice W1 Sebrooeder in giving judgment Friday coroners inquest is hearing for the determination of subjects rights THIS CHRISTMAS wrrn reornssrousr scam CARE FROM WICKS BEAUTY SALON to pounce sr pa cm at MOM TUES WED F111 SAT 900 am coo pJn THURSDAY 900 am 900 pm months but they had no official status The Congo governments re sumption of relations with the Communist countries has been antictpatcd for several weeks Adoulas government has gone on record as iavnriag formal ties with allnations who desire them Queen Sails For Gambia 0n Yacht FREEIOWN Reutch Queen Elizabeth sailed for Gambia aboard the royal yacht Britannia Friday night after praising Sierra Leones spir itual ideals tolerance and mod oration before meeting of Parliament here Before the Queen and Prince Philip sailed the Queen was presented with giits of live boa constrictor and an uncut diamond worth an estimated 5170 about $19600 Sierra Ileana Prime Minister Sir Milton Margai and other of liclala watched as the boat headed into the Atlantic The Queen will visit Gambia two daysthe last leg of four week tour of West Africa SUES MAGAZINE NEW YORK AmMarlena Dietrich is suing the McCall Corporation or $2000000 damlt ages it was learned Friday De tails were not disclosed but spokesman for the actress law yers said the action was baScd oi nonalignment between East and West They did not fear that it indicatEd swing toward the Communist camp IMPERIAL STARTS MON IAWHIATJVEn Mastodon PETER FINGH N0 LOVE FOR JOHNNIE nmnmmvunma mummf mm tarm LAST SHOWING TODAY ADULT ENTERTAINRENT DOUBLE BUNK on an article in the March 1960 issue of McCalls magazine ANo FRENCH MISTRESS tnstleisflml In mum writing for you sv when otyoor you go Swimming fishing golf zktsset borarunsi thou Iso lsisAhl moms Semiiméanngh St cto notoruAMrysaomtthmg todoa loan oathl wnnmmmimmigctu ms in wiflnlmmziiiir st Iodotts ustthst InstPotI gmnhtinyoosrzummlu hot rod whitidndot loammodsllons vnu will need WI ssndyoorldttorflmltyAdvsntnn chamber or commerce Plumbing Davenport Florida nu THEAIR 133 as on