PEOPLE AND PLACES Phonn Eileen Dixon or Audrey Coiuson PA 66531 TIROUSSKAU TEA Mrs Keith Meredith Drury Lane was hostess of trons seau ten Wednesday evening ï¬nr her daughter brideelect ltliss Gloria Jean Meredith Receiving with the hostess and Star daughter was Mrs Cecil Cameron Shanty Bay mother of the bridegroomelect and Mrs Harry Howell Stayner grandmother of Miss hieredilh lrs Grahnm Stayncr greatvuunt of the hrideelect presided at the tea table Tea asistaots were htrs Nel son Mrs Woodward lllrs Stothera liirs Dave Steele iss Joyce Crosse all of Bar ric Mrs Haight ltfinosing frs Norman Kennedy assist ed in the trousseau rooms Miss Meredith will wed Dou ald Ross Cameron at Central United Church Dec CONVALESCENT Dick Sleek oi the English China Shop who has been patient in Royal Victoria HosA pitul for three weeks is com valescing at his Coilingwood Street re dcacc ENTERTAINMENTS Miss Gloria Jean Meredith brideelect has been guest at several entertainments prior to her marriage at Central Unit ed Chmch Saturday Miss Merediths associate of the Imperial Canadian Bank of Commerce met at the home of Mn Hollywood Strabane Avenue for miscellaneous shower Mrs Duncan Camer on Guthrie was hostess of pantry showoer The common ities of Guthrie and Shanty Bay with Mrs Howard Camp bell and Mrs Martin as co hostesses held shower and presentation party in the Shan ty Bay hall Miss Donna Weir ster McDonald Street and Mrs Howden Ardagh Road also hosted miscellaneous show ers Tile brideelect is the daughter of Mr and ltlrs Keith Mere dith DruryLane groomelect Donald Ross Cam cron is the son of Mr and Mrs Cecil Cameron Shanty Bay ingliiights 0t 1961 Activities Reported At Girls Work Board Simcoe County Girls Work Board hcld its annual mceti ot Essa Road Presbyterian Ch urch Barrio with Mrs June Campbell Stroud presiding Reports of 1961 activities were heard Lhe highlights being the Girls Rally in June the Sim oe Presbytery Camps the endership training session treasurcrs statement was ap proved The np Committee man Mrs Frank Rnwlcy an nounced that the two CGlT Camps will he held in the first two lenvday periods in July 19 62 The interdenominational na ture of the Camp was stressed Leaders and counsellors are chosen from the various Protes tant churches on rccommcnda tion of ministers or teachers Campers are welcomed from any denomination after the ac ceptnnce of their registration form The Girls Work Board is comprised of women from Pres byterian Baptist and United Churches in the Presbytery 1962 slate of officers was presented subject to approval of Church courts as follows Robert Scott Oriiiia Chairman Mrs Molyncaux Oriliia Se cretary and Mrs MacDonald Orillia Treasurer Mrs Cumming served res freshments and social half hour was enjoyed following the business meeting YOUR HEALTH High Energy Waves Burn Body Cells By BURTON FERN MD IS ATOMIC radiation your servant or master Like fire radiations invisible flames electrical charges and high energy waves can burn body cells Lymph tissue like the torn lit is the most radioinflam mable Growing blood cells in side bone marrow burn easily too With little more juice radiation can sear the skin intestinal lining and sex glands One giant radiation flash chars the body and triggers sudden sickness Repeated small exposures bring on the same illness but more gradually You feel weak and wornput Menstrual flow stops Thin an emic blood gushes from the tiniest scratch FELLED BY SHOCK You lapse into shock as torv rents of blood pour down the seared intestine Infections strike the final blow when no germkilling white blood cells are left Like fiery hea radiation cripples and kills femaleegg and malesperm cells Killed cells leave you sterile Crippled cells may give rise to abnor mat babies later on So far this risk seems far less than expected Radiation is natural Vital potassium lilting body cells ls often radioactive So is of the carbon in all plants and animals Just as flaming sun rays sur round you with cozy warmth cosmic rays from outer space flood you with radiation Along side these cosmic rays all the fullout till now becomes an invisible speck Dont refuse medical Xrays because you fear radiation Ask you rdoctor Hell explain how benefit outweighs risk Foolish Questions Scientists have been criticized for not knowing the largest safe dose of radiation But whats the largest safe dose of fire How close can you get before it chars your flesh No one knows because no one wants to try Still you can draw up saety rules for radiation similar to the rules for campfires You know the safe area Out of control radiation can spread like an atomic forest fire But with proper caution these invisible flames can light the way to new levels of civi lization Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 82414 EKWHKKRIIWKKWWKWWVS GIFTING SLIPPERS FOR CHRISTMAS PACKARD FOAM rnEAn DUMPnt MOCCASIN orrr canrmcnms WALKWEI SHOE scone 58 Dunlop St PA 82397 unammuummemmz numnmaamammmnnï¬ The bride GOLD Shudyweil Princess Tea is golden retriever is as con ccrncd as any mother of 10 sixweeks old habit would be And is she busy Teal as she is affectionately called by her family has 10 hungry mouths to feed several times day The small fry cele brated their birthdays on Thursday Tcal who is own 52 ed by Sharon and Stephen Davis of 84 Rose Street gave birth to nine male puppies and one female great uc complisliment for first lit ter Their father is Shady weil Golden Rogue The mark of distinction identifying the puppies breeding will be ad ministered Saturday hyCliff McDonald of Shadywcll Ken nels Schombcrg who will tattoo the inside of the pup pies enrs From there on the puppies will leave their mother for future homes in Sudliury Schomberg and Bar ric Teal was unable to make an appearance in the above photo because of popular de mand The puppies are shown with their mistress Sharon Patience And Firm Hand Help Develop Obedience In Children better understanding of how young child develops and how he can most easily be guided and controlled could help many it mother and her child to en joy each other New Jersey mother writes about her son five He wont obey have kept him from playing with other children when he quarrels with them and behaves sclfishly have spanked him for going into the street time and time again lvc put him in his room for talking back to his father and me and for not answering when he is called lve tried to talk to him about sharing until lm worn out But the next day its the same as before Would he benefit from at tending nursery school Please help me if you can lily reply in part Your child might profit greatly from attending nut sery school No doubt you par ents have tried hard to guide him but you expect too much or him when you suppose he can learn to share just by your talk ing to him about it an PATIENT Dont force him to share but if you are present when he is with playmates strive patiently to help him want to share cs pecialiy those toys other cbi1 drcn cant easily harm Show strong approval when he does share Why should you argue with him What you mean by his talking back to you and his dad is not clear he sure you dont talk back to him Draw the line between what you ask him to do and what you tell him to stop doing when you say No dont repeat it Pun ish lilm effectively if he doesnt obey Good punishment is is sound qutck smucking or pad dling or requiring him to sit in chair unumused for 20 min utes But when you ask him to do something use eternal pa tience to win him to comply FIRM HAND To train him not to run into the street you will need to be outdoors with him If he should run into the street punish him instanly Punishment must be immediate and there must be no exceptions Dont cali him to come when hes out at sight Go and tell him softly face to facerwhat you wish to say Cuddle him when he is good Talk gently and tenderly to him read to him make things and have fun with him Ea generous with deserved praise Suppose your child of any age were sensitive about some monthly News DECEMBER 1961 PREPARE NOW TO ENJOY CHRISTMAS This month you will probably tire yourself with all the busy activities and gift shopping needed to properly celebrate the Holidays HOW TO HAVE HEEALTHIEE CHRISTMAS rot course We will be available to supply any needed medicines Christmas week and every other week but we know you will have more fun buying gifs than medicines So FRANCE DRAF TS US AIRMAN PERU ind AmRoger Delort 22 has received draft notice from his native France But Delort already is in the US Air Force sta tioned at Bunker Hill Air Base here He became US citizen in 1957 and joined the air force three years ago Said Delort think France will be satisfied that am meeting my military obligation physical irregularity and guest asked about it would try to turn the guests attention as quickly as possible from such cruel curi osity 15 THE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY DECEtlBER 1961 Office Bachelors Slip Marital Yoke NEW YORK APiNo office zoo is complete without its quota of bachelors Most of the men in the aver age business firmas every sec retary knowsore already mar riedsome for so long they have no memory of previous state of life But sprinkled among them are few fosterfooted brethren who have managed to escape the marital yoke Office bachelors come in all ages shapes and sizes but if you look around where you work here are few types you may recognize Nervous NedHe turns pale if woman gets within to foot him FREELOADER Hungry Henrywhats cook lng tonight baby he asks each sténographer in turn But the wise ones know he isnt ask ing for datHcs just fishing for free invitation to home cooked dinner Practical PhilHes interested in girls figurcs all right but only the figures in their bank account He is looking for rich widow something you dont find in every office Cynical SidAll women are aliketheyre just looking for menitickct he tells one and all But when this skinflint squircs girl out for the evening shes WHATTHE STARS SAY lucky if he buy her hot dog Troubled TomWhen he leans on girls shoulder it isnt r0lt mance He merely wants to get closer to her car so he can pour into it the sad story of his life of woe Curious CharlieEvery Thurs day he taku the bosss secre tary to lunch Shehas the lurid idea he is courting her Actually he is merely pumping her to find out what really is going on be bind the scenes in the office Experienced EdwardNever againPm threetime loser he walls after his third divorce But month later he slopes with college coed half his age Dimpled Dan Hes ruddy cheeked and terribly handsome and every girl in the place hears wedding bells when she sees him But Dari never shook off those apron strings He phones his mother three times day to he sure she is all right and she phones him back three times day to be sure everything is okay with him too Bumptious Bert Boy you shoulda seen the babe was out with lust nith real honey he brags every morning But his tales of Romeo revels are all imaginary Bert is too bashful to ask for date He spends his evenings studying correspond ence lessons in guitar playing or attending lectures on blrdlife By ESTRELLITA For Tomorrow Planetaryinfluencesare highly stimulating now and most endeavors whether con nected with your business af fairs or home lite should pros per with able handling of course Keep emotions under stern control however and dont be overly aggressive in dealing with others For The Birthday If tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that you have justentered acycle in which it would be advisable to press major objectives vigor ously For the next tb ree months planetary cooperation will be fine where both job and financial to are con cerned and there is likelihood too that your goals will he furthered through the coopera tion of othersprovided that you have done your part and earned such backing Avoid ex travagance however and dont in spirit of optimism indulge in speculation during March and April During most of the year ahead personul relationships will be under general influences which augurs well for social do mestic and sentimental mat ters to this respect inciden tally midyear should provo an exceptionally happy Period Look for some excellent news of business nature next Sep tember child born on this day will be endowed with great tenacity of purpose rm ou will power and is keenly analytical mind GuideBrownie Auxiliary For Alliston Area ALLISION Special The Town of Alliston is expanding every day and sometimes it gives one the hpmion it is overflowing with young people and little Children This became quite apparent this fall to the mothers of the children belonging to the Guide and Brownies when they real ized that these groups were getting so large they required an adult group to help run their affairs Consequently th Auxiliary for the Guides and Brownies was formed and it has been busy fall season for those undertaking this pro tect For instance in the Bré ownlcs alone there are three packs consisting of around 35 to 40 girls in each Adding to this there is the Guido membership which is in the neighborth of around 30 older girls The leaders are Mrs Victor Scott who is the Com missioncr of Guides in the Al liston area and Mrs John Ney and Mrs Whitney Unfortunately two other leaders have found it necessary to give up the work and the work is heavy for thou remaining it is mostly the mothers of the girls who form the new Auxiliary and they help out in any way they can in assisting in practical ways At the last meeting they decided to hold bake sale at the Library Hall Alliston on Dec at it pm As another to ytmaki scheme they have travelling basket which picks up money as it goes from one person to another for some item placed in it by the previous person The meetings are held in the Legion Hall the first Monday of every month and the members wish to extend cordial wel come to anyone interested in this work The need for leaders is urgent and no experience is RECESSBIY Needed badly at the moment is used record player for re creation purposes and if anyone has one to donate it will be gratefully accepted by Mrs ltlay Hackett HE 56088 Al liston The executive members of the newly formed Auxiliary are the following president Mrs Gwen Little secretory Mrs May Hackett press reporter Mrs Hughson treasurer Mrs Ford NORWAY MEMBERS Norways new Parliament of 1961 has 15 women including is elected representatives and two alternates loan gamck HAIR STYLISTS announce COKE m2 TEENAGE ZVERY WED mo 15 PM SPECIZI student RI by appointment only PA 8466 38 Maple Avenlu CLARKS lEASE EXPIRING Now IN FULL swma EVERY ITEMIN THE STORE MARKED DOWNT0 MOVE CHESTERFIELD SUITES OF DISTINCTION SHOWVPIECES FROM THE CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION Suite lovely four seater by renowned designer with matching chair in rich gold color Regularly priced at $2450 You CHROME DINETTE SUITES sum Arborlie top table matching chairs Colors black and white coral grey and blue Regularly priced at 50 Excep 3799 tional value BIG TABLE PIECE SETS semicircular center section lruly Several colors from whirlt to choose The 31900 Wonderful Buy atOnly table is big opens to 96 60 Regular HERES ONE MORE BIG VALUE BUY TRILITES 1299 coming New Year CALDW us 199 FEATHER Bro PILLOWS 99¢ billionaire MllltE YflllllCfllllSTMllsnfllLlllltlfl lilllTllEll CLARKS filled mattress foam rubber padding 38 BAYFIELD STREET PA 872843 GIVE YOURSELF THIS GTFT NOW Let your physician check your body to make certain it can withstand any invading virus or sickness attack And if hesuggests your taking any medication or vitamins for addi tional energy followhis advice 1961 WJLL SOON BE OVER Please accept our grateful thanks for your friendship and patronage We will never for get that our pharmacys chief purpose is to dependany provide the medicines healthaids and sickroom needs to guard your health MAY YOU ENJOY THE HOLIDAYS And be sure to visit the Church or Temple of your choice where you will receive the spiritual help we all need to truly be happy the save $8500 on this one at only Suite Another exceptionalsuite Four scater with matching choir foam rubber throughout with reversible seat and back cushions Was priced at $31200 Now Ter rific value at Special Sale Price of Suite llhis one is fine quality sec tional suite of three pieca With 6900 Be Sure To See All The other Lovely Chrome see Also On Sale AMPS 299 399595 takes the WRY out of Canadian Whisk Full strength whisky very light and extremely mild in character throughout Colors green beige brown Reg $29900 Save$100tltl Geo Caldwell thB Doug Hare thB Cor Owen and Dunlap Sis lawn mum mm uxwrlmlton All PA 82903 oisriitrnissuMir£o RVllIl CANADA 25 on