Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Nov 1961, p. 12

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TIME FOR Cs WANT AD BRINGS YOU CASH PA 82414 12 THE BARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY NOV 30 1961 ANNOUNCEMENTS REAL ESTATE BIRTHS PROUD PARENTS THE NEWS of the Blessed Event can be amounted in your friends and relatives for only 5150 Just teleflione PA Blel ErTGAGEMERTs ATIIERHEE nrrrcnsow iiir and ltlrs nussell Vealberbec alinenas oniano announce the engagement of their only much fer ioyce burn in Ilr Vlync Albrrl Peterson Inn of Mn Punter and the me ur Hen hm Peterson name Oniarln The vicddlnst to take place At hilneslnr Unltcd church on per lo issl CARDS or THANKS DWINNELLWo wish to extend our hearifcll thanks and lppreciv Itlan for the many acts of kind ncss messages of sympathy and beautiful Inn tributes from reia Ihcs frlcnds and neighbors in our recent hereremenl of lnvv lag lzthcr and grandfather 5pe clal mantrle Dr Patchel nurses and staff of the Icneflng General llosplfai also llov rt Norman and Pethick Funeral Home for Ihclr words of comfort Special lhanks to Mrs Gladys Boyd for her gel12mm help Pmm the lennell Family IN MEMORIAM TUCKERIn loving memory of mirabclh VnrcrLAnEwhO passed away Novcmbcr so 1950 and no berl li Tucker uho passed away Dctcmbcr of loss Loved and remembered always Sadiy missed by dauehler Ell con and faml CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classifier adver tisements are inserted at the rate of do per word pcr insertion for one and two times so per word for three four or five times and zinc per word for or more insertions i061 adds tionni charge if not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFILD AD VERTISEMENT IS 90c FUR 24 WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS 0R $106 FOR 24 VORDS IF CHARGED PER SINGLE IN SERTION ERRORS OR CORRECTIONS Advcruscrs aru rcmtndcd that an phouo lnscrtlun nrdnrs are noce tr ad as Ennvcnfnncn to you advertiser Therefore tho Classidcd Advertlslrls Depnrlmnnt rcuulrcs all ndvcruscrs to kindly recheck their advertisement immediath after first insertion In order that any errors or omissions may on reported before an in order that same may be rectified for the following days insertion order Wa wish to point out that Tha Dorrie Examiner responsible for only ona Incorrectly printed Insertion on any advertisement and then only to the extent or portion of ad that involves tho snirprtut Errors which do not lessen the value or the advertise mnnt am not cllglhlu or come tlons by main goods Coming Events 5c per word minimum charge $150 Birth and Death Notices for up to 25 words over 25 words 5c per word cxtrat In Memoriam No tices $150 if verse used do per word cxtra BLIND me REPLIES Information regarding advoriis ualnc Blind Letter Box Numbers for Replies Is held strictly cohdd ential Replies to Letter Boxes will be held only 10 days after last day of publication Classified advertisements and notices for these pages must he received by pin day pre ceding publication wiih the ex ception of Classified Display advertisements which must be in by 1200 noon preceding day Rules and type styles or semi display classldeds may be ob tained through The Examiner ad sertlsing department West Leaders Get Victories By THE CANADIAN PRESS San Francisco edged Los An geles 76 in one of three West ern Hockey League games Wed nesday night Edmonton Flyors and Port land Buckaroos répcc leaders of the Northern and Southern Divisionsscored vic tories Edmonton moved 10 points ahead of its Northern ri vals with 54 win over Calgary Stampeders while Portland in creased its Southern lead to nine points by beating Seattle Totcms 31 COMING EVENTS PROPERTY FOR SALE MOVING For complete moving service safer and easier Call COOKE CARTAGE STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT 43 Essa Rd Barrie PArkwny D5575 HENDERSON REALTOR la COLLIER srncrrr PHONE PA com cvmmcs CALL RITA SCANDRm PA was oonornv Wlwoli FA am Prank roan rA Mm clumer SWAIN PII mos Number of name and nirmel and Ontario Real Estto boards HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR 98 BAYFIELD ST PA 56453 ANYTIME DOUBLEJIEADER Home In two parts on lot 50 333 Price only $9100 will terms arranged Call Joe Palmer PA 60863 WILL TRADE slniill bungalow on Donald St for home with rccrcntinn room anywhere in Barrie Exchange equities mnking two happy families Only $1000 today Call Doris Nullycombc PA 66453 TWO SPLIT LEVELS WITH CARPORT Desirable dis tricts rooms plus One with fireplace in well finished rccrcaiion room Many ex tras Call Norm llcskclh PA 84016 OPPORTUNITY EXTRA OR DINAIRE Beautiful lake shorc homes winterized for all yearround country living or summer coItagcs $5500 and up few lnts loft too Call Norah Raikcs Oro 4023 LANDSCAPED GROUNDS Prestige ranch home on High land Ave perfectly ar ranged rooms Lower level has panelled rccrcntion roum acoustic ceiling and fireplace large bedroom utility and workshop Shown by appoint merit Maryann Smih PA 66453 HURRY Less than $I0D00 and Just immediate possessioni Owner will hold one mortgage on this roomcd home on Edge Ilill Drive Call Karl Marshall at PA 09917 Member of Barrie and District Real Estate Board Evenings Cali Emory Miller PA 50176 Joe Palmer PA 60803 Karl Marshall Norah Raikes em 4023 Doris Nuttycombe PA 37957 Norm Hesketh PA 117016 Maryann Smith PA 04102 Keith Marshal REAL ESTATE BROKER ls CLAPFERTON ST llARRiE PA 132592 DAYS OR EVENINGS VANCOUVER ST year old bedroom brick bungalow Will carry for $92 per month Asking $13300 Make an of er MOORE FRANK NELLES PA doors Member narrla District Real Estate Board MOVING Dont forget to transfer your INSURANCE and if you need extra coverage PA Basso SEE STEVENSONS PA 91801 OR PA also 113 Dunlap St REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE ROGERS CONNELL MB to MOOREPA $5131 ROGERS PA Mm REALTORS ONE DUNLOP STREET EAST First in Barrio Home SalasForemost in Quniity of Scrvicl EVENINGS CALL PA 85568 TRUNK LINES FOSTERPA HM CONNnabPA um Mutants BARRIB as DISTRICT REAL ETA BOARD CORBY REAL ESTATE BROKER Phone PA 84110 MABEL MARSHALLPA IMW siUnIBL ilJrmYPA colds DBDunlopSLE COREYPA um Norman Shelswell DUNLOP ST FIRST MORTGAGE rUan AVAILABLE1 REAL ESTATE BROKER PAS9961 PA 68742 meBT out 0F VALUEN0 rm CHARGED SHANIY BAY VILLAGE Lovciy modern bungalow with inrgc lot Possible VLA size Hos inrge living room with cut ficidsione fireplace nice size dining space three large bedroomsall with closets four piece bath Hardwood and tile floors throughout laundry tubs sump pump cold room clc Full size bnscmcnt With Corner lot Nicely landscaped Asking $12500 with moderate down payment Easy terms on balance Call Jock Willson for Inspection room home and garage Jao Longtln PA omen Everett Sheiswell Oro 2919 FOR RENT Central Evenings Cali Howard Norris PA to $80 per month lack Willsan PA Hoff Norman shelswell PA dml CLIFF BROW REALTOR 32 HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONES PA 50241 PA 60242 NEW HOUSE FOR CHRISTMAS Owing to promotion owncl is being transferredfrom Barrie and we have been instructed to sell for the first time this lovely large brick bungalow and half years old at 22 Shannon St for only $13395 with monthly payments of only $97 principal in forest and tnxcs The nice front entrance has divider to the living room which is large and bright with fireplace Kitchen is very spacious with cupboards galore and dining space for eight bathroom There are goor sized bedrooms and +piecs tiled Full pourcdccmcnt divided basement Forced nir oil heated at cost of approximately $120 per year This bungalow is situated on nicely cared for large lot that is completely fenced Call Gnrvcy Office PA 60211 Home PA 217952 NHA RESALE This custom built 3yearold bungalow in west end otCity has popular large living room with Lshapc dining area nlcc kitchen with this of cupboards good bedrooms piece bnfh Full base ment l2 blocks high plumbing roughed in for extra bath room could be made into apartment Priced to sell with low down pay ment For further information or inspection call Campbell evenings PA R7389 RUG 13nch BUNGALOW years old has living room dining room bedrooms piece baln 1uli basement close to both Public and High Schools Carries 101 $74 per month interest principal and taxes FOR RENT One year old oneandahall storey brick home has large living room with fireplace dining rnnm kitchen bedroom and spleen bath on main floor Two large bedrooms and apiece bath on se cond floor Plenty of cupboards and storagespacc Attached garagr Call this office for inspection Members of the Blrrll Real Estatu Board as 39917 omlih CampbellTPA Mans rarsus GarvcyPA 371152 roan LangPA Mm Charlie ReadPA 31811 OPEN HOUSE YOURE INVITED TO INSPECT IIAND 19 WELDON CRES FRIDAY AND SATURDAY December 1st and 2nd pm pm IEcautiiul three and four bedroom ranch brick bungalows with attached garages Oiiltrarnodcrn large modern kitchens Illaised ltalian marble fireplaces in spacious occramic colored tile baths with vanity lurninum storms and screens 01mmcdlatc possession NllA terms HENDERSON REALTOR l9 COLLIER ST living rooms PA 82678 RITA SCANDRETT PA 84865 PERCY FORD PA 87930 EMERSON SWAIN PA 68605 DOROTHY WILCOX PA 68543 Member of Barrie and District and Ontario Real Estate Boards LARGE threo bedroom brick hun galow Irshaped living and dining room with fireplace hullteln china cabinet Frigidaire builtI11 stove and oven units Hanover kitchen cupboards Builttn vanity in bath room Hurdwond floors Attached garage on large Int at It Marlon Crescent Telephone Gordon spring PA 115097 Santas Coming Handy Hardware 8th Line Innisfil Alcona Beach Road Bring the Kiddiesvlhis Saturday Afternoon December 2nd FREE CHRISTMAS TREES With $10 Cash Purchase One toa household OSCAR BATES REAL ESTATE THORNTON PHONE IVY 29R11 THORNTON AREA 70 acres of clay loam close to paved road room brick house convenienctks Plenty of water Good terms to the right party 78 ACRES 0n paved county from Barrie miles barn and shed road 20 room no CARSON REAI TOR 45A DUNLOP ST Next dnor to Ill Imptrlll Than OPEN HOUSE 144 Rose St open for inspection Saturday afternoon at pm Drop in for coffee and see this beautiful three bedroom split level home Only $885 down to one NHA mortgage Monthly walkout basement Cold house conveniences Earn silo water bowls implement shed Mortgage of $4500 arranged Full price $10000 50 ACRES Ncar Goldwater is room house convenienca Smsll born bush andpasturc Small down pay ment balance arranged to suit purchaser Full price $6300 The above properties are open for offers If intnrcsted In farm contact this office Mrs Eleanor Maw Oscar Estes Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PAf 81414 payments $7750 MODERN DESIGN Brand new well built four bed room bungalow Located in prestige area Only $2800 down to one NHA mortgage Call Eus neli Carson PA 66481 or after call PA 66161 EASY TERMS Six room brick home Large trccd lot Good condition throughout Reasonable down payment with balance on easy terms Cull Ralph Blinks PA 6401 or after call PA 60003 PA 66481 Member or name and District Real Estate board Try A11 Examiner Wont Ad PHONE PA SMM terlst to Maple Avenue Barrie REAL ESTATE PROPERTY ton silth Siouit Agencies Lid CENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST REALTORS COLLIER STREET PA 35901 OWNER TRANSFERRED MUST SELL Been putting off becoming home owner become of high payments Thisa bedroom home on Vancouver street carries for $90 Pl1 Give us an offer on this find home EUGENIA STREET bedroom bungalow Finished rec room Central location Close to schools Asking 1500 mortgage carries for 70 WE KNOW YOURE IN DITIIER but take time to let us show you this cozy older home on Peel Street rooms com picte bathrooms oitochcd gare age lovely large lot Asking $11700 LIVE RENT FREE 0R ENJOY THE INCOME from this lovely brick triplex on St Vincent Street years old Gas booted fully rcntcd Make an appointment to see It now Member of tha Barrie and District Real Estts Board EVENINGS CALL IllBRv GOULD 0R0 Isis EDI GOULD 0110 ms HARRY susson PA cools ORCA BROWN PA His LLOYD HOCKLEY PA soil ROSE REAL BTATE Imam 7U TIFFIN 5mm BAruu NEWTON ST $12300 bedroom brick liv ing room kitchen and bath recreation rooln close to both public and high schools With good down payment will carry for $70 monthly including in terest principnl and taxes OAKLEY PARK SCHOOL AREA 513800 asking price Split level bedrooms finished plastered recreation room aluminum storms and screens 60 foot lot Carries for $95 monthly includ ing interest principal and taxes Brick NAPIER ST $8900 full asking price bed rooms living room and kitchen bathroom fullbasemcnt forced air oil heating large garage paved drive large lot 50 190 Carries for about $77 monthly interest and principal Taxes only $15112 Act now on this one by phoning for an appoint ment to inspect TIFFIN ST $7500 and could be bed room homc living room kitch cn and both large lot 130 300 Gli mortgage Low down pay ment Taxes only about $133 FOR RENT Apartments somewith refrig erators and stoves $75 month ly and up CALL DAY on EVENING PA 82379 Member of the Harris and District Real Estate Board PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT FOUR bEnROOM Home oil hast 111g attached garage good loca tion Central Lena or sell No reasonable otter refused Tele phone PA Mow sveuings RURTDN AVENUE Private sale room brick home bulltfor Illne Ily living on landscaped lot 165 It deep No room apartment on main floor Telephone PA com 11 ZONE overlooking th bly rooms and bath attached garage room norms and screens and many nx tru Tolephouo PA soon even lngs PA slim PDNBIANG STREET New three bedroom brick bungalow on well landscaped lot Gas heating Largo kitchen with Hanover cupboards Ceramic tile bathroom with vnnlt ity Good fuu size basement Alu minum storms and screens Tele phone PA H105 or PA dovlo PROPERTY WANTED ms BEDROOM modern brick bungalow Central or on bus line state location age and price to Box 115 Barrfa Exlmlncr BUS OPPORTUNITIES SMOKE mar sundry store in excellent downtown location Ideal for retired gentleman or couple Good Income Selling rnuonlbly as owns has other In Apply Gus 511101 Shop MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE ST AND 2ND MORTGAGE LOANS Unlimited private funds avail able for any type of dwelling or construction anywhere Free consultation No Obligation CALL PA 50991 MORTGAGE FUNDDIG 129 Dunlop St East over SIMPSONSSEARS MgBTGAGBSIn Ind 2114 bought 11 and residential none loaned on axfsung murtglgu In Brain and arranged commercial arrla Mort PA HEM REAL ESTATE PROPERTY non sans MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE N0 BONUS Payments insured against accident sickness death CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST BARRIE PA 50203 MONEY TO LOAN PRESCRIPTION FOR PAYING EllIS Pay cm off with lowcost lifeinsured SOOTIA PLAN LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA RENTALS Low cosr IPACB for rent Clean modern buildings Suitable for commercial or light Indultrlll lecphono PA on OFFICES STORES RENT Office Space Large or small office space conveniently located downtown on Collier St Hot water heat ing adequate windows provid ing natural ventilation and lighting Private washrooms Contact Slessor 19 COLLIER ST PHONE PA 115934 NURSING HOMES ARK EDEN NURSING nah built for this work Semi slid prIvnto rooms kind nursing care Rood food TV room station wa gon for outings Telephone 63114 Slmud APT HOUSES T0 RENT Beside Lake One and two bedroom apart ments complete with stch and refngerntor Use of washer and dryer Redocornted annually PA 51068 RENTALS ms nousns To BENT RENTALS R00b1BoARD six Boost modern unfurnished noun for real hovel baek ysru automatic gas heater Close in downtown in mi PA Hum 330 on Telephon Tfulrz Rnold Apartment rent unfurnished selfcontained Reasonable not Avonbis after December Telephone mu stroud for furtlser Information TURNle axrtmeai room be klcbeu Ind ba If dmom water auppued Downtown Priv It antrance Telephone PA 51536 0N ncnnoosl co apartment of narkin ground floor furnished huts self contained Lots space nla floor and lull closed In verandah Telc hona days PA 53170 EA HM ovanlnn VERY CENTRAL Ono bedroom apartment in new hulldlnl Au tomatic washer and dryer sup Iltd BI 13 elapbuaa 1gtAl cfotscmm Tins x0051 healed unmrnkh ed rumor Privan entrance in Centrally located owed iy 11 51 or elephnudwlA was THREE BOOM and bath base ment apartment Hot water heated with oil Privale entrance Central 1y located Partly furnished T210 phone PA can or 130 Nzw MODERN four room bath apartment in Angus not rd heated firsti dhydao water flux supp ele Casino Holden 19 cnllch an llNliURlellED three roam apartment for rent on North st Rested Pfsnly of cupboard space Telephone at mean time or even lnlrs at nli Main svmrsluznn Cattlo furnished oil heated close to Shunty nay school and stores Apply Pnh uana Resort one mile cut of ants nay Phone on uE Iixw AND Modern dos and two bedroom spin111111 unfair Kempenfolt nu East In tor srklng and honor aarslc inclu ed Automatic washing fa clinics PA 31902 TWO Root furnished healed apartment Separate entrance Parking facilities and hydro inA eluded five minutes walk from downtown Telephone PA 210 SMALL nve room cotta rear of 104 human west and warm soil monthly Glngc space heater included Adulu Available December relaphuna PA 51511 LARGE modern unfurnished apartment three rooms four ploca hath not water heated laun dry room with drycr Avauabia immediately Telephone PA on or PA 35315 for dclllls THREE nooMs self contained with dink and modern cupboards oil hosted tiled noon kitchen plenty of closet space toys and refrigerator mpgflfcd Suit couple Phone PA mo overlooklnl FOUR LARGE Room selfaontain ed Iphltmcnt ground floor Ghr age and basement Heated $711 monthly Eyncid and Grove suit couple with chlldnn Tllcphona PA Will THREE noon Apartment to rent unfurnished heat and hydro Dun lop st West Telephone PA dTzsa PURlelIED ihrco room apart ment East end on bus route Hydro stove and refrigerator sup piled elephona PA on UPPER AND Ground Floor Apartments business szctlnn also gagggngcs 111 Essa Road PA dlx ROOM House at 41 Tiffln Street for rent Threo bedrooms Can be seen at any time For in formation telephone PA 1171114 ONE BEDROOM Apartment part 1y furnished Suitable for business €213570n bus route Tolepbonl PA ONE 11211110011 modern unlum lshnd basement apartment $55 per month Available Immcdlltcly Telephone PA 07112 FURNISHED two room apartment with ample storage and closet lnlce Close to bus stop Telb phone PA 84741 LARGE nicely decorated two bed room heated selfcoptalned apart meat Central location Children welcome Telephone PA Halli TWO ROOM Apartment furnish ed refrigerator Parking space Adults only Telephone PA 017 or apply as Mary Street Two BEDROOMS living room kitchen bath separate entrance Warm and comfortable Central 10 cation Move In right away Tel phone PA Mimi dzciln p111 DOWNTOWN Location Six room house on bested Immediate poa session Contact Henry KlrICk and gigs PA 35583 Itter nuuss PA LARGE two room unmmlshad lfnrtlncnt for rent Living room ktcbcnette bcdroom rangctta Ind refrigerator Ground floor Central suitable for one or two Telephone PA dadls AVAILABLE November two bedroom bungalow all cunvanlen Lots of heaLeeRcuonabloeTela P110113 Olkvllle VIHGExTJBOO or write box 53 izarria amines APARTMENT central heatcd Partially turnfshed Pour rooms and bath $55 per month Over Steeles china Shop Couier St Telephone PA discs or PA 11511 APARTMENT three rooms with Private bnth ralllgcnfor Ind range Downtown adults $5750 per month For your gigs information telephone PA Two nsnnoolu unrurnlshed apartment 111 modern apartment building Rerrigeracor and stove heat water storage parking and laundry iaeiilues Avauable nee emher 15 Tolephone PA 511117 Two BEDROOM winterized laka front cottlgd nt Minets Point In sida conveniences heavy wiring $50 per month Immediate posses siou Telephono PA 8365 for further details UNFURNISIIED con and two bed room apartments bested central 1y located Kitchens with builtin cupboards Adult only Telephone figszinc and attes 630 p111 PA UNFURNISHED lmvar Duplex three large rooms sunpnrch an bath Oil heating Luna back yard Close to downtown Avnfl able end of the month Telephone PA 042517 EAST END Aplrtment In new triplex Two bedrooms completes iy selfcontained Not suitable for children Laundry facilities and Ramon space Telephone PA an LARGE Apartments to rent in new artment building One and two edroum suites stove Ind rerrl arator supplied Laun dry mm es Queen Street mn PA condo THREE RnoM ground floor art mcnt scpnnto entrance and bath but supplied Close to school Also lhrea room mndernly de coraicd utmcnt with nursery Elcn avaiabln December Tele nhona PA 39128 Suitlble for Pours noonl housa for rent two IltDmalDl living room kitchen bath ainrarourn All modern con vuntencu Space honor and elec incesstovo supplied Telephone RE 55 Two 112111100111 artmcnt In modern apartment uudlng st Vincent snd Grove area Bus ser vice Children allowed Janitor service Available early Decem bcr Telephone PA mid evenings UNFURNIinnD apart rncrlt three rot1111v pllvltc In Ccntrll location 011 heated Pri vnto hot water Ink In private homeno other tenants Avail able now Telephone PA 39157 noun nooM Apartment tlls haib unfurnished stove and re trlgerator supplied Centrally loA upstairs cated Na children Available ini lrlcdlntcly For further informa tfon telephone PA 50241 rm ROOM unfurnishnd sparr must Living room with fireplace modern kitchen with dining area three bedrooms Usn er laundry room Immediate possession or will nrrnngc to suit tenantsTelel phonc PA ossal After pm 11le BEDROOM Apartment Owcrl and Grove streeu area Ample storage parking laundry room with dryer Available December Telephone PA soul or PA Miss or PA 55711 NEW MODERN centrally located two bedroom apartment for rent Refrigerator stove andlnlmdry raeluilar Available immediately Janitor service Telephone PA com for timber futonnation rumsuan nodsitting room with kitchen Would suit couple or two girls Telephone PA 114717 TWO ROOM furnished apartment private bath separate entrance Stove and refrigerator Telephone PA 6115111 LARGE HEATED Apartment Liv Ing room dInLDg room kitchen bedrooms and bath Sell contained Very central Plenty of storage space Available now $95 monthly Telephone PA Milli Two FURNrSmsD heated apart merits each containing bedroom living room kitchen and three piece balh Separate entrance hot and cold water Over Craig hurst General Store Telephone PA 39575 UNPURNTslmD clean three room heated apartment Kiteth has modern divider counter stove and refrigerator Three blocks from Post office Good parking Suit couple $60 monthly Tele phone PA smo MAIN FLOD two bedroom flat modern new triplex near Hawke sions three hundred feet lrflln Highway 11 bus stop Large rooms patio privale entrance Reasonable Telephone Mrs Lew is 532 Oro Station unsunrusnnn healed art merit living room bedroom tea on with stove and rerrlcerator Lights and water suppuad Park ing apnea Central location Tele prions PA cam for further de tl II ROOM BOARD ROOM AND BOARD nvlflnble Clare to downtown Apply 11 Eur cxy Street for further Lnforlnltlon ROOM ANn nOAnn for one or two porsous Lunches aelred if deslrnd Parking space alephana PA 55845 for runner dstnlls 1100111 AND Donn with mothen ly care liven for babies and children in my own home by the week Apply to Box 79 Elrrle Ex lmlner MAI STRICT vicinity Room and board Gentleman preferred w111 pick lunches Home privil agos Cloris to downtown T919 pbono PA Mods 01 further infor mntlnn ROOMS TO LET nousnnsscma Room in widows home Reasonable to one or two business women or lady pensions en No bus stop Telephone pA about for further details 100M for rent Ifeatod furnished with rangette refrigerator and linen supplied Apply at dl scary street for further information Inmatfzu beatd bedslim room or rent with nnxetla an uso of refrigerator Central locla uou Telephone PA mot nwsrnmc R00 to rent 11 east end Suitable for one or two girls Parking space Telmhuu PAI96 Ior further deta TWO LAnGs unfurnished menu to rent In nrivats home Located Would make artmeut refs close to downtown an ideal small phone PA Mm anGIn Roost for full rbvo beds Housekeeping if dcslrcd For two quiet business gentlemen Parking space PA Miss after pm anGlir furnished bedroom for full In modern home Board op tional Parking facilities timid To Dbonl Telephone Gentleman preferred PA 05760 IIOIJSSKEEPING Room with Itovl rclngcntor and sink Linen sup 1gtlfcd if desired suitable for on or two girls or business couple No oblection lo lady pcnsloner Tcicphana PA 060 WANTED TO RENT WANTED DY COUPLE rour room unfurnished apartment or duplex ground floor as man as possibla Telepnnnd PA 714 COMPARATIVELY new six room three bedroom house wanied to rent in narrie Telephone Mr sehnurr at PA 931 for further detaus == ARTICLES for SALE EWSPAPER MATS Sizes 32x18 ideal for lining hon houses attics garages etc perfect insulator 75a PER DOZEN Apply The Barrie Elfflmlnel Barrie Ontario FURNACES FOR SALE FORCED AIR OIL 0R GAS NEW $110 FINANCE RATE Phone Collect Stroifd 01R Woodward and Sons Heating Contractors RR Stroud HANDY HARDWARE Bth Line Innisfil Alcona Beach Road 0Complete matchbox model series OSkates tobbogans tiicycles wagons Full line of 85c toys IGiltwarcs OBcatty Appliances CASH 0R TRADE on Skates Appliances eta STORE OWNERS Assorted quantity of old stock COUNTER SALES BOOKS SINGLE CARBON AUTOMATIC These books are in per fect condition but have l95 on the date line REGULAR PRICE FROM 12 to 20¢ Clearing at 9c ea plus PROVINCIAL SALES Commercial Printing Dept Barrie Examiner Phone 66537 RAVE You TRIED Barrie Auction Room and Second Hdnd Store 55DUNLOP sownsr PHONE pa 112427 LITTLEWOOD FARM ANTIQUES GIFTS Fall and Winter season open mornings and evenings and by appointment PHONE 0R0 4323 CORNER SHANTY BAY ROAD AND CON DRO MILES EAST OF EARRIE ONTARIO CASE LOMHUD at Per month Telephone PA moo gagged Finance as Dunlap st scale HUDSON SEAL Cont for size 16 Ladys nylon ovushoes size Icwn Blanket Cont also 18 Apply loo Sophia street wear Barrie after pm BEST BUY in pruned Chrhtmaa Trees Your choice of Scotch Pinl or Spruce $1100 at farm or 317 delivered Bert Maw bothering phonn 15 NEW Two RUGS 12 15 ova1 shapad Chinese colors beige pink and from one if 12 colors fads dish rust shoves pattern owner must sell returning to Engllnd Apply Box in Barrie Examiner 12 F151 sfrANTIEs well con structed priced $35 each disc zoo gallon and 500 gallon minnow tanks Apply vic Palmer lst gszgpenfclt Drive Telephone PA sale clmrsTMns IItnds soc sale cholco pruned Christmas trees pine or spruce any size Wholca sale or man Reasonably priced grimfell Maw telephone Mineainl chmcnh Zelss mt 2s lens vxiu setting for Huh etc speed up to 500 snapon one run nhlold hash wide angle and telescopic lens with case lea new 37o 5111nplctc Tclephonl 1114 strand

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