titanic Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario SATURDAY DECEMBER 1961 Puc Winter Approach Recalls Wonderful Summer Weather The past summer of 1961 slipped along 59 nicely in this area of 0niario that we possibly did not appreClate how very pleasant it was and still is Last spring the bay ice was all scat tered by April 29 and had been of over age thickness It had frozen gradually be tween December 22 and 27 and had thickened in January and February when lowest recorded was 17 below zero =May was moderate with average only in the high sixties and an 86 on Sunday the 14th June too was not extreme Walking For The trouble with most Americans laments writer in Todays Health is that walking is becoming forgotten sport and lost art Taking the word American in its con tinental context this would apply also to Canadians whose reliance on motor vehicles as means of getting from one place to another even short distances is now quite general If that were all there was to it it is not likely that health authorities would be showing more concern about it The fact of the matter is that the lack of walking one of the simplest forms of exercise tends to make person soft and flabby physically and mentally and eventually has an adverse influence on his health Recently there has been quite flurry of publicity over the physical fitness or the lack of it of our young people and over the governments pronouncement that it plans to initiate fitness pro gram costing up to five million dollars annually Its highly likely that walking will be with 85 twice and mostly in high sevent ies August had few dogdays with 80 to 84 September started with 85 and with nine more days from 80 to 85 October was wonderful month over half sun ny and pleasant and then cool nights to as low as 25 November brought low once of 16 on Sunday the 19th All tem peratures were recorded at lilinets Point Just east of Barrie city limits on the south shore of the bay by Hill of The Examiner editorial staff Better Health prescribed as one of the main forms of exercise to help develop fitness partic ularly since it is distinctly doityour self project This is nothing new it is almost as old as time Todays Health puts it this way Hippocrates patron saint of med icine mentions walking 40 times in one chapter on digestive diseases and he prescribed brisk walks short walks early morning walks afterdinner walks and night walks Brisk walks were re commended to reduce weight early morning walks for emotional disturb onces Psychologists say that fresh air and an exercise such as walking stim ulatethe brain by feeding it more oxy gen Digestion and bowel function are improved and those who walk regularly often find they dont need laxatives One should not look on walking in terms of pill required to develop and maintain good health Walking should be regarded as means of capturing much of the zest in life of bringing one untold pleasures in an unhurried way that is so often missed in the rush of modern living Down Memory Lane POLICE CHANGES OF 1936 The Barrie Examiner of Oct 1938 fold of proposed police changes and that council had decided to double the force with one of the new constables to double as sanitary inspector There is need for larger force to copewith present conditions This means increased sal aides with proposed pay at $1800 for chief and $1200 for constables Put ting tho work of sanitary inspector tinder supervision of the police would be wise step The Examiner did not agree that the chief be in his office all day but that he would be of more value on the street keeping in touch with local activities HUMOR 25 YEARS AGO 25 years ago in Barrie they also ap preciated humorous story Heres one from The Examiner of November 1938 Darling said Mrs Newlywed this is my first pie Mr Newlywed Oh what treasure Lets keep it instead of eat ing it Another was Teacher Smith how many bones have you in your body Pupil dont know sir Teacher But you were told yesterday Pupil Yes sir but had fish for breakfast Other Editors Views LIQUOR LEGISLATION LAGS Gravenhurst Banner Now that we have new captain at the helm at Queens Park perhaps well get new deal in Ontarios archaic liquor laws Prince Philip attacked them during the royaltour through Ontario couple of years ago And tourists from the Lake of Boys to the Bevem not to mention eVery other resident and vis itor of every part of the province are inconvenienced to the point of being lawbreakers We agree with the Womens Christian Temperance Union and every other antiliquor organization that except perhaps to ease the common cold al cohol may be the germwhioh activates much of the provinces crime However lets face it no amount of legislation is going to wipe out or even reduce alcoholic consumption And that after all is probably the basic target of most or all antiliquor groups Even policestate setups like in the pro hibition era in the United States could notblte very deeply into mans thirsty desire to escape from the nations prob lems Illegal outlets and bootleggers could always get their booze rations and then some from the stills in the hills As long as there are bathtubs there will always be spirits available As one example take the govern ments The Barrie Examiner Authorlzed as second clm mail Post omc Department otmu grid for payment of postage ln culls only Sundays and Statutory mudy excepted Waterman warn Publisher nnrsN surcm General Mann nrmrlrcnsou MInIglrlI zdlm canines WADGE Business Manner Honor ersoN Advurtislrll Mlnlxcr sour nuance circulation Mull Subscription rate daily by carrier can wukl slazu year single copy By mall in Outcry nun your on six months month Outside cumin £900 year Ida $2900 year Officel 425 University Ave Outllde Cln Toronto MI Cotbcm Street Montinu 1m Wm damus strut vuieou or Member Iishcrs Association The Canadian Remand til Audlt Bureau of Circulltlom nlltlcd to the of the Canadian Daily Newsplper Pub use min it The If roll or er or Eltcrluund also the local new publllhed therein restrictive policy toward licons $250 three month $100 etched in this ing tourist outfitters and resort owners It has the effect of turning honestmen into bootleggers There is seldom good reason why legitimate resort operator should be denied license to serve alcoholic bov erages to his registered guests when re quested Actualiy its one of those small reasns which add up to some tourists deciding to tour the United states in stead of Muskoka and other Ontario vacation spots Perhaps under the guidance of Pre mier Roberts Ontarios liquor laws may yet make sense GREEKS HAVE LAST WORD New York Herald Tribune The decline of the study of classical languages is predominating and le mentabie feature of contemporary ed ucation But when Latin is abolished in the schools of Athens and when the time devoted to ancient Greek itself is sharply reduced classicels have right to be flabbergasted The Greek ministry of education ro contiy introduced these revisions in Sec ondary school curriculums for the first half of the six year course This step aroused the wrath ofs number of Greek learned societies and there have been dark predictions of damage to the na tional reputation although others have applauded the change as beneficial to the cultivation of modern Greek The bleak fact remains however that the classics are being downgraded in the country which gave them birth Their prestige must therefore diminish even further in other younger oountries whose civilization owes them so much and whose people continue ironically to depend on their language to express themselves And Just in case this is taken to refer to obscure scientific neoloeisms or to sprightly coillogos like telethon and eineruma here are few wordsde rived purely rrom classical Greekvvhich are rather oppressivercommontoday Atomballistic nike hydrogen halor caust apocalypse Whether orvnot they get the credlt the Greeks will always haveths lastword rumors Norrsoox Attendance Good At The Nominations By McPEERSON Barrier municipal nomination meeting was both interesting and informative Despite the pull of other It trsrtlons more than no por scnr attended the meclinl in Barrie District Central Colleg iate and listened to speeches from the majority of the can didates The meeting could not be termed lively in fact the re verse was true Yet it was fine example of democracy at work the orderly nomination of candidates for various pub llc offices and than the address or by these aspirants for lup rt DANCING IN THE DARK AT THE LIBRARY Suggests New Bocks or Holiday Reading Living PM By Jay Adumxcn This is the extraordinary and absorbing story of the Kenya lioness Elsa and her cubs and their unique relationship with human friends Ordeal By Fire By Ralph Allen description of the 35 years during which Canada fought in two world wars and faced soc ial and political upheavals This book tells of the changing re lationship between Canada Brit oin and the United States and Canadas important role in world affairs Passion In Rome By Morley Callaghan Sam Raymund Canadian photographer is in Rome cover ing the death of the old Pope Here he becomes involved with an American singer who has lost her nerve and become al coholic Sam tries to transform Anne so she will be airee person again and in this effort changes his own attitudes Sir Thomas Beccllam By Neville Cordus short but interesting por trait of colorful man nd musician Dinosaurs heir Discov And Their World By Dr Edwin Colbert comprehensive book on the subject of dinosaurs veli illus trated with photographs and drawings written by an author ity on this subject Promise At Down By Romain Gary This autobiography is charm ing and witty telling the story of Garys boyhood and the struggle of his mother to give her son every advantage Gary tells of the war years the fall of France and his adventures OTTAWA REPORT Many Regard Canada By PATRch NICHOLSON MTAWAThero is sharp reminder for all Canadians in the message given to Hon David Walkerqmlnister of public works who represented Canada at the recent meeting of lheColombo Plan nations Other countries would like to see Canada contribute more The occasion was the 10th an nual review of the Colombo Plan for cooperatlvs economic development in Southeast Asia which was set up as sort of Marshall plan to aid the newly independent and struggl ing nations of that area Canadas standard of living was recently surpassed by Swe den making our life the third most luxurious in the world by material standards That still leaves Canada as the plushioat dominion in the Commonwealth but excluding the wise old mother country So at the Co lombo Plan meetings Canada is the rich uncle in the eyes of all our haveoot Asian fellows in the Commonwealth Over the past ten years that rich uncle has contributed one half of one cent per week to each family existing in indie Pakistan and Ceylon GOOD NEIGHBOUR The good citizen and the good nation must recognize his obli gations to the broad community of man That was how Prime Minis te John Diefenbcker summed up the philosophy un derlying our contribution to the Colombo Plan His government has very nearly doubled our previous an nual pittance to the essential hu manitarian cause But that is not to say that the former Lib eral governmentdid not whale heartedlyalthough not whale pockotedlysupport the Colom bo Plan at whose creation Lib eral Leader ike Pearson was enthusiastic planner But In 10 years the aid of our selves and of other have na tions coupled with their own struggling self help has only raisedthe average income of those 720000000 Asians from $60 each per year to 70 As Plushiest Domain How could you feed house clothe care for and entertain yourself on nineteen cents per day You might in desperation harken to the siren song of the Kremlin promising you the full ness of the earth and all that thereon is Lacking the educaA tion to know better you might believe And lacking the food even to halffill your stomach you might in gnawing despera tion be willing to try the Krem lin formula PLENTY IN GARBAGE To us the slow starvation and permanent hopelessness ofilfe in an underdeveloped country is impossible to visualise But Dr HrockChisholm has described it graphically any 18000000 Asizlns could improve their stan dard of iivi if they were per mitted to migrate to Canadas garbage and there scrape an existence from the castoff food and material goods of 10000000 Canadians The most constructive step we could take to help our Conunon wealth brothars in Southeast Asia is to teach them to help themselves in other words to train them to produce more food which they could eat and goods which they could cell In the first eight years of the Colombo Plan more 1085 trainees from India Pakistan and Ceylon were brought to Can ads to learn our industrial tech uiquesor productive or adminis trative skills Thus there wasan enthusias tic Asian welcome for the rug gestion of Hon David Walker who pointed out that money would go further hi sending Ca nadian instructors to Asia than in bringing Asian students to Canada He proposed very real istically that Canada should establish equip and staff Cans dlan training colleges in Asia There are deep sociological arguments that Asians con best learn democracy in ademoc racy But the cobinets ideas man the astute and practical Dave Walker put forward an idea worth much more than that average Canndians three conte worth as an airman and goes on to his present life in California House Without Roof By Maurice llindul description oi conditions in the authors native land of Rus sia as he saw it in 1950 and comparison with what he saw in previous visits and in his childhood Alfred Hitchcock Presents Stor IES For Lille At Night Alfred Hitchcock is well known for his ability to arouse fear and terror Here he has selected stories that are guaranv feed to terrify most people The Hollow Crown By Harold llufchison This life of Richard is well documented and wellwrit ten and is reinterpretation of his life based on the idea that he was an enlightened mier The Four Loves By Clivo Staples Lewis Clive Lewis is wellknown writer of religious books The our love are Affection Friend ship Eros and Charity He de scribes the distinguishing qualit ies of each and examines their special place in life The Road Pint Mandalay By John Masters An English novelist and sold ier born in India writes of his World War ll years spent as army officer in the Mid dle East and Burma Jake And so Kid By William Ormolld Mitchell Episodes of lively boy and her crankyl old hero from Cro cus Saskstdiewan The Glass Barrier By Joy Packer novel of South Africa ab out two girls who are in love with the same man showing South Africans Whites Colored and Blacks as they see them selves Brown Paws And Green Thumbs By Carol Pearson True stories of camels lions snakes and other animals by women with gift for under standing and training them Watchers At The Pond By Franklin Russell cycle of year within pond in Southern Ontario brings to light many unsuspected sec rets of the pond and the drama of its life The cootiucut We Live on By ivsn Sanderson general picture of this con tinent is given along with fas cinating aspects of animal pl ant and other natural wonders with many beautiful photo graphs Some of the subjects discussed are volcanoes salt an dalkali flats the work of the beaver the plight of the whoop ing crane musk ox buffalo deserts and petrified forest MroGollghtIy And other Stories by Ethel Wilson Excellent short stories and skettfllu by Vancouver writ er combining racial observa tion compassion humour and shrewd moral judgment The House At Old Vin By Norah Lofts historical novelcovering nearly two centuries of living 15001700 as it happened in and around the house at Old Vine Buildun England The Judas Tree By Archibald Joseph Cronin Retribution comes in middle life to Scotsman who in every crisis allowed himself to be forced into decisions that resulted in his material success and moral impoverishment po SMALL SHARE More than small share of the credit for the success of proceedings must no to Robert Seriesnt member the Bar rie District Collegiate Board Mr Sarjesnt was voted as chairman and he handled him self ond the candidates well With so many speeches the meeting could have dragged on for many hours but Mr Sarlt jeant indicated in advance that there would be no loll wlnded harranging He set true lim it and held the candidates strictly to his nlle The results were amusing at times More than one speak er uppeored to be just getting warmed up when he was cut off by the quiet voice of Mr Sor icant in the background it must have been bit discon certing to the person so muz zled although no one seems to have been denied sufficient time to tell about himself and his hopes if elected to office The candidates for mayor Alderman Les Cooke and Jim Hart were impressive and both exhibited sound knowledge of Barrie civic affairs Mayor Klnzle who told the audience he had virtually decided not to run was much like the fire horse being retired but still wanting to get between the shafts of the fire tnlck liir Klnzies blueprint for tomorrow was well thought out His plans for street improve ments and the cleanup of the boy would if carried out be QUEENS PARK important factors in develo ing Berrics industrial picturep PATTERN 0F GROWTH Rotten of Barrlos growth ran ks thread ibmu the various speecth of can dates One speaker for example brought out the fact that the citys population has increased by approximately 50 per cent in 10 years Others including the mayor stressed tint the increase in commercial and in dustrial assessment has been mac timportant factor in our development These annual increases which naturally produce more tax revenue have paid for many public work improvements without the necessity of raising tbo tax rate in other words without this higher assessment taxes would have been raised to have pro duced the work the city he done over the past four or five years it is likely that such major pmiecis as the second ary sewage treatment plant which candidates mentioned could be financed in large measure by the natural in creases in lhc ciiys assess ment NOT EASY Speaking to an audience of criticallymindcd people is not he easiest thin gin the world nomination meeting is not tea party or service club get together The men and women are on the griddle Their speeclrmskiug ability their ap pearance and their confidenc or lack of it are all telling fac tors The impression they give could win or loss voter This was quite noticeable in tho demeanor of some of the candidates they were obviour ly nervous but they gave the old college try with vigor Otb err were perhaps little over confident but then it takes all kinds of people to make wo ld in the main we would say this should be an interesting if not stirring election The fur may fly later when the candidates warm up but for the moment the atmosphere is one of politeness and may the best man win Premier Is Slipping Into ills New Office By DON DllEARN TORONTOHow is the new boy doing Roberts has been moved to the oven bigger headache of the la her department Jug about expected to TbsDowner case we suspect date Premier Roberts has been gradually slipping into his new office He has not been making head lines He has been running the house quietly and smoothly He has been keeping the oppo sition at distance without too much trouble so far And you feel that early predicA tions he would have cool head will prove right SMOOTH BAILEE There has not been too much test of the new premier yet of course it will take many more months probably before his deeper side wlli really begin to show But until now he has kept re markably good control He is the boss But his leader ship is quiet though firm thing 0n the second day of the house AttorneyGeneral Roberts was in in hit of wrangle with the opposition Mr Roberts Just so Mr Frost would have done rare in his place to bail out the attorney general But he did this without any re fleciions against Mr Roberts He said he would be glad to consider the opposition proposal that there should be debate on the Morton gambling report Ha made his remarks in quite normal manner it is his fanc tlon of course as leader of the government to state government policy And he was merely doing his job The way he handled it you might have thought he had been doing it for years He will be cool customer probably all the way through And also practical one Some of the man who didnt support him in the leadership havent fared too well John float is out of the cabi net RovvA Downer has been moved to back row bench Hon Fred Case has been moved from 1th Highways job to the beadache of Municipal Affairs You can say these switches were made for political reasons Tho writer however would say no to this it loch more as though Mr Roberts took practical ap proach Mr Rant has been put on the Water Resources Commission where his background and his personal qualities fit him to give very valuable service Mr Cass was somewhat wasted in Highways He is man to cut through problems and municipul affairs needs such man And Hon War render who did support Mr the new leader did not bother about much the senior PC member in the house along with former premier Frost Mr Downer would have been given frontrow prominence as have Mr Frost former Labor Minister Daisy and former Commerce Minister Nickle But Mr Downer never made the cabinet and how many front row desk can you give outl it strikes us that Mr Hobarts takes quite an unemntioncl look at things figures out the pros and cons and makes what he believes is the best practical de cision BIBLE THOUGHT For we are inborcrl together with Godl Corinthians 39 We have the supreme privil ego of working with God for the accomplishment of His pur poses in the world This exalt ed concept of life of service gives mankind now dignity and incentive harming BOSTON Los ANGELES LONpON UTHE CliRlSllAN SelllNco iliONiiQlt llNthflNAl lulu unviurli Interesting Accurate Complete International News Coverage Th Emilflflll Scion Monitor Ono Norway scum ls Mon Send your mwxpaoar for the time checked Enclosed find my check or money older El year 522 month month $550 am Maru City Zeno