Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Dec 1961, p. 10

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scumu idsIto uonur vucu == maxim DIIIIIIG 6547 tinn0 90 any SOM Because of its convenient side entrance this onestorey house is very adaptable for building on sloping lot This is frame house but the lower por tion must of necessity be brick block or stone The lower por tion beneath the bedrooms could he used for recreation room or even an additional bedroom Where the lot also slopes to the back an outside entrance opening on to terrace or pa tio could easily be arranged 0n the other hand if the lot at so sloped to the front the gar age could probably be located in this area This would elim lnate the present garage and breezeway and allow for build ing on 55ltfoot lot Notethe extra large kitchen convenient to dining area basement and side door Living room includ es fireplace and protected entrance Sleeping wing fea tures master bedroom With twin closets and its own lava tory plus two other goodsized bedrooms and convenient both Standard Builders blue rints costing $975 set are tain able in Canada for this Design No 432 tOntario residents add three per cent sales tax II LEGAL NOTICES NOTICETO CREDITORS The Building Editor The Harris Examiner Barrie Ontario Enclosed please find for which send me Book Plans entitled 71 Lot COST HOMFS FOR CAN ADIANS Please make remittance payable to The Barrie Examiner Name Girl Dies lifter Ice Fall SUDBURY CPiA twoyear old girl died in hospitnl Thursv day night after she and another child were pulled from pond where they had fallen through thin ice Joan Mulligan died alter sixhour fight by doctors to save her life tier playmate Sandra Favrelto was in satisfactory condition Their rescuer was Peter McA Cioskey an international Nickel Company lineman who huplt mood to be on the scene through coincidence Working AND OTHERS All persons having claims against the Estate of MARIA ALFREDA in remote area he stopped for lunch at on empty pumpA house near the pond instead of another building where he nor maiiy cats with fellow workers BROWNING late of the City of Barrio 0n tsrlo who died on the Second day of June 1901 are required to file proof of same with the undersigned solicitors for the Administrator by the 15th day of December 1961 after which date the estate will be distri butcd Dated at Barrie Ontario this 14th day of November 1961 STEWART ESTEN McTURK Worried about the tots play ing nearby he came out of the pumphouse just in time to hear the scream LEFROY There were 14 tables of euch er played on Monday evening High scores went to Gil Solicitors for the Administrator AND MILLS more Mrs Uncles and Mrs Drawer 50 Barrie Ont Paul mens high to oMr Lace by Les Brown and Mr Cha put There will be another cu chre Monday evening Dec The Womans Association held successful bazaar and bake Notice To Creditors and Others All persons having claims against the Estate of ALEXANDER DUNSMORE late of the Village of Shanty Bay Ontario who died on the sale on Saturday Nov 25 net ting nice profit UNITED CHURCH Wills The WMS of the United Chur ummmuuumunuunannunvw OBITUARY ALFRED PEARSON Horatio Alfred Pearson who was born in Weston January 1875 died in Stevenson Memor ial Hospital While he was small boy the family moved to innisfil later to Sunnldale Af for completing Model School at Bradford he taught at dradens Public School for two years in Greenwood British Colum bia he married Susan Jane Martin of Sunnidale on March 17 1905 They with their son Harold now teacher in Bant ing Memorial High School at Alliston moved to the fourth line of Vcspra in 1913 second son Albert died in 1928 in 1957 alter 44 years on the Ves pra form they moved to Peel St Barrie where they lived for three years before moving to Tapper SL Alliston On Nov 1961 Mr Pearson died Burial was in Barrie Union Cemetery Rev James Shllton of St Johns United Church Alliston conducted services Until 1050 Mr Pearson farm cd actively For some 38 years he served as public school trustee for the greater part as secretarytreasurer of 55 No Vespra Cuddles where he presided at many functions es pecially the annual Christmas concerts After many years service in gentrai Methodist later Central nited Church then at the cor ner of Dunlop and Toronto Streets he retired as honorary elder He is also survived by one brother Fred of Toronto and two sisters Mrs Hubbert of Mount Dennis Mrs Gordon World Church ICounoil Paradox Of Interests By GEORGE CORNELL NEW DELHI APlIt is peculiar organization it in cludes powerhouse of churches but has no power over them it is mainly interested in unity but it exists because of divisions it hopes to work it self out of business These are the paradoxical di mensions of the World Council of Churches whose policymais lng general assembly today Bees into its main business ses Lions Up to now the global Chris tian gathering has devoted it self for 11 days mostly to morn ing sermons and Biblo study nightly speeches and maze of dayiodg committee and sec tional meetings to draft sundry proposals New measures designed to spur closer interchurch unity along with programs and policy statements on racial conflict international tensions sacral and economic changes and other matters are due for so Lion The assembly includes repre sentatives from 190 church bod les with more than 350000000 members the bulk of Christen dom other than the Roman Catholic Church and official Vatican observers are on hand Just what is this vast and varied aggregation of the faith NOT SUPERCEURCH Critics have called it su perchurch but its leaders dis pute the description it has no foundation in fact says Dr visser tlloolt the astute Dutch the ologian who serves as council general secretary There Is not single church in the membership of the coun cil which desires this There is not one which would tolerate this While disavowing ecclesiasti cal authority itself the council serves as the channel that phalanx of churches to hear on matters of mutual concern They speak together with combined impact They act togetherwith col lective strength And they also seek means for erasing the old denominational chasms EMPHASIS ON UNITY There has been renewed emphasis on the calling of the churches to concrete visible at both local and world CHRISTMAS PERMS $2000 $1500 and $1000 LESS 50 Tlll Doc 21 1961 Ruavls BEAUTY SALONS 124 DUNLOP ST PA 84423 17 ESSA ROAD PA 89 brings the force of ils wholo levels Dr vlsser tlioolt says and adds Let no one say that this is wild dream or that it will lead automatically to the forrmtlon of wholly uniform centralized superciuircb The New Tes lament itself makes clear that unity in Christ does not mean uniformity and centralization At the same time he so that no vague undefined unty is sufficientonly the kind that joins Christians to one another and to theirone Lord in war ship evangelism and service to mankind In the Interim while pursu ing that goal the council seeks to provide the medium for as much concerted effort as the varying convictions of its mem berchurches permit This is lot 115 BIG PROGRAM Through the council the churches jointly carry on worldwide program of aid and service which has resettled 230 000 refugees They have set up ecumenical study centres around the world where laymen and clergy dig into matters of Christian unity They have organized annual Peace Corplttype battalions of more than 10000 youths for school hospital and other bulld iog projects in needy arcas They have conducted pioneen lag studies of evangelism reii gious Liberty cultural changes Christian responsibilities in var ious spheres of life and issued stream of publications Their Commission of Churches on International AL fairs lays their convictions about world issues bdore gov ernments summit conferences and the United Nations They send more than 150000 tons of food clothing and other commodities year to impover Before You Buy Purl Compare As To occurn stun worunumsmr AND snovn an rarer Lur srieeusn To suit Even about we Invite Your Inspection No abuuuoa STYLING some cash Home Satisfaction caninees WIEGINS IIIIIS Barriss Exclusive Farrier who makes and sells furl only Darrin Tomato Dunlap St PA H568 FROM COOP RESEARCH NEW FORMULA FIG PRESTARTER MEDICATED GIVES All Your YOUNG PIGS ished regions They have provided more than 2000 theological scholar sblps mostly to Asians and AL ricaas The newest broadscan pro gram brought about through merger with the International Missionary Council is on mission field Am the individual denomins tions in control of all this We specialize in basement models web as the following GREY CUP SPECIALS NOpII955 PLYMOUTH DOOR Original dark blue finish like new ideal 2nd car GREY CUP SPECIAL only NO 21955 FORD Light green and white automatic in Al shape NO 131956 CHEVR OLET $399 $499 Like new Deluxeinterior model 210 black and white radio In outstanding condition GREY CUP SPECIAL only $799 NO 41956 BUICK door automatic radio heater tone red and black interior every way you Only An outstanding ear in $899 We will pay your mechanic to check this one for NO 51957 CHEVROLET HARDTOP BelAir Like brand new automatic radio back up lights one owner locally owned car GREY CUP SPECIAL only $899 NO 6I958 FORD METEOR HARDTOPS to choose from with radio automatic white THE BEST START Little pigs really go for this new Coop feed 50 lb bag pcr littor youll like the results FOLLOW WITH COOPS NEW BOOSTER PIG STARTER Young pigs like the new texture and this feed has new and proven health and growth ingredients FOR HIGHEST PROFITS FROM PIGS START NOW ON THE COOP HOG FEEDING PROGRAM Feed just one CO 259 INNISFIL ST PA 6653I TlPOPTHEWEEKDry sows need a4 balanced ration it takes Just over oents worth of Coop SOW PREMlX per sow per day with your grain walls etc etc All in outstanding condition From Si 399 BONUS SPECIAL I9590F0RD STATION WAGON Ideal for the family man sportsman or busl nessman only in two tone finish radio whitewalls etc GREY CUP SPECIAL $169900 INSTANT DELIVERY 10 DOWN BALANCE ON 36 MONTHS nnv nsnnv morons QUALITY CARS Buy With Confidence At I76 BRADFORD ST BARRIE or Phone PA 84272 Mthday of June 1051 are re quired to file proof of same with the undersigned solicitors for the Executors by the 2nd day of January 1962 after whim date the Estate wilihe distributed Dated at Barrie Ontariothis 29th day of November 1961 STEWART ESTEN McTURK AND MILLS Drawer 58 Barrie Ont Soilcitosr for the Executors 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE SaturdayDec I2 Noon Sharp Auction sale of farm stock lm plements hay grain straw lumber wood and some house hold elfects for ROBERT ACONLEY At Lot7Concession Ore Township 11 miles south of Highway 11 at Gasoline Alley OR 19 miles straight north of the overhead bridge off Shanty Bay Road Terms cash No reserve as the owner is in ill health and the farms are in the hands of the Real Estate JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Saturday December PM SHARP for the estate of the late DEMPSTER Lot 25 Concession Essa Township two miles south of Essa Station and mile east Atrctiansale of farm stuck im plements hay grain straw and household furniture Terms cash No reserve as the estate must be settled JERRY COUGHLIN auctioneer AUCTION SALE SATURDAY DEC 16 1230 PM SHARP Auction sale of farm stock im plements hay grain straw and some household effects for WILSON WRIGHT At Lot2 Concession Essa Township three miles west of Cookstown IA mile north of Hiaway as Terms cash No reserve as farm Is sold JERRY COUGHLIN auctioneer ch held the November meeting in the Sunday School room on Tuesday afternoon with the pres ident Mrs Noble presiding The meeting opened in the usuaLur der with invocation prayer and hymn and the Lords Prayer in unison Mrs Elliott read the Scripture as arranged and the secretary Mrs Jack Ferrier called the roll and read the minutes of previous meetin Mrs Harry Stewart as treas urer gave an encouraging re port Pians were made to unite with the WA for the December meeting Mrs Ferrier gave short reading on Christian Stew ardship sent in by Mrs Wright Mrs ii Stephens gave synopsis of the last two chapt ers of the study book stating the third assembly of the World Council of Christian Ch urchcs was being held this week in Delhi lndia This was espec iaiiy interesting as th study book The Turning World by book The Turning World by Miss 13 Thompson was tale of her travel in Europe and Asia through the medium of the Council of Churches The meeting closed with benediction Mrs Ruffett Mrs Quantz and Mrs Chappel served delicious lunch Next meeting will be Joint meeting of WMS and WA and in the new year CAMERA CRAFT they will merge into the new STUDIO DlEanizatian United Church Wompn Ffld Gflnt St PA 03927 and Miss Clara Pearson of New Lowell Mrs Jenners and Mrs Reynolds of Toronto His widow is now living with her sons family at 30 Albert St West in Alliston Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 82414 voua CHRISTMAS PORTRAIT INTRODUCTION OFFER Free 8x10 Portrait with Each Sitting Solicit Your Support For orruw news in the E551 Township Election Years Experience As Councillor GEORGE pygmy

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