TIME FOR Cs WANT AD 10 THE BARRIE EXAMI NEE SATURDAY DECEMBER 1961 ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS COMING EVENTS EA Vl ZEURAEIIEEIEisEISTE AchngmiAR ONE DUNLOP mam EAST gnrdzuélrsdmilrllghscldfltflgï¬ TE First in Barrie Home SalesForemost in Quality oi Service istsr or ass therine Ann or nlOMPI At tn Royal Vie toria hospital Barrie ca Thun Novembsr so liol to Pie and hits Renaeth Th Inva It reel street asstie con am neib ualie GOOD NEWS STORY wnsn announcs Ina btrth bl your shit In ihs Ila Ellminer clippings oi the not ara availabls Inbr Boon Flmll Ire Records and to trial rout ricads and Niallvgb in those In an places 01 pins are announcedlea stiet clrtb ca ris Examiner sslhed PA DEATHS its Danso his home Township lID on Thursda November to last George dtv rd Henderson husband of the late Florence atary Jlrkaon and dear lather at bel and Robert in his oath nesting at his home until Sand Dec at pm then to at David church Everett fur acrv vice 230 pm lnttrment st Davids Cumctcry The easker will remain open in the church tronl lto pm until time of ser virr hircAltTln her ed or To oronl Frldly Dlr¢m at sunhybrnok Il pltai Toronl Randal Keir canny bcloied husband of isle Dornlh Tats dear ihcr ol Mary in Molly near brother or Ivan at Montreal and Mn Thompson Vera of dune ltuiing st the ra ersl chspel of allies all St Clair Avenue vul Toronio Service in ChriIt Church llesih anti Yong Sirroil on Monday at than am Intention st Thomas Ccmctcry shanty ot MILN At lbs Royal Victoria Hospital llsrrie on Saturdly ne cember lsal James Dsitsn ltoe littlne in his iath year ltusbsnd at Carrie Culvcrweil and father at tohn Joseph 11 and Mary Mrs nyiieldl all of Toronto and brothcr of ii llline name Resting at Stecktey ruhersl ilortle so warm Sticci aarrle tor aor ylce on aohday December st ant Interment aarrls union Cc molery it NGEII At the Royal Vice torla Hospital Barrie on Friday December tool Philip Morn gol nl la llolgato street Harrie eloved husband ol this late Ellie dssr taihsr oi Harold both oI lsarrls in his dirt on heating at the Jell nstt nrral Home 152 bradtord Street Barrie Funeral servic Monday interment lnnislil Como cry WzAYllloUTll Vigiaril Hospital day December kin wasymout Drive srinc Elinhcth Allen our father ol Kan Mrs Harry Adams ol Temple ileatty and Allen both or in his oath year Hosting at Jennth Iuncral Homo dford Street Ban Ill runsrs sorvlca Tuesday December at pm Intelmen Earlin Union Ccmntcry Black Knight urvic Monday at piu IN MEMORIAM rFRONCKIn loving manaory ct Dlvid Pronto who ï¬nned ley Dsccmbar mo in is ath yaar Sadly milM Ind lovingly raw membercd by Uncle Ross and Aunt Gwe PRoNcDIn loving mamory or David Dolpvod son and brother who acclden Ily killed Dec ember II 1900 Dunl tu II than words can tell Thu way you spoke and trialled The little things you said and did Ara with us all the whlla God gave Ul Itnngih to bear II And couraga to are tho blow But what it meant to lose you will aver know rememhcrnd by Mom and Da Darba Douglas and Cathy COMING EVENTS THE SINGING SANTA CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS PARTY Beautiful Costuma DUNCAN 1R COWAN 93 WILLIAM ST PA 89010 SHOOTING MATCHES FOR TURKEYS SATURDAY DEC At the farm 01 Lynn Russell MIDHURST Shotguns onlyshells supplied ANNUAL MEETING BARRIE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Wednesday December pm AT LIBRARY HALL ladies ram Weaymnuths will demonstrate Christmas Wrap ping and Mr Art Harris will demonstrate indoor Christmas decorating December at PIuIl St BINGO STROUD HALL TUESDAY NIGHT EM Jackpot $I00 full card ha numbers called Last Call For Entries In BARRIE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY PHOTOGRAPHIC CONTEST Leave alidcs lor Miss Ruth Aarson at Slmcoc Medical Group by MONDAY AM DEC For information phone Miss AarsonmPA ii7li97 or PA ems Wm Hinton BA Barrister Solicitor and Notary Public 35 OWEN ST Corner Collier OWen OPENS Wednesday Dec 230 pm pm Central United Church Social Hall ADMISSION 33c Ausplces of WA REAL ESTATE PROPERTY Port SALE Stoutt Agencies Ltd CENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST REALTORS COLLIER STREET PA 05901 ON HIGHWAY 11 South of Barrie to acre of good garden soil with lib storey bedroom homo on Highway 11 Carries for $60 and Re duced for quick sale INCOME PROPERTY Two complete homes with View of the Boy Idoai loca tion Walking distance or down town Gas heated Spacious lot with double garage real buy at $5500 FARMS FOR SALE Ecol and Dairy Farms Priced from $8500 to $50000 Member of the uarrle and District Real Estate hoard EVENINGS CALL MERV GOULD Ono raid EDE GOULD Ono 25H HARRY erssoR PA 5051 DIICA BROWN PA 84255 LLOYD lIOcIt PA is CARSON 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the Imperial Ihsatrs OPEN HOUSE iii Rose Stopen lor inspection Saturday afternoon at pm Drop in for coffee and see this beautiful lhrci bedroom split level llomc Only sails down to and NBA mortgage Monthly payments $7750 PA 6648 Momhcr si name and District Real Estate Board HENDERSON REALTOR la COLLIER srrtatrr PHONE PA 82578 EVENINGS CALL RITA SCANDREII PA aiadll DOROTHY Wilcox PA tram PERCY FORD PA 0100 EMERSCN SWAIN PA carol Member or Barrie and District and Ontario Real Estate Boards BRINGS YOU CASH PA 82414 REAL ESTATE EVENIN III MOOREPA In ROGERS PA H581 CORBY Phone PA 91410 can be yours for only $3500 own boss CLOSE TO CGE Oil furnace Terms NAPIER meat as tumoITow Needs only hit FERRIS LAN economica living 0nly $7500 MURIEL JEFF FOR lBluo chip investment Ultra called in busy Georgian Bay tow Ing $13000 net are available at our office COL Norman DUNLOP ST FiRs1 MORTGAGE FUNDS 607 OF VALUE loe Longiin PA 60146 Eiciotl shnlsucll Oro zalg PA 85568 TRUNK LINES MEMBERS HARM DISTRICT aw ISTAIS BOARD BROKER DRESS SHOP well established dress shop in good neighborth location One ol the better three bedroom brick homes with combination living and dining room large kitchen utility room Full barb Three bedroom brick bungalow with garage fenced yard modem cozy two bedroom home ensy to heat Built for comfort and MABEL MARSHALLPA cuso Motel Restaurant Our best busitss listing Stoutt Agencies Ltd BARRIE PA8 REAL ESTATE BROKER Evenings call Howard Norris PA bola PROPERTY FOR SALE RENTALS RENTALS ARTICLES for SALE ARTICLES for SALE GS CALL WSTDIPA saw CONNEuFPA um REAL ESTATE so Dunlop St ls all could be independent and your AND DOWNTOWN STREET family to live in it Terms CUNDLES COREYPA 034M DRYPA Mae SALE modern motel and lILstaurant in $30000 down payment Show Furthrr particulars LIER ST 5991 Shelswell PA 89961 PA 68742 AVAILABLE 7P iNTERIsr FEES CHARGED Jack Villson PA Mm Norman Shclswcii PA oooat Members at the Llnrr smith Campbell Pli a7sas Fergus GarveyPA 87952 CLIFF BROWN REALIUR 32 HIGH STREEI PHIINES PA HIZIl EARRIE PA 60242 is Real Estate board Iunn LangurA alsm Charlie RuthPA 84317 PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT MOVING For complete moving service safer and easier Call COOKE CARTAGE C7 STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT Is Essa Rd Barrio PArkwny a5575 ROSE REAL AIsz sham Ia TIFFIN STREET BARRIE CALL DAY on EVENlNG PA 82379 Member or the Ilsrrto and District Real Estate Board MOVING Dont forget to transfer your INSURANCE and if you need extra coverage of any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 6480103 PA 61802 113 Dunlap SL REAL ESTATE AND Real Estate Board STRDUD Pive rootn bungalow with garage large lot Close to school and snapping rasllltlcs Private mortgage available Tcle phonc stroud 42bit LARGE threo bedroom brick bun galow Dsbapdd living and dining room with nroplscc bulltlin chino prico or $05 per month with new clown payment or ownfti will consider trade on small farm Par rurther details cons tact Emory lillllci PA 00470 rop resenting Harold Forster Realtor Phoraivry Port saw on RENT PDNETANG STREET Now ihrco bedroom brick bttngalotv on wall landscaped lat Gas healing Largo kitchen with Hanover cupboards Ceramic tilo bathroom with van ity Good lull slzc basement Alur minum storms and screens Tcic Itlcall foraretilxeil ï¬entlemgnmo Cou no scene it KEITH reasponnbly as owner has other in MARSHALL tercst Apply Gils smoke Shop MORTGAGES BUSINESS BROKERS 15 CLAPPERTON sr BARRIE IMMEDIATE MOOREPA aaaso IST AND 2ND FRANK NELLESPA 66595 MORTGAGE LOANS Cabinet Frigidaire bulltln stove shah silt°lfrr Ass van uoml ngdyvopdxfltiinrtasslit1atlcd SIMPSONS SE an srge oron Crescent Telephone Gordon MORTGAGE Spring PA 25097 MONEY oN SUNNIDALE noAD short dla AVAILABLE tinned In choppéng wuhhavt mu No BONUS cm Wt eraam omo on lovely plneireed lat $1500 lull Payments 5mm 333 store cur or approximately livo uunToN AVENUE Private sale room brick home built lor tam lly living on landscaped lot lss ti deep Two room apartment on moin rloa Te hone PA a5207 run our on ooo square test of warehouse iloor space available immediately suitable for light manutocturing or dis tributing sgcncy Centrally ioca icd Agply Henry Elrick and rill chic eaitors 15 Owen street Telephone PA assari PROPERTY WANTED THREE DDDRooM modern brick bungalow Central or on hits like Stato location age and price to Box at Barrio Examiner arx 0R SEVEN Room House wa ted tobuy Central location Ga age all heated Write stating cation age price to Mrs Jen kinl RR Stroud Ontario FARMS WANTED APPROXIMATELY do 100 acre lanai wanted with or room house and small barn close to Barrie Will pay cash if suitable Ask for Mr James PA anaal BUS OPPORTUNITIES HARDWARE sad Applianco busi ness Modern prosperous Near orlllis Long lease Living qusr tcra Apply Lsngevin Bro ker Box or wassgs beach Te phons 290 SMOKE anoP excellent wn sundry atom in location 40 Maple Avenue Elmo Unlimited privateiunds avail able for any type of dwelling or construction anywhere Free consultation No Obligation CALL PA 00981 MORTGAGE FUNDING 129 Dunlop St East accident sickness death CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST BARRIE PA 60203 MORTGAGES and 2nd bought mid and arranged Commercial and rosidentlll nunayl loaned on existing mortgages Barrio Mort gage brokers PA oasui RENTALS GARAGE WANTED in narrlc to Monday Dec phone PA 80205 or PA lio7lu months Talentlono PA 5l01a RENTALS Low cos SPACE or rent CILull rnadern buildings Suitable rot cummcrcial or light industrial Telephone PA dolls NURSING HOMES Auk EDEN NunsmG noble built tor this work semi and private rooms kind nursing care good food Tv rooms station we gun or outings Telephone sans Stroud APT5 HOUSES TO RENT SIX ROOM House at Trill street lor rent Three bedrooms Can be seen at any ilmc For in formation telephone PA as ONE BEDROOM modern unturn LIth basement apartment $55 per month Available immediately Telephone PA Nail LARGE nicely decorated two bed roam heated selilcontaincd spart ment Central location Children welcome lclcpbane PA 60801 FIVE ROOM Eunlulaw or rent with garage on hunted Right at g1 illzubs sttlvp lugl cglolo Chablh va mate as PA Hallo Ly 5P HEATED titres room lumlshcd apartment for rent stove and re Pisaagar Adulta ofllyisflAvglllhlo now any nu treat Telephone PA 87090 EIGHT ROOM House or rent Eight miles rout barrio near No 11 Highway Water inside chb ing reasonably Telephone 1min Elmvalc TWO BEDROOMS living room kitchen hath separate entrance Warm and comlortablc Central lo cation Move in right away Tele phane PA Moot 4307 you ANGUS Four room house with bath unturnished Apply to Robertson telephone HE P5595 Available immediately AVAILABLE November two bedroom bungalow su convenien cos oil hcnt Reasonable Tele phuho cakville Valley ratio or write Box as barrio Examiner EAST END Apartment In new triplex Two bedrooms complete ly selfcontained Not suitable ror children Laundry Iacilities and Egg lplca Telephone PA THREE DEDROOM bungalow or rent in Allandsle Garage and back yard ideal for children $90 monthly Available December 10 TclcphonsPA 0415 Two REDROOM uniurnlshsd apartment in madcrnapartmeut building helrlgerator and stove heat water storage parking and laundry lnciliflls Available Dec thor 15 Telephone PA drlld7 unrultletlaD Apartment rooms anti bath Ground llpor chtcli Clean modern reinoon tained Central location Parking Stove rerrleeratnr and partially summed it required PA aiall APARTMENT thrca rooms with private bath reirigcrator and range Downtown suitable for adults 95150 per month For your gugglgacr information telephone PA iour CHRISTMAS Special Upper Dup Iflxu prlvntc entrance nhc hCIIA room largo living room and up chcnette New Clean soilCOR tbiuctl hcatcd Hydro and water ms HOUSES T0 BENT BOOM BOARD Two loch Apartment tutbish ed rel erator Parking asses Adults on Telephone PA H011 or apply Mary strut Two RooM urolsbcd apartment grivatc barb upar zntranu tors and reinser UPPER AND Ground Floor Apartmea business section also garages in ma Road PA Hood Telepboba unit psi and on bus route Hydro tion and ratruerator sup plied Ielcpbcna PA 35030 YUENISIIED two main apartment In quiet well by downtown home suit business lad or ch ilemau 130 per month zIelepbons PA Mm MODERN Liana bedroom hurt as low immediate occupancy or rent on abundant lnaae Tale ails wruanangp ground lisor Ifmmont uvla room bedroom ktchea ad bs room neat and water pplisd Downtown Priv sts entrance Tolephona PA Mm vzitv Curran oua bedroom amount in nsw building Au tomatic washer and dryer sup lied Avauable Dccerabar lat elspboaa PA Mano NEW MODERN arinsent in our room ADI Anna Ila WI ted Hut bydre water sad range supplied Tslspboas Camp Burden 13D collect UNPURNIIHED Ibrca room apartment tor rent on North st Heated Plenty or cu board spaea Teiaphbno at meal this or oven lngs at PA 54510 TORONTO STREET location Un ritmlshrd three roona apartment with bath sellcontained Corri pletely rrivatc bright and attrais me epbunc PA Isa UNFURNISIIED on two bed room apartmchta nested Central ly located Kitchens with builbln cupboards Adults only Tclcphou PA arson and alter Mil pan PA Malia NEW AND Modern on and two bedroom apartments overlooking scenic Kempeoiclt Bay nut in PURNIIIIID three room apart bcna PA 090 or mrtbr or MARY Hun Vicinity Room and board Ceauemaa pnlerred wui gaek lunches Home privii cg class to downtown Teta oua PA sodas lor rurtbsr Marv matios ROOMS TO LET HIDammo ROOM to rent in cnxulil rag Spinal lor nrÂ¥xorhiio as ng spaca as our PA mu tar timber dctaLIs DOOM for rant Heated lumlahsd wltb rangtie relrigerstor and Data supplied Apply at Mary street for further talomsilou ORIGIII himlabsd Ilnusakcsglng Room Siovs abd Nlfllerltnr LD catcd between hospital and shop ping plara Ialsphoas PA 54101 rwo LAIOL unfurnth rooms to mat in Print boats Locatad close ia downtown Would ma an ideal small spatinsist Tclr pbooa PA 50m IMGDT BOOM or flat two beds Housekeeping dcamd rer two qulat bullpen SDI ml Plrklnl an Tallpboul 071 after pm BOUSIKIKPINO Room In vldowa bomb Relaunlbll to on or two business woman or In Near bill ItOP M6 for lurm EDUIIKEBPINO Room with to ntrlgentoi and link Linen lu plltd lI dcxind Suitable or one or two III or business coup No Objctlon tn lady pensioner Telwhonl PA IJMO == ARTICLES for SALE FURNACES FOR SALE FORCED AIR OIL OR GAS NEW $110 FINANCE RATE Phone Collect Straud 41115 Woodward and Sons Heating Contractors Irigoratar su plied Centrally lo cated No ch ldren Available im mediately lor lurthor intermh tion telephone PA 602 TllnElI ROOMS sclt contained with sink and modern cupboards Dll heatcd tllcti tloort kitchen plenty or closet space alovc anti mtrigcrator supplied suit couple Phone PA 56155 NEW LARGE Apartments to rcnt in new apartment building One and two bedroom sullcs Stove and rolrlgcrator supplied Laun dry fuclllllu Queen Street area PA ooeao SPACIOUS modern spartmsnt sclllcpntalned Prlvnto entranro total for hacllelorDr couple Parit lng Iacllltler slave and rclrigore tor suppllctl Tcluphonc PA 89050 or PA ndrzsi ONE IIIDltOoM lurnishcd ncatl rd Apartment tell cantaincd Lutx or parking space Tile lionrs and large closed in versnosh Talc Ehono days PA a3270 evenings Nana MODERN heated uniutnlshed two bedroom apartment ltelrlger star and stove supplied Laundry isellltles park an parking ovcrlaoking bay Apply ll st Vin or tclcphonc PA Macs GA BEACI winierllcd comlortsble homes to lot furn lshcd or unfurnished Reasonable Apply Langevln broker 415 Moslcy so Wasaga beach or felophone 290 zoNt overlooking the ha rooms and bath attached garage walkout basement cold room storms and screens and many ex ins Telephone PA coral eve lags PA 51032 alilALL live room cottage rear of 20 Dunlop West Clean and item can monthly Garage specs heater included Adults Avallablo Decentner Telephone PA lg UNFUIINISIIED upstairs apar merit three rooms private bath Central location Oil heated Prl vats hot watcr tank In privata homono other tenants Ava able now Telephohc PA 09757 ONE DEDRooM Apartment Owen and Grove Street area Ample storage parking laundry room with dryer Avallnblo December Telephone PA Man or PA ulna or PA cont NEW MODERN centrally located two bedroom apartment for rent Refrigerator stove and laundry tscilitica Available immediately Janitor service Telephunu PA 06092 lot turther iptbrmsuou LARGE HEATED Apartman Liv ing room dining room kltohon bedrooms ad bath Self contained Very ccntr Plenty or storage space Available now monthly Telephone PA that TWO FLRNISKED heated apart ments each containing bedroom living room kitchen and three Plece bslih Soplrate hot and Cold water hunt General store Telephon PA 59575 UNFUHNISHED clean thres room heated apartment Kitchen has modern divider counter Stnvc and reirlgerator Threc blocks trons Post Ottlce Good parking Suit couple can monthly Telr phone PA 54320 NEW MODERN bungalow overlooking park and bay Lovely grounds Double gan age Paved drive Gas dryer drapes Adults lid per month ï¬rmnesng coo Talephonl PA THREE ROOM ground floor apsrc ment scparats entrance and bath hast supplied Close to school Also thres room modernly de corated nrartment with nursery Each avsl able Decembor Talc phone PA alma MAIN FLODII two brairoom two bedroom flat modeni Dow triplex near Hawke atone three hundred feet from Highway 11 bus stop Largo moms Patio private entrance Reasonable TelEPItorie Mrs Law4 IS 5323 Oro Station erunNISHlin heated art ment living room bedroom ich en wilhatnvo sad rerrlgerstor Lights and water supplied Park int space Central location Tele phpue FA cam in lurther do sts Room Boasts Room AND IIDAIID availsblis Close to downtown Apply 13 Dec czy Street for lurtbcr inrdrnustlnu ROOM AND qurtD available Ior young man in rivato home Dun top and Brad and district Icie phanu PA 847368 ROOM AND bomb with mother lv care given for babies and children in my own home by the week Apply to flax79 aarris Ex eminer supplied Dominion store area $55 per month rnlttpiione PA dual er parking and Jlnfturmaelvfu nc otnstie ciililes PA 31701 RR Strnud routs 1100M Apartment tllc HANDY HARDWARE bath unluralshed Steve and re Assurtedquantity of old alh Line lnnislil Alcona Beach Road Ccomplete matchbox model scrics OSkates iohbogans Ltricyclcs wagons OFull line at allc toys OGIitwarcs OBeatty Appliances CASH 0R TRADE on Skates Appliances etc STORE OWNERS scale stock COUNTER SALES BOOKS SINGLE CARBON AUTOMATIC These books are in per fect condition but have I95 on the date line REGULAR PRICE FROM 12c to 20 Clearing at 9c ea ius PROVINCIApL SALES TAX Commercial Printing Dept Barrie Examiner Phone 66537 Used TV from 4900 Used Refrigerators from 8900 Used Ranges from 2900 All unconditionally Guaranteed McFADDEN Appliance 125 PENETANG STREET PA some EWSPAPER MATS Sizes aler Ideal for lining hen houses attics garages etc perfect insulato 25c PER DOZEN Apply The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario Propane Refrigerator SERVAL ONLY Reconditioned Guaranteed Year $9950 SHORGAS LTD 147 Burton Ave PA 60512 HAVE YOU TRIED Barrie Auction Rooms and Second Hand Store 55 humor 51 WEST PHONE PAa2m CAMERA Kndnk Tourist or III like now sis Telephone RI stroud CHAIN sAw McCulloch two EDWARD SMITH AND SON NEED NEW STOVE OR FRIDGE Buy em with lowvcost lifelnsurcd scam PLAN IDAN The Bank of Nova Bcotla LaDYd IIUDION ILAL coat for ilaa II In career condition lephoh PA Ugo OIL Inc Huter lor aals two large at no cacti and ona amsu at us Telephone tint Strouti nix700T Porcelain Meat Coun ter Reasonable Also heavy dui ironanon Plan shanty Sleigh TIszlsioN ilpeb Geasrai Electric Inl sal In sxcoliaat con dition and eea completely cbeekeo Telapbona Int Siroud REPRIGKRATOB villas in Inner automatic dstrost ens an old in eseeueai condition lepbobs camp Borden not cull LOANS00 at ar month Talepbouo PA 00 amazon libDes Dunlap st aa DIED PIANO Womawilh or Reconditioned Priced na bl APDly Mn Dllundla RR Angus APPLIQUED QUILT or II urge sits Hand madl Apply to 3111 II Ward Glanclim 0n tsrio Telephone oremars laws PLAT OLA tar as also mo tbr launch lata modal scales Va cries Apply 09 oxlord airas Grill Ontario SPACE HEATER or sale Isco our old 355 Perfect condition eats approximately four rooms Talepbonn PA uMl TELEVISION for 11inch Phllco blonds alier picture on and dils smarts shop In Avenue or tollPhOnl PA ELELIIIIC TRAIN Msrklln huge 00 value saven locomo tivu Ibpleco rolling stock IlIan accessories Prlca c575 or but at er PA balsa ELECTRIC nov Mo loinc tar ulc oven one warming arch two utensil drawers and timer $100 Telephona Ilru Siroud ELECTRIC RANGE for all deluxe model by General Electric dou bio oven lwo along drawn nvrn timer builtIn IDuum cook ri Good Condition elephants PA £41566 BEST IIUY in prunod Christmas Trees Your cholcs of Scotch Pins or Spruce aim at arm or delivered but Maw litineslng phano 23 wow lOlt saw foot cord 10 per cord Atio 0000 lost at lumber and inches Apply Robcrt Aconloy Shanty Day tole phono PA 00850 HUDSON SEAL Coat Ifli bile stc is Ladys nylon cvershoss the 592 Pawn blanket Cont sin to Apply 107 sophls street Welt name after in t2 rlslt sHANTlcs violl eon Itructcd Priced Clch lllo 200 gallon and son gallon minnow tanks Aplv Vie Palmer IN Kcmpcntel Drlvs Telephohs PA splat BEDROOM Furniture Two Dress crs chcst oi drawers two night tlhius vanity bench in walnut tinlah doublo bad and springs single bed cum lcte Reasonable Tclcphcnc PA 520 CAMERA Zeiss rest vxll setting tor llssh etc speed up to 500 snapvcn case sun shield llssh wide angle an telescopic lens with case Like 23 lens DADY manual in good road tlau tor sale also two burner ba plate cabinet radio and letn with lhnd Telephone PA Mm lnr dc cllnoMit xchitzN sar tor nil consisting of table and tour ebalrs good conduits also Chicken Pen table lor so hens Telephone Min RENTAL Singer Electric Port aola alacbines lot vent by the week or we manta Sinxer sew Ing Centre Ounlo Street WuL netvcpbona PA or timvala Annmox Puaszt Giia smoka Sbop to Mapll Ava PA um in addition to rub stock of smokers needs we now carry tor your convenience bread ier rail cause etc dilly to II pm ARTICLES FOR RENT SANTA culls atlth Im nut Resseasbla rates Procccda ler volumei rslspaeos PA cats or PA olm lor rsservsileas and idiotmailed Ys his sttca club DOGS 8s PETS CANARIZS Harts Mountain tor sale can pair lua can all Ior cit Tolephona no or tur mcr flotilla mum at VEGETABLES CIIRIanIAa Titus dclivlnfl to our home Apply ll Irca res Parms tclcphona PA Mil or PA Melts APPLE CIDIIR nah or real up also applc butter or bra tut or ytims Wa gallon and ball gallon ugs Talo pbono PA wall ARTICLES WANTED DUNK IsltDa Wanted Must Do in and condition Taluphoril PA altor pm WILL PAY CAan for and used turniture or any good uaad Irticla Individual or content lair Phone Flt Silt CUIIOH RADIO wanted or loss or use bad or Plymouth car ielc hotlo Moot lor luribar data is 5FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest prices paid for dead or crippled cattle and horses Small animals removed free For fast service phone BARRIE PA 87751 council or ask for ZENITH 91130 NO CHARG It hours day1 days we NICKS DEAD STOC Foxmead Ontario Licensc No 135061 LIVESTOCK rouit nannroun Calvoa and stun months old Apply to arms Tuck an Aillrtoa Ont Telephone PA EPWID Iftor proximately loo lbs Would lib FARM MACHINERY Milch Pump good Condition also kle Cnmpardown EOARD AVAILABLE to III111 pm oxchangu on cattle Telephon Two NEW surgs Milksr uali stall hacks and Vacuum control Iry An Examiner Wont A6 new 570 cumplcta Telephunl iilu Stroud BUSINESS DIREC Ask About Low Rates Service to all makes I47 DUNLOP ST PA 61 I42 CARPENTRY NEW HOMES Remodelling shinglingr porches recreation rooms Complete trimming to houses and garages BRUCE CAMERON PA 66071 DIAPER SERVICE BARRIEs FINEST DIAPER SERVICE Iwlcs weekly pick at delivery Ii maNOia 1T REAR PA $855 Less than pack or cigarettaa rill DRIVING SCHOOL ORILLIA SCHOOL OF SAFE DRIVING Since 1956 FOR APPOINTMENT CALL PA 66551 EXCAVATING FILL GRAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Grading Water Delivery Crushed atone Half yard Backhau for hire DENNIS MORAN 29 Anne Street PA 4907 PAINTING AND PAPEEHANGING Barrio Painting and Paper Hanging Spray Painting Service Since 1920 RR Barrie PA 66956 tor ulu with extra bind Try An Examiner WTat Ad manly coo elephono 4th Strand Lsrgc box stalls and good ridl YORKSHIRE PIG for sale stroud used and month and Univonl Priced roasonably Allen Roo PHONE PA 82414 SERVICE TORY By Month or YEar Telephone PA 82414 Siiï¬dimlis Rial Milli MA5°NRY impliekaiiieï¬iililhobim Lgc Célxlng builtsÂ¥gliGE APPLIANCE CALL SERVICES SPROULE TONYS APPLIANCE MASONRY AND TV SERVICE CONTRACTOR For guaranteed workmans at reasonable prices PA 60966 PLASTERING STUCCO STONE QUIKBRICK AND PLASTERING CEILINGS ROOMS ARCHWAYS PATCHES FREE ESTIMATES TERMS N0 DOWN PAYMENT SIMCOE QUIKBRICK LEFROY 60M PHONE COLLECT ON REFRIGERATION SERVICE Domestic Commercial Airconditioning 31 PRATT STREET PHONE PA 61678 SANITARY DISPOSAL DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT We have been licensed to re mave your dead and crippled gram animals under the above ct FREE REMOVAL Phone tlliEil BARRIE FArltWay 3361 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE LIIENE tll WELL DlisGING WELLS DRliIEDT PUMPS INSTALLED BY LICENSED DRILLERS FREE ESTIMATES Coupland Drillin RR EARRIE Try An Examiner Want Ad PA 87646 but 141 pus Sundlyl till