Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Nov 1961, p. 14

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LANEOUS Is AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock and Implements Hay Grain Straw and some Household Ettects The undersigned has received instruction from The Estate of the Late DEMPSTER to sell by Public Auction at the premises wr 25 CON ESSA NE Mile south it Mile east Essa Station SATURDAY DEC AT RM SHARP The following CATTLE Hereford Cove years bred to freshen Jan Hereford Cow years bred to freshen April 15 Hereford Heiler years to freshen by sale dnte Hereford Heifer years to ireshen Dec 10 Here ford Heifer 18 months to fre shen June is Baby Beef Call months old Hereford Steers rising years old Hereford Heifers rising years old POULTRY Hens year old HAY AND GRAIN 1000 Bales oi Clover Hay well saved 300 bus Mixed Grain 200 bus of Wheat Quantity of Lomc Straw IMPLEMENTS AND MISCEL Ford Tractor completely overhauled this year and in good condition Quantity Scrap iron 2furrow Dearborn Tractor Plow con dition Power Mower Interna tiunnl 7lt cut good condition Deering ltiower horsedrnwn steel drums Rubbertired Wagon rack good condition Deering Binder tilt cut In working order Horsetdrawn Rake Set of Heavy Slcighs Set of 4seetion Drag Harrows drawtiar Ad 1951 Internation al taton Truck with racks good order Zwhcet farm trails er platform and rack At Circular Sawing Machine good as new Electric DcLavat Cream Separator At shape Set 200tHb Scales vith weights complete Root Pulpcr Cords of 4H Wood Fanning Mill with electric motor screens Quantity Cedar Rails Posthole Digger brand new rolls Wire Fence 30 rods each Quantity ol good dry Lumber different sizes all in good condition al ways kept inside Hydraulic Garage Jack Chains forks shovels and many other arti eles HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Kelvinator Refrigerator cu it like new zhurner electric rangette Heat Vave Ai Thor Electric Washing Mnch ine Arm chairs Clare Jewel Cooking Range coal or wood AAl Kitchen Table and chairs Baking Cabinet Kitch en Buffet Dressers Singer Sewing Machine Rocking Chairs ii Beds Springs Mot tress End Tables Admiral TV nch good condition Hassocks Coleman Oil Space Heater good condition Ches terfield Suite chairs to matdi Antique Book Case Washstartds Many other an tiques too numerous to list Set good China Dishes Quanti ty other Dishes Brown and Munro Piano Stool good con dition Pots Parts Toilet Sets many other articles Terms Cash Definitely no reserve Owing to Mr Demp sters death the estate must be settled Nothing to be removed until settled for The estate will not be held responsible for accidents day of sale WA will serve coilee lunoh Frank Webb Clerk JERRY COUGHLIN auctioneer Phone Barrie PA 85449 identities your WELCOMEWAGUN SPONSORS firms of prestige in the business and civic lfifo of your community nunn For information call nunnun BARRIER MISS Y0 Education Needs Review Minister Says TORONTO CHLabor Mid lster Starr said Wednesday Can ads should review the status quo of education and training to ensure that all youngsters of every level of intelligence can be properly prepared for their roles in life om not advocating that we discard present courses Mr Starr said But Canada should establish technical and voca tional courses which are realis tic in the light of todays condi tions Mr Starr officiating at the opening or new school in sutr urban Etohlcoke said there Is need in Canada for establish iInent of broad paths of learn rig Our youth should have the le choice of several paths to ur ther education and training The person with intelligence in and ability should be able to find his or her own level in system of education which makes it possible to move from one path to another Mr Starr said broader guid nnee service should be provided to youngsters to keep them in school He said close to 70 per pl cent of young Canadians leave school before receiving their ju nior matriculation or an equiv alent In training TELEVISION PROGRAMS cxvn CHANNE THURSDAY NOVEMBER In The Womens Show Lets Look Alberta Gant Firm Route Dazzle Dick Tracey News Headlines Mln Prom illrs Farm erket Report News Don Ilmielon Weather Sports Pierre Berton The Flintstones The Real McCoys Sir Francis Broke My Three Soul The Dclundcrs Country Junction Dlnlerous Robin CBCTV News The Weatherman rod in Sports Community News leed City FRIDAY ncccsinnrt 1045 Test Pattern iioo Romper Room i2oo IDiteyc and Fri 1230 Noondly Report News Weather Sport Farm to art Coming entr Movie iLovc Honor sr Goodbyet Open House rat and Ernie Friendly Glont sins Ring Around The Womens Show Kim Prosci nozzle puzzle Popeyes TV Party CFTO CHANNEL THURSDAY NOVEMBER 10 till Professors Hideaway thlrlybirds Sports Weather ey Pierre Berton New The Kent McCoys Showdown Theatre min Night Holds Terror on Four Playback An Evening With Fred Astaire 1100 News Weatherr Spam 15 Men of Destiny 10 Better Late FRIDAY nachaan News Free and Easy Channel Theatre Words and Music Pisyhouse News Protessors wniriyhirns snort Weather By Ftcrro Berton News Lou Agase Show West Coast Wagon ratn Have Gun wtu Travel Country Styin Law and Mr Jones News Weather spam Better Lita Frida Night Theatre Titoe Threlt SKATES BAUER TOTS 75595 gory $745 up GIRLS FIGURE $895 up $995 up $995 up TRADEiN YOUR OLD SKATES ON NEW OR USED Skate Sharpening Specialty coins SHOE SERVICE CLAFPERTON Barries Original Ice Skate Exchange 38 oo 3o no so on worsens thenwly 88892382 puasspcmnsn+= has 222 gt3 Fun ratio 13 Buttonhole CONTRACT BRIDGE BY JAY BECKER South dealer NorthSouth vulnerable NORTH 73 102 KQSI EA 10 Q95 9118 08532 303 enxqo our OAQ we no bidding South West North East PHI Wm uses us iossa Pun 6N Opening lead bridge three at hearts Most players dont know about squeezes and care 55 but here is case where declarer was forced to execute squeeze This oddity occurred at national palr championship some years ago South became declarer at six notrttmp on the bidding shctm What the four club and dia mond bids meant we know but thats the way the auction went dont West led henrt Decl arer eyed the ten from dummy and on Easts queen with the ace Southcould count twelve sure tricks and his only problem as to try to win the extra BARRIE News Headlines Popeyas Tv Party Farm ltllrlttl 0530 News non Jnmicson Weather Spurn Pierre Berton Fstber Knows out Donns Iced Show Country Hoedown Cli so Tommy Ambrose Perry Mason The Detectives cnc Tv News The Weathermen Todry In Sports Community News Movie lily Sitter Eileen snTUnDM DECEMBER v15 Test Pattern Grey Cup Parade Film Program Grey cup Cumro Grey Cup Gnme Howling Living World puss bunny Countryttme News Velther Iim Coleman Dennis the tinttaco Ilobln Hood Have Gun Will Travel Peter Gunh NHL Hockey Juliette King yte cnc News Weather News Sports Movie The Square nine TORONTO Sports SATURDAY DECEMBER 1030 Professors Party 30 short College News Weather Movie Doollns of Oklahoma TBA Wrestling Learn To Draw Cartoon Time Ht Time gtWithln Four Walls Sports Weather News Outdoor Sportsman The Flintstones Itnule as Naked city Jack Benny Show Fight of the Week Johnny Eszw Show Cross Canada aurn since Saturday Night Mavi Fire Down Below Sports DAILY CROSSWORD nonuss LDiopsy ETD talk 11 Not wide spread 12 Boothsrial inn cries DOWN Napoleons isle shields Cushion Greetings flower 15Larid measures 185trikes 17Mr Hem ingway as fection lately serrate Piercing 10coirpaaa tool point 2Assumcd airer name 143m pinch 24Mai£therless 170ushiona 26 Firm 21 of Mexico 25 Pertaining to the Men nonites 30 Winter waiirm islands Group of five Womans name Caviar Celtic sea 32 One time 34Wild oz 35 Candlenut tree fiber 38Arter dinner candies 42Constel lation 4ka flit 44 Crown 45 Japanese deer next to finesse against the Dutch 19 Sty intheHn thon trick which is so important in duplicate play Accordingly be led the king of clubs at trick two intending LARRY BRANNON queen which he hoped West would have But West showed out on the first club discard ing spade and declarer now showed his cards and announc ed that he would then lead the ten of clubs allowing East to take the queen after whic there would be twelve highcard tricks East however was not satis fied with the announcement and asked deelnrer to play on So South led th ten of clubs ducked in dummy and East the upon also ducked East ap parently thought that this maneuver would toil declarers plans Hut Easts play boomeranged badly 0n the ten of clubs West had to make another discard and there was not card in his hand he could spare He was squeezed in three suits Actually he discarded BLONDIE BUMSTEAD ill YouReA KNUCKLE OONTKNOWWRY IPUTUP WITHYOU I050 THIN Bin Into LAII FOR Us T050 TONY NOW STAND UP 50 CAN BRUSH YOU OFF 50 WECAN GET BACK TO WORK liIII AVOID rue cmur ottes LAND HE can cerawsuucv MAD BUT THE NICE THING ABOUT HIM HE GETS oven 11 QUICKLY spade but no other discard would have matteredr Declarer cashed the AQ of diamonds entered dummy with club and cashed the king of dia monds on which he discarded heat South then won the last six tricks with the of hearts and four good spades So South made thirteen tricks as result of the squeeze which had been forced upon him and redlaced East had lots of explaining to do about why he had refused trick which the declarer had altered to give him Tomorrow Responding to an opening bid TOTTENHIIM Mr and Mrs Norman Mc Mullen of Mono toad spent Monday with Mr and Mrs Wil mer Palmer Mr and Mrs Walter Spicher and Billy spent Sunday in OshA own with their son and family Mr and Mrs Don Spicher SUFFERS BROKEN WRIST Friday last Mrs Drummond accidently fell in the JULIET JONES IVE FOUND HIM JULIEwit mom mc DESCENDANTOF xirr rut Mulch ma nn MISS VAN EVERYEVE FOUND THE DSCENDANT OF THE OTHER FOUNDER or 0mm wom WU PLEASE WA AND hair dressing parlor and broke bone in her right wrist Saturday morning Mrs Amy Palmer had the misfortune to fall at her back step with the result she had to have several stitches in the scalp to close the wound Others at the time of writing in hospitals and convalescents are Mrs Gordon Moltett Mrs Joan Eulpit and Jack Thompson Ali hope to see them around seen again NOMINATION INTEREST The nominations held in the essns ME urrsetv Mom IM II THATS WHAT HATE ABOUT THESE WINTER EVENINGS IT GETS DAQK SO THE BOYS LOVE IT IF THEY sews GIRL HOME FROM SCHOOL THEYTRYTO KISS HER GOODNIGHT town hall Nov 27 for the vil lage of Tottenharn showed more than the usual interest There will be an election for Reeve Joseph Bollard and Fred Mc Lean For council Bare nett Anderson Oral Mc Clain lfatten Bart Walsh and Fred Carney The school board was elected by acclarriation Clifford Ah rams Jack Culgin Charles Car rack Fred Kant Elmer Thomp son and Don Fleck Tom Barnett of Toronto spent couple of days last week with his parents Mrr and Mrs Barnett DONALD DUCK DRATI DAISYS COMING OVER TO SHOWME HER NEW HATAND NEVER KNOW VHAT TD EAYI WHAT HAT SEE How so No Hard SEE You LIKE NOTHING BLIT MY HA1 GENTLEMBI 60 BETTER WITH GREEN HAT 18 Chi and favor aon nuniv will we Dmmrm umm mrp nmzr trick 20 Remain in 21 timbers husband 22 Crippled 23 Flower 25 Eye 29 Straight forward 30 Rascals 83 Conjunb Zm mmmro nmmmr vnm PimU xrm mow HEmZPnP mh hm chrm zmav om FPCUICZ on as Spirit Lamp 37 Questions 38 Moccasin 39Mfle Inta takes 401398322L 411mm river 34 Inmates 35 One race of Blblltfill giants £51 Hifi £55271 PM NOTBOOD ENOtiéil FOR Ht mourn mine on gig Passersew AWEV WILEY CAT AN ecoeuneue eABRé ii 514st mm 7ch STRAIGHT WHEN ITHINK OF 59M 05 THE MN65 HAVENT BEEN GMAT lfflMiiM Fiat1 YET DEMON CLOSE HIE EYES HerMVOWN AmtiPLICE Mac LIKE WED GEE6RANDMA YOU SURE BAKE manta WILLYOU PLEASE GIVE ME SOME YOUR BEST RECIPES WHEN GET BIGJLL OPEN UPA NICE BAKE SHOP USE YOUR RECIPESLJ AN MAKE MILLION DOLLARS If your carrierhas not arrived by mu please phone PA 82433 Ard Copy Will Be Delivered To Your Home THERE is NO CHARGE FOR THISSERVICE VALLEYTAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS SIZE 750 GET TRACTION YOU CAN TRUSI as oNtoe 51 NEW LOW PRICES ON 2555 fNEW TOWN rind COUNTRY TIRES Too euz 5Awysrt RRIBW WORKED Bill ARMYOF PEMGNSTRAIDRS N0 MARflIED RIGHT WHERE ALI SHOWING AND MINING FRIENDLY TD PFRHAPS WERE VARTLVID BLAME AFTER TIIE WAR WE IIKGED JAPAN TO MET ADEMOCRMIE CONSTITUTION DOESNT SIMILAR TD I15 THE PEOPLE WHOLEHEARTEPLY ACCEPTEV TIIEIR NEW FREEDOMFREEDOMQFWE PRESS 0F SPEECH 0F ASSEMELY THE OMMIINISTE NON IRoNIcIiLLY COMMUNIST MITATORS TAKE ADVANTAGE OFTIIESE JAPANESE AGAINST remliable PA 66585 MUGGS AND SKEETER CK THATS moooaLsoIe YOU MN GET DRESSED New HERES in new DIET LIST YOU ARE TO STICKJO mo oo MEAN sTicK misaes or You THAT NEVER WANT To see AGAIN

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