Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Dec 1961, p. 18

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SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS CLOWES Mr and Mrs William Prince of 0m Station and Mr and Mrs Fred Prince oi Barrie were recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Cairns Sympathy oi the community is extended to Mrs Fraser in the death of her sister Mrs Dempsey at Oshawa Mrs Norman McLean attend ed the luncral at her aunt Mrs Milt French nee Maude Hunt er at Chatham last Frid ay SURPRISE PARTY large number irom this community attended the sur prise 30th wedding anniversary dance the lamily at Mr and Mrs Anthony Morchcldon ad or their parents at Edgar Hall most enjoyable time was had by all Congratulations to Miss Incite Wardenoar of SS No 15 in be ing one or the winners in the school weed essay contest oi Sixcoe County Congratulations to the leaders and seven girls or the 4H Club in completing their project and attending Achievement Day on Nov 25 at Guthrie Mr and Mrs Bidwcli spent the weekend in Toronto visiting Mr and Mrs Drury and Mr and Mrs Wilson EDGAR Mr and Mrs St Thomas and sons of Petorhoro and Mr and Mrs Lindon and Bobby oi Oshawa visited Mr and Mrs James on Sunday Mr and Mrs Stracban at tended the iuneral oi Mrs George Loxby at Elmvale on Thursday Mr and Mrs Kitchen oi Atwood visited at MacLeods on the weekend WOMENS INSTITUTE WI will meet at the home oi Mrs Johnson Wednesday Dec at pm Topic The Christmas Story Roll coll name your favorite carol Exchange of gills L50 cents Singing of car ols led by Mrs Shclsweil Lunch Mrs Johnson Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Melbourne Howell nee Ru Ann Kitchen who were married at Dalston Friday Nov 24 by Rev Norman IVY Monday Dec will be ele ction day for Essa Township so get out and support your candidates and Mrs Arnold Banting cntertained Mr and Mrs Hich ard Price and inmily and Mr and Mrs Mike Rogers Barrie following baptismal service at Christ Church Ivy Sunday Nov 26 Presbytery oi Barrie People are having Christmis party Saturday Dec at Kempview Bowling Alley ar rie from to 930 pm Then to Ivy Presbyterian Church for worship exchange at giits and lunch PLAN CONCERT The teachers and pupils of Ivy Public School are preparing for their annual Christmas conlt cert to be held in the Orange Hall on Wednesday evening Dec 20 at oclock SUFFERS BROKEN ARM Speedy recovery is wished for the sick and shutins especially Mrs Leonox and also Mrs Harper who had the mis fortune to fall and break an arm Mr and Mrs Wilmer Wils and iamily Mrs Maude Wil son and Mr and Mrs Ken Sutherland and Gary spent Sun day with Mr and Mrs Jack Wilson Barrie Mrs Maude Wilson returned to her home on Saturday Nov 25 after spending some time in Toronto with her daughter and soninlaw Mr and Mrs Kenneth Sutherland Mr and Mrs Sutherland and son Gary spent the weekend here with her BAPTISMAL SERVICE Baptismal service took place at Christ Church on ay Nov 25 with three children en tered into the congregation of Christs ilock The service was conducted by the rector Rev Harper The children and their proud godparents are Da vid Norman son of Mr and Mrs Norman Berry godparents SKATES BAUER TOTS $595 EOYS $745 up GIRLS FIGURE $895 up MENS $995 up LADI ES $995 up TRADEIN YOUR OLD SKATES ON NEW OR USED Skate Sharpening Specialty GOIDS SHOE SERVICE iIA CLAPPERTON Barries Ori inal lea Skate Exchange Mr and Mrs Aritell 0t tawa Virzinin Grace daughter oi Mr and Mrs Richard Price Endparents Mr and Mrs Ara nold Booting and Katie Lutken Stephen Fredrick son at Mr and Mrs Lloyd Timmons god parents Mr and Mrs Nor man Sheridan Orillia STUDENT TEACHERS Student teachers rpm the Lnkeshore Teachers College who spent their Rural Teaching week in Ivy Public School during the last week at November were Terrence annris and David Neill Mr Posie College Mast er visited the school during the wee Mrs Tom Lyons visited her daughter and soniniaw and Mrs Leonard Amon in Toronlo on the weekend WEED ESSAYS Congratulations to Terry Arn oldson oi Mr and Mrs Davis Arnold who won third rile oi $8 on wced essay entitled What We Should Know About Weeds and Weed Control and to James Carruthers son of Mr and Mrs Lorne Carruthers who came ISlh on his essay and rcccivcd $1 in prize money This contest was sponsored by special Agricultural Commit lee oi the Simcoo County coun eil and the county weed inspeo lors Abner Hnwn North Sim coe and Peacock for South Simcoe The 15 county winners were given turkey dinner on Tues day Nov 21 in the Community House Barrie alter which they were presented with their chequ es by the Warden of the Coun tyo Montcalm Maurice Mr and Mrs Wilson Linton Toronto were visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Thomas Lyons COMBINED CONCERT The Presbyterian and Anglican Sundny Schools held combin cd rrcting on Wednesday Nov 12 and it was decided instead oi the usual Sunday School conA cert the Sunday Schools would combine and put on The Christmas Story on Su Ii ay evening Dec 17 at either one of the churches The time and at which church its to be held will Be announced at later datc Mrs Glenn Applegate has re turned home alter spendin some time with her parents at Cornwall HAWKESTONE Dccemhe meeting or Hawkcs tone United WA will meet at the church on Dec at pm with Mrs Mitchell in charge special meeting is being ar ranged by Miss Sharon Baker presenting the North Ecumenic al Youth Conference at Ann Arbor Michigan that she at tended this summer in iorm ot skit Everyone welcome The meeting of the YPU will be held at Hawkestone Church Doc 10 Shirley Campbell isin charge and speaker will be on the program Rev Mitchell oi Mon treal is visiting his son Rev Mitchell Ind Mn Hit chcli Mr and Mrs Charles Lines were guests at Mr and Mn Ieigh last weekend The Sunday School supper and concert is on Dec 15 Mrs Cameron has returned home alter visiting in Coiling wood CBOWN HILL Mr and Mrs Thomas Blight enjoyed holiday at Nashville Tennessee recently Crown Hill guests attending the HailSpurrier wedding in Tomato on Saturday Nov 95 were Miss Ruth illckling Mr and Mrs Clarence Smith and Mrs Delbert Iiickiing Mr and Mrs Donald Robinson Mr and Mrs Alvin Smith Mr and Mrs Oscar IIldding Mr Mrs Wayne Mr and Mrs Myles Hickling Mr nd Mrs Ieonard Edgerton WI EUCHRIES START The euchre parties are getting under way again with the first to be hEld at Crown Hill School Saturday night Doc Proceeds go to Wander Valley junior hockey team Euchre is sponsor ed by Crown Hill Womens in stitute Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Bud Dunsmore on the grill oi son on Sunday Nov 10 LIVE IN BARRIE Mrs Lorne Summers entertaln ed few of the neighbors at Iarewell party or Mrs Ev olyn Snider on Wednesday niter noon Mr and Mrs Snider are leaving Crown Hill to reside in Barrie MRS ALBERT BONNEY Following lingering illn Mrs Alber Bonney passed away at Toronto General Hospital on Friday Nov 17 Mrs Bonney was resident of Crown Hill for many years helore moving to Churchill While residing here she was an active member of the WA of Crown Hill United Church and the Womens Instit ute She is survived by her husband Albert oi Crown Hill son Willred of Caledon and two grandchildren also two brothers Gordon and Cecil oi Crown Hill and sister Renee oi Peterborough LAYMENS SUNDAY Sunday Nov 19 was Lay mens Service at Crown Hill United Church Service was con ducted by Charles Drury The Scripture was read by Mrs Roy Nowson and Thomas Kenny altered the prayer The ser mon was delivered by Howard Caldwell who also assisted at Dalston and Edgar church ser vices on this Sunday BABY 0N STAMP LONDON CP Prince An drew horn on Feb 19 1960 makes his first appearance on postage stamp next month The £1 stamp in new series for the island of St Helena shows him in the arms of the Queen The portrait was adapted from photography by Cecil Benton IM some HUME TCI suuoco COMFORT Simona blended heatingo gives clean even heat all season long Switch to Sunoco today HEATING on Made by the originnlor of tumour CvsomABIeflded BIvaSvnocoGaroIino the SARJEANT CO LTD MARY ST PA 32461 SPECIFICATIONS L238 an De tn 14 Inn Wi Lb 22 ins Height mo Inn with stand Weilht 155 lbs DQUBLETRAY $1395 INGLE TRAY momma DEPARTIVENT snconn noon surrnrnsnLnG 259 INNISFIL ST $1385 PA 6653 and Newspapers Widely Bead Survey Shows NEW YORK AP News papers are read every weekday in 384 per cent at the 54000000 households in the motinental United States according to survey conducted by the Bureau of Advertisian ot the American Newspaper Publishers Associa tion into the customs of the daily newspapers reading pub lice The In ey made public Wednaday that the newspaper is not normally read at single sitting The typical reader picks up and looks into his paper 24 times each weekday it re ported The study showed thnk The newspaper reaches cv ery segment oi the Ameri can public Its highest concentration to among the higherIncome bet ter educated more influential people it plays an intimate part in BAYCITY UPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND MODERN Beautiiul Samples Free Estimata FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY PHONE PA 5153 BARRIE Upbolstcrlng II Our BusinessNot Just Sideline 65 Brndrord SI the personal lives of people at all social levels Findings of the survey were presented by the bureau with the American Assoc13 tion at Newspaper Reprmntatives as oobost at meeting at 900 bult sinus advertising and pm ex ecutives here The bureau said the survey involved 4325 interview repre senting 2445bousehoiders in 622 sampling poan and that it was the most comprehensive ever made of the US reading pub lic It was financed by tho Newsprint niormntion Commit tee consistingolsix major Ca nadian sprint manntnctur lll LONG HISTORY Dublin still has some traces of the original Danish settle ment of the 8th century ALLANDALE Limited PRESCRIPTIONS VETERINARY SUPPLIES YOUR ALLANDALE REXALL STORE room PA 82823 MUTEZRN LAKE Lake Nicaragua covering 3090 square miles in the Gen tral Amerimn public is the largest take between the Great Lakes and Peru ll THE BARRIB EXAMINER FRIDAY DECEMBER NOTED FOUNDER With Benjamin Franklin as the leading founder the Univer sity Pennsylvania started as an academy at Philadelphia in 1751 ronosrt FOR BIGGEST TOY VALUES VISIT Molaono Ex is Canadas largest selling ale More than 1350000 bottles are antioyed every day 12 oz bottles Maisona $54 mug because its NEXT DOOR TO FLEMINGS MAIN STORE BARRIE Molsons Export goes home with gmore people than any other ale WIMolsons Independent Brewers since 1786

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