II THE IHVtIE EXAMINER FRIDAY DECEMBER I961 Eli WE COUNTY NEWS SHANTY BAY Mr and Mrs Al Jones and family have taken over who now is residing in $th huxne LA rcnxs surrsn The Ladies Guild of St Thom as hurch held the November meeting at the home of Mrs Ht Martin Plans were made for the Christmas supper which will be held in the community hall Dec iii Mrs William Flynn Mrs Martin Mrs Cecil Sutton Mrs Simpson and Mrs Vort ley were in Toronto lost Tues day to attend the annual Chan cel Guild meeting of the Angli ca Church WEEKLY CARD PARTIES Dont forget the card parties every Wednesday night at 815 in the community hall Mrs Cyril Patterson is pat Ient in the iioyal Victoria Iios ital Barrie IIOWER AT ALL shower was held in the ball Nov 23 for Miss Gloria Meredith and P055 Cameron whose marriage takes place in Collier Street United Church Barrie Dec During the ev oning Mrst Howard Campbell read an address and presented Gloria and Ross on behalf of their many friends at Guthrie with beautiful chair and smoke stand George Sutton was handing out cigars on November 28 Its hoy Congrotulotions George and Fran Sympathy is extended to Mrs Henson in the passing ot her brother HOCKEY DANCE The school hockey dance was held In the hall last Saturday evening Joanne Wortley and Susan Simpson Won the lpot dance Several door prizes were given out On behalf of Mr Cooper and the boys many thanks to he who made the evening success Zion United Church will hold coffee break and homemade baking 5an in the hall De 311 VASEY six tables of euehre were held in the Orange Hall High scores went to Mrs Nathan Brown and Carson Brown consolation to Jane Stewart and Stan Robinson Another euchro will be held on Dec Mr and Mrsioe Tinney spent last Sunday with friends in Moonstone gt Mrs William Tinnoy spent couple of days in Toronto with her sister Mrs Mao Biaekledge who has been ill Mr and Mrs Frank Smith am spent day with Mrt and irs Ed Potter at Ardtrea and the weekend in Toronto with Itis mother Mrs Wallace and slster and hrotherinlaw Mr and Mrs Ron Dunton Mrs McKeown went to Toronto with them and intends spending some time with her sister Mrs George Wilson and daughter Dorothy Mrs Graham Gunn and child rti of Toronto spent week with her parents Mr and Mrs Sterling McDonald Giad to report will Taylor as able to return home from Andrews Hospital Midland Dick Vasey is still patent In St Andrews Hospital Sorry to report he is not too well at the time We all hope he will soon be better WMS and WA met at the the general store front Don Woods parsonage in Hillsdale on Nov 22 CALF CLUB SUPPER The Call Club supper was held in the basement of the church There werehround 100 people sat down to delicious supper After they returned to the ch urch the prizes were gt ve to most of the club members They are to be congratulated on the success as 16 more members war in the club this year Mr pictures of the trip Ihey had to British Columbia year age and also the Midland Fair par ado and the calves and owners The committee is busy prepar ing for the Christmas concert at the church Mr and Mrs Russell Marsh all and Mrs Mary Buchanan of Body visited Harold Buchanan and family BOND HEAD Mr and Mrs Frank Brooks ited Mr and Mrs William Bro eks on Sunday Mr and Mrs George Shop pard and Mr Thomas Sheppard spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Mooney and family Mrs Bert Coinell and irtvln of Eowmanvllle Mrs Art Lym er Bill and Douglas of Oshawa visited the Bradley and Suth erlands on Sunday AT SCOTCH SETTLEMENT Several ladies of the MS attended the Scotch settlement VMS thankoiioring meeting in their church on Wednesday ev enins WI ENTERTAINS THE MEN The members or the Womens institute entertained their hus bands nt the home of Mr and Mrs James Eateman on Thurs day evening Eight tables of euchre were playing Prize won by Mrs Charles Brown Mrs Armstrong Keith Kneesh aw and Clarence Switzer Lunch was served and social time spent on Monday night there were 14 tables playing euehra at the haill Prizes were won by Phyl lis Mtken Ross Lang Mid dlebroak and Guy Lucky tallies Mary Brown Noreen Taylor Evelyn Aitken Orviiio Hughes Alvin Egan and Middiebrnok EXTBA room Forefopie and luggage gives you so more comfort for yourmonry In the new lllil 1n reanumy car that rklmos only on inst FRENCH MOTORS 15 android street Buril Ontario mmummumummwg LIVE MODERvaith xss gt mm Relax In Rec Room Let us help you plan your Christ mas Glft toyour homeWé will be happy to advise you on all or any con struction problem no obligation We use only the finest of building materials in all jobs done THE BALL PLANING MILL CO LTD 45 Aims 5T PA 82496 and Mrs iiarvey Fullis showed and Alvin of Mount Albert vlr 11hr hams Examiner $10000 TRAVEL and PEDESTRIAN ACCIDENT POLICY thdt grows up to $15000 Does this sound too good to be true Well the Barrie Examiner and the Scottish York In surance Company Ltd will prove that its true This insurance was carefully planned for months before being offered It provides an usually extensive coverage and is the finest low cost accident insurance you could buy iOUll NEVER FIND BETTER FOR LESS THAN PER WEEK PAYABLE nSl sowAR Yb COSTS ONLY si50 utuotsnscmweer tnuvlant lubst nu me ur FAMILY PLANt use mud Innnmu promin Underwritteo By Scottish York Insurance Company Ltd SCHEDULE OF BENEFITS FOR FIRST YEAR tutu an nun Igory no mum chum Mount $3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 5000 3000 i000 000 I000 urnu Inn on sunny Mllflhfl 0000 0000 0000 I0000 10000 10000 10000 750 3750 3750 FOR LOBSOI Life Both Hands Both Feet Sight of BothEyas One hand nnd one foot One hand and sight at one eye Ono foot and sight of one eye Either hand Either foot Sight of either aye mm 500 500 Disability up to 50 First Atdlndemnlty The on beneï¬ts under policy increase by per nor too yam 1000 500 500 500 500 500 These Extra Beneï¬ts Too rouo Hospitollindemnity for Poliornyalitil up to $250000 cuMULAnvr roucr VALUE INCREASE At meant to you your Scottish York policy wilt Increase In value by 10 each year for the first years At the 0nd of years Its maximum coverage roaches up to $1500000 new read qtlfletoits macmmong approach all iï¬arm Examiner Ti To SCOTTISH YORK Innmnu company Ltd 425 University Avenue TORONTO Ontario Data The undersigned hereby makes application for the Travel and Pedeshian Insurance Policy with Hospital Indemnity for Polloinyeiltis issued by the Scch York Insurance Company Ltd It Is understood and aoreed that the applicant will subscribe to the Barrie Examiner 1133 ms me of on Policy when issued and win pay the regular subscription price NAME BIRTH DATE ADDRESS BENEFICIARY RELATIONSHIP TO YOU subscribe to The Barrie Examiner ll Start Now By Carrier By Mail By Thow Off enclose 55 Annual Insurance Premium