Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Dec 1961, p. 12

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IN Tilt UF the clos iti oi pan at Pcnctanguishenc ttoa ill the City at Barrie ac cording to Registered Plan Number One AND IN TIIE MATHlit OI The Municipal Aei TAKE NOTICE that the Coun cil oi the Corporation at the City oi Barrie will alter the publication at this notice at least once week Ior inur suc cessive weeks in The Barrie Examiner consider and It deemed expedient pass by law to close and stop up that part at the Penetanguishenc Road in the City oi Barrie ac cording to Registered Plan Number One described as iot tows ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract at land and premises situate lying and being in the City at Barrie In the County ot Simcoe in the Province of Ontario being composed at part at the Pene tanguishenc Road being the Road Allowance between the Townships et Vespra and are as shown on Registered Plan No or the County oi Simcoe which parcel is more particu larly described as iallows COMMENCING at the south caoteriy angle at Lot No 12 on the north side at Davis Street nolv Shanty Bay Road THENCE North degrees 26 minutes East along the wester ly limit ol said Pcnetangulsh cne Road 3255 feet THENCE North 55 degrees St minutes 15 seconds Ernst 0821 feet to point in the easterly limit at said Pcnctangulshcne ltoad THENCE Soulll dearcea 24 minutes West along the east erly limit of said Penetanguish one Road $8096 tent to the southwesterly angle at Lot No 13 on the north side at Davis Street THENCE North 82 degrees 40 minutes Vest 660 feet to the point at commencement AND FURTHER TAKE NOT ICE that any person who claims that his land will be prejudlcr lailyaltected by the said by law and Who applies to be heard shall be heard by the Council either in person or by his counsel solicitor or agent This notice is first published an the 15th lay of November AD 156 I3 STRAUGHAN Clerk of the City at Barrie By City Solicitors 0Y5 SEAGRAM AND ROWE is Owen Street Barrie Ontario l3 AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE Saturday December 130 Plit SHARP FOR SANDELL Lot 45 Concession 12 Nottawse saga Township miles west at Collingwood turn all Highway 26 at Chairlift Caves sign Complete dispersal oi regis tered and grade Hereford and Shorthorn Cattle 42 head ANDERSON PLOWMAN AND COLWILL LTD Auctioneers Phone Victoria Harbour min iiBisilimi Welcome Wagon enla bratcs tho tirrival oteach new baby with friendly callwith basket of gifts and congratulations of the entire community Be sum to tail Welcome Wagon of the arrival of ovary new baby in your life DOIOIInonlnolugolo PA sesez 500 Learn To Draw nioNnAY DECEMBER TunnnaY nzcnhrnen 1050 ions Fred Ind Easy grease on era222 Furniture Movingand Storage AUCTION SALE Thursday Dec l4 to am sharp for the Estate of KRAMER MOTORS LTD at 145 Bradford SL Barrie AUCTION SALE at all garage equipment oliice equipment and etc Tcrms cash No rev serve as the estate must be settled Please note that sale will commence at to am sharp in the morning and the sale will continue until all the arti cles are sold Garage equipment will be sold first ottice equipmentwill be sold last Lunch counter on the premises and sale will be held in heated garage JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer BEATTIE REAPPOINIED OIIAWA lCPt Reappoint ment at Beatlie 51as deputy governor of the Bank at Canada or second soveiryear term starting Jan was an nounced Friday by the central TELEVISION sATUimAr DECEMBER howling Living World Burs nanny Coufltfytime News Weather Sports lioi Colrmon Dennis the Menace Robin itood Have Gun Will Travel Peter Gunn NHL Hockey Juliette Klnn vhyie Cnc Tv News Weather Now Sports Movie irh Square ltinlit SUNDAY iiEcrznluEn It Test Pattern l200 Popeye Ind Pals ins Now Weather Spcn rig French Grey Cup Highilrhi Country calendar n0 NFL Foolhlll no Citirons Forum 00 Discovery nd News 30 movie when Grow Um on News 35 Movie tCont no 30 oo 00 on PFFHHPFPPP 83332828 Hun Parade Ed Sullivan Slow nonnu ClercUp Quest cnc TV New Weather News Movie toueon or Spades MONDAY DECEMBER lots Test Pattern liov nomper Room l2ol Popeye and his 12 Noonday no on News West or Form he on Coming enis nvle Escane From nevllr sllnd lpcn House Inn Fom inlcrpol friendly oioht port snTUnDAY Dacnalann 400 Wrestling 515 530 600 630 54 70a 730 Corioon Time in Thin vithln Four Walls Sports Weather News Outdoor Sportsmln The Flintstones Route as yoked city lack nonny snow trht at the Wecl ohnny Esaw Show ross Canada nsrn Saturday lehi Mono Fire Down Below SUNDAY Document limo Youth IlIfl Relillnii Around the world Bravo Theatre Thing Wt See NFL Football Jr Hockey TBA Clnierl Room Tricks of the Trade Fer Awoy Places Tim The Donna Reed Show Academy Pcrrormonco Date With lndy intermission Acldemy Forlornrice Part ii Andy Grililths Show Roaring 20 News Weather Sports limit torn tino 1200 SSE8 PHHQFPFBN ease as men 1010 1130 limo lucid Presents News Free and Easy Channel Theatre Piryhouss New Professors Hidelwly rnA Sports Voather Pierre Eeltori News Father Knows nu Top Cat Whiplash Ins ector Mslsret To chum airlemoo Loretta Young News Weather Sports Men or Destiny Better Late assess eflelrwseseeisnsep on ews 13a Chnnnal Theatre Prtrc or Gold CAMPBELL LTD Commercial Warehousing Agents or North American Van Lines PA 66555 CARRIER MISS YOU If your carrier has not please phone PA 82433 AndA Copy Will Bo Delivered To Your Home iHERE is NO CHARGE VALLEY DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS arrived by p111 13 AUCTION SALES South dealer Both sides vulnerable nonm xau was one as use oils Kld 10 5031 73 41 UQI QAQDIHS alt The bidding South Wart North East Puss Pass N1 Pass NT Opening leadjack oi hearts There are some hands you play in which you are sure from the word go that the con tract will be made There are others in which the result is not predictable in advance because the outcome depends entirely on how the dew ienders cards are divided The trick is to nail down those hands where the issue WEST A103 1109 9K1 4x CKVR CHANNEL HARRIE CFTO CHANNEL may seem to be in doubt but PROGRAMS Sing ttlns Around Womens show lmnrinc gusto 12156 apeycs Pri News ltesdlinel popcyos TV Party Farm Market Report Now Don nmloxon Weather Sports Zane Grey rhuiro Don lllcuers Jubile panhy Thomas Show lea Borrowed Lita Ilob Cummings Show lntcrtel Pnstscript To 15le Fig ting Words cacTv News The Weatherman Today In sports community News 1130 Crossroldl TUESDAY nhcnamsn lots Test Pattern il01i nomper Room moo Poocvo and his 1230 Noondly Re on News West or Form ite ort Coming vents lo0 Movie Booby Trap 230 Open House Mo School Tolccsst 130 Adventures ot nllnky Flower Pot nilh 100 The wbmltlllshnh 430 Arthur linines Show 550 Mike Mercury lilo Cartoon Party son News Headlines ool Learn to Draw $832 383832 Es38 Sports CONTRACT BRIDGE BY JAY BECKER which can be absolutely gun anteed with proper play Here is handtrom that family South was to three notrump and West led heart Declar er ducked In dummy and East won the king East saw no future in heart continuation since South was marked by the lead to have the queen oi hearts so he shined to club This turned out to be the killing blow The jack lost to the king and club return tor ced Souths ace When last later got in with diamond he led another club and tho upshot of the matter was that South went down two 200 points The tact is that South had one of those hands in which he could not be beatenunless he beat hlmsclt its rhado the mis tske ot ducking the heart lead and thereby dug his own grave There was sure way at making the contract and no distribution of the adverse cards could deieat him He should have played the ace of hearts on the first trick Dcclarer then leads the Jack of diamonds and Iinosscs it East plays low The jack Is led to cover the possibility ot Easts having the KlM in which case South loses no diamond tricks it the finesse loses West is on lead and can do South no harm In the meantime though South has nine tricks available it is true that in most hands declarer would play low from dummy with this combination in hearts But in this case where the duck jeopardizes the contract and the ace play In sures it South has no real choice as to which play to make On Monday Another ilandls prosenlcd by Mr Bee ker NEW FLOS Mrs Pearson of Toronto spent few days last week at the home at her daughter and son inlnw Mr and Mrs Irwin Sage and family Mri and Mrs llnrry Train and Ross Kirkpatrick ottcndc the 25th wedding nnnivers HENRY BLONDIE JULIET JONES LARRY BRANNON JurrA uusaAND Burwuv Dorrer PUT THE sruvi SUGGESTION yu hHunu AND WU NEVER KNEW WU WERE RELATED 10 THE FOUNDER OF BUT THEN MOTHER MULD RATHER EXPIRE THAN ADMIT HER FAMILYTREE WAS ANYTHING BLITAFIATELY NEW ENGLAND ELM Rik ANCES DR PELIDN WAS LIKE MOTHER ALWAYS INSISIED 774E PELIONS WERE STRICTLY ARISTOCRAOI NEVER GAVE ITMUCH THOUGHT party held in Barrie on Satur day evening for Mr and Mrs Harris Sage of Sudbury Mr and Mrs Jim Goddess of Aurora were Sunday visitors with Mr and Steve ltawn Mr and Mrs Cecil Jebb Roi ILL HOOK ll UP To OUR PHONEIM TIRED OF ALL THE CALLS ETTA HELLO THIS 15 AN ELECTRICAL RECOEDlNG lTS PHONE ANSWERING GADGET FROM our OFFICE FOR THIS SERVICE TAXI tu no Farm Market Report ph and Margaret and Mrs mgmngpgmmn Cowper oi Cold Springs 7no Ben Casey spent Sunday with the latters lt gzsyslgllifigro show daughter and sonlnlaw and Mrs Archie Vanless and on assiste om 13 giant gnblluewonds Mr and Mrs Morley Pearson iiIi Ens mumm ot Thornton visited on Sunday zygumwsoarctss with Mrs Clarence Atkinson and ii iiiorpoi Calling MYS IA Bartholomelw oi Guthurle Ii iSscs Jean an Susan Bar ol TORONTO omew of Toronto were guests and Ployhnur at Mr and Mrs Cline Rawn 35 Now and family Lou Protessors Hideawty 600 TBA WI FOWL SUPPER mu Sports New Flos Wl held the annual Ma Weather tow supper at Hutlis School on Stars Berton Tuesday evening Following lt 110 in Bum delicious supper varied pro 730 lenl Gray Theatre gram of songs contests etc anglfimn was held Archie Wnnlcss won 333 gnlukmnie thcddrgw in do satin cushion eer Gunn ma rs iney An old 333 SVO1V 59 timesquare dance concluded the 1130 am our evening jAllY CROSS OED some in ammo 1mm tLLSJétEClMYEELF on our 7060 WHAT Ndiv IN IN HOIH WON WHATlfiiJSFELTL cfimmllc mes III warm susdisnow Whatth tau mar gfuIMETHEMHE 5495345 Across 6Slight 24 New cw reams more MAM we LPOF HO HO arm ALLHO Ho on HO HO WAIT rib ligament taste John 33 $3 on ma suspicious Lissa MA more on out mam gsfalflgaflgt gfifitfiifimfigfl mow 333533 mam Sinfret mricflmour Yw 61 some mafiaml $Xltnged 8Wlld ox explorer DECALL 750 nclcnt 0Chinese 25Knock 383 38 dIAerlct dynasty 26 Porch Jim 10Droops 28South lE LEE MA mm 18Pul7110 Ameri 1415 23 ilny notice can L05 DELE 15 Extra 191n play Indians 16 the con 315mm Yesterdays Answer 119 20 gaging ad Fiber tram ahvgzléilde rtgava ggsg forge as 512mm 40 Tod molva nu den IM 1an DRUMMAJORIN 33NBW5 213mm tooling 41Weaveri 1° 335in TDAVS PARADE gilt 996 name 36Girll nick reed cu sun MUFF 27 NET 22 Thrice name 43 Axirma lt Dude prefix Medley five 293rnzlllnn palm donors suns 32iLikEIy 5351amqu ordwe 3333 Wdfliiylyll l7 and ddallflfllMm mans fiifilfiVdfi 49Tldot bore rower éimwmin MESA mu YANG wmnewnz on rotossniosEFAPERs 471qu iuwuiriilinoslssnaiziues MEMORIES uAlMAllmiii scum manic anoswoizamm no dauka gdne or august sutoumsg smafi Jaggrrggfimimflafig TDLO5FSUEgI0EVEL1MW3K jab 135 lt gaingltkc VJ Litterfirenca 55asgnod as GE DYCKS FOOD MARKET Vonmu ticMg gggbcgmmuma we HEI euros can Ib LoanHamhurg Steak $100 FALL OUTI Patience Run NEW FALLoursusnER lb Link Sausage $l00 Its Wiener sloo Sirloin and TBone Steak lb 59 n2 Rindless Bacon lbs 99 tSuhjeot to stack lt in DYCKS FOOD MARKET L9 150 Collier so Phone PA ssaaoror Delivery

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