5FARMERS MARKFI AUTOMOTIVE l0 HELP WANTED PAR MACHINERY MOTOR CARS FOR SALE MALE HELP CHARLES CHURCH FARM SUPPLIES £7 SERVICE Cua Nu Holland navto crown Bean ram Wulpmsnl 176 hUtTtltx AVE PA H173 WINTER SNOW EQUIPMENT FOR YOUR TRACTOR loaders buckets blades if we havent got it well get it CASH TRADE TERMI ATTENTION FARMERS Estimate anc WELDERS 50 AMP 5300 COMPLETE HANDY HARDWARE STROUD New Management PHONE STROUD iOthh AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR cans non sou MIDTOWN YEAR END CLEARANCE 1961 Pontiac Parlslenne $2725 3961 Ford Fairlane $1990 61 Pontiac Laurentian $2550 1960 Chev Biscayne $1725 1059 Buick Hardtop $1830 1050 Chev Sedan 3680 1956 Ford Custom $595 1955 Oldsmobile $587 All cars reconditioned and guaranteed Some with automa tic transmission radio and snow tires 4i ESSA ROAD ROY HAWKINS ma DODGE lor alle our door clean throughout naw Ilres Telephone after pm use ronn two door his custom rtflia also lv5i Ford llarotop Taliephona PA oaaia and maka an or loss PONTIAC new body and paint lob 20000 actuat miles new syncovors $515 Toiaphona PA ltadlo Four Oro VIAU MOTORS LIMITED Rambler Htllman 10 DOWN 17 GOWAN ST PA 86488 1m nonos custom ha aI uh new MIL sacrifice Telephona PA Haul arm pm i351 voutswanhN clean noun to per month Tclcphonl PA sous aner pan 35 OLDSBIOBILB Sliver Id blue and white radio Dower brakes power atterin automatic air conditioner Ih KIMill four door hardtop limo mllel Will am trade or lrrlnle ï¬nance Telephone PA Hm van last run two door automatic tranamluion good running condl tlon The down paymcnl has been mada on this car Take over pay ment of many For Inlama lion phone Iirn Dirlson was alter prn PERSONALS coma WEST nnva our new and la model can to Vancou ver ary Edmonton Ruins winnlnas aa paid Tomato prixutway Service Limited sass vonn strut Toronto alt an LOST FOUND lioUNn LosT from ivy diatrict Red tomaio hound art pearl and Redbonl No eoiar contact at Lloyd Ivy sinn IO HELP WANTED TEACHERS WANTED rltAcilnn urgent acquired tor tutoring pupil in rada nldlnl on Saturday mornings Toiaphuna PA elm FEMALE HELP ï¬ï¬ HOUSEKEEPEH required for coun try home No objection to child Write to box is struua sTnNounItPiualt Receptionist tor dictphone and cl at work livaday week only atlas eau cation and experience to Box in narria hamlnor MALE HELP WANTst mneriencad Saiuman lar Faro products and used cars and Trucks nut deal fainl or producer Apply llu chinmna Eggs Alliston Telephone HE Try An Examiner Want PHONE PA hZtll YOUNG MAN WANTED apprentice to team III phs us of ibl printing trade at The Barrie Examiner Some know ledge of typing preferred This position offers secure tutors and all employee beneï¬ts Apply In person to MR SHEPHERD THE BARRIE EXAMINER to pm daily CAREERS for YOUNG MEN tn the CANADIAN ARMY if you are between the ages of i7 and 23 and single get full information on exciting carecr opportunities with the CANADIAN ARMY Visit your Army Recruiter at Barrie Armoury between in and 11 em on Monday Dec ember ii or write ARMY RECRUITING OFFICE Tl ST CLAIR AVE EAST TORONTO ONT EXCELLENT INCOME or full or part time Iellinl Sail Calen dars and Advetilstnl Specialties Finc line with top commission Rely Kodco Products arena vile Ont EMPLOYMENT WANTED lliflii scuool girl will naby sit weekends Telephone PA Mass wlu LOOK Anna children in my own home Vlll lea leap Telephone lvlLl CARE FOR pmschnfll aga child in my own home iuary and Wclllngton Streets ana Telephone PA Mala GENERAL nnNG done at home Will pick up and daiiver Also achnoi notes Telephone HE Mm Anktll and deliver gt ypewriters Christmas gifts Good sel ection of reconditioned stand lrds from $3450 New Portables from $1995 year guarantee Easy terms ADDING MACHINES Good selection nowyfrnm $8950 STAR Business Machines 24 Bradford St PA 66595 CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS AND CHRISTMAS TREES DZZANT NURSERIES as Johnson St PA 80247 GIFTS FOR HER LA DE BONNAIKRE Hair Styling Studio 163 Napier St CHRISTMAS SPECIALS $10 PERMS $1250 PERMS $10 $15 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Tree Lights and Decorations Visit Our Tbyland Party jokes and novelties Timex Watches AT OUR RECORD BAR All the Christmas LPs Holiday Sing Along With Mitch All Christmas selections with the best recording stars Mitch Miller Sing Alongs Ray Connif For Dancing Johnny Mathis Frank Sinatra Jane Morgan Connie Francis Perry Como Pat Boone Bing Crosby Mnhalia Jackson Seabrecza Record Players and accessories Record Racks and Cases Buy Record Gift Certificate JACKSONS DEPT STORE Barries Most Famous House of Bargains OUR MOTTO IS SATISFACTION OR CASH MONEY REFUNDED SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE IN THE FAMILY Top Quality Rock Bottom Prices DIAL PA 87735 59 DUNLOP sr BARRiE ONT Want Ads SELL Most Anything PHONE PA IlIMH THE BARRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY DECEMBER tax 11 I0 HELP WANTED MALE HELP YOUVE GOT FUTURE IN TODAYS CANADIAN ARMY Theres career with lot ure for you in the Army Good pay Fine prospects have and adventure Loads of friends OPPORTUNITIES NOW in the following Corps for single men between 17 and who can meet Army enrolment standards The Royal Regiment of Cana dln Artillery The Royal Canadian Corps of Signals The Corps of Royal Canadian Engineers The Corps of Royal Canadian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers The Royal Canadian Army Service Corps Enquire now or mail this coupon to CANADIAN ARMED FORCES RECRUITING CENTRE 27 ST CLAIR AVE EAST 10TH FLOOR TORONTO ONTARIO TELEPHONE WA 7346 Please send me without ob ligation details on career or portunltlu in the Canadian Army Nome Address Age City1an Prov Telephone Last School Grade successfully completed Career Planned For You MEN General entryto enter the Navy as an Ordinary Seaman young man must be 17 to 25 years of age have Grade edu cation or better and be physic ally Ill Technical apprenticeship an excellent opportunity to earn while you learn skilled tech nical trade Candidates must be 16 to 18 years of age with Grade 10 education or better WOMEN WRENS An excellent career for young women with special lzed training and essential work at the same pay as men Candl datcs must be single is to years of age Grade 10 educa tion or better gt THE NAVAL RECRUITING OFFICER 27 ST CLAIR AVE EAST TORONTO ONTARIO PHONE WA 29492 FOR MORE INFORMATION Please send ma full details Name Age Address Royal Canadian Navy nurcn armslr Rembrandt the famous 17th century Dutch artist was en rolled in university before his ilth birthday but withdrew the following year engrossed in his painting Haircuts 75c Saturdays $100 Barbers GLHFS BARBER SHOP llu Bold Acton Irons Allusdli now George Davies CONSTRUCTION LTD Barrio PA Misti famous traveller Sir Richard ll LEGAL NOTICES IN THE MATTER 01 the deal ing of part of Brock Street no tag the Road Allowance be tween Lou 25 and in thl Sixth Concession of the Town ship of Vesprs now in the City of Barrie AND IN THE MATTER OF The Municipal Act Take notice that the Council of the Corporation of the City of Barrie will after the publi cation of this notice at least once week for four to suc cessive weeks In The Barrie Examiner consider and It deemed expedient pass bydaw to close and stop up that part of the Road Allowance between Lots 25 and co in the sixth Con ccssion of the Township of Ves pra now In the City of Barrie known as Brock Street del cribed as follows ALL AND SINGULAR ltiat certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being In the City of Barrie in the County of Slmcoe in the Province of Ontario being com posed of part of the Road Al lowance between Iota No 25 and Ztiin Concession of the Township of Vespra now in said City and own as Brock Street which parcel is more particularly described as foil 0W5 COMMENCING at the inter section of tho southerly limit of said Road Allowance with the northerly limit of the Road Allowance between the Town ships ol lnnisfil and Vespra said point being the most west erly angle of Lot No 51 no cording to Registered Plan No 15 and also the most westerly angle of Lot No in ConcesA sinn of the Township of Ves pra THENCE North 58 degrees or minutes 15 seconds East along the southerly limit of said Road Allowance 5778 feet to point in the westerly limit of Highway No 400 as shown on plan attached to instruments No 14580 and 14995 for said Township THENCE North 31 degrees 25 minutes 45 seconds West along said westerly limit 660 feet to point in the northerly limit of said Road Allowance between Lots 25 and 26 THENCE South 58 degrees 04 mlnutcs 15 seconds West along the northerly limit of said Roadv Allowance 81453 feet to point in the northerly limit of the Road Allowance between said Townships THENCE North 72 degrees 21 minutes 35 seconds East along said last mentioned northerly limit 13125 feet THENCE North 72 degrees 41 minutes 20 seconds East along said northerly limit 13330 feet to the point of commencement AND FURTHER TAKE NOT lCE that any person who claims that his land will he prejudicially affected by the said bylaw and who applies to be heard shall be heard by the Council either in person or by his counsel solicitor or agent This notice is first published on the 25th day of November AD 1961 iSlRAUGIIAN Clerk of the City of Barrie By City Solicitors BOYS SEAGRAM AND ROWE 13 Owen Street Barrie Ontario FAMOUS TRAVELLER The Cameroon Mountain ts silofoot peak in West Africa was IIIat climbed In 1861 by the Burton HEARING AID USERS Do Not Buy Another Bat tary until you inquire about AN AMAZING NEW BATTERY that will last ammo regardless of make or model CALL ELLIS PA 64505 annsasons Insurances Answer 12 DONALD 51 AT voun SERVICE YOU PHONE iLL YOU AT YOUR HOME WRITING an opassns or INSURANCE WINTER is COMING no YOU Hava ENOUGH INSURANCE TO DRIVE PA 66085 With Your Friends GIFT SUBSCRIPTIONS To The BARRIE EXAMINER USE THIS HANDY COUPON This year give your friends and relatives truly welcome Christmas gifta subscription to The Barrie Examineru Each issue of The Barrie Examiner is packed full of interest ing and informative news both local and world wide More photos andvfeatures make The Examiner top reading for more than 8000 families daily And this is gift you dont have to go out and shop foror gift wrap and maila gift that can be ordered in quiet comfort right now When you give The Barrie Examiner for Christmas you not only get outstanding value bot you giVe 305 days of reading pleasure Gift Subscription Rates You can send gift subsnrlptions to The Barrie Examiner at wide range Prices Here are the rates OUTSIDE CANADA One Year Six Months One Month USA One Year TO CANADIAN poms One Year Six Months Thru Months $1 000 $550 00 $2000 $700 5400 $250 Ahoverates donatanplzv in Barrie andtn lowna nltdvlllngea when BarrieExaminer matntclns carrier delivery APPROPRIATE CHRISTMAS CARD INFORMS RECIPIENT OF YOUR THOUGHTFUL GIFT