Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Dec 1961, p. 13

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112 ifiarrie Examiner 233 BRADFORD sr FRIDAY DECEMBER 1961 IIT KIWIINIS CLUB Nurse Relates Work Society For Crippled Children Ontario An outline of the work of the Ontario Society For Crippled Children was presented verbal Iy and by the use of color slides to the Kiwanis Club oi Barrie at the weekly dinner meeting at Community House this week by MissEleanur Todd Illiss Todd is one of the 27 registered nurses with special orthopaedic training on stall oi the society Her oiiice is in Kitchener and territory oi calls includes the counties of Water loo Wellington Grey Duiierin and Simone She was introduced by Mish ael Viedcr chairman oi the clubs crippled childrens com mittee which represents the so ciety in this area in raising funds purchase oi equipment such as diairs boots braces etc and locates needy pa tients and arranges clinical nursing or hospital treatment Mr Wiedcr is member at the CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY BLOOD DONOR CLINIC TRINITY PARISH HALL TUESDAY DEC I2II1 130 400 600 900 zooperson board oi the soci ety Present at head table also was Kiwanian Jack Butler who Is member oi the executive of the Ontario Society For Crip pled Children and chairman of the Blue Mountain Camp Com mlttee Miss Todd was thanked on behalf of the club by Willlom Craig past president who serves on the crippled child rens committee She gave briei history of the society from its humble be ginning at Windsor over 80 years ago to its present status where it is serving the entire province Soon to be opened is the milliondollar treatment cen tre tor Crippledwchildrcn on Bayview Avenue In Toronto Miss Todd pointed out that hall of the money raised local PgltEStRIPTIONS 43a We always riv you precise prompt courteous service Ask your doctor about our pharmacy next time he writes prescription you Prescriptlons plekedup and delivered free of charge CUSDENS PHARMACY nnnloo rm 55551 or colilu st PA 54m ly by donations or Easter Seals goes directly to the soci etys head olfice to carry out the work on provincial basis but the other half is retained for local work by the sponsor tog service club in this case Kiwanis oI Barrie Not all Easter Seal sponsors are Kiwanis Other service clubs involved in the work are Rotary LionS Kinsmen Pro gress in some cases the La gion Miss Todd outlined the gen eral administration of the so ciety and its objects Certain qualifications were required including an age limit for the society totuke overcare and treatment crippled children but every etiort is made to make this as comprehensive as possible Her pictures were varied and interestingsome slides at children undergoing treatment at home and in hospital the new centre Variety Village on Kingston Road where there is now one Barrie boy undergoing treatment and two others from the district going In shortly and activities at Woodeden one of the six summer camps op erated by the society Christmas Concerts Is Planned BY Cookstown United Church Mrs McMnster and Mr and Mrs Arthur Cooper were In Huntsville on Monday Mr and Mrs Cooper attended the funeral of the late Mr been Bedat and Mrs Mchlaster visited her daughter Mr Jack Findley Presbyterian WA wlll meet on Tuesday Dec at the horns of Mrs Hector Smith Robin and Neil French and Allan Kell attended the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair in To mnto on Saturday Miss lsabct Webb of Toronto spent the weekend with Mrs Blevin Atkinson THE LATE MISS IVA LAW Miss Iva Low passed away at Stevenson Memorial Hospital Alliston on Thursday Nov 23 daughter of the late Levi and Harriet Law oi Tecumseth Township The Iuneral service was held at two oclock on Saturday Nov 75 Rev How FOR PROMPT SERVICE AND AUTOMATIC 0F 27 AGNES sc DELIVERY BA HEATING OILS CALL FRANK BEMROSE PA 32301 oy conducted the service In terrnent was in the ianuly plot at Bond Head Mr and Mrs Al Commnck Coiborne were weekend guests with Mr and Mn Tom Mayes Mr and Mrs Al Ramsay oi Powassan were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mn Harold Mo Mr and Mrs Doug Fildey Hamilton were weekend visitors with the iormers parents Mr and Mrs Ellsworth Flldey Jim Arnold oi Washago ll spending tow days with his parents Mr and Mrs Don nell Mrs George Moyes la pat ient in Stevenson Memorial Hos pital Alliston Mrs Walker spent the past week visiting friends in Toronto Mr and Mrs Ed Titiin and Inmily of Mono Mllls and Mr and Mrs Kenneth Tifiin oi Mld hurst spent Sunday with and Mrs Dalton Tillin Mr and Mrs Dalton Tilt ln had as their guests on Monday Mr and Mrs Fred Harrison of Toronto CHRISTMAS CONCERT The United Church Sunday School will hold the nnual Christmas concert on rid Dec RESIDE IN ALLISION Mr and Mrs Albert Hanna have sold their farm and have taken up residence in Alliston Miss Anne Wright of Toronto CORVAI theear thatsbuiltto domore SPACE TO SPARE ownir pnrks luggnun easily Inn when the need oxlrnsporlnl lha tolddown rear seat provides 165 to It at extra tnnln Converts simply and quirldy Stondnrd on Mourns cowairigm fiAiiGERFiELD Maia CheVrolet Corvoir Olds Cod Envoy Chdv Truck Dealer UNBELIEVABer SMOOTH RIDE Corvalrs rtds has to be exparioured to be baa Iiovud Dundriflax Iwhael independent sur peusiou puts husky ruil springs trout and tour lInstiolt up sharks level rough gviun ELEGANT NEW INTERIORS Theres new lnvlsh look othigh fashion in every 62 orvnir You son it in lustrous nuw Iohnts elopnnl new trims and smart new color tom binnllnns Healer ond dtfrostar on standard SPIRIT nud Lipoad SynthroMeshrnunsmissintu or on effortless Pawnrnlidn onlomnlirr REARENGINE TRACTION ownlrs Itlnd otlrortinuts truly amnion It easily handle mud or snow renditions that would stop mort tars And for that extra hits in extra bud going tltms Positrnrtion nor nxla EFFICIENT AIRCOOLING Connirs lurhtrllr angina ls thnimnstolirolly controlled to olwnys tuninloin punk apatolino tempura tutor IIo rodintnr mean no nnliiraara to buy And torvnirs ouirlror wnrmvps moon is taster Run of nonu air for passenger rnmtort MONOSTRUT BODY BY FISHER Durabillty uavar lnnhd or dnppnr as it does In II 62 main lha Monoslrul lady by fisher Is Iuspnnsiltll Its slnnlouoll allstool ronrtrnninn takes pounding without protest Sputlol MomMinor Iiuish protects and pmqu boon munnu OUTSTANDING DRIVING EASE NEW CHOICEOF POWER Tlllvns the lighton posili rteotinu motes torvolrn on poppy Tacit TurboAir I45 os stoudnrd Irrita to drivr hair at floor mounted kpead msutIMIip on Powerglido equipped Mauro or the Tilllip lutlinAir IIS Irrutrn pnurtil plansvrrt Optlonal It extra cost FAMILYCAR FUNCTION opthhnlnlextu one IiIdNEiPAoéssgr Be sure to sea Bonanza oaths CBCTV network each Sunday Check your local listingflfor channelandtiina can Church Sunde spent the weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs Wilson Wrifllt Mr and Mn Itd Wood Ind family spent Sunday In Aurora with Mr and Mrs Len Chap man Graham Allan la patient In Stevenson Memorial Hospital MIXED CTJRIJNG Mr and Mn Earl Carr Mrs Isobel Rowe and Benttgs rlnkwoathirdprizoln to mixed curling bonspiel atJJx bridge on Saturday Howie Tom King Golden ECpr visitor in Cookstown oilmes 3y Mrs Ira Wilson accompanied by Mrs Cameron Loblaw of Aurora lelt on Tuesday from Multan by TCA to visit her daughter Mrs Harvey Wright in Vancouver Mr and Mrs Culsh and Frances were in To main on Sunday to birthday party or their little grandson Michael Stevens Bill Rayburn oi RIchmond Hill spent the weekend with his parents Mr and Mrs Gor don Rayburn Mr and Mrs Glen Pendleton and family of Mono Centre and Mr and Mrs Emerson Gilroy at Long Branch were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Bert Armstrong Mr and Mrs Milton no and Betty oi Eimvale and Mr and Mrs John Lendlny oi Tor onto spentSunday with Mrl Leadlay Mrs Bellsteln Jean and Marlene Miss Anita Bell steln Bobby Prinz of Kitchener and Bud Graham oi Owen Sound were Sunday visitors of Mr and Mrs William Prion Bob Wilson of Owen Sound visited on Monday with Mr and Mrs William Pring Mr and Mrs Ronald Comb of Stratford spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Ed McComb Mr and Mrs Everett Goutta and Mr and Mrs Cul bert of Barrie visited on Sun day with Mr and Mrs John Coutts Mr and Mrs Ed MeComh and Mrs Cutler visited on Sunday in Sehamberg with Mr and Mrs Jim Cutler Mrs llandiord and daught er Victoria oi Arnprior visited Iew days the past week with Mrs Blevin Atklnsnn Rev Bridle Rural Dean of Alliston conducted thé service and celebrated Holy Communion in St Johns Angli 25 Mr and Mrs Dalton Draper Jr of Toronto visited Saturday with Mr and Mrs Dalton Draplt or Mrs Coleman and dint of Barrie visited on Sunday with Harris United Church WA will hold the next meeting on Tuesday evening Dec at the church FOR THE HOLIDAYS Theres glamor look to our Holiday that selection expressed in smart shapes lush textures and glitter EVELYN TUCK REGINA cum snares 58 Dunlop St PA 89246 Miss Gary Kidd Ewart El and daughter Mary Alice Toronto were guests on Saturn day with Mr and Mrs redo SOCIAL HOUR Rev and Mrs Howey Ib tertnincd the choir In their home Thursday evening after the usual choir practice so cial evening at games was en Joyed after whlch Mrs Howey served dainty lunch UNITED CHURCH WMS 1118 Senior WMS of tho UDIIEtI Church met at the home Mrs Bert Murphy tor the man thly meeting on Nov 21 Six te members were present Following the devotional tivo members took part in numt or entitled We Join Forces which proved to have instruct lvo lnIormation regarding the new United Church Women organization Mrs Howie go vo an lnlormntlve report on The World Council of Churches which is in session in Now 1331 hi India at which the United Church oi Canada In represent ed by number oi delegates 4K AWARD NIGHT AH Award Night was held In the Cookstown Town Hall on Thursday evening Nov 23 with 121 In attendance The banquet was catered to by Cookstown Womens Institute The 4H Club banquets are sponsored by the Cookstown Ag ricultural Society and Lions Club After the supper the pres ident of tho Cookstown Agricul tural Society Ben Steers called on South Simcoe representative Keith McRuer of Alliston to introduce the speaker of the evening Frank Steal of United Coop Seed Branch Toronto Lorne Arnold thank ed the speaker on behali of the members and guests The toplo of Mr Stones address was Small Seeds The awards were presented to the mom hers by club leaders Don Brown presented the ward to the Beef Club winnerI Ralph Corrigan with nine members competing Peter Vanderpost presented award to the Junior Dairy Club winner Ila Donnelly with 15 members competing Sam French presented the award to the Senior Dairy Club winner Bill Lainson with 15 competing Bert Schaly presented the award to the Grain Club win her Ross Campbell with 11 competing Dee Chantler presented th award to the Swine Club win ner Ronald Cooke top with 17 competing In behalf of the Central Breeders Associat Victor Small vlcepresident and Gord on Rayburn technician for Central Breeders oi Cookstown presented the boys and girls of the Bee and Dairy clubs with desk sets Gordon Todd Field Man for South Simcoe called on Frank Stone to present on behalf of the Jersey Club to Club mem bers halters and blankets and to the Guernsey Club boys and girls pen and pencil sets and to the Aberdeen Angus Club boys and girls birdseye maple cookie plates Don Brown on behalf of the Lions Club presented lor the filth time the Lions Club Tm by to the Dairy Club for the ghost number of points attain ed during the year John Fren ch vieepresident oi the Dairy Club received the trophy for his club and thanked the Idons Mr McRuer presented 4H trophy to Ken West highest 4H judge at the Canadian National Exhibition Interclub trophies won at Bar rie Junior Fair were presented by Mr McRuer to the Dairy Swine and Grain clubs Ben Steersbrought the oven ing to close complimenting the leaders and their members tor their accomplishments dur ing the past year Turn to page 17 please ENTERNOW IIIIMIVIIIIIDS DISCOUNT Eur TRIP to new YORK courrsr Nothing to Buy Simply Fill In The Coupon and Deposit In The Ballot Box at Hammondsl FREE TRANSPORTATION FOR TWO Return From Malton Airport Fly TCA PLUS $2500 CASH OR $TO000CASH HAMMONDS CHRISTMA ONUS run TRIP to NAME nookess YORK yo EXTRA councils with soo Purchase EXTRA coueonsyunsiono Pilrchasé tieMore Coupons YouHnter The Better Are Your Chances

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