AROUND THE COUNTY OEf THORNTON Crawford and Hugh Ellis oi Grenfel were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Ieonett and alr and Mrs licheen FIRE BRIGADE SOCIAL The members at the Fire De partment and their wives enjoy ed social time at Mrs Art IlIcQtinys on Saturday evening The boys upmssed their npprelt elation to Lawrence Burt or his assistance in organising the group At present Lawrence is liking it special course at Tr enton prior to another posting in the RCAF ST JUDES WA TEA St Judes WA is planning mistletoe tea and sale of bak ing for the aiternoon of Dec in the church basement Vis itors welcome Mr and Airs Cecil Harris en ends at the Orange Hall on Saturday evening on the occas ion oi their 5th wedding on nlversary Mrs Alex Denny spent the week at Richmond Hill with Mr and Mrs McDonald COMMUNITY SHOWER great manyrirlelods gather ed at Thornton Orange Hall on Nov 21 to honor popular new lywedsï¬hir nnd Illrs Ron encer with community shower Ross Bretth was emcee Neville Jnmleson led in singing with Mrs Smith at the piano An enjoyable even ing was spent with cards and variety program when the young couple were presented with floor lamp occasional chair table lamps and hassock Bill Gethons read the persentatlon speech Lunch was served the remainder of the evening TELEVISION PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE FRIDAY nscumsn The Womens snow inns lruer genie aggro eyes gt Eugen Dlflal Farm Market Report News non irniiuon Weather Sports Pierre Berton rrthor Knows nut nonno Reed Show Country aornown cu 54 Tommy Ambmsu Perry iiison The Detectives cnc TV News Tnn Weatherman Today in Sport Community Now Itiovio My Sister Eileen IATURDAY uncaliinall Test Plttern Grey Cup Plndl Film Promini Grey cup Cameo Grey Cup Gum Bowiln Living World nurruanny Colin m0 NewsryWellher Sports 550 700 730 000 900 1015 1041 1100 1110 1115 Ilin Coleman Dennis tho Menace nonin Hood llnvl Gun Will lmoi Peter Gunn NHL Hockey itniieitfm nix can TV News Weather News sport Movie The sum nlns muons DECEMBER 1145 Test Pattern 1200 Popeye and his 112 News and Weather 1110 using French 100 My Cup Highlights 130 Country Calendar mo rm Eootorii can oiuxonr rorun 500 Discovery and News no movie When Grow Up sin News 515 Nnvls Cont 700 Hllal iso rinse 1100 so suiuvn am 000 Benson mo CiosoUp nun Quest 11m cm New IUD Weather News 1115 Movie Queen oi Spades CFTO CHANNEL TORONTO AY DBCHIBBR Froiesson Hideaway Whirlbe SPDfls Wothor ny Plcm Berton Nswr Lou Aron show we Cairn BKun Have Gun wus Travel Country styio Law and in sonu News wmnrr Sports setter thn Fridn Night Theatre Nye Thrust ATURDAY DECEMBER 1030 Protossnrs Plrty 1130 orts cnuorc 12011 nws Weather Sports 1215 Movie noouni of Oklllnmn no TBA 00 Wrestlinl 500 Lenn To Draw This Christmas GIVE GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVINGI See The Wonderful RCA PORTABLE III181° lt Conveniently 19995 SEE OUR FULL crwnv TRANSISTOR RAD 03 th rrcnrAnLEsRaconn PLAYERS small deposit will hold the gift of your choice till Christmas MONARCH REFRIGERATION 113 noniop St PA 32052 015 Culoon Time 530 in Time 000 Within Four Wells ss0 sports weather News 05 Outdoor Srorhmnn 700 The Flintstones 130 Route so and leed cm 950 york new Show 1000 Finn of tho Week 1050 Johnny now Show 1100 Cross Cnnndn Barn Dulce 1100 Silurdny Night Movie Fire Down Below armpits nacaninan 1030 Youth and Religion Around the World nmo Theatre Thins We See NFL soothu In Hockey TBA Camera Room Tricks of the Trade Far Away risen Tail The Donna neon Show Academy Performance note With Judy iniemision Academy Performance Part in Andy Griffiths Show nonrine 20 News Weather sports as c8238 8328 on George lluvies CONSTRUCTION LTD Barrie PA 88188 HEARING AID USERS Do Not Buy Another Bate tery until you inquire about AN AMAZING NEW BATTERY that will last regardless of make or model CALL EttlS PA 61505 GE rbAerit GE FRY PAN GE COFFEE PERC GE KETTLE GE GRILL GE IRON orchestra Wendy Hutchinson danced tap solo and Orval Carr gave solo vocal numb GUTHRIE young couples were hon cred at Guthrie Community Hall following their recent montages Oil Nov 10 tirand Mrs Berna Livingston Carole Wal lwinl were presented with an occasional chair lamps and other gills allowing an address read by William 11mins On Nov 17 Mr and Mrs James Cnmpsnll Roberta CamV pheli were recipients of miscellaneous shower alter an address read by lilary Jane Hastings Dancing and lunch brought both these evenings to close Guthrie lriends gathered at shanty Bay Hall on Thursday Nov 71 to honor Ross Camer on nnd Gloria Meredith on their approaching marriage Shanty Bay iriends gave them mis cellaneous shower and the ywere presented with rocker and smoking stand lrom the Guth rie iolit llliss Gloria Meredith bride elcct of Dec was guest ct honor at pantryshell shower at llisr Camerons too meet lriends and relatives at the groom Alter contest and advice to the bridetoba recipe book was made by the ladies present Miss Gloria Rattle Teach CONTRIICT RIDGE as IAv BECKER Partner bids One Heart next player passes neither aide vul nerable What would you now bid with each at the following our hands OKIm mm 74 485 2494 was out 472 on vs Mom 4x30 as qqarss was No hearts This is better than bidding one spade the ab temative response to be con sidered The spade re sp onsa would create bidding problem 0i sorts it partners rebld were two clubs diamonds hearts or spades The direct raise in hearts avoids future bidding problems It partner passes game becomes very unlikely If partner bids again showing more than minimum opening bid we have the extra values to justify game cnntract The two heart raise usually has range of to points Distributional factors are includ ed in weighing the overall values This is topvalue raise to two hearts Thee diamonds slam is distinctly possible but there is no assurance that the oppir nents cannot take the first two tricks With hands of this type it is best to alert partner im mediately t0 the possibility of slam and then leave the rest to him The hearts are raised lat er of course It is true that most jump shill responses are made with hands containing 17 or more points But in this case with such an excellent heart fit DAILY crosswom ACROSS LWoolsult nibbler sumo mil 10Tnpestry 12Best table cloth 13 Rubbish 14 Facilitated Speak 161on Ah iorcn aber 18sland of SoulI1 iub land 195mm ZLRememIJer 24 note Renalreal island ear2y mm ll water 311heacrlca1 bonkers 32eeps 34 Perish 37 Sheltered Strange Scot Hostess aside Owns Fissuro Inlet Loopttke structure tenet SPlut Ship 9rermina£ea 11 High Pitched 17 Eatire amount 19TaIré 20Warbtes 21Unccoked 45 Scotch em denvor 46 Strong 47Nat the winner 48Goddess of volcanoes DOWN ers College North Bay spent the Ikad at her home here Presbyterian WAS will meet on Tuesday evening Dec hi the home oi the president Lira Lloyd Sampson tor the annual meeting and election of oiï¬rers White gift Sunday will be ob seved at Guthrie Presbyterian Kirk on Dec 10 The Kill will be sent to Evilan Hall in Toronto Mrs Campbell Mrs Melton Mrs Bert Jamieson and Mrs Cameron attended the troussenu tea tor Miss Glor in Meredith at her home in Barrie Council Buses Wont Miss Tax TORONTO CPI Provinan treasurer Allan told the legisla ture today that the govoermentt is not considering the exemption oi municipaliy operated buses lrom provincial sales tax Replying to question tram George Gordon LBrantlord Mr Allan said tax rebates are permitted on railway rolling stock in the legislation of an tarlo and most other provinces because railways must pay sales tax on the material that goes into their roadbeds In the cases oi buses the rondbed is paid or entirely by the province it It is provin clnl highway and substantially if it forms part at munici palily KEEPING CHEESE Any type of cheese should be kept wrapped in the refrigern tor but served at room tem JULlET JONES liberties can be taken with the ordinary requirements Havl jumpltstliit2d tc three diarnnnds with minimum values we then crawl into shell We diamonds We want to give partner as much later matinn about our hand as pos sible because while game is very likely we are not in posi tion to know where the best game contract is Accordingly we bid the long er sult first intending to show the spades later an thus de scribe the fourcard suit ll partner fits either suit we have place to play the hand if hedoes not notrump possibili ties are still maintained as last resort It is better to respond two diamonds than one spade we were to bid spades first and diamonds later it would become next to impossible for partner to know that we had tour spades and live diamonds rather than vice verse Four hearts This is com bination offensive defensive effort The great heart length is defensive liability and the jump to our hearts is made in part to make it difï¬cult for the opponents to enter the bid ding At the same time it is very possible that we can make our hearts because of the trump fit and the void in clubs Such hands are largely matter at fit and the best strategy is to bid them high wide and hand some Tomorrow play The insurance 226w letter 23 Food ï¬sh Edgar Allan 261mm sun 27 God dean of hm vests Yeliordltl Ame 295mm ai Rosary bead as night as Change mlongs 343mm new rim PtZIli tIIIIIr minm mr mltgt x0 xrz 724 4mm 01 m7 ian Prim Burr inns 40io yield den 35 Preposiflon as Newts 62 do Franco Dance Ida Eï¬ï¬‚fl GE CLOCKS GE MIXER use our LAYAWAY $IOO DOWN HOLDS ANY ITEM UNTIL DECI 22 00 259 INNISFIL 51 PA 6531 DYCKS FOOD MARKET lb Léan Hamburg Steak lb Link Sausage lb Winners Sirloin and TBnne Steak Rindless Bacon $l00 $l00 lb 59 lbs 99 DYCKS roan MARKET 150 Collier St Phone PA 85339 For Delivery Muses AND SKEETER LARRY BRANNON BLONDIE lt55ng ISAN AMAZING WHATSAOOUPLE oEMmuias MORE on LESS lN My LIFE ALL mom was ZIONES1LL TEE BARBIE EXAMINER FRIDAY DZCZMIER III etwsr A73 rum ARE EEK cum on THE arms WILL TAKE WATER Mm Hes WATENING TELEVISION READING BOOKAND LISTENING To FOOTBALL GAME HANaAizouNDAND MEErVHE lSSUE OF nsvous DIDYOU GM UP F032 THE lNTERIOR DECORATION COURSE2 same HIM Bur FASI ave HES ASLEEP THERE wamns FOR US DUNDEE IDU WILL come WONT ion mo MAY HAVE MONEY FORA NEW Lipsriclc STUFF IM apology KNOW THE Mosr soonIING COLOR ITS GREEN MAGAZINE sons RED lera mosr EXCITING COLOR DONALD DUCK GRANIDMA BUZ SAWYER Oi AWN WONT Martino MAK fit OMS FMS BUZ WORKS BRUSHES llPOll lllS FLYlNG INCLUDING HELICOPTERS vault own Will awn ecu eus Eisteddfod ï¬KWLEV BY MY PAL THIS IS 114 SECOND HORSE SHOE IVE FOUND SINCE MORNING NOW ntrummrinIII tisrw mm ecunma BELIEVE ILL RISK MEAL AT THE EUSIV SPOON AS IMPRESSNE TillS TlMEBllL OldY llALFAS MANYJAPANESE HAVE ACCEPTED MRNAMASAKl All SONlCE MAY PRESENT WE MEETAGMN CPR MIN SAME THIS TIME IN Will IS 117 RETURN FFlENDSllIF you SAMURM SWORD