Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Dec 1961, p. 9

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RENTALS ARTICLES for SALE ARTICLES for SALE SFARMERS MARKET ROOMS TO LET loan for REL Heated tarnished with rangetle retrialtor and hen lupplled Apply at at him at for further Intonation sirrum mail to rent in Cu cad SUIIIDII for on or 10 51111 Purine lyhre Telr hone um for further net anionr noosl tor rent lilo nod Nemueeptar it dulrcd ror two qulet balloon netiresea Partner spare Telephbm PA nut Iftu pm auditr furnished bedroom tor rent in modern home board op tional Perkin flcllltiel available Gentleman pnfemd Telephone PA 55750 nouns noon in widowa home Romantil In on or tub bullpen women or my Multan en Near an amp TzIephunu PA um tor mrther anally aeoln with non renter no hair Linen lup If desired suitable for one Ieo elru or busineu coupll No oblccllnn to Indy PenIIoner Telphone PA now VANTED T0 RENT mm three bedroom home wanted to rent In Barrie Telephone sir Scbnurr at PA 341917 or further detain == ARTICLES Iar SALE HOME FREEZERS Food Plan Available 61 General Factory trained service LOWEST PRICES MCFADDEN Appliance 121 PENETANG STREET PA $9288 TERMS FURNACES FOR SALE FORCED AIR OIL ORGAS NEW $110 FINANCE RATE Phone Collect Slraud IIR5 Woodward and Sons Heating Contractors RR Siroud HAND HARD ARE 3th Lino lnnislil Alconu Beach Road Complcte matchbox model serics Iskatcs tobbogans iricyclcs WEEDIIS OFull line of 88c toys lGiftwares lBeatty Appliances CASH OR TRADE on Skates Appliances etc STORE OWNERS ssorted quantity of old stock COUNTER SALES BOOKS SINGLE CARBON AUTOMATIC ese books are in per scale Th Heel condition but have 795 on the data line REGULAR PRICE FROM IZC to 20¢ Clearing at 9c ea plus PROVINCIAL SALES TAX Commercial Printing Dept Barrie Examiner Phone 66537 NEWSPAPER MATS Sizes 3213 Ideal for lining hen houses attiu garages etc Perfect Insulator 15¢ PER DOZEN Apply The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario Lsxn QUAKII no Hutu for rate In road can ittoa Apply to Fred Iesnrny Lot Concession lantrIIL Inc Hun for sale Tero in old 53 Pcrtect condition IIaau approximater our room Telephone PA 6M1 LIVBION Phuro biaade leture on and 99 Girl Smko shop do uapio Auntie or telephone PA 19o Propane Refrigerator SERVAL ONLY Reconditioned Guaranteed Year $9950 SHORGAS LTD 147 Burton Ave Pp 60512 HAVE YOU TRIED Barrie Auction Rooms and Second Hand Store as DUNLOP sr wesr PHONE PA on CAMERA Kodak Tourist for sale llke new tit Telephone 1th Stmud CHAIN raw McCulan two inahl for sale IIlth extra hlldfl 50 Telephone tint stroud DRY IXED wool tin per cord or will law in steva length and deliver all Telephone PA on 01L SPACE Heaters for ule two larae at lluch and one ath at 515 Telephone 1th Strand SIXFOOT Porcelain Meat Counc ler Reasonable Also heavy dutx Ilgvndgtiad Fish shanty Sltllh TELEVISION thlntlt General Electric or nlc In cxccllcnt cons ditlob 85 neon complctcly thallING MACHINE Electric With water good condition docn cvanlnil NEPIIIGEIIATOII Vlklnu largo Irrcxer and automatic dclrnst one ear old In excellent condition Telephone Camp Borden I158 chill LoANa4m at In per month Telephone PA dozod crescent Finance to Dunlop St West nEst BUY in Primed Christmas Trees Your choice or scotch Fine or sprurc 5100 at farm or $125 deliveredJ urrt luaw lilinesinl General In new PA Telep one checked Telephone tilu Strand ILIcmIc Imvls Muff 0inch for solo oven one warmth oxen two utensil drawers and timer um Tellphpno Jim strand zucrmc TRAIN Ihrrlin 1m nun not value Suren loeomp tIvu dplceo rcllina Hock Many Iceman Price $515 or but oil cr PA ulna BAIY cAIIltIAG in good condi Iloa tor aal also two burner hot plate cabin note and fun with 91 for do cunoiua KITCHEN arr for eonnaune or table and chain but condition Chicaen lo lulllble for so hen Telephone PA Hlu RENTALS singer Electric Pon able litchines for rent by the week or the month Singer Saw In Centre main street West Te ephone PA or amul 11w Iollr alsn ATTENTION PLEA oil Emokl snap to Maple Ave PA Misti In addition to roan stock of amoken needs we now carry for your convenience bread but Ier mutt cctm etc etc Open daily amil pm Sundays noon to II pm DOGS PETS WILLETTS PETS 41 GOWAN STREET Complete lines by HARTZ MOUNTAIN 11nd LONGLIFE Lovely song birds budglcs and Finches Tropical and Gold Fish Turtles and all pets OPEN TO 430 PM DAILY PHONE PA 68038 CANAlrlEs Ham Mott for In one pair plus cart for 15 Telephone PA 80535 for up tltcr dctlllr FRUIT VEGETABLES APPLE BARN ltfclnlosh Snow Cuurtland and other varieties Windfall $125 per bushel Frcsdi cldcr Phone PA B920l cllItIsnms TREES dellvcrcd to our homo Apply If uracey Tron Funno telcphono PA 849911 or PA dvots APPLE CIDER tresh or frcrh Iro xon alro lpplo butter for break nst snack or anyllmc We buy gallon and half gallon lulu Tole phone PA 65390 ARTICLES WANTED TYPEw Tarts nought anld rcnt ed regulxed student rantl 11ch Ask out our Ittnt Try thcn Buy Pia Sinr TyPcwrltar Co at Bra ord st PA 5595 IIUDBON SEAL Coat for rain Ilze III Ladys nylon ovcnhuel slip to rawn tilaim coat lllu to Apply 107Sophtn Strctlt vost Barrie nltnr 11111 NEW TWO nucs I2 15 oval shaped Chlncsc colors hclcc pink and green one 12 colors red dish nut allover patlcm Owner must sell returning to England Apply Bux Barrie Examiner 12 Plan sIIANTIEs well con structed priced $35 cacti also 2110 gallon and son rallnn minnow tanks Apply VII Palmer Kgnapenfelt prlvo Telephone PA on cnnlsTltIAs TREES or salt chnlce pruned Christmas trees pine or Aprucc any size Whole sale or retail Reasonably priced admit luaw telephone Mintsing BEDROOM Furniture Two Dress ere chart of drawers two night tables vanity bench In walnut finish double bed and 1111111 bed cam tote Telepneno PA 5297 CAMERA Zelss fut 18 lent Vxltl setting or flush etc Speed to 500 snayon care aun shielld flhlh wide anal and telescopic Icris witir use Like new 3711 complete Telephone 41M strand PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY LEGAL BOYS SEAGRAM C7 ROWE Barristera solicitors Notaries Public Conveyaneen etc alliesI Owen SI some PA 64611 DWI II Gardan Talke CONDER £7 SUGG BARRISTZRS SOLICITORS NOTAEIEE PUBLIC CONDER BA DTLSUGO JAY 12M nunlop st tan PA m7 ACCOUNTANTS HARRIS NEEDHAM WRIGHT Cemflcfl Pupuc Accountant Toronto and Barrie Barrie omenWilson am Fred Grant Square PHONE PA 39 Needham CPA Underhlll CPA Resident Partner ROSE HARRISON Chartered Accountants Trustee in Bankruptcy BUNK BEDS Wanted Must be in good condition Telephone PA sills after pm WE WILL PAY cAsu tar good used turnituro or any good used articla Individual or content loL Phone PA 14427 CUSTOM RADIO wanted for was or lass Dodgo or Plymouth car Tclc hone PA H031 or further dctnll 5FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest prices paid for dud or crippled cattlo and horses Small animals removed free For fast service phone BARRIE PA 87751 collect or ask for ZENITH 91130 NO CHARGE to flour nay1 days wool NICKS DEAD STOCK RR Foxmead Ontario License No 189C111 LIVESTOCK 1WD CALvEsr Tor lllt Apply Robert Campbell Churchill Phone Lofrny 139m FOUR HENEPOIIIJ Calves and Steerr months old APPly to Ernie Tuck RR Alliston ant Yonltaume ROADS serviceable age approved for dovcrnmcnt premium Apply to James Hall cock Elmvale or telephone 719m Elmvale Pour Enaalr llslralta for aale Itrst clan registered blood tuch and vaccinated Freshenlng now Telephono vaciaw Szcleblnr Om Is hfter em POULTRY CHICKS DEKALB PULLETS More and more poultrymeli are choosing DEKALB PULLETS Started ready to lay and day old chicks Order now for early order discount For service or help on yOur poultry problems call Craig Hunter HUNTERS POULTRY FARMS STROUD PHONE 17 vealing for hcauty 1951 Donuts custom Royal like 5650 after pm FARM MACHINE TWO New sum wiser Unit and one month one UnlvcruI Miller HEP road condition Ihd sail Flash as Vacuum contreL Poised nmaahiy Alice Mr hie commasre AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE Ml DTOWN YEAR END CLEARANCE 1961 Pontiac Parisienne $2725 1961 Ford Fairlane $1990 1961 Pontiac Laurentisn $2550 1960 Chev Biscayne $1725 1959 Buick Hardtop $1850 1958 Chev Sedan 5880 1956 Ford Custom $595 1955 Oldsmobile $587 All cart reconditioned and guaranteed Same with hulomlr tic transmission radio and snow tires II ESSA ROAD ROY HAWKINS VqLJ MOTORS LIMITED Rambler Hillmon 10 DOWN Dont Be Gambler Go Rambler 1959 RAMBLER SUPER 4DO0R SEDAN Finished in Frontenac Grey Equipped with reclining seats clean one owner car 1959 RAMBLER AMERICAN door compact Iianbcd In forest green Equipped with windshield washers Low mile 339 1959 VOLKSWAGEN DELUXE Finished ln Capri Blue Equipped with radio little 1959 FORD CONSUL Finished In Rougomcnt and Citrus White two tone The Ideal second car 1957 PONTIAC SAFARI 4DR STATION WAGON Finished in Bronze and Beige twotone Equipped with Vtl engine Priced to sell 1955 DODGE CRUSADER 4DO0R SEDAN Finished in Frost white Equllr ped with radio and whch discs This car is in perfect cnlltlitlon 1954 PLYMOUTH 4DO0R Finished in light blue with Iliin drive transmission Going for low low price You Get Finer Used Car Where the Finest New Cars are Sold 17 GOWAN ST PA 68488 MOTORS TRIUMPH 11nd STANDARD DEALERS Repairs to All Makes 0ML and NAL Towing 75 BAYFIELD ST PA 84165 WHO ELSE WANra NEW can Buy It Now Witha lowCost Lifeainsured SCOTIA PLAN LOAN THE BANK OI NOVA SCOTIA riow Must orifice 1le in PA insI VOLKEWAGEN1IQIIL no down as per month Telephone PA ohm ester pm AUTOMOTIVE CARS WTD TO BUY lo HELP WANTED RBI MINER mum Dreamer In FEMALE HELP ORV HARDY MOTORS BARRIES NEWEST CAR LOT URGENTLY REQUIRES USED CARS TRADE UP 0R DOWN WE WILL LEND YOU MONEY ON YOUR PRSENT CAR 176 BRADFORD STREET PHONE PA 04212 CAILWANTKD or wrrchlar any age or model To ho Co ira ton mull up CAI r011 your car Lulu paid off We trade up or down Al landai Moiola tan need an Via PA uni PERSONALS WILLIAM 5011115118 camp herded wiu not no responsible for any debts incurred In my mild Ir Lnll date Deceme minim 011 or NCAP su on Edgar wlu not be reapenaihle In lily debt Incurred In my name without my written consent after this date November at irdl GOINO wzsn DH our new and late model can to Voltch ver Cllllry Hmonton Regina Winnipzl Gas paid Toronto DriveAway service Limited In Ynlu street Tomato EA 511 WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIRDRESSING Govemment Chartered School Through training in all bran ches of beauty culture DERWIN HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 11 WORSLEY 51 PA 83962 LOST FOUND LADY WATCH ioit FrIdy mor nlnl November In Iabllwl IIIcit lellher am with initials and zalilI on back of watch Keepsake PA H170 lo HELP WANTED EMPLOYMENT WANTED malt SCHOOL lrl will baby all Weekends Telephone PA mill WILL LOOK AFTER children In my own home Will Iek and doliver Tolepllonl PK Maid WILL no baby SIIIInl and light homework by the week Telephon PA bISIB between and pan WILL CARE Pelt pmrchool are child In my own homo Mary and Welllmltnn Street area Telephone PA 04513 GENERAL TYPING done at home vill pick up and deliver Alrn school notes Telephone HE Mud Anna ADDING MACHINES Typewriters For Christmas gifts Good sel ection of reconditioned stand ards from $7450 New Portables from $1955 year guarantee Easy terms ADDING MACHINES Good selection now from $3950 STAR Business Machines 24 Bradford St PA 66595 CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS AND CHRISTMAS TREES BEZZANT NURSERIES 69 Johnson St PA 60247 GIFTS FOR HER LA DE BONNAIRE Hair Styling Studio 186 Napier St CHRISTMAS SPECIALS uocnuzru required Inr aounu In home No elitecued to child Write to Box ll Suvtld MALBEELP YOUNG MAN WANTED as apprentice to learn all phav of the printing trade at The Barrie Examiner Some know ledge of typing preferred This position offers secure future and all employee benclltl Apply in person to MR SHEPHERD THE BARRIE EXAMINER to p1n daily II LEGAL NOTICES °IAIV IN THE MATTER OF THE closing of part of Queen Street as It crosses Lot 17 on the North Side of Pena tahg Street AND IN THE MATTER OF THE closing of Dyrnent Road at the end of John Street AND IN THE MATTER OF THE closing of part of Well ingtori Street formerly Craig Street AND IN THE MATTER OF THE closing of part of the Pcnctang Road deviation TAKE NOTICE that the Coun cil of the Corporation of the City of Barrie will after the publication of this notice at least once ls week for four in successive weeks in The Barrie Examiner consider and if deemed expedient pass by law to close and stop up Queen Street contained in that part of Lot 17 on the North side of Penetang Road according to Registered Plan 108 described as follows COIIIMENCING at pointon the East limit of said Lot 17 distant 26509 feet Northwester GIFTS FOR HIM ly from the intersection of the said Easterly Limit OI Lot l7 with the Northerly iunit of Pen cling Street THENCE North 40 degrees 46 minutes so no ands West 71 feet to point THENCE South 70 degrees 31 minutes in seconds West dis tance of 3006 feet to point THENCE South 56 degrees 10 minutes East distance of 6890 feet to point THENCE North 70 degrees 31 minutes In sec ond East distance of 860 feet to the point of commence ment In consider and if deemed ex pedient pass bylsw to close and stop up that part of by meat Road described as fall awa ALL AND SINGULAII that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate ly ing and being in the City of Barrie In the County at Slm we in the Province of Ontario and being composed of part of the west half of Lot 75 in Cons cesslan in the Township of Vespra in the said City of Barrio the boundaries of the said parcel being described as follows PREMISING that the norther ly llrrlit of the allowance for road between Lots and in the said Concession has an assumed bearing of north fiftyeight dcgrces four min utee flftccn seconds east 58 04 15 and relating all hearings horelit thereto Colf MENCING at the point of inter section nt the production west crly of the southerly limit of the extension of John Street with the easterly limit of ngh way 400 the said point of com mencement being distant an arc measurement of three hundred and fortyvcight and seventy onehulldrcduis feet stow mtssured northrwcstcrly along 11 cum to Ihe right having radius of two thatuand four hundred and ninetyfour and forty onehundredth fch 12 49440 from point distant an on measurement of slxlyvseven and clghtyfaur onehundredtha feet 6734 measured North westcrly along the said easterly limit of Highway 400 from point of tangency distant six hundred and sixtyfive and fifty onehundredths feet 55550 measured north thirtynine de grees fiftyvfour minutcs twen 1m GIFTS FOR FAMILY Smith Rutter FURNITURE 131 Dunlop St 60245 PA 60246 PLATFORM ROCKERS NYLON FREIZE $2995 SERVICE SAVINGS SATISFACTION BARRIE Stamps Coin i7 Bayfield St Buy Him TCaiélogifi for Dixies Smoke Shop And Record Bar toe Duhlop St GIFT IDEAS Rust CraIt Greeting Cards Boxed Christmas Cards Family Christmas Cards Morris Boxed Chocolates Best Quality BIllIdlds Pipes and Smokers Supplies Tree Lights and Decorations Visit Our Toyland Party jokes and novelties Timex Watches AT OUR RECORD BAR All theChristmas LPs Holiday Sing Along With Mitch All Christmas selections with the but recording stars Mitch Miller Sing Alangs Ray Connif For Dancing Johnny Mathis Frank Sinatra Jana Morgan Connie Francis Perry Como Pat Boone Bing Crosby Mahalla Jackson Seableeze Record Players and accessories Record Racks and Cases Buy Record Gift Certificate ty seconds west 39 51 20 Wt along the said easterly limit of Highway 400 from point in the northerly limit of the allowance for road between Lots 25 and as distant three hundred and Iarty and any eight one hundredths feet 31015 measured south iifiy eight degrees four minutes fifteen seconds west is 58 04 15 along the said nor therly limit from the south easlcrly angle of the said west half OI Int 25 THENCE continuing north westerly along the said easterly limit ofHighway 400 an arc distance of thirtyvtlio and nine tynlne nnchundredths feet 3239 measured along curve to me right having radius of two thousand four hundred and ninetyfour and fortytwo onc hundredlhs foot 2494AZI THENCE south sixtyseven degrees filly minutes ten sec onds 21151 67 50 10 any and sixtyfour anehundn rcdttts Incl 1405 to point In the said production westerly of the southerly limit of the John Street extension distant twentyfive feet 250 meas ured north fiftyseven degrees fiity seven minutes east 57 from the point of commencement THENCE south fiftyseven de grees fiftyseven minutes west is 57 57 twentyfive feet 25 more or less to the point of commencement at consider and if dccmcd ex podlent pass bylaw to rlaso and stop up that part of Well ington Street described as fol lows COMMENCING at point in tho westerly limit of Wellington Street which is also the easterly limit of Lot Three according to Ilcgistcrcd Plan Number 1204 distant Soulherly therealbng 211 feet from tho Northwest angle of Lot Thrcc THENCE Northerly along the westerly limit of Wellington Street and the easterly limits of Lots Three No and One according to said Plan to the Northwest angle of the said Let One THENCE North 20 degrees 30 minutes and 10 seconds East 3775 feet THENCE Southerly along the arc of circle hav lng radius 01 261 feet and cord bearing South 46 degrees and 26 minutes East 14760 feet to the point of commencement consider and if deemed exJ pedient pass hylow to close and stop up that part of devilsj tlan of Penethng Road describ ed as follows COMMENCING at polllt in the Noth limit of Davis Street now Shanty Bay Road distant 34058 feet from the Southeast angle of Lot 12 according to Registered Plan Number Duo for the City of Barrie In the County of Slmcoa THENCE North 53 degrees 56 minutes and 30 seconds East 46952 feet to point In the westerly limit of the original road allowance for Pcnctanguishene Road shown on sold Plan Number One THENCE South 55 de grees 51 minutes and 15 rel onds West to paint in it line drawn through the point of commencement parallel with the westerly limit of the raid Pehetanguishene Road silo once THENCE Scum7 grees 26 minutes 30 seconds West along the said llIle paral lel with the said westerly limit of Penetahguishene Road to the point of commencement AND FURTHER TAKE NO TICE that any person who claims that his land will be prejudicially affected by the said bylaws and who applies to be heard shall be heard by the Council either in person or by his counsel solicitor or agent This notice is first published an the nth day of November AD 1961 STRAUGHAN Clerk of the City of Barrie By City Solicitors BOYS SEAGRAM AND ROWE 13 Owen Street Barrie Ontario Ho PERMS ea $1250 PERMS 310 I15 PERMS 41250 TEENAGERS $550 PA 82693 BILL LEBOEUF JEWELLERS Samuel Rose CA as Collier St Phone PA More ChrISlmas 01 1955 Dana Sedan for sale auto mntic trllismlalldni anlInll pllnt 5250 2d we Ii PA HsLy aephone Ian mow station Wuari for Ille In now throughout and own er Mult lell SID Telephone PA 57731 hm 1955 DODGE for solo four door Clean throll hout Rldln Four new tired On alter pm FARM MACHINERY CHARLES cannon FARM SUPPLIES E7 SERVICE New Holland brown COWAN Cr COWAN BARRISTERS noss COWAN 58 COLLIER 51 PA H521 LIVINGSTON MYERS Barristers and Solicitors Couier st Burnt Ph PAHMI WILSON MOORBY EAIutlsrLlt SOLICITDR LAW OFFICF Af 10d uuNmP ST PA 641131 SMITH McLEAN Bebl smith QC Arthur IvteLeae aruca Owen Bantriers anucllon ate wen st Phone PA Islam JACKSONS DEPT STORE Barries Must Famous House of Bargains OUR MOTTO IS SATISFACTION OR CASH MONEY REFUNDED SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE DI THE FAMILY Top Quality Rock Bottom Prices DIAL PA was 59 DUNLOP srw EARRIE ONT Want Ads SELL It Good Album STAMPS COINS MACKS MENS WEAR 33 DUNLOP ST WEST PA 59641A Sweaters $395 up Good selection of viyellh socks $150 MUSIC LESSONS JESSIE BRYSON Tucth at Plano Stirling TiaPr Pupils DH bred lnl adminIona oi the oyal Conservator el laurlo Tomato An man and ARCI Modern methods audio 27 landlord 5L PA H718 THE DAVIES OF CANADA VOICE PIANO 111mm 217 NAle BAItItlIt ANGUS ROSS BA Reniaterdu Music Teacher Inltnm tlon Plane Theory eeaenlnr la froncb Latin other school nib re v1 Rosa st Barrio PA aam NOTICE OF PROPOSED QUESTIONS TAKE NOTICE that the full owing questions Are you In favour of public games and sports for gain alter 130 oclock in the afternoon of the Lords Day to be regulated by municipal bylaw under the authority of The Lords Day Ontario Act IEWGIT and Are you infavour of mov ing pictures theatrical perfor mances concerts and lectures after 130 oclock In the after noon of IllB Lords Day to be regulated by municipal bylaw under the authority of The Lordsrnay Ontario Act 1960 761 will he submitted to the electors of the City of Barrie on Monday the 11th day of December 1961 for their as sent AND FURTHER TAKE NO TICE that the above questions are correct statements of the questions to be submitted in the electors for theiresselu STRAUGHAN Clerk of the City or Barrie By City Solicitors BOYS SEAGRAM AND ROWE 13 Owen Street Barrie Ontario Butty relm Equipment BURTOh AVE PA 82373 WINTER SNOW EQUIPMENT FOR YOUR TRACTOR loaders buckets blades if we havent got it well get it CASH TRADE TERM DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE Mllkers Vacuum Pumps Wash Tanks Separators Parts for any milker RANK BROWN RR BAHRIE HOLLY PA 603 ATTENTION FARMERS LINCOLN ARC WELDERS lao AMP 3155110 COMPLETE HANDY HARDWARE STROUD New Management PHONE STROUD IORIAIII alumniAI 1an FORD two hour liu custom radio also 1951 Ford 11 Tfilophonb PA mu and DIAMONDS Cash Credit Layaway lass PONTIAC new body an Paint lob 20000 aetul miles now No Interest or carrying charges anat covert will Telephone PA 52 DUNLOP ST WEST PA 33343 APPLIANCES ONew and used vacuum clean ers $20 and up gt IFreeplcltup and delivery on service Olteplacemerlt parts for all makes of cleaners Hoover anmiguifizlllglggow Try An ExamlncTWaIitAd PA 88643 PHONE PA 32411 PHONE PA 82414 last nonCE new Iront tires windahlcld washers plugln heat er Motor good Body nll reio phone PA 60617 evenfnll rm BUICK sedan for rate red and black nnlan custom radio sasii with only no down Tale pnone PA Mm mfi 135a ItAltIuLBtt super for sale four door custom radio pettent mechanical condition Must lull 3450 Only do Tot ho PA 117931 32 I959 OLDEMODILE super bill and WhIIE radio fianl brllel power Itcerlll autcmltlc Il conditioner WII IOWIIII GMT door hardtop unto mllbl WlII accd trade or ran finance SLIODDJ Tolcphbne PA ma him not 1954 Form two door automatle trhrumIlllnn good ntnnlnlcondi Ion Thu down Flyment Iu Man made on till car Take over ply merit of Weekly For Infnllnh flan phmu nIlln Dichou PA More after p111 GIFTS Foe FAMILY STENNICKS JEWELLERY 127 DUNLOP ST 17 Jewel Watches $1495 andup Also MiscaGlIts GLADSTONE CURRIE 00 Banister and soucilor Law Olilcel at where Bulldtnl and Grant street name OntI10 Tblaphonel FAIkwI was OPTOMETRY ROBERT SMITH RO to BBB CIIISIII Wanner afternoon DunlugAStb But Blrflo STECKLEY FUNERAL NOEL HOME STEPHENSON RC AT MODERATE COST CONVENIBIIT TERMS Optometrist FUNERAL HOMES 2588 SUPERIOR saltch Worst 5t BanIn PA 35553 lilowgtflunnt nu an Fling PA 84101

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