TIME FOR Cs WANT AD BRINGS YOU CASH PA 82414 TIIE BARRIE EXAMINER ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS FRIDAY DECEMBER REAL ESTATE mercury roh SALE 1961 sumsAt the Ito VIctorIl Hospital llama on mudy Nov ember lost to air and Mn Gcorgb Suiion RR Shanty Day no Upbn WILLIAMS Memorial llospit Altttnn to llr And Mrs Kbllh Williamson Inee Caught on Prldly November 24 loll daughirr ruler or Ann APPI In truth ill yilul child To tell In good newt to mend Ina nelgbonn The name aaarnlner alaninea Suli are our at your elephant The day of him Itht dial PA Mile The te only use ENGAGEMENTS Enamels and Airs lhrold Wood at smner wish to announce the engagement or their eldest daughter Ion Adhllncio James Alexander Ilar ris son at Mr and Ilrs Wilbur llarris oi Darrle The ueddlng is In like pise Tuesday Drcembtr 25 1961 It Km In the lion Prelbylerlln urch sunnldale Corners DEATHS Evattwthc nayai V1 tort liospltl Barrie on Prldly December Iv I951 Phiup Our or is lloigate Street unim bainvad hushnil or the lite Elsie llonger and dear lather or Harold Ind ltoss both of Barrie in his aid year litsting at the den rlctt hinan Home 152 lIrdlord Strcci BIrrlc FilmIll scnlco Monday December at pm Interment St Pauls Cemetery Innlsill ltchONALI suddenly at his home so Ecclcs street North um rle Ontario on Thursday Nov ember so 1961 ncalbrd John Mc Donald beloved husband of Elsie Cecile uerlnuli dcnr other at ltlbrgo Ind Rodney both It horde brother or Elwood ol Porouls Junction Lnrcrlc Illn Check Icy at Arthur and Willard or Darrin in his Slst your Itertlng at the lennelt lIlllcrai Home 152 nrnnlorc Strcct narrle Funeral iervice Saturday December at pm interment Thornton Come tery TIIEAKSTONAt the Royal Vic toria Hospital Rome on Thurs day November to 1961 Albert Owen Thcakston In his sin year beloved husband or nertba Chev rettc dcnr Ilthfl at William Cbarlcs and Deborah AntIr Rcst In at the sIeckiey Funeral Home so worslny Strcci Barrio or ser vice on Saturday Dccemhcr at 11 turn Interment lintrte Union Ccmcien CARDS 0P THANKS WILLIAMSch wish to thank all or our klrld Irlondr rlclxll botr pallbearers and honorary plllbcnrcrs tor their many Actl ol kindness expressions or sym pathy and condolence and for their bcnutltul tloral oIIcrlngr at the loss of our army beloved husband and tathbr Mrs mto Williams and Sons Try An Exnmlucl Want Ad COMING EVENTS WASAGA BEACH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE DANCE SATURDAY DEC pm The Oakview Community Centre pModern and Old lyme Dancing to the music of John Joseï¬k and his group ADMISSION $l EACH Winner of $1000 Raffle to be picked by elimination during the evening Last ticket drawn will be the winner THE SINGING SANTA CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS PARTY Beautiful Costume DUNCAN COWAN 93 WILLIAM ST PA 89040 CHRISTMAS TEA 8r BAZAAR St Georges Parish Hall Wednesday Dec élh 230 pm pm pm pm ADMISSION 35c Auspices oi the Ladies Evening Guild DANCING EVERY SATU RDAY manner STYLE COUPLES ONLY PI NECREST $250 couple For table reservations PHONE ELMVALE 757R3 TICKETS NOW ON SALE FOR Cellos Real Estate Broker Owen Street Barrie GRACIOUS LIVING Architecture oi this bungalow designed ior those who like selective home extra large liv ing room 12 25 extra large master bedroom covered with broadloom each bedroom has its own wash basin heated sun room builtin garage base ment is completely tiled Grounds professionally land scaped Call Walter Coutts BUSINESS SITE In progressive area with so loot highway frontage depth over 200 feet Adjacent parcels avail able or selection at locations BUY OF THE WEEK EAST END $1000 down Solid brick iully decorated aluminum storms and screens close to schools and churches and shopping cen tre Further information cull Gordon Coulis ED 647 OWNER TRANSFERRED MUST SELL $133500 Is the low asking price of this beautiful semisplit lech brick bungalow with large Ir shopcd living and dining room bedrooms attached garage Down payment only $2200 to first mortgage Call Walter Coutts for appointment COMPACT HOME Slorcy and half Srnom dwell ing living roonl 11x18 kitchen 9x13 dining 9x13 garage Low heating costs Good home for economical living $11500 Down payment $2000 HOUSE FOR RENT 2storcy seven room brick home gas fired furnace water heater Good residential street Immediate pusscssion ltcier cnccs Member at Dante lb District Real Estate Idoan PHONES mica PA Miss Evenings GounoN lIl COUIISPA Miu WALTER ColnsPA all sIINDY CourtsPA H38 HENDERSON REALTOR lo COLLIER srnm PHONE PA 82678 LOCAL FARMS 150 acres Barrie area Mod ern buildings $25500 Hobby Iarm On highway Ideal setup 326500 100 berm Large Guernsey herd icing concern Down payment $20000 0100 acres Fair buildings Oro Full price $11000 9150 acres Vespra down Only $15000 100 acres Good buildings on paved read 520500 OSeveral good local farms have been sold this tall OWhnted We have cash buyer for dairy farm now as going concern $5000 EVENINGS CALL RITA SCANDItm PA was DOROTHY WILCDX PA M51 PERCY FORD PA Moan EMERSPN SWAIN PA based Member or Barrie and District and Ontario Rchl mta Board CARSON 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the imperial Tlieatro EASY TO CARRY Two blocks item 61 Three bedroom home in excellent con dition tiled kitchen with built in cupboards Garage For Eur ther details call Ralph Boake PA 66481 or atter pm PA 6DBO3 PA 6648l Mcmbcr ot Barrie and District NEW YEARS EVE DANCE Real Estate hoard Santas ComMg to Handy Hardware 8th Line Innisfil Alcona Beach Road Bring the Kiddies this Saturday Afternoon December 2nd FREE CHRISTMAS TREES With $10 Cash Purchase One to household REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE REAL ESTATE RENTALS ROGERS PA 85568 $13 and Collegiate Schools or evenings Phonc PA asses $5500 San by appointment PA 55568 98 ROSE $15300 Definitely the new home for the lawn rooml Exactly $3400 down payment llns family TVroom plus Coop listmg No 611i has at MODELPA com nocans PA asst Phone PA 82415 MADEL blArtsllALLPA suso CONNELL ONE DUNLOP STREET EAST First In Barrio Homé SalesForemost In Quality at Service TRUNK LINES 1N QUIET RESIDENTIAL CRESCENT CLEAN dz TIDY BUNGALOW $2000 DOWN Larger than most obedroom homes in this price range this spot lessly xcpl buii brick bungalow is ideally located for both Public Has an extra big living room wide din ette and bright sunny kitoiien Basement is high very bright and bonedry with separate laundry room Can be inspected daytime DONALD STREET NEAR SHOPPING PLAZA BIG KBEDROOM BUNGALOW DOUBLE GARAGE Its not loc often we see large modern bungalow for sale in Burrii convenient and very level West End This one was built in 1834 and has had one careful owncr since new All roorris ore exta spacious and there is large separate dining room in addi tion to real dream kitcth with big breakfast nook trur sixroom home with solid comlort well built nicely painted and spotlesst kept including the good big double garage Prop erty is mortgage Iceowner ofiers excellent ï¬léfe open terms Its STREET BIG BRICK TillLEVEL BUILT 1960 iamily that needs extra living space Seven 17 beautifully proportioned rooms bathroom up bathroom down with grade entrance to lower level from back den convertible to 4th bad This is truly the ideal largelumin plan at low price CIllIIC mortgage tronslmcd quick posscsion ls available Mr Rogcrs PA 85558 Owner is EVENINGS CALL PosrlmuPA 0520 CONNEIL PA um mullahs hAltltlz DISTRICT REAL ESTAIa nttAnb CORBY REAL ESTATE BROKER 93 Dunlop St collarPA esm MURIEL JEPIERvPA Mails Norman DUNLOP ST Joe Longiln PA Sims Dverntt shelsweu 0m 1019 Howard Norris REAL ESTATE BROKER FIRST IIloRTOAGe FUNDS AVAILABLE 75 one or VALUENO FEES CHARGE Evenlnn Clll Shelswell PA 89961 PA 68742 INTEREST Jack wulion PA Hdsl Norman shelswcu PA asool PA 55461 Smith CImpbellPA e733 Fergus GarveyPA 37115 pm attached garages Irliuminum storms and screens 19 COLLIER ST CLIFF BROWN REALTOR 32 HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONES PA 60241 PA 60242 Mamben ot the banla Rcll llama hoard Ioan LangPA Mm charlie nea PA Marl OPEN HOUSE YOURE INVITED TO INSPECT 11 AND 19 WELDON CRES FRIDAY AND SATURDAY December 1st and 2nd pm BCBIIIIILII three and our bedroom ranch brick bungalows with IUltramodern large modern kitchens Oltaised Italian marble fireplaces in spacious living rooms Ceramic colored tile baths with vanity blmmediate possession NHA terms HENDERSON REALTOR PA 82678 RITA SCANDRETT PA 84865 PERCY FORD PA 87930 EMERSON SWAIN PA 68605 DOROTHY WILCOX PA 68543 Member of Barrie and District and OntarioReal Estate Boards On treed corner landscaped Storms and screens Carpor N1IA approved three bedrooms Kitchen with large dining area Pc coloured bath with ceramic tile and vanity Have Ypu Found llle Home You Want If not make an appointment to see this one lot Plenty of storage cupboards Oil heated and divided basement Good Location REAL DTATE 31mm 1a TIFlm 5mm EARRIE CALL DAY on EVENING PA 82379 Member at the name and outrun lien Estate naarn MOVING Dont forget to transfer your INSURANCE and it you need extra coverage of any kind SEE STEVENSCNS PA 61801 OR PA 61802 110 Dunlap St Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 52414 TELEPHONE PA 84281 II KEITH ROSE MARSHALL REAL ESTATE AND BUSINESS BROKERS 15 CLAPPERTON ST BARRIE LATE FALL BARGAIN 90 acres reduced to $12900 for quick sale South of Barrie close to Lake Simcoe with about 40 acres workable bal ance pasture and bush with spring creek througi property storey home has bedrooms living room dining room kit chen piece bath also large sunroonl new furnace barns and cement driveshed For tur ther information call this office or one of our salesmen MOOREPA boson FRANK NELLESPA ososa OFFICE4m b2592 PROPERTY FOR SALE LADGL inrra bedroom brick bub galow Lshapeo Urnll and dining room with ï¬replace builttn chin eabinet Frigidaire builtin IMO and Imp 1min Ilanavrr ltlleheo eupboardt unlitIn unity in bath room lhrdwoda loom Attached laragr On Int lot at so Marion Crutrni Telephone cordon boring PA Saber lnALz ROAD Ihofl dis io rbopping we have mo dern tan bedroom borne on lovely ptnelrned lot 37500 rutl price or to per month with tum doin plytnenl or owner will consider trade on In am For ruribrr details eon iact Emory Miller PA 60415 tr nlenttni Hamid router Realtor PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT DunToN Avmun Private room brick home built tor Ily Ilvlnl on landscaped lot lbs it deep Two roam apartman on main floor Telephone PA 115297 te APTS Houses To RENT IVAILALI DEC The Garden Terrace Corner Queen and Duckworth Sis Modern home two bedrooms large llvlng room tiled kitdietl with dining area all heat with air conditioning laundry trays serviced landscaped grounds bamboo drapes $86 month PHONE PA BYIIO ADJOI NWGPAW Beside Lake One and two bedroom apart mcnts complete with stove and reirigcrator Use of washer and dryer Redecorated annually PA 61060 PENETANG sTncn New three lbndsclpcd lnL Gas heating Llrx kitchen with llanover Cupbolrfll Ceramic tile bathroom wltb vln liy Good full size basement Alu minum storm and Acreenr Tele phone PA Solos or PA 710 PROPERTY WANTED Turin ueonooll bungalow Ceninl or on our line state iocaltou are and price to box or narrla Examiner FARMS WANTED AprnoxlllATam do 100 acre lnrrn wanted with or Is room homo and small him close in Barrie vlli pay cash II suitable Ask or Mr James PA 60951 BUS OPPORTUNITIES hummus and Applllncn bu ness Modern prosperous Nnr OrlIIIl Loni Ielse LIVIle nun tort pply LIHKEVIII Dm tier nor Wang Belch Tele phone no SMOKE SIIOI sundry store In cxccllcnt downtown locauon Ideal Ior rctlrcd Kcntlcmnn or couple Good income Selllnz rensnnnbiy as owner has other In tbrest Apply Gua smoke shop to Illnplu Avenue Barrie for 5111 on ItaNT 5000 rquare eel warehouse oor lpca avallublc ImmcdlllclY Suitbin tor light manutaeturlng or dls tributlng IKcncy Centrally inc tcd Agply llcnry Elrlck and lul chic enltors Owen street Telephone PA H583 MORTGAGES MONEY AVAILABLE FOR Consolidation ot Bills Home repairs etc NO BONUS LOW RATES LIFE INSURED $1549 at $55 Monthly $3544 at $90 Monthly Up to $5000 and 60 month modem brlek urban AND Ground Floor Apartments businen ecilon also garager 10 Eur Road PA woos FURNISHED three room mrni Last and on bus Ilydro Have and retrirertor burn Tellpbone PA 55030 nix noohl House At Tiltin street tor rent Three bedrooms Can be seen at any time For in ronnnuon telephone PA 311 or DhnnooM modern unfurn ished basement mment 55 per month Availbe Immediately Telephone PA 570 LARGD nicely decorated two bed room heated reltcontnlned Ipln ment Central location children welcome Telephon PA 50381 1111 1100 Dunglow Iar rent wuh garage on heated thlht at the bus stop and close to school Avbllbble Immediately PA 82580 libinn three room tarnished lrtment or rent Steve and re ertor Adults only Available now Apply at to lnnuIIl Street Telephone pA Hose Two nennoohis kitchen Worm cation Move In right away Tele phone PA 52001 ciao7 pm DOWNTOWN Location Slx room house all heated immedllte pol Iuslon Contlct Henry Elrlck and Tclephona llvlnl room bath separate cntnnce comlartnblc Central 1o luirhie PA subs liter hours PA aszoo LAItoB two room unfurnished arttnent lot rent lelnl room htcbenetic bedroom ran ette and ntrlgerator Ground our central suitable Ior ona or two Teldphone PA EJblo AVAILADLD November two bedroom bungalow all convenlnn Ce halt Runnable Tile phone Obkvtllz Valle mono or write Box by barrio aminer ONE AND Two bedroom brart menu stove rctrlgcntor IInltnr names and laundry Includes ltebb lug Irom $0000 monthly Telephone Leech PA azilo APAItT NT three rooms with private bath relngerntnr and range Downtown Suitable or adults $5750 per month For your Unlimited private funds avail able for any type at dwelling or construction anywhere Free consultationv No Obligation CALL PA 60981 MORTGAGE FUNDEIG 129 Dunlop St East OVEI SIMPSONSSEAIIS MORTGAGESIsl and 2nd Doubt sold and arranged Commercial and residential none loaned on nxlsung mortgages arrla Mort gaga Brokers FA HEM FINANCIAL $5000 ONLY 47c FOR WEEKS ASK FOR MINI LOAN CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST ASK non nun DALEY PA 60203 RENTALS GARAGE WANTED lil Eonlb to store can for approximately ï¬ve months Telephone PA Mole Low Cosh srAcE Ior rent Clcnn modern buildings Suitable tar commercial or light Industrial Telephone PA 65515 pFFICES STORES RENT to repay further inlandtion telephone PA EEDEOD lbd DISCOUNT aghgfientniiilfl mndcmuhabrrllslcnt I41 Dunlop St int15fnttihï¬ptiln lift laundry laclllLtes AVIIIIIIIL Deb PA ember 15 Telephone PA 61167 TWO DEDBOOM r1 11 Ink IMMEDIATE n3 cottbgt ILIIITIIEI 331 um Isr AND 2ND annealing Ingiiiilgï¬f MORTGAGE LOANS mum amus uNmmshnp one And two bed room aparunbntr heated central ly located Kltchcm with bullbin cupboards Adults only Telephone gilasglgzioo and um 650 pm PA TORONTO STREET location Un furnished three room apartment with bath selfcontained com pletely private bright and attrac tive Telephone PA 56855 EAST END Apartment In new triplex Two bedrooms complete ly sellcontained Not suitable Ior children Laundry raculties and parking pacc Tclephonl PA 61445 NEW hAllGB Apbrtlnents to rent in new apartment building One and two bedroom suites stove and refrigerator nuppllnd Laun dry facilities Queen street area PA 60885 SPACIOUS modaln apartment selfcontained private entrance Ideal ior bnchclor or couple Park lnIr laetutles stove and retrlgera tor supplied Telephone PA mono or PA 34204 Tnltee noon furnished Iplr merit in quiet home Sultlhle for business or Air Force couple Ab stnlners No children Itent reason able Near Plaza Parking space PA M154 0er neDltoonI tarnished heat ad apartment nit contained Lots ol parking space Tub noon and RENTALS ans Houses TO RENT Two non nmenl lurnllh ed relrflerllor Parkinr Iphce Adult only Telephone PA Hon or apply alary street ALLANDAL No or time room naiurnuben apartment or rent Hut and more rupplud Avhtlv able immediately llur nap at door Tcltpboni PA Hm rUansllhn iwo mom IPlnment in quiet well kept downtonn home suit buriam lady or en tlemn up per month Telephon PA bun IIX noosl modern unlurniahed home or rent lavely back yard automniic gar beater Close to downtown you monthly Telephone PA Mzzo Mourns threa bedroom buura low lmmedIte occupancy lor rant on Ihortrterm lune Tele thlnn PA More tor runner Time I100 Apartment for rent unturnuhed ullcnntllncd Reasonable rent Avlllnbln Alter December Telephone mu Stroud Ior Iunher inturmailon uNruansllzp round Ilnor apartment lelnl room bedroom kitchen and bathroom treat and Inter Iupplled Downtown Priv his entrance Telephone PA Mud vnln cam one bedroom Rplrtmcnt In new bulldlnl Au tomatic washer and dryer rup lied Available thembll elevhnnb PA Duos Tunes nouns and bath hue mull arirnent Hot water heated with ol anltc entnnce Central ly located Parity Iurnuhed Teta phnna PA no PA Mm NEW Mopan our room bath apartment in Angus Hot icr heated liet hydro water and range ruppllcd Telephone Canlp Borden collect UNFURNISIIED thre room artment for rent on North st lleated Plenty or cu bnmi lPlce Telephone at mul lux It PA 04510 WINTBIHZED CoilIle unllslled oil tinted Close to snnty Day School and Itorcs APPU Pinonn Resort one rails elut oi Shanty bay Phnnn am 243 new AND Modem on and two bodraom apartment ovbrlouunl icealc Kcmpnnlcli ant or IrklnE and tor intvie lnclu ad Automatic wuqu ra cllltldl PA moi FOUR noorl Apartment tlla bath unlurnished stove and re trigerntar cu piled centrally lo cltcd Na ehldren Available in mediateiy For further lntorma tlon telephone PA 50241 Timer noolls sell contained with hlllk and modern cupboards hutcll tllcd noun kitchen penty of closet ipace stove and retrlgerntor supplied Suit coupln Phcna PA was Imm LARGE Room rollcontain cd apartment ground floor Gar age it basement Heated 10 monthly Elyllcld and Grove Suit couple with ehlldren Telephone PA 05019 ml or even 0N urnltuuu Apartment tart Two annDDM Apartment In modern apartment building St Vincent and Grove am nus rep vice Children nllownd anltor relvice Availbin early Docum bcr Telephone PA com nvenlngr BUSINESS Ask About Low Rates APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE Service to all makes I47 DUNLOP ST PA 61142 CARPENTRY NEW HOMES Remodelling shingling porches recreation rooms Complete trimming to houses and garages BRUCE CAMERON PA 66071 DIAPER SERVICE mamas FINEST DIAPER SERVICE Nice weekly pickup delivery 11 FRANCIS 5T REAR PA 68551 pack of cigarettes day Len than cent st or telephone PA 112595 WASAGA nhAolI Winterized corniartable homes to let turn lshed or unturnlsbnrl Reasonable Apply Langavin Broker Ala Mosley st Wbbngn Beach or telephone 290 Office Space Large or small office space conveniently located dovlmtown onColIier St Hot Water heat ing adequate windows provid and ing natural ventilation lighting Private washrooms Cbmaci Slessor 19 ICOLLTER ST PHONE PA 85934 ARK EDEN NURSING IIDME JButlt Ior this work Sclnt and private rooms kind nursing can good food Tv rooms station wn Izon tor outlngt Telepnuna out Strand APTS HOUSES T0 RENT NURSING HOMES IL mills overlooking the bay rooms and bath attached garage walkout basement cold room storms and screens and many ex tras Telephana PA social aven lngn PA $1032 NEW MODERN two bedroom bungalow overlooking park and bay Lovely grounds Double nar ngn Paved drive Gns dryer duper Adults $115 per month Lavilleltlnl costlelephone PA laws THREE BOOM liotind flDot apart mont separate entrance and bath heat supplied Close to school Also three room modernly de corntcd apartment with nursery Each available December Tele Phone PA 80218 Iohrge chased vggggalhh $313430 DRIVING SCHOOL bï¬iiialtinï¬iguini ORILLIA SCHOOL OF than that Mutant SAFE DRIVING park and bay Apply 11 St th Since 1955 FOR APPOINTMENT CALL PA 68551 EXCAVATING FILL GRAva TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Grading Water Delivery Crushed stone Halt ynrd Backhoe for hire DENNIS MORAN 29 Anna Street PA 4907 FORSHOVEL WORK Excavating Backhoe Clam Drag Line Cement Busting or raising steel 55 boom shovel front loading levelling or backlilling Dozer work and trucking phone Stewart Con struction PA 87321 Barrie mellt living room bedroom kitch en with stall and relrlï¬crltni girls and water supplied Park Ini bplcc Centrll location Tele about PA 68573 for further mn UPPER Apartment large rooms builtIll kitchen ample cupboards hlltdwnod loan ltlsu lower apartment llvlnfl room Illn Ina room two large bedrooms bulltrln kitchen Oll Illlrliice heat three Tllnnl Itoan Apartment to rent Member Ilarrlc and District ltaal Estate hoard unfurnlstepd heat and hydro Dun lop st est Ielcpllonc PA oozes lug Double garage llcnsonnbla mil Located on quiet Street near MAIN rboon two bedroom flat INSULATION Immc thinner PTA INSULATION in II it bus Lnrga aogmzlylpfilok Iprllvnl olieflfigilflz with No Rockwuol eanonl eep onb rs cwv Is 5m 3m station THE S8Â¥NIÂ¥ITHOD UNFURNISIIED heated lpart AiPTite Insulatim Rep PHONE MINESING 211 Free estimates guaranteed work PAINTING AND PAPEREANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Hanging Spray Painting Service Since 1020 Queenr Park and shopping Plaza Tclcphone PA dual RENTALS APIS HivllSES T0 Irma Iy lnrplsbed SIIlthblc Ior imam 11 0a bu route Telephone PA ntALL live room cottage rrar or zol Dunlap eii Clean nd warm sac monthly Lianne heater Included Adults vIhb hummer Telephone PA 5151 DNTUIIXISIIED upstlln apart mznl three rooms print bath Central location Dil hcued van not water link in win homkno other tenlnls AV Iblc now Telephone FA will our nznuooll Apartment Owen and Grulo struts area Ample italaxe parkln laundry room with drycr Ava able December Telephone PA 331 or PA or PA uni NEW omnan centrally located two bedroom apartment tor rent nelrigertnr stove and laundry lacultles Available Immediately lanitor Icntce Telephone PA on tar turther Inlbrmauoa Two non lurnlsnrd apartment private bath separate antranea Slave Ind retrireratnr Telephone PA 65515 LAnaE IIEATBI Apartment Liv ing room dining room kitchen bedrooms Ind bath Scll ebnulned vo contral Plenty or noran nee Available now 95 monthly elepboba PA 3481 Two lllesllen heated apart merits each containing bedroom livinll room kitchen and three pleca blah Sepnrntc entrance hot and cold waier Over cratr hurst General store Tclephorl PA M515 uNPuansllnD clean three main heated apartment Kitchen has modeln divider counter Sta Ind rctrtlcrntor Thrra bloc train Post Dulce Good parking Suit couple can monthly rate Phone Pt $130 BOOM BOARD ROOM AND noARD availbin Close to downtown Apply ls Ban my Street or urther Intormnuon I100 AND BOARD Available or bank man In private home Dun op and Drama district Tale phone PA S0565 n00 AND DDAnD with mother eara Irlveu Inr babies and children In my own home by In Week Apply to nor 1v harm Ex nmlner ltqu AND palm Clare in downtown pretaxred Lunches sired Parktul am H347 MAILY sTnnnT Vicinity Room and board Cnntlemnn pralarre Will pack lunches llama prlvl cs Italy to downtown lel one PA 55665 tor Iurihnr tutor button ROOMS TO LET Enrollr Furnished Houekdcplnl Room stove and refrigerator Lo uteri betwcon hospltll and shop plag plan Ielcpllonb PA M501 Two LARGE unmmllhed rooml to rent in private home Lou clone to downtown Would In an dcI small aprmont Tela phone PA $0470 SERVICE lvllllbll Gentleman acked it do elnpllolu PA DIRECTORY By Month or Your Talemoone PA 32414 MASONRY It It can be built with BLOCK BRICK 01 STONE CALL 8r SPROULE MASONRY CONTRACTOR For guaranteed workmanshlp at reasonable prices PA 60965 PLASTERIN STUCCO STONE QUIKBRICK AND PLASTERING CEILINGS ROOMS ARCHWAYS PATcllrs FREE ESTIMATES TERMS No DowN PAYMENT SIMCOE QUIKBRIC LEFROY 60M PHONE COLLECO REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE 33 Clappcri St PHONE PA r4562 SANITARY DISPOSAL DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT We have been licensed to rig move your dead and cripple from animals under the above FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECT BARRIE IArklvaydEGII GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE LICENSE EECSI WELL DIGGING WELLS DRILLED PUMPS INSTALLED BY LICENSED DRILLERS FREE ESTIMATES Couplond Drilling RR BARRIE PA 87646 WELL DIGGING WELLS dug deepened and re paired PUMPS sold and Installed KEN WINTER 12 MARIA STREET PA 60782 Its wonderful the way Classified Ads get RR Barrie PA 66956 sultsl Phone PA 824l