Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Dec 1961, p. 2

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BARBIE STUDENT WINSSCIIOLARSHIP Outstanding students at the Ontario Agricultural College were honored at banquet held at the college this week Dunsmore of Barrie fourthyear student at the GAO was awarded scholar ship for general proficiency in his tllird year The pres entation was made by Dr MaeNaughton head of the GAO Physics Department at the scholarship awards ban quct Mayor Reviews Terms Nominated Wont Run Barries mayor Willard Kin zie sang what apeared to be his swan song toward the conclusion of last nights mun lcipal nomination meeting In an address to the gather ing be briefly reviewed tlle events which have taken place since he assumed the mayors role five years ago Many of these events and results were at the direct instigation of His Worship During his remarks he re iterated his previous statement that he would not contest the mayoralty this year indicating that instead he would be avail able for some other post iii the public interest However he was nominated for the position but this appeared to be merely courtesy gesture although at time of writing Mr Kinzie had not declined In his remarks hesaid Bar rie had safely crossed the threshold from tllat of town to city from dirty dusty potholed roads to nearly all bardsurfaced streets from an average illuminated municipal ity to the only city completely fluorescently lit in all North America He said Barrie had increased illvlvlsrn NOTES Lady Candidate MRS ItIaelllILLAN We bad calls from some read ers in West Gwillimbury Township who have the nom ination of Mrs Viola llIacMil Ian as councillor to consider They wanted to know more about the lady and why she as mining director and mine owner member of the To roonto Exchange and unlimited wealth should desire to be member of country council True enough she is rate payer and about to become yearround resident At her nomination Mrs Mac Millan told the meeting she had no axe to grind If elected she Was not coming into council to make any startling changes or to ask for improvements that would raise taxes She did feel that development was just around the corner for the town ship and that start should be made to get into shape for it She felt that with the expan sion in the Metro area it would only be short time un til there would be industrial de velopment clamoring for place to souoat She felt her start in being the first woman to be nominated to the town nihip council might make way or municipal affairs of the town ship Mrs MacMillan is in the min ing business and recent sales of operating mines have reduc ed some of her responsibility she is Still director in several promising holdings Contaeted by telephone she told us that in year or so she would be living year round in the township but at present she had home in Toronto as ltwell as the MacMillan farm in West Gwillimhury am certainly not desirous of getting on the council just for the sake of it but hope Lohclpin promoting better wel fare of the community she tstated distinct change in the In conversation with road supervisor John Cowan we learned there is still about $28000 in the roads budget un expended for this year This will allow for the completion of some of the projects under way but will not pay for all the proposed improvements planned early in the year be fer the snow wenE He said he felt that it the next month should turn outto embrace heavy winter conditions there would he need for money for unexpected expanses There had been economy earlier as township funds were said to be in difficult posi tion he said PERSONALLY ADVISE We have had call from RegA inald Hobbs candidate for seat on the township council stating if he were elected he personally would advise the public of any council meeting proceedings since he feels that ratepayers ael entilcd to know what goes on at any meet ing SATURDAY WILL TELL By Saturday night the pres ent members and those aspirlt ing to seats on council will know the results On Monday the next regular meeting of council will be held There will be another meeting of the present members before the final meeting of the year It might be good idea it any newly elected member could sit in and listen to what goes on at these meetings PUBLIC RELATIONS One item recommended by some of the aspirants to public office is the expenditure of funds on public relations For years Innisfil has had public mention through this column mostly without appreciation fromthe ruling council Yes terdays paper quoted Memory Lane from Innisfil Notes of 1935 TALKING BUDGIES Genuine Registered Talidng SIrnin $595 UP IIARTZ MOUNTAIN CANARI Guaranteed Singers $695 Tropical Fish Gold Fish and Turtles Aquarium Supplies Justrlte Pet Supplies HARRIS FLOWERS 99 Dunlop StE PA 66401 bio077mm iMORE DISNEYKIN TO COMPLETE DUE SET rcndy over six million dollars in population well above the av erage of other towns and cities in Ontario IInd quadrupled in assessment and this year al have been permits do not as retiring mayor he said wish to dwell on these accomplishments which ac cepted as challenge and am grateful for Ilaving small part in their doing Rather should wish to say to those that fol low on and to those to whom the further responsibility of the growth and development and wellbeing of our community will be entrusted that my few words of advice and plea would be to carry on policy of progress and development For therein believe lies Barries future plosperity the future opportunities for our children and our economic wellsbcing In this regard it the unprecedented increase we are enjoying in commercial and industrial assessment can tinues there should he no fear of large tax increases to take care of improvements even though costly such as schools hospitals and sewage treatment plants Mr Kinzie said It is true have not pleased all as in every issue there are two good sides and usually good reason ing on both sides have not been neutral mayor do not believe in being neutral issued In building time to briefly Contestants Vie For Office Promise Pledge And Speak Willi 43 nominees for seats on council public school board and Public Utilities Com mission proceedings at list nights nomination meeting were somewhat hurried and demanding Because of the large slate nominated It was necessary to restrict speakers to three min utes As result many of them were only given enough review their platforms for the coming De cember 11 election The following are highlights of speeches by candidates con testing various offices Cooke for mayor Mr Cooke said that his experience on council and as business man hnd given him the nec essary experience to provide leadership as mayor He stressed the need for contin ual industrial development as source of tax revenue He pledged action on the Bay front development project and said that It would benefit the community In the Iron of health recreation and the citys economy ltir Cooke said that sanitary facilities should be expanded with threeyear program with the construction of secondary sewage plant and installation of trunk sewers He also said that further annexation may be necessary to provide land for continued industrial develv opment Jim Hart for mayor Mr Hart said that he had been WEATHER synopsis On Saturday mainly cloudy and continued mild weather is forecast for most of the province but some snow or rain will occur in northern re gions as weak disturbance moves in from the Prairies Lake St Clair Lake Huron Lake Erie regions Windsor London Sunny and mlldtoday Mainly cloudy and continuing mild Saturday Winds light ex cept southwest 20 both after DWI Niagara Lake Ontario Geor gian Bay Haliburtoll regions Hamilton Toronto Partly cloudy and mild today Mainly cloudy and continuing mild Sa turday Winds light except southwest 20 Saturday after noon Algoma Timagnml regions Sault Ste Marie North Bay TODAYS STOCK PRICES Compiled By Flynn 93 Dunlop St Barrie INDUSTRIAL Asbestos Abltibl nlcoma steel Aluminium Alberta an Atlas Steel Bk of Montreal Bank or NS llcll Tel nrnzlllan nA on no Power Cdn Bk or Com Cdn Breweries CPR Canada cement can Chemical Carl on Can nlln in Sin Con caper Cunsumcrs Gas Dls 36 35 47 27 it TI 8115 sash 340 as tZVz 71 55 gay Eli as 25 take 21 44 Dom Stpru Dom Tar Gt Lillie Gut Pow Homo Pie Home OI map 011 mu Accept Inland NG Jockey Club Labatt Snag Noranda Dom Found Exquisite Pfd Famous playl llardeo Farm Hudson Bay Min imp Tobacco Inter Nickel fnterprov Pips illc Powell xiv lllussey Ferz or 14 lo 13 1st met 36 11 335 Nor Ont NG ltfoorn cm Oshawa Pacific ear Pcm Pipe one our Gar Ron Rothmhnl Royal Bank llioAlgnm Salado snlnlu Simpson Stafford steel of can Stelnbelx Timber Bk Trln Cnn Pipe Trans Mt Pipe Trader Pin Texaco Union Walkcr new ltmrma 705 7oo 10 45 mo 72 22M Gunnal hi can Husky Hullingor Camp club Ccn Del Rio Con Denlson Con llall Sullivan Lamroua lunrltlmes Normetnl Dpemtskn Faleanbrldgn Geco Mines KerrAddison Long Ln Quemont sncr Gordon Steep Rock United ou Ventures Wuroy 5w P950315 $3 3368 FIVE MOST ACTIVE STOCKS Black Bay Lake nurault lllumy WilLsey cairn Rio Algom nowaoan NEW YORK AVERAGES lndustrlnls up 234 ltnlls up 03 Utilities up 04 ronoNro srncn EXCHANGE mnnx mlenNDs Rio Alennl hilncs SLSD payntile Dec runes sum payable Dec 28 ex dividend Dec 12 STEPHENSONS JEWELLERS Dunlap St EBnrrle Don Polish MERELY WASH lndustrlnbpnwn 50 Gold down 76 Metais down 50 on up 13 ARE 27 ex dIvIdcnd Dec Preston Your Silv IARNtSH AWAY WITH HAGEETY SILVER FOAM So my youll be amazedt HaglrlySilvlr Foam wall and polishax your fine nm at in mm time Tourist floated down thl drain rubbing over mild and um handr no we own boilh $425 abrmtvo oox ia $110 STEPH ENSONS JEWELLERS Dunlop St Barrie Pleue send me Hugerty any Form In sire checked below nn enclosing propzr lmmlnl which Include nonclnr realist no on Tax oz Silo sllo Include BanditIII Posture Tex at Size 5425 include llnndllnz Postage Tu In municipal politics since 1945 and had played role in bring ing the first industrial develo ment to Barrie Iiis propose Included that travelled road be widened at signal Intersec tlons sand instead of salt be used in winter snow removal large sign be erected on the bank at Edgehill Drive near Highways 400 and 27 directing motorists to the Barrie down town area that immediate at tention be given to secondary sewage plant Ind interceptor sewers Les Jolliffe Ward One hIr Jolliffc said that higher cup ltal outlay on roads would save money on maintenance later He also proposed 15A year plan of treeplanting for Barrie and criticized present council for its handling of the Steel Street apartment and motel issues Graydon Kohl Ward One llir Kohl said that he was substantial taxpayer in Barrie and had extensive municipal Find Men Guilty Assault Woman Said She Was Forced uyearold mother of three children testified in county court yesterday that two men forced her into car drove to remote pine woods and as saulted her last July it The two men Donald Ballantyne 23 and Earl Pifer 25 were re FORECAST Sudbury Mainly cloudy and milder today and Saturday 0c casional light snow or freezing drizzle changing to rain and and ending by afternoon today few showers Saturday Winds southerly 15 White River Cucllrane regions Mainly cloudy nnd mil der today and Saturday Uccalt sional light snow or freezing drizzle ending this afternoon few snowilurrics day winds light Forecast Temperature Low tonight lfigh Saturday Windsor 35 50 St Thomas 32 50 London 32 50 Kitchene 35 50 Wingham 32 50 Hamilton 35 SO St Catharines all so Toronto 38 so Peterhorough 32 45 Trenton 32 45 Muskoka 25 45 North Bay so 40 55 rie 40 Baptist Church Clapperton at Worsley experience as mayor of Col llngwood for seven years He said that he had no axe to grind In running for council Frank Hersey Ward One air Hersey raid that he would stand on the record of the fire and traffic committee of which he in chlirmln He also noted the Stfletvnlmlng program re cently approved by council which would provide the city with larger and better metal street signs and noted the citys acquisition of land to else the downtown parking problem Elrle Williams Ward One Mr Willllms cited the public works committees road build ing program which completed 1an mile of residential road In 1961 and one and half miles in subdivisions He said that work on such roads as Penetlng and Wellington streets was being held in obey lnce pending survey If they were done under the author ized road widening program manded to Dec for sentence by Judge ltfncLaren af ter he directed the jury to bring in verdict of guilty Mrs Elizabeth Helmer of Glencnirn said in court yester day she had been at arty at friends house in Gencnlrn and had rtep ed outside the house to span to some chil dren when Ballantyne forced her into car She said Pifer joined them in the car and the men drove away After driv ing around for some time she said the attack took place in some woods near Angus The men were charged with assault and enticing with in tent Defence had earlier enter ed plea of not guilty on both charges but today changed the plea on the assault charge to guilty Judge MaeLaren directed the jury to find verdict of not guilty on the enticing charge and to find the men guilty of common assault The jury de liberated for five minutes and returned verdict which agreed with the judges direction the city would receive 50 per cent lubsidy rather than 33 per cent subsidy King Ward Two Mr King urged action on the sec ondary sewage plant and the attraction of new Industry mean of holding down taxes Charles Newton Ward bvo Mr Newton said that he was not in favor of doubling or trebllng the water rates to finance the secondary sewage plant He said that this would be hardship on the small homeowner He also said that labor trouble in Barrie for the past two years would tend to discourage industry and pledged that he would work for better relationship be tween Industry and labor to create suitable climate to attract new industry Ernest Petrimoulx Ward Two llfr Petrimoulx com plained about the condition of Peneteng end Napier streets Hc knocked the present coun cil for lnckadnisicnl thInking and planning and for its ac tions in connection with the new motel and Its boo poo in revoking the building pep mit for construction of the Steel Street apartments Norman Stewart Ward Two Mr Stewart said that most Barrie aldermen had forgotten how to be human He said that Aldermen were making decisions which were not In accord with the wishes of the people and cited the case of committees refusal to auth orize vote on Sunday movies after which the movie mum agers had collected petition of 1500 signatures asking for vote He asked how Bnrrie could attract industry in light of the low wages which were being paid Ind pledged to keep in touch with and report back to the people in his ward Gerry Roberts Ward Two tlr Roberts denied allegations that he was fencesitter on council He said that the tax rate had been maintained and that the large increase in as pledgcd to continue fivcyea scssment in 1961 indicated the financial health of Barrie pg program of mad aspbnllin to promote the Bay front devel opment to make every effort to attract new industry to im prove library facilities Charles Wilson Ward Two Mr Wilson cited the need for storm sewers and trunk san itary sewers and that the downtown area needed revit alization through better street system He said that council was considering var ious methods of financing the secondary sewage plant and that in his opinion renl prolt perty taxes should bear large part but not all of the cost the nomination speeches will be published in tomorrow Exnmln FOR EXPERT REPAIR WORK IHEHEH MOTORS YOUR ClesLm DODGE SIIIICA RENAULT VALIANT DEALER 75 Bradford St PHONE PA 859Ili To The RATEPAYERS of ESSA TOWNSHIP would appreciate your Vote for Councilman on December 4th Thank You MORGAN wooos MURPHY MESSAGE To THE EtECTORS or VESPRA scnom Allin As candidate for the school board pledge my fullest support of sound businesslike principles of administration fullest cooperation with all board members teachers and parents in achieving the best in educational opportunities for our children recognize the teaching profession as very important honored and responsible profession where professional teaching ability personality and character can contribute so much to the happiness success and high purpose of the citizen of tomorrow VOTE DRUSSEll FOR AN ENDdRSEMENT OFTHESE POLICIES lo MINUTES when you call slatiolltostatioll inn inn Heres how Bell Telephones NEW NIGHTECONOMY PLAN gives you double value on stationtostation calls of10 minutes or more The first five minutes are charged at low night rates theres no extra charge for tllé second five minutes After that every two additional minutes are only charged as one And heres why you save Increased automation enables us to pass on to you theeconomies of stationtot station callsgiving you the lowestcost Long Distance Plan ever offered to Bell Telephone 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