KITCHEN GOSSIP By EILEEN DIXON tHDlileakefï¬ should be everready to greet the impromptu visitor over the busy holiday season ahead The door is always open and the neighbors pay calY sing the caroliers at Christmas And this Joyous custom of welcoming old and new into our homes is one that should be treasured HOLIDAY GOODIES With the dropping in season Just around the corner the time has come to put on our thinking caps Lets plan some tuckaway holiday goodies to make the welcoming of visitors informal and effortless iFor holiday nibbling now ls the time to load the fatnin larder with special treats especially Christmas time shortbread Today Id like to pass along three tempting oven fresh recipes And the whole family can get into the act with youngsters decorating while the tots who are tooismali to actually mix the batter can Join in with thercst of the family in liaing the cookie cutters for Sonic Claus Christmas Bells or Cinnamon Stars For tasty Christmas treat here are three of my favorite cookie recipes CHRISTMAS SIIORTBBEAD cup soft butter cup sugar eggs well beaten 25 cups sifted flour Ig teaspoon baking powder Vi teaspoon salt 34 teaspoon nutmeg tablespoon milk Ihln conf sugar frosting Red and green sugar or tiny decorating candies Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy add eggs and beat well Add sifted dry ingred lents and milk mix well Chili several hours or until firm Roll out on lightly floured board to less than 13 inch thickness Cut with floured 212 inch Christmas BellX or other cutter Bake in 3251 oven about minutes Cool llo decorate Dribble frosting over cookies and sprinkle them with red sugar or candies let stand until firm Repeat using more frosting and green sugar or candies Makes about dozen Store airtight swrss CINNAMON STARS cups blanched almonds egg whites Grated rind and juice of lemon Semisweet Chocolate Confectioners sugar about 112 pounds tablespoons cinnamon METHOD Grate almonds in rotary grater Beat hites until stiff Add rind juice and cups sugar Continue beating until very stiff Measure cup sugar reserve nTo remaining mixture acid almonds and cinnamon lMEIHOD Putlon board generously sprinkled with confectioners sugar Sprinkle top with sugar Roll very thin with sugardusted rolling pin Cut with starshaped cutter Put on brown paper on cookie sheets Spread with eggywhite mixture Bake in 250F oven about 30 minutes Sllp paper onto wet table or board Let stand one minute Loosen stals Top with tiny dots of melted chocolate Makes about dozen Store airtight one week before using CHRISTMAS GINGER COOKIES cupbutter cup light molasses V2 cup brown sugar packed cup granulated sugar teaspoons vinegar egg 212 cups sifted flour teaspoon soda teaspoon salt 112 teaspoon ginger METHOD In large saucepan heat first ingred ients stirring until butter is melted and sugar is dis solved Cool Beat in vinegar and egg Add sifted dry ingredients mix well Chill overnight Rail to inch thickness on lightly floured board Cutf with Santa Claus shapedcutter Put on greased cookie sheets bake in 400F oven to minutes Decbrate Makes about dozen Store airtight Will ship well enemas 4TH ANNIVE Mr and Mrs Dalton Lennox of Tolleadal celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary at an open house celebration at their home on the weekend The celebrants farmed for many years on the 14th con cession oi Innisfil prior to their retirement when they moved to Tollendal Shop Here For The Lady of Your Choice use OUR LAYAWAY PLAN kenas Lingerie and Sportswear DUNLPP ST menam SWEATERS BLOUSES sxmrs BLACKS anassns GLOVES mos IA 82221 Barrie WI Hosts 4H Club Members Barrie rn Institute members met at the bum of lire Nora Bonita Park Strett Nov Mrs Tyson Smith and hire Holmes attended with eight girls of he Grenlel 4H ilorne melting Club llrl Pringla president of the Barrie WI wel comed the visitor and bin Bowie presented each girl with cup and saucer embers of the til Club attending were Misses Gayle Wheeler Flt llIr ris Shirley Dobsan Marlyn Holmes Jean Vcenitrau Marg sret ilsrris Dclila Vsenstrsu and Juan Smith Mrs Smith thanked the members and spoke briefly on the work of the 4H Homemak ing Club The meeting adjourned and Mrs liowles Isrvedrefresh merits To Elect Executive At Next Meeting The regular meeting of Anicn Mills WA was held in the chur ch ichoolroom Devotional was conducted by Mrs Mary Carson with program in charge of lilrs ircnc llaight it was decided to hold the usual Christmas gilt exchange and hope all members will be present for December meeting which will be business and el action of officers ONE WILL One of these eight examples of pigskin pulchriludo could caplure the Miss Grey Cup beauty title in Toronto Satur Wz THE BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY NOV 29 lilï¬l High Protein Fodds Handle Calories Youll never lose your sweet loath by indulging in sweets So many at you write that you have no will power at all when it comes to turning down iat tentng sweets You explain that your craving for them is innii able There is physiological reason back oi the craving if you eat meals that are moderate to low in carbohy drate sugar and starcht your blood sugar is stabilized by hormonal control Then if you start eating more sweets you not only have the problem of coping with those calories but the blood sugar is no longer stabilized by the hormones Sup posingyior example you slight the main course or the meal in order to save the calories for generous portion of favorite dessert What happens Two to three hours later you feel gnawing hunger your ap petite is out of control You ex perience what might be termed post dessert swing It Is important to understand THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA For Tomorrow Stick to routine affairs now Planetary influences are not es peclally auspicious for launch ing new venturesespecially in the am Geaeral aspects gov era home and family interests however For The Birthday If tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates fine achievement ahead Projects started within the last three weeks should culminate satis factorily by the end of Febru ary and financial ventures which may have been moving slowly during the past few months should show an upward trend within the same period Your next good cycle along these lines will occur between June and September Do avoid extravagance in March and April however Mid1962 also promises some highly stimulating social activi ties and happy romantic situa tions are indicated in May and June By taking advantage of an unusual opportunity which should come your way next Sep tember you should be able to expand your interests consider ably All in all fine outlook child born on this day will be extremely practical and will be capable of picking out the weak spots in othersa good trait in business deals the bodys reaction Sweets fur nish quickly absorbable sugar which rapidly forces the blood sugar level high and in turn stimulates the secretion of in sulin Since sugar is burned quickly the blood sugar luvel falls rapidly and you feel hun gry again Natures hunger sig nal can be met with any food but if your taste is for sweets and that is what you eat then the cycle is repeated GET ALERTED You also report that when you leave out sweets the craving for them is quite overpowering That reaction is because the mechanism which the body has set up to handle the accustomed carbohydrates remains in force for bit But once you are alert to the fact that sweets really do create an appetite for more sweets it makes sense to put stop to this rebound by eats ing less sweets Its always easier to do somtL thing when the rewards aer im mediate lI every time you turned down dessert you could detect gratifying loss on the scales it would be wonderful But when no loss is shown you get the nation that all you lose is the fun of eating the sweet The best way to control ap petite is to eat three adequate meals day and include pro tein food with each meal Pro tein together with some form of starch such asapotato starchy vegetable or bread is metabolized more slowly and you do not feel hungry again for some time The most jubilant reducers are those who find to their pleased astonishment that they really have conquered the crav ing for sweets They caa take small serving of dessert or leave it alone They no longer feel compelled to eat sweets Dieters if you can conquer your sweet tooth you can re duce control your weight and live happily slim ever after DYCKS FOOD MARKET lb Loan Hamburg Steak lb Link Sausage lb Wiener Sirloin and TBona Steak Rindlass Bacon Subject DYCKS FOOD MARKET l50 Collier Sf Phone EA 86339 For Delivery lNNISFIl VOTERS For Sound and Progressive Business Administration For Prompt Attention to All Mattersl Vote For DS FORREEVE or INNISFIL TOWNSHIP DEC 2ND For Transportation Call Strand 23R CAPTURE MISS GREY day From left lhcy are back row Susan Suave bliss iiion trcol Aloucilc Donna Niitcl Miss Calgary Stampcdcr Slei fany Laird bliss Ottawa Rough llidcr Front row lar il Lee Craig liliss Saskat cllewan Roughrider Karen Holland liliss Toronin Argov Members of Stroud Presbyter ian Womens Missionary Society met at tho homo of Mr and Mrs Campbell Opening was the call to war ship hymn and prayer by the president Mrs Maycs Roll call was answered by the namo oi missionary It erc located and detail thank you note was read by Mrs Hand from Mrs Jacks Verbal thanks were by Mrs Duncan Campbell Plans for the Christmas concert were discussed and the data set for Dec or Christ mas Cantata was planned for Dec 24 in Strnud Presbyterian Church in be presented by the choir Following the hymn and scrip lure reading by Mrs lilayes CNA Alumnae Hold Meeting The November meeting oi the Barrie Certified Nursing Assists ants Alumnae was held at the homc ol lilrs Sylvia Bilski Queen Street The president Mrs Marie Mc Kay presided The minutes and financial statement were secretarytreasurer Rene Pink group discussion was old regarding CKVR televisi 11 interview in which two alum nae members Mrs Bilski and Mrs McKay will appear report of the Provincial Association Convention held in October was given new member Mrs Mildred Tracey was welcomed to the Alumnae The December meeting will be held at the home of Mrs VanKanten Barrios Most Modern Beauty Shop Offers 20 OFF ON ALL rmMANENTs STARTING AT 50 SCHOOL GIRL SPECIAL PERMANENTS STARTING AT $51m ROBERT and SAMS HAIR 51ther Colller st PA 61501 lbs 99 to stock PROULE Polling 930 am to 6230 pm Show Keen Interest In Childs Studies You dont need to have col lege degree or even high school diploma in be able to hel your grade school child wt hislessons TITLE naut DonnaMarie Davidson bliss BC Lion Romaine lcn kinson Miss Edmonton Eski mo and lngrid Osmolowsky Miss llamilt TigerCaL lillsslng ll Theresa Stnngi lilies Winnipeg blue Dumber who arrive in Toronto Thursday CP Vircphutni Woman Outlines Missionary Work lIn Hospitals In Indian States Mrs Duncan Campbell had cliargo of the Study Book on titled Into All The World and also Education Anti Medicine She told members that the Canadian Wills has been shar ing the work of hospitals an medicines with brothers and sisters here and also in parts of India Formosa Jamaica and British Guiana Mrs Campbell concluded that with Miss Bessie lilaclilurchy new teaching nurses in lndla in Dr Ida Scuddars former one bed hospital which has 715 beds Indian slates are sending girls to take courses bath Christian and nonChristian to Miss lilac lilurchys school lilrs Dwight Nelson and Mrs Bell assisted the hostess with refreshments SUSSMAN SUSSMANS FOR PARTY DRESSES lily father barely went beyond the fourth grade Yet can imagine no expert who could have done better than he did in helping me at home with my lessons when was in the grades Garry get your books he said If right after supper every evening was not sitting on the bench back of in kitchen table over my lessons When rand something aloud from book he would say Now say that in your own words When asked him to pm nouncs my spelling words and made single error he would say Go back and Itudy them la number work he would iolv crate no basis or mistakes He always emphasized accuracy and mrelulncss When something on the farm wns to be built or sold he would figure it out in his head before had barely set down he was DEGREE UNNECESSARY No you dont need to have degrees and diplomas to be able to help your child in the grades to be diligent and eliicleat student at home As soon as he begins to read spell or cipher at school Drove to him you are interested and want him to do these well Listen appreciativer as he shows you how he can read Help him learn to read for meaning With the words he must spell show him how to study each word over and over as he looks at it until he can spell It without mistake If Youre TIRED ALL THE TIME New latl then everybody ut tir aui lulln and may he Perhaps mill in serious wrung all lay condition round by urinary Malta or bleddu discomlorl Tims the tint lo uh Davids Kidney Pilh Dods help Iiimullla the ltidneyl la niln this condition which any alien nun Ind ltlu Ind tired leelinl Tina you feel boiler al better work better Gut Budds dnry Pills new Look for th blue box with llto ml bud It ii drug unionVail un dupend nu Budds so Burries largest Collection of ball floor in SUSSMANS FOR PARTY DRESSES Party Dresses shining evening star the belle of the Thats you gliding onto the dance one of our festive fashion firsts Come in and see our demure to daring simple to simply dazzling night entrants MANY ONE OF KIND Account So Easy To Open SUSSMANS FOR PARTY DRESSES DRESSES IN IMPORTED BROCADES LACE SlLl CHIFFONS ORGANDIES PEAU DE SOIES NOVELTIES $1998 ALL SIZES PETITES TO 15 JUNIOR TO 20 MISSES III2 to 24 $2958 The Ideal Way To Shop SunMans Charge So Convenient To Use Continuous No Down Payment Smell Monthly Term Many Months To Pay the figure on paper ive often Wished could be as smart as As he does his number uork guide him to do it with preci lou when he has verbal pmb tern to reason but lead him to read it carefully to see what it means before he tries to solve it when he prepares written work lead him to do it neatly and carefully Be ready to spell any word for him or to help him find out from the diction ary how it is spelled Long before he has any 15 signed homework read aloud to him every evening and sec to it that as soon as he can read he read at regular daily pg riod oi my 30 to 60 minutes See that he does some mental work every evening let him observe you and Dad reading every evening Bring him up in reading family ihl Christmas GIVE GIFT THAT KEEPS 0N GIVINGI See The Wonderful RCA PORTABLE Convenlcniiy Priced at 9935 SEE OUR FUEL unryn TRANSISTOR AND PORTABLE RECORD PLAYERS small deposit will hold the gift your choice till Christmas MONARCH REFRIGERATION 118 Dunlap St PA 32059 FOR PARTY DRESSES Lengths Regular Dance it Evening Full Formal 53553240 ALHVd nos smvwssns $555380 ALHVd uossvassns We have all the sampiesr NOW ShopEarly For CHRISTMAS $4500 5555580 ALHVd nos SINVWSSnS