CENTRAL MARKS COMMENCEMENT 7W Students Council sponsored the annual commencement dance at the exercises last Friday night The dance which WANDA HUTCHINSON RECEIVES DIPLOMA was held in the cafeteria lol lowcd th presentation of awards and diplomas to in graduates and students Con ral Camera Club Pix TLIE HARRIS EXAMINER FRIDAY DECEMBER SSI Junior Red Cross Sponsors Contest By LINDA MCDONALD Banting Memorial At the beginning of the week in new contest was introduced fo the staff The Beautiful Baby Contest Members of the staff were asked to bring pic ture of themselves as infants Some teachers blushed at the suggestion others pretended that they hadnt heard the re quest of the Junior Red Cross Our good principal howev stepped right up and offered his but warningly said he was nt too proud of it On Thursday after activity period the school was buzzing with rumors of initiation Day Wednesday the judg ment was passed Our Student Council vicepresident announc ed the verdict to all new memv bers of Grade It was hoped that all students would comply with the rules of no garlic no lipstick etc since they are far too ridiculous period at the end of the day was set aside for extra initiating Boys wore girls gym suits nylon stockings with clothes pin garters work boots baby bonnets Girls wore mens shirts and ties on backward mens overalls work finitely no makeup Laughs were the Iiilight of the day as all niners took tho day in strideThey wont sneak ing from class to class hoping not to be seen by seniors and Im sure all students must agree that this has been the best initiation Day yet Student Council held its first dance Friday night There was special invitation ex tended to all grade niners by the president of Student Coun cil since It was their day of initiation disc jockey from Toronto provided the music which was really terrific Student Council In having sale of school Christmas cards They are also planning on pur chasing much needed record player Annual School Event Honors Years Work By ELIZABETH TRAINOR AND WAYNE RICHARDSON Excitement rose high In the homes of many students la st Friday as they prepared for commencement Friday evening at Central It was not What shall wear tonight occasion but one that was prepared for well in advance by all gradu ates inevitable nervousness prevail ed as the grads filed into the auditorium brimming with par ents friends and relatives to the band When they had taken their places the program open ed with Canada After the importance of rema ining in school and punctual and regular attendance was stressed students with th ee four five and six years per icct attendance were presented with certificates Mrs Stewart who represent ed the Latin department reminded the students that Ln bor Omnia Vincit Roughly translated it means Get down to work and graduate Follow ing this the graduates received their diplomas first of many scrolls MINISTER The message to the graduat es was delivered by the Rev Jack Lindsay in the opening remarks of his talk he related the smashing day he endured last Friday while attempting housekeeping and succeeded on ly in breaking several eggs He went on to compare the resources of Canada to the re sources available to the student who was given mind to de velop with wisdom and under standing If your mind is not fully developed it is difficult to obtain job he said so ob tain resources that are ready to be explored and developed This makes education necess ity Mr Lindsay told the graduat es to find suitable profession start practice establish pos Talent Night At Midhurst Boosts Scholarship Fund The artists who participated in the variety talent night held at Vespra Township Hall in Midhurst played to full house Jack Hamilton princi pal of Barrie North Collegiate was master of ceremonies The program opened with two numbers by choral group of 65 girls iromthe Vespra school area led by the music super visor Mr Hamilton Joan Smith of Minesing sang TamA my accompanied by pianist Paula Klemcnti trio oi Tony Baxter on the electric guitar Andy Dymond on the drums and Bill Stone on the guitar played musical arrangements 150 ARTICLES which delighted set The Novacbords Mr Mrs Jelly Mr Keyes from Newmarket and Bay Atkinson from Midland entertained the audience with several barber shop quartet numbers Nancy Orsers selections on the Ham mond organ were Bali Hai When You and Verewï¬ung Maggie and Blue Moon Joan Sutton vocal soloist sang It Is no Secret what God Can Do accompanied by Donalda Nash The Ferris family Anne pianist Ruth flautist and Gordon violinist played two numbers The Green Leaves the younger and YOung Curator Begins Museum 73 Converting 01d Henliouse CARLOW Ont CPI David Ross is the 12yearold curator of his own museum Located on the farm of Mr and Mrs George Ross not far from this village 40 miles north west of Stratford its known as Springbank Museum and was set up last year in an aban doned hcnhouse It contains collection of more than 150 articles and so far has been visited by almost 200 persons each of whom has dutifully signed the guest book kept by Davids iiineyearold sister Nancy David has always been IlltCF nstcrl in collecting things and ils museum contains some ar ieles more than century old One is the deed to the farm dated 1840 and owned by Davids greatgreat grandfa ther Peter Robertson who bought the 100 acres for £103 12 shillings An ancient woollen blanket covers an old love seat made out of tree limbs and believed to be the work of some indians in the 19th century There is the proclamation of the electoral district of West Huron printed by the Advance Print in 1882 it was given to gt David by the late Gavin Green of nearby Goderich Heads of long ago reads sign over table showing bones and skulls of horses cows and other animals found in the bush land on the farm local vet erinarian helped David deter mine the species of Summer and Can Forget You Mrs Alex Cameron sang Misty islands of the Highlands and Bless This House She was accompanied by Mrs Gundhaad VOCALIST wellknown vocalist Torn Parks sang two solos accom panied by Lrlufiord rNancy Orsor and Gordon Ferris re turned for duet Mrs Hansons dancing stu dents also performed The scholarship fund has reached total of $57965 with donations received from the variety night church groups teachers school friends busi ness firms and interested per sons Two donations have been received from Saskatchewan Barrie District North Collegiate Students Council donated $25 End Patricks home room gave 60 The scholarship fund remains open for donations which may be forwarded to the treasurer Miss Nancy Orser Midhurst Lorne Orser read letter from Mr and Mrs Robert Woods thanking everyone who has helped to raise the money for the scholarship in memory of their son Pat TYPEWIIITEIIS NEW resum room $7950 RENTAL ntld SERVICE SIMCIIE BUSINESS MACHINES 85 Dllnlnp St PA 84824 ition inrociety andle for the future Accompanied by the band Michael Henderson on accompr ushed pianist played Dream of Olwen after which Mr Clif ford Lockhart brought greetings from the school board and as sured the audience that would bea bigger auditorium for next years commencement Mr rockhart also told students not to take the word of the teachers all the time which several have agreed to for quite while but to find out for themselves He advised to go on fearlessly and ended his brief talk on humorous note Mr Knox who hinted that he was told to remember that ho was not the featured speak er narrated for tho presenta tion of awards prizes and scholarships ATHLETS Students winning athletic awards were Mary Lou Bishop senior champion irene Rawn intermediate champion Nanci White junior champion and Linda Fleming midget champ ion The male trophy winners were Arthur Roth senior cbnm pion followed by Don Crowe Dave Gosney and Barrie Nor man who were intermediate junior and juvenile champion respectively The outstanding male athlete of the year was Ray Thompson Elizabeth Beatty was the most valuable player in girls basket ball Agricultural awards were won by Kenneth Bowman Pamela Carroll Elizabeth Jamieson Sheryl MacKenzie David Mc Turk and Monty Elliott Ross campbell received th Kiwanis Junior Fair Trophy as well as accepting the Bonspiel trophy for Centrals Curling Club Carl Hamilton the presld eat of the band accepted the Ki wanis Festival awards on be half of the band Public Speakers Meet At Elmvale By KEITH LOCKHART Ellnvale High EDHS marked another mile stone this year with Variety Night sponsored by the Stu dent Council The Glee Club directed by Mrs Self opened the pro gram with Canada Down in the Valley and Go Tell It on the Mountain This was followed by the public speaking finals for the contest sponsored by therrOn tario Trustees and Ratepayers Association and Elmvale Hydra Commission Directed by Hawker and judged by Mrs Alex McAuley and Mr and Mrs Jack Bell speeches were presented by Ruth Blackmore Carolyn Martin Margaret Han cock and Bruce Corbett The winner was Ruth Blackmore who will go on to speak at the district level in Barrie Alex McAuley on behalf of Elmvale Hydro Commission presented the winner with beautiful electric blanket and to each of the contestants box of chocolates Ann Reid QB thrilled the audience with bamiipe selections For th Proceeds to crrr Fund Mon Dec pm $17000 JACKPOT If Jackpot onu not go game will play out or $25 IOOF HALL COLLIER ST two welldone DANCING ooo FELLOWS HALL COLLIER 5T EVERY FRIDAY SATURDAY Miscellaneous presentations were awarded to Christine Rom kcna for art Carolyn File and David Dyke for public speak ing John Option for proficiency III Junior English Lynn Dollis for general proficiency Lois Kelly and Rosemary Asquith for proficiency in England Fred Heutink for general proficiency and Margaret Cownn for gener al proficiency of senior Commercial students receiving awards were Carol Ferguson Pat Berry Lynn Wells and Nancy Rowell PROFICIENCY Proficiency awards were won by Carl Hamilton for mathematA ics Patricia Scott for Latin French and Mathematics and Ann Lindsay for history Special honors were paid to Susan Taylor by Mr Mitchell who is staff advisor for the Honor Society To be mem ber is very simple Study and obtain percentage of 75 per cent or better he said Susan was member for five years and always had higher than 80 per cent Susan was the top award winner with twelve awards prlles and bursaries to her credit VALEDICTORY Head girl and boy this year were Janet Ayerst and Carl Hamilton Janet in her valcdic tory reminisccd about her days at Central remombeirng the hard work andstudying along with the more enjoyable occa sions Janet thanked the teach ers for their efforts and the par ents for encouragement and co operation She coded her speech with the thought of the gradu ates leaving their parents be hind and taking hemselves into the future The band under the direction of Mr Fisher and the glee club led by Miss Wase provided musical entertainment from Camelot The Glee Club sang Youll Never Walk Alone and The Water Is Wide To conclude the band played the traditional Alma at as the graduates flied out of the auditorium The dance hold in the cafeteria was arranged by the Student Council and en joyed by everyone LAND OWNER It seems that Central is lion ored to have big Texas lnnd nwne in its midst since the grade tea trip to the Royal Winter Fair Our big tall Tex an is Stan Elliotson who was notified through the mail th at as result from filling out form at the fair he won piece of land in Texas Stan hasnt said if he intends to build on it ordrill for oil bit we will be anxiously awaiting his decision not have any physical prowess Harold Black Murray Lock hart Glenn Swan Mike Stone Cliff Lockhart and Joe Rowa tree put on tumbling display under the guidance of Mr Fleming So the boys would not have all the glory the Grade 10 girls did square dance and some of the Grade 11 girls gave their version of sad movies when Madeline Spooner displayed her socks and gym shoes and dcl FAYE BRENN AND DONGARNER POSE AT DANCE Norths Grad Cogers Win Over Younger Opponentsf By Leslie Coxnll Barrie District Noth Collegiate The Student Council is selling school beanies They are yel low nnd green wedges with tho school name on the front and are being sold at noon hour in the coat check this week The idea is for them to be worn by the students at the basketball game against Central The game will be played in our gym tonight The Junior boys game will start at 700 and the Seniors game will start ap proximately between 800 and 830 There will be dance of torwards sponsored by the Stu dent Council Familiar faces were once again soon at North last week with the basketball game be tween this years North Seniors and former Northern graduates The game was very interesting and fastmoving It seems that the playing of the graduates had improved for the score at halftime was 26 for them and 18 for us Our present team put up stiff fight and showed that we can expect great things from them this year The ref erees John Dohcrty iii clam diggers and Rick Agnew in Ja maicans looked simply devas toting GRADS WIN The game ended with the win ningscore 4341 for the gradu ates High scorers in the game for our present senior team were Les Jolliffe and Jon Fell both with eight points Other team members were Gary Pal Bradlord Wins Soccer Trophy By DOUG STONEMAN Bradiord High The Christmas exams started for most people last Friday and they the exams are having their effect on the school The students have lapsed into state of semishock No noisy classrooms or cafeteria The whole school has taken on the atmosphere of an undertakers parlor By 310 Friday afternoon how ever examinations will become past history and the school will return to its normal noisy self Th school trophy case now contains beautiful trophy won by the Junior soccer team This trophy was presented by the Boys Athletic Association of Georgian Bay South in Annual competition for the Junior 13 soccer championship of the Georgian Bay Secondary School Association This year for the first time Bradford is going to have Junior basketball team Train ing will begin immediately af ter exams WLEGION BINGO SATURDAY arc 1961 745 pm JACKPOT STARTS 9000 LEGION HALL 7i COLLIER ST fine singing talent FRIDAY TOM ROW SATURDAY NORM BURLING ADMISSION 75c and his Quintet fromrNewmarkeL REFRESHMENT acorn NO SLACKS OR JEANSPERMITTED Old Tyme and Madam Dancing mer Gary Deeriag Jerry Mc Lelland John Marshall Mac shall Aikcns Wayne Clark Stan Stewart Ron Turner and AI Moiiat High scorers on the groduates team were Jim Page with nine points and Ian Gamer with eight points Other team mem hora were Don Burton Bill Mulligan Art Martin Jackie Phillips Rodney Rnikes Har old Kemp and Fred Cutting The dance held after the gamE sponsored by the Com mercial Club was great suc cess DANCE DECOR The big travel posters telling of the warmncss of thc Baha mas displayed on the entrance to the cafeteria set the mood for the evening yellow sun hung over the entrance to the dance floor and the centre post decorated to look like palm tree also helped create atmos phone The twin disc jockeys Sharon and Shieia Hay sat on an island of green in the middle of the dance floor Around the centre of the room hanging from the ceiling were fish nets and fans Colourful sea shells and starfish were strung from the beams on the panels be tween the windows There was arguod crowd at the Sadie Haw kins Dance and many popular records were played SKI CLUB The Ski Club Is starting In school Although it is not school club students of the school may join it There will be free lessons given by Hans Eder who was third in the com bined events of the 1948 Winter Olympics There will also be club races and competitions and free tows while taking lessons There are posters in the halls explaining who mto see about joining It was certainly blue Mon day at North this week The reason was the writing of the English Composition exam The exam itself was not that bad DIES 0F INJURIES LONDON Ont CPDWood row Wilson in of Alisa Craig injured Wednesday when tree limb struck his head as he cut timber on woodlo tin Hay Township died Thursday in hospital but the thought that it was tho first Christmas exam sent chills up and down evorynncl spine IMPERIAL NOW SHOWING ROARING COMEDY HITS Moylcany your bookstucheil tiers was the most popular form In sehooli ii manor nisriirss crcii PARKER mars anarmsou iusiici um amnm Antics uuacm ncmmriii Adult Entertainment iiiiriiiurn or fllGlllV snsiii mu CARMICHAEL JANEITE scorr double bunk unmatmuflhivu CONTINUOUS SAT FROM PM IIIE smaassx gt Ennquet and Entertainment Half Saturday Dec 2nd CLAIR ANDREWS and His Combo Airs 250 Per Couple Ample Parking 386 BLAKE ST Beside Kempviow Bowl BANQUETS MEETWGS PARTIES CONVENTIONS WEDDINGS Sat Morning Show or 12 Noon ALL lN COLOR PRIVATE WAR or MAJOR BENSON with Jas Stewart PLUS TEESE CARTOONS QWet mmkelt l$11M son nya rt rierep Today Gone Tamii IWlld and Wooly Hare cam Wants EPLaach PLUS BONUS FEATURE Todays Feature Times 725 Umo Saturday Feature Times 135 axis 5an rzno iono FRID maaeaan tiliiiiiitiiiiiiiiii iiiiiinvs rinvras fitEATliE