OUR IELEPHDNES For Examiner Want Itds Teler bone PA 814 The telephone number to call for the Business or Editorial Dept in PA 66537 97th Yea rhfo 232 Soviet Ambassaer Valer ian Zorin centre foreground gathers his delegates from seats for vnlknut staged by the entire Soviet bloc during SOVIET WALKOUT United Nations General Asa semny debate on represen tation of China Valkout came when Nationalist Chinas Ting le Tsiaog at rostrum be 6111 Barrie Ontario Canada Saturday December WM Earth Ex amine LOCAL WEATHER Cloudy and mild today Wide spread fog Cloudy and turning colder Sunday low tonight 30 High Sunday 40 See page two Not More Thln7e per Copyl2 Pages PM MAY SEE JFK IO SOLVE DISPUTE US Russia Gamble Prestige Over China gan speaking Zorin had ask ed expulsion of Nationalist China and that Communist China be seated AP Wire photo Euromcirt COuncil Split Over Politics rBRUSSELS Reutersl split over political union reported as the Common ar kets council of mlnistcrit coni tinucd discussions in this Bel gian capital today source close to the council said differences have arisen over the draft political treaty recently drawn up in Paris which proposes confederation of the six Common Market countries For some it went too far and for others not far enough the source said The draft treaty will be dis cussed by foreign ministers of IN INUTSHELL Good Food Hard Worklle Says ELISABETHVILLE Reuters Latest reports indicate an Indian majormissing for nearly four days is alive and being held near here UN spokesman said today George Smith acting chief UN representative capital said reliable source on Major Arjeet Singhzf missing since Tuesday Missing Major May Be Alive rnnrn Ont and Good the secrets of longevitygsays just celebrated his lot birthday party lueisday fraternal delegates to 19 1962 Police To Prhtect MONTREAL col Snow end under police protection its 17th areas when number of truckers working for companies un der contract to the pity claimed they were being intimidated by goon squadsy Sa urday and Sunday work was scheduled to make up for the me last Reason for the threats appar ently was an attempt to organize truckers into union US Communist Party Indicted PARIS Reuters The French government won ma jority of just two votes 238 new taxes and economy cuts when the National Assembly sdoptedy the 1952 builgetshortly before dawn today Macmillan Stays Euromart Right BRAZZAVILLE Congo Republic Reuters President Moise Ishombe of Ffatanga province who arrived here Friday from his capital oft Ellsabethville today was believed to have met with two members of the rival Congolese central gov ernment Tshombe May Have Mel Rivals EASTBOURNE England Reuters Prime Minister Mac millan declared Friday night join the Common Market was right politicallyfor Europe for the Commonwealth and for the freewnrld Government Wins WASHINGTON AP The Communist party of the Un lted States has been indicted for failing to register as an agent Conviction could of the Soviet Union thousands of dollar in fines birthday Mr Huddleston who env joysgood health received congratulatory messages from the Queen Prime Minister Diefenbaker and George Doucet Pro gressive Conservative member of Parliament for Lanark at The centenarian former stone mason and carpenter lives in the Tayview Home for the Aged which he helped build in 1902 Canadian no Ask Other Beds TORONTO CPll The Communist party of Canada has invited other Communist parties throughout the world to send the SixhiPnrisneelLThe ministers meetinghere began talks on cartch and restrictive measures today after shelving an agricultural dispute The proposed political treaty drafted by committee headed by Christian Fouchct of the French foreign office was pre sented to member governments Nov 10 BACK THE PLAN France and West Germany hack the confederation plan but Holland fears domination of the bigger powers and argues that on step should be taken until in this Katanga province had given the UN information food and hits of hard work are Robert Huddleston who has convention opening hers Jan Show Removers removal will go on this week It had been heldup in some to 236 on an amendment for that Britains application to Tax Vote rnean hundreds of Britaindoihsthéiéommepmer ket Belgian officials havedc scribed the plan as too tame Italy and Luxembourg also tend to favor outright federation as opposed to confederation The 18 article treaty de scribes the prospective federa tion as an indissoluble union which would respect the na tional character of member states and the equality of their rights and obligations It provides for common de fence and foreign policy plus scientific and cultural coopera tion The confederation would have European parliamentary as semny and governing coun cil comprising heads of stateor government which would meet once every four months Eerry Crew Had SelfService PORTSMOUTH or The entire crew of the British rail ways Portsmouthvlsle of Wight cargoferty was sentenced to prisonyFriday for stealing goods in transit aboardthe vessel prosecutor said the thefts by the four men covered pe riod of five years and totalled more than $2890 worth of cloth ing food electricalequipment tools and toys First rMate Leonard Bortb wick 28 testified that when he joined the crew last year they told him to helphimselfto any thing he wanted from the car goes UNITED NATIONS CP The United States and the Sov iet Union have decided to gam ble their prestige on the out come of Communist Chinnl bid for United Nations seat This we made clear Friday as the two big powers clashed hcndon in the opening round of the debate both demonstrating they nrs determined to fiat every step on the issue of whether the Formosan govern ment of Chiang Kaistick or the Communists get the seat US Ambassador Adlui Ste venson warned delegates that the whole future of the United Nations is at stake The United States has managed to keep the matter shelved for to years If anyone still has any illu slons about the Conununists qualifications for membership in this respect let him be re minded of the use of force by the Chinese Communists in their border disputes with India Stevenson declared in speech In its present mood Stev ensoo said of the Communist Chinese regime it is mas sive and brutal threat to manl struggle to better his lot 15 MAJOR PROBLEM Its gigantic power its reeklt less ambition and its uncon cern for human values makoit the major world problem In bid to win over some of Pekingsv sirppplfersStW an accused the Communist Ch esp of operating camps for young guerrillas in Asia Africa and Latin America so they could touch off revolutions in their home countries Stop Fighting Laos Princes lire Urged LONDON APBritoln and the Soviet Union today joined in urging the three princes disput ing controlof Lansto ensure strict observance of their cease fire agreement The AngloSoviet message ap parently arose from concern here and in Moscow about the worsening military and political situation in divided Laos The message was slgmed by British Foreign Secretary Lord Home and Soviet Foreign Min ister Andrei Gromyko Britain and the Soviets were cochair men of the 1954 Geneva confer ence which split what was form crly French Indochina into the independent states of North and South Viet Nam Cambodia and Laos John Addis British ambas sador in Laos delivered the message to the representatives of the main political forces in the cnunlryproWestern leader Prince Euun Cum Communist Prince Souphanuuvong nectralist Prince Phnuma The United States Stevenson said believes that it is impos sible to speak seriously today of bringing Communist Chino into the United Notions No basis exists on which such step could be taken Russias swift retort tothe American charges made plain the Kremlin has decided to go much further than token sup port for the Communists bid Dcputy Foreign Minister Val erian Zorin accused Stevenson of trying to make the assembly believe the Peking government had split with Moscow Any effort on the part ofthe The Bishops Off With 150 Wives UHAWA CPtThe Bishop of Guildfnrd England said Fri day he will take 150 wives of clergymcn to British seaside resort next summer to give the poor dears breather Rt Rev George Relmlorp conducting weeks mission at St Johns Anglican Church here said parishioners will be asked to look after his vicars children and finance the trip Wives of vicars mustpnssess every human virtue in the hook in overheaping measure to make up for the vicars vices he said 1They must run happy house and bring up happy family under constant scrutiny and criticism They hold open house year round serve as cooks recep tionists phonists typists secretaries maids butlers and listen to all the stories of pain and pleasure from parishioners when the vicar is away They do all this and much much more and must make do on an average of $2400 year far less than the majority of parishioners wives Parade Booms Down Canyons TORONTO CP blaring Grey Cup parade today created sonic boom in the canyon of downtown Toronto Some 42 floats 18 bands and 17 corps of maiorettes made their noisy way down central Yonge Street and along Queen Street in front of city hall It was great day for admir crs of pretty girls The Weather was so balmy for December that the Miss Grey Cup contest ants and majorettes didnt have to huddle in parkos or wear on sightly heavy stockings Ingrid Osmolowsky Miss Ila milton TigerCat was crowned Miss Grey Cup of 1961 Friday night She is 19 year old brownseyed blonds who aspires to be fashion model iThere were 33 rather floats from as far away as Charlotte town and Victoria in the tuneful parade sanav CloSing MONTREAL CPlIts still tossup today where two dozen lake freighters will be spending the winter but the answer should beclear by midnight unless St Lawrence Senwa authorities announce further extension of the closing hour dozen lake vessels now are in the scaway heading up stream to the Great Lakes in cluding six that entered from Montreal Friday Another dozen are discharg lng cargoes of grain here or lying at anchor awaiting elev vator berths Seaway authorities con ï¬rmed Friday that the system will be shut down at midnight tonight have closed Thursday midnight but the deadline was extended when storms delayed ships passing through John Akin information officer for tha Seaway Authority said It was supposed to navigation markers must be collected before they become coated with ice andsink ONLY 18 shopplng dayl before Christmas vMay Trap Ships The whole process is long and technical job he said In the port of Montreal 80 ocean freighters were crowding wharves to load or discharge cargo Harbor officialsbelleve most of them will have gone by Mom day or Tuesday andwith con tinuing mild weather the rest of the season will take care itself Meanwhile the last ocean liner left Montreal for Europe after what port ofï¬cials said was the worst passenger season inlo years The liner lvernia sailed lor England and France with 500 passengers to end the sensed for ocean liners here Part officials said traffic was down by about 30000 passen gers from last season and down 53000 from the record 1959 sessonwhen Hamwere carried United States or any other power to cast shadows or as perslons on relations with the Peoples Republic is doomed in advance to failure he de clared Earlier the Soviet diplomat called for the immediate sent ing of Communist China and claimed it has the right to crush the Formosa regime by milk tary might if necessary In Ottawa reliable informants said Canada likely wauldvote against admitting Communist China The basic Canadian posi tion they said is that the seat of the Nationalist Chinese should not be jeopardized Ap proval of the Soviet anlutlon means that Nationalist China would be tossed out of the world body Zorin and the entire Snviety bloc walked out of the assem bly ball when Dr Tingu Tsiang Nationalist Chinas chief delegate took the floor to denounce the Chinese Com munisu as even more belli cose than their Russian com rades if that is possible $166700 Crash Award BELLEVILLE CP Wil linm John Brown 47 of Tor onto was awardcd $166700 in damages Friday as result of headon twocar collision al most two years ago which killed his wife and left him perman ently unemployable In non jury action Mr Justice Moorebouse made the award against Henry Postma of Brighton the estate of Fred Little and his son Fred Little Mr Brown represented by Douglas Hoines and Ian Outer bridge of Toronto was granted $26700 for the death of his wife and thoremainder for personal injuries He suffered complete paralysis of the left side and was left permanently unemploy able because of mental impair ment Mr Justice Moorehouse as sessed twothirds of the dam ages against Mr Postrna one third against the Littles Mr Postmas car crossed into the opposite lane and smashed into the oncoming car driven by Mr Brown lhere no rear lights on the truck which was owned by the driv ers son The elder Mr Little died la ter of natural causes At the time of the accident Mr Brown was senior warrant officer at the ECAF Station in Trenton with the maintenance division of the Air Transport Command White House Reluctant On Power Controversy WASHINGTONlCPFThc Co lumbia lliver controversy has raised new possibility of an eventual summit conference be tween Prosident Kennedy and Prime Minister Diefenbaker if all other measures fail Informants said Friday pro nasal developed among the lower echelons of the US ad ministration is gaining state de partment support as meas ure of lost resort The idea is that Kennedy would invite Die fenhaker to meeting on gen eral economic issues including the Columbia The White House is known to be reluctant to have Kennedy brought into the issue at this time particularly after Cana dian cabinet minister has crit icircd one of Kennedys own ministers But the view among US officials closely associated with the Columbia is that Ken nedyDiefenbaker meeting may be necessary to get final un derstanding as to whether Can ada will ratify the Columbia River treaty Interior Secretory St rt Udall told press conference Thursday that if Canado does not not soon to ratify the con MR Kimonos DEADLY SEX DEIIDLY WEAPON LOS ANGELES AptMrs Billie Thomason saw her old boy friend in car with an other woman and when her boy friends car hlt hers Mrs Thomason saw red Police said Mrs Thomason 31 sideswiped the car of her ex hoy friend Bill Scallop then Backed off and rammed the car at full throttle as Scallop got out to talk did it again as Mrs Margaret Szade 34 scrambled into the drivers seaty pursued the car into parking lot when Mrs Szabe drove away rairuned it twice more after Mrs Szahe fled then waited for police to come and arrest her Mrs Thomason was booked on suspicion of assault with deadly weapon structinn pact the US govern ment will have to ask Congress for authority to construct alter native dnms on the US side of the border Congress reconvene in January ouonr unne Asked what value Kennedy Diefenbaker would have when the Canadian delay is caused by an internal dispute between the British Columbia and Canadian governments the informants sold the suggesti might be made that Diefeu sA ker attempt to seek someform MR DIEFENBAKER of compromise with Premier Bennett of EC Before any final decision is taken on any Diefenbakertxeo nedy talks the informants said the Us will continue to do what it can on the ambassado rial level in support of ratifica tion Livingston Merchant US ambassador to Canada con fened with Udall privately last Wednesday Car Blazes Strike Continues OSHAWA CwA brandnew car ablaze in front of gas station lit the scene Friday as striking drivers of car trans ports began their fifth day of picketing Firemen believe gasoline was poured on one new car which was found burning its tire slashed and windows broken in front of gasoline station The car was to have been driven to Gananoque by car sales em ployee HERES ONE The newest Washington story involves an Army general who was so impressed with one of the new computers thathe ask ed it the big question What about World War III The machine clicked and out dropped the answer Yesl fYes what the general ask ed Out came the prompt answer ers sirl DEMONSTRATION IN REPUBLIC Jubilant demonstrators run through street in Saute Don Republic after rumor spread that President Joaquin Eatn aguer had resigned Report was denied by thevpalaco where troops forced back an angry crowd with tear gas and detonation bombs AP Wirephoto