Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Dec 1961, p. 2

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An angry crowd mills around outside the city hall in McComb Mississippi al COUTTE YS MEN SPEAKER iSnndy Coutts will be speaking to the Barrie Ys Mens at dinner meet fling Monday at 530 pm Subject of Mr Coutts talk illbe History and Histori cal Sites in Simcoe County IThe meeting will be heldln If the building on Owen Street JUS Ideas Sneaking In TORONTO CPlA proposal in cut the number of players team may have on the field in Canadian Football League game to 11 from the present 12 was taken under consideration by the CFL executive Friday The suggestion described by league spokesman George Ter lep of OttawaRough Riders as move to open up the Cana dian game witlmut losingthe Canadian identity is to re ceive further study by the leagues five western and four eastern team general manag ers The CFL rules committee and the CFL annual meeting in Vancouver Feb 1s and 17 will also discuss the proposal Terlep whose Riders brought the llman suggestion before the CFLs oneday meeting said The hope is that by cutting the number of men on the field we Lwould give impetus to the of fence by making more roomfor passing plays and and runs to develop The delegates also discussed team rosters import limits and the number of players team can dress for any given game Terlep said no firm decisions or proposals resulted on roster questions The meeting decided that the 1962 Grey Cup game will be played in Toronto Dec and the 1963 game in Vancouver Delegates also agreed to new WEATHER Forecasts issued by the Tor onto weather office at 430 am Mild weather prevails across most of Ontario today After noon rtemperatures will be near gt the 50 mark in southern regions end range from as to 45 degrees in central and northern areas Cold arctic air In forecast to cover the regions north of the Great Lakes by late tonight and Ipenctrate southward into cen tral Ontario Sunday Mild weatherls expected to persist in thelower lakes re glons Sunday Lake St Clair Lake Erie Lake Huron regions Windsor London Cloudy and mild today and Sunday winds light Niagara Lake re glons Toronto Hamllion Cloudy and mild today and Sun day Local fog patches lifting late this morning Winds light Georgian Bay Halibiirton re gions North Bay Su dbu ryz CROWD VENTS ANGER for several Freedom Rid ers arrived on bus and left in private car The Safe Driving Week Stressed Police Chief Ed Tschirhart said today that he hoped driv ers in Barrie would take scri ous note of the purpose of safe driving week now in progress it is in the interest of the motorists themselves the chief said to drive carefully at all times not only during safe driving week Barrics record in this area is better than most municipalities of its size but this is no reason for com piacency Police officers are more aware than most of the loss and human suffering that can result from one moments carelessness at the wheel of car hope all Herricites will pay heed to the current safety campaign Safedrivi week In an es tablished national campaign for the promotion of highway safe ty Held annually since 1956 it is the only aleanadien na tional highway safety drive sponsored by the Canadian Highway Safety Council Olhv er traffic safety campaigns with CHSC sponsorship coincide with parellel campaigns in the Uni tEd States SUPPORT Safe driving week has al ways enjoyed the active and valued participation of provin cial safety organizations in all provinces as well as federal provincial and municipal gov ammonia and police forces The aims of the campaign are twofold to emphasize the responsibility of the motorist and pedestrian as individuals in the prevention of highway accidents and to stress the safety value in driving and walking relaxed unexcited un emotional but always alert No accidents no fatalities in traffic during Safe Driving Week would be ideal The Can adian Highway Safety Council knows it is possible but only if every motorist every pedes trian drives and walks as be well knows he should But since human nature is to degree predictable the council express es the fear that 53 people will die in traffic during the week waiver lotion which pro vides that no player under con tract to CFL team may work out with or join team in the National or American League without being waived by all CFL teams other matters discussed with out decision or firm proposals were the EastWest interlocking schedule and the Canadian col lege draft forecast Calgary proposal for preseason ell stargame did not materialize rClouriy and mild today wide spread fog lifting by noon when Calgary general manager Jim Finks did not appear for themecting FORECAST Cloudy and turning colder Sunv day winds light White River Sault Ste Ma rie Algoma Cochrene regions Cloudy and mild with occas ional freezing drizzle and snow flurries tonight and Sunday Windslight becoming northerly 15 tonight and light Sunday Forecast Temperatures Low tonight and high Sunday Windsor ea 50 St Thomas 48 London 50 Kituhener 50 Winghnm 45 Hamilton 48 St Catharines 50 goionéo is or orough 45 Trenton 45 Killeloe 40 Mkokn 40 North Bay 32 Sudbury 52 Earllon 25 Kapusknsmg 15 White River 15 Monsnnce 15 short of the accepted breeding ON NEWSMEN crowd vented anger on news men and photographers and By Chief Between midnight Thursday Nov 50 and midnight Thurs day Dec the council antici pates 53 traffic fatalities will occur in Canada This is fewer than the nor mal traffic death expectation in Canada for the first week of December Post experience shows that the daily average on Canadas streets and high ways for that week is 107 people killed Traffic averages for the first week of December are 107 persons killed per day his per sons lniured per day 936 acci dents per day Fatalities for the first week in December in traffic are Ontario per day Quebec per day Prairie provinces less than 17 per day British Col umbia less than per day Atlantic provinces more than per day Injuries Ontario 111 per day Quebec 60 per day Prair ie provinces 51 per day Brit ish Columbia 43 per day At lantic provinces 2l per day total average injuries 186 per day for Canada For every traffic death there were 27 people injured in B7 accidents with property dam age in excess of $100 in De camber lice took them into the uilding AP Photo VOTING BRISK IN INNISIII Voting started off briskly when polls opened in tho Innisfil Township elections this morning Officials say they anticipate heavy vote if there is not sud den drop in tempcrntrfre this afternoon Polls opened at am and will close at 630 Re sults should be known early this evening There are contests for recve deputy reevc and for three council seats Six 152 in the running for own Local Red Cross Meet On Monday The annual meeting of the Barrie branch of the Canadian Red Cross Society is to be held on Monday Dec at 630 pm in Collier Street United Church Atwone Interested in attend Ing is asked to Contact the president Arthur Morrow at PA 845103 or the secretary Mrs hlacLaren at PA 34950 The Red Crossbar had busy and profitable year and any citizen of Barrie interested in the many Red Cross ser vices is cordially invited Simcoe County Sheepmen Meet Hear Report Oi By JOHN anodes Simone County Federation of Agriculture The Simcoe County Sheep Producers held their annual meeting in Stroud recently and heard Tisdale fonnerly general manager of the Cana dian Cooperative Wool Grow ers Association speak on the report of the Sheep industry Survey Committee The committee toured Can ads and parts of the United States talking with representa tives of sheep organizations and individual farmers and vis iting sheep farms in end prolt vince Following this study of the sheep industry the commit tee made number of recom mendations which will improve conditions for the producer NOT FULL TIME Sheep production in Ontario is not fulltime occupation and is regarded as minor livestock enterprise lts poten tial however exceeds that of most other classes of live stock Given adequate atten tion support and organization it would assumethe stature of major farm enterprise all Natural conditions in parts of the occupied areas of the province are well suited to sheep production In fact with the number of unoccupied acres being added to annually such lands can be best made revenue producing by being used for sheep production Products of the sheep industry meat and wool are in short supply in Can ada and will continue to be yvell into the future As gen eral observation the committee considered that current produc tion practices fail considerably and flock husbandry practices and adequate pasturemanage ment techniques SURVEYS MADE Stock yard surveys across Canada revealthet there exists great lack of uniformity in size type and quality of lambs shipped for slaughter The com mittee recommends that de partments survey the possibili ties 0f organizing market lamb clubs or lamb fairs where complete program of produc tion and marketing may be carried out under supervision it was noted that the increas ing volume of imports of frozen Survey Group lamb works against the profit able di5posal of our Canadian fresh product Although imports cannot be cut off there should be some measure of control so that frozen lamb is not import ed durlng the time that Canad ian fresh lamb is being market ed Consuzners as general rule dont know that fresh dom estic lamb is higher quality product than frozen lamb As consumer of meat Canada rank high with per capita consumption of 142 lbs But only 27 lbs of this total is made up of lamb and mutton with one half or almost lbs consisting of imported product STABLE PRICES Stable prices for the pro duct are must to establish confidence in the industry and two government programs are in effect premium on qual ity is being paid with $200 per head for choice and $100 per head for good these to be rail graded Currently there is wool deficiency payment to sdtabilize the price of this pro uct DEATHS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Pierreville Que Pierre Thi bault Ki well known manu facturer of fire fighting equip ment who founded and managed Pieirre Thibault Canada Lim ite Montreal Mr Justice Vic tor Pager 07 member of Que bec Superior Court since Octo ber 1056 Toronto Randal Kerr Mc Carthy 73 retired supervisor of personnel at the head office of the Canadian Bank of Com mcce who servedrthe bank for 41 years Chicago Annabelle Whit ford Buchan 83 Florenz Zieg fields Gibson girl of 1900 after long illness New Orleans Samuel Ze murray 114 former president of the board of the United Fruit Company and known In import ing circles as the Banana King after lengthyriliness Ottawa William James Stroll 61 former technical sup crintcndcnt at the Royal Cana dlen Mint rnz SATURDAY DEC Qonrricanons roe cmc posrs FOR MAYOR Les Cooke James Hart FOR ALDERMEN Ward One Frank Hersey Les Jolliffc Graydon Kohl Earls Williams Ward her King diaries Newton Ernest Petri moulx Gerry Roberta Norman Stewart Charla Wilson Ward fierce Wilbert Archer Murray Mills Art Morrow Fmd Smith Ward Four Clarence Cumv mlng Emma Roy Marcellus Ken Morrison hi Norton Garnet Piaxton Mike Wleder FDR SCHOOL DDARD ltfncLarnu David ont Edwin Norman Mn orinn Parker Martha Hi Pa Dr Seymour ephen son Gordon Teskay Young Hornets Edge Stouffvilie 54 Paul Masons goal at the 17 mlnute mark of the third period gevc Alliston Junior Hornets 54 victory over Stoulfvllle last night Other Hornet marker were by Dorwln Storey Dave Evans lcrry Hand and John Ross Borry McLean had pair of goals for Siouilvillc and Ken Beckett and Wayne Penamen had singles Next game at Alliston is Dec ember at 830 pm ETHNIC EDS TO CONFER OTTAWA CF Editors of newspapers serving various eth nic groups in Canada will hold twoday conference here next week with immigration depart ment officials Citizenship Mln ister Ellen Fairclough sn neunccd Friday it will discuss number of questions related to the integration of newcomers NEW YORK CPl violent deaths like those of the prohi bition era have befallen two do fendsnia In multi million dollar narcotics smuggling can now before federal court here Anther defendcnt Med to commit suicide by hanging Prosecutors in the case which began early in November fur more deaths On two occasions they have asked to have the re mainlng 11 defendants taken into court custody for their own protection Both requests were denied The us government says the case involves 5150000000 worth of heroin smuggled into the 15 by ltalian immigrants used as pawns by an international nar cotics ring USE IMMIGRANTS Prosecutors say the smuggl ing was carried out in this man ncr Italian immigrants preparing to come to the US by boa luggage for another group of fictitious immigrants flying to the US When they agreed they were given luggage with false bottoms and other secret com partments filled with heroin The two slain in gangster style were Albert Agueei 39 of Toronto naturalized Cana dian and William Holman 58 Negro who lived in fash ionable section of Teaneck NJ The charred bodyof Aguecl listed by the us government as top level man in the organ ization was found in field near Rochester NY on Nov His hands were bound behind his back with wire He had been strangled with plastic elothcsline His body had then been doused with gasoline and set afire He was Identified by fingerprints READY TO SQUEAL The body of Holmes battered and bullet ridden was found Aug on Bronx street The government has said Holmes was killed after he indicated that he was ready to hilt On Oct another defendant into the national community OBITU ALASTAIR ltfacLAREN Alastair MacLaren 59 of RR St Williams died on Nov 72 in Norfolk General Hospital Simcoe following lengthy illness He was wellknown district tobacco farmer Native of Barrie deceased was son of the late IdeuLCoL and Mrs MaacLaren He was educated at Barrie public and high schools and St And rews College Before coming to Norfolk County in 1918 he resided in Windsor He was veteran of the Second World War and an adherent of St vWilliams Anglican Church Surviving are his wife the former lsebelle Lavery of Bar rie two sons David of St Williams and Alastair of Port Rowan daughter Mrs Doug las PEEE Mary of Windsor brother Judge Donald Mac Laren of Barrie sister Mrs Joseph Stone iTanis of Ton onto and five granddiildren Service was conducted from his late residence on Nov as at 230 ptm wih Rev Herbert Herring officiating and inter ment in Port Rowan Cemetery MT WILUAMS Funeral service for Otto Drury Williams Alderman for Ward Two in the City of Bar rie and Custodian of Barrie Ma sonic Temple was held ai Jen nett Funeral Home on Monday afternoon Nov 15 it was very largely attended represen tatives eing present from all the municipalities in the Sim coe County Mutual Fire Aid Group Masonic service was held Sunday evening conducted by the Worshipful Master of Corv inthian Lodge No 96 William Kirkpatrick assisted by Rev Elmer Thompson The Monday service was con ducted by Rev Ross Adams minister of St Andrews Pres byterian Church Pallbearers were selected as close personal friends and associates byChlef Irwinfrom Barrie Fire Department of wbich Mr Will iams had been member for many years lnterrnent was in Barrie Union Cemetery Beautiful floral tokens of re Arnold Barbeto 39 tried to ARIES Mayor Kinzic and the Barrie City Council Canadian General Electric and employ ees the public school board of Brampton St Philips Anglican Church Toronto where Mr Williams son Atrhur is organ ist Corinthian Kerr and Kern penfelt Mas nic lodges of Bar rie Signet apter Mount Cal vary Preceptory Order of East en Star and the Scottish Rite Bodies of Barrie Valley MRS BERT BONNEY Elsie Jane Contes Mrs Bert Bonney died in Toronto Gen eral Hospital Friday Nov 17 in her 65th year Mrs Bonney was born in Ora Township Oct 20 1697 She attended Crown Hill School and Barrie Collelt giate and was well known as gifted elocutionist at local sup pers and entertainment for many years She was married to Bert Hon nay April 21 1910 living at Crown Hill until 1928 when they moved to Churchill where she took an active part in church and community affairs She was praldent of the Churchill Womens Institute and member of the United Church She is mourned by her hus band one son Wilfred of Cale don and two grandchildren Elsie Anne and Jimmy also two brothers Cecil and Gordon both of Crown Hill and sis ter Irene Mrs Morri son of Peterborouyi Service at the JennettPun eral Home Barrie was con ducted by Mr Page of Churchill Burial was at Sixth Liné Cemetery Innislil THIS CHRISTMAS We PAY IT ALL on TIMEI International With Your Convenient CREDIT CARD Available at MOSTYNS MENS and swoonw wean to Dunlop st no error spect were received from For Family Needs PLAN THROUGH ShiN LIFE OF CANADA Readjustment Income Sun Lifes generous settlement options can provide special income payments to your widow during the critical months following your death To discuss this and other needs call TOM ANDERSON DISTRICT sursnvrson 24A CLAPPERTON sr SUN LIFE ASSURANCE rs 55451 COMPANYOFCANADA would be asked to bring thai bang himself in his Bronx borne psychiatric examinalt lion showed that Barbcto was not competent to stand trial Credit for breaking the case has been given to sharp eyed law affirm in suburban West cheater County in 1959 they noted certain big time better were hitting the parimutuel win dows Yonkers Raceway wlih big bets Later arrests resulted in sets ure of 35000000 in heroin FORTTIT BAIL Three described as prime movers in the organization More Deaths Feared In Smuggling Case bailed to appear in court has September and their bail totall ing Sll0000 was forfeited The 11 still on trial in addi Iion to Agueci include Rocco Scopclliiti 26 of Toronto Despite the involvement of Tomato rcsldcnts it has not been brought out yet whether any of the narcotics was smug gled into theUS by way of Canada No Canadians have testified to date but it is expected that two RCMP officers will be called to the stand as prosecution wit posses RUNNING FOR SCHOOL BOARD TWO women have qualified for municipal office in Bar rie both for Public School Board Mrs Dorian Parker lelt was nominated for mayor alderman and school board but decided to forego the race for council this year Mrs Paulln right conlt fined her interest to the school board Reports Sharp Increase In The Use Of Electricity Barrie Public Utilities Com mission hns announced over the last five years local industrial consumption of electricity has risen 89 per cent Since 1959 commercial con sumption has risen 78 per cent and domestic 43 per cent The average increase is 81 per cent producing $275914 or 59 per cent increase in revenue The waterworks department has shown per cent increase in five years and 47 per cent increase in revenue During the past two years 439 new electrical services have been installed Iwoway radio equipment was installed in both departments and the electric de Aurora Bond Head Win Puck Games Aurora and Bond Head won games in the InterCounty Hockey League at Bradford Arena Aurora outscored Holland Landing 75 Bob Wilson lcor ed five goals for the winners and Keith Clark and Bill But terworth had singles Frank McNaught scored twice for Hol land Landing Fred Dow Lloyd Holliugshead and Dave Simpson counted singletons Bond Head got five goals from Dick Knox in the 154 spanking of Newmarket Norm Roberts had three goals Doug Mclnnnes and Jim Wells two apiece and Al Bray Len Bray and Matt Kannarl one apiece STEAL CHRIST CHILD BINGHAMTON NY AP Wo Harpur College students were arrested Friday after lifesized statue of the Christ Child and manger was sto len from Nativity scene on the lawn ofthe Broome County court house Alfred Robin son 19 and Barry Levine ls pleaded guilty in city court to charges of disorderly con duct partment planned supervised and participated in the install ation of new street lights Elec tric feeder lines were installed serving the north and central sections of the city and miles of repair work was performed due to the damage done by the ice storm last year Eleven miles of primary lines were in stalled The water department has in stalled 18 new fire hydrants since 1955 and over three miles of water mains 150000 gallon reservoir and booster pumping station was built on Anne Street and well and pumper at Perry Street Stand by gasoline drive was installed at the Mary street well and standby generators were put in at three other pumping stations Two new wells each capable of producing over million gal lons day were also located FOR THE HOLIDAYS Theres glamor look to our Holiday hat selection expressed in smart shapes lush textures and glitter EVELYN TUCK REGINA cum SHOPPE 58 Dunlop St PA 89246 rum NOW IIAMMONDS DISCOUNT FREE TRIP to NEW YORK CONTEST Nothing to Buy Simply Fill In The Coupon and Deposit In The Ballot Box at Hammendsl FREE TRANSPORTATION FORKTWO Return From Melton Airport Fly TCA PLUS $2500 CASH 0R $510000 CASH HAMMONDS CHRISTMAS BONUS FREE TRIP to NEW YORK NAME ADDRESS PHONE Arranged by Barrie RentACar and Travel Service EXTRA COUPONS with $500 Purchase EXTRA courons our $1000 Purchase The More Coupon You Euler Tile Bellcr Ara Your Chances

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