New Top Police Executive Proposed For Crime Fight TORONTO CPD Establish mcnt of threeman police com mission to guard against organ ized crime in Ontario and super vise provincial police was pro posed in bill put before the Legislature htesday AttorneyGeneral Roberts in troduced the bill which would create the commission by amending the Police Act The commission to be ap pointed by cabinet would have wide powers to investigate and report on any matter relating to law and order in the prov incc Further it would have gen eral supervisory powers in connection with the administra tion of any police force the po lice needs of any municipality and the conduct at any member of the police in Ontar Canadians Named To Church Council NEW DELHI CPltho Ca nadians have been named to the central committee of the World Council of Churches by the mom inating committee it was an nounced today They are Archbishop William Wright oI Sault Ste Marie Ont Anglican archbishop of Algoma and metropolitan oi Ontario and Rev Ernest Long of Toronto secretorygem cral of the United Church of Canada The 1200 delegates from 108 churches of nonRoman Cath olic Christendom will vote on them Thursday Old Cavalry Colonel Dies FALMOUTH England Rout ersl Lt Col Sir llugh Bate men Protheroe Smith 89 with Sir Winston Churchill the last surviving otficers of the famous Omdurmnn cavalry charge of 1398 died at his home here hlesday Protheroe Smith was 25 year old lieutenant just out of Sandhurst Military College when he tookpart in what has been called the last classic cav alry charge in the history of warfare The charge was made by the zlst Lancers against the der vlshes of the Anglo Egyptian Sudan during the uprising quelled by Gen Horatio Kitch ener later Lord Kitchener of Khartoum As Kitchener marched along the Nile the dervishes emerged from Omdurman their capital attacked his force but were re pulsed Kitchener anxious to seize Omdurrnnn before the dervishes returned to it ordered the 2Ist Lancers to charge in coun ter attack CUT WAY THROUGH The dervishes held their ground and the Lancers had to cut their way through The Brit ish lost 500 men but the der vishes lost 10000 ProtheroeSmith was mem ber of the 215t Lancers while Churchill was posted with them as 23 year old subaltern from the 4th Hussars Protheroe Smith leIt the Zist Hussars to serve with Britains military police in Egypt India and South Africa After the First World War he became chiet constable of Cornwall lle was responsible tor the welfare of the late King George VI and the Duke of Windsor when as boys they spent holi days ioCornwall at Newquay He accompanied the young princes on trips to the seashore and the countryside They often wrote to him and remembered him on anniversaries and simi lar occasions No Charges Laid 0n llCllF Theits CALGARY CPlAn RCAF spokesman said Tuesday no ac tion has been taken against four employees of Canadian Pacific Air Lines Repair Limited or others who may be connected with the disappearance oI air cratt parts from the RCAF depot in Lethbridge Air force and RCMP investi gators are investigating the sup posed theits and no charges will he laid for at least another week the spokesman said The company which repairs RCAF aircraft under contract at the depot fired the our em ployees Nov 17 The air force announced thcdismissals Mon ayr Later Mr Robert rejected demand by Opposition leader Wintermayor for royal corn misioo to study the problem oi organized crime in the prov In In other buslness the opposi tion agreed to proposal to give early hearing to submissions trorn term organizations and other interested parties on con trolling sale 01 farm machinery and parts Agriculture Minister Stewart suggested the standing commit tee on agriculture begin sittings Dec lie sair he had already been approached by officials from the Ontario Federation of Agriculture The federation has asked for legislation requiring dealers to keep adequate stocks on farm machinery parts as well as con trol of distribution and testing of new equipment They also want an inspection service set up to entorce the act and establishment of farm machinery board Regina Gives Fluoride Pills REGINA CPAbout 14000 preschool children and 3500 to 2000 expectant mothers now are taking fluoride tablets in Saskatchewan for protection oi teeth Dr Arthur Chegwin di rector oi the provincial dental health division said Tuesday As for as Im concerned the program is quite successful and is growing by the month Dr Chcgwin said in an Interview The program is confined to rural regions where flurorida tlon of private water supplies is not feasible At present 20 cities towns and villages have fluoridated water supplies and eight or nine more are contemplating it Dr Chegwin sadit First distribution of fluoride tablets through the public health department began two years ago Dr Chegwin said the hlggest drawback to the fluoride tablets is that it is longrange pro gram person must take one tablet daily for to to 12 years for maximum value We feel quite strongly that fluoridation is superior he said because of its availability to all and because responsibil ity for taking the pills is not put on an individual Try Examlner Want an PHONE PA $2411 IMPERIAL STARTS THURS ROARING COMEDY HITS Why carry your books bother Iter was the most popular term In scrim THENCE MISTRESS CEClL PARKER JAMES ROEERTSON JUSTICE IAN BANNEN AGNES UURENT to stiltSmithwa Adult Entertainment AWHIIIIRFS OFA illiill SEAGAII TODAY ONLY MR SARDONICUS Adult Plus rassronr no coma Every Thursday Night Is lilllSIVlElI Kinsmen Bingo Night ODD FELLOWS All Thurs Nov 30 pm 20 GAMES SHARE THE WEALTH GAMES JACKPOT $22000 $2500 Consolation Prize HELP KIDDIES Opposition Man May Head Probe Into Accounting TORONTO 0P The pos sibility of an opposition party member heading the important legislature committee on public accounts was lat open Tuesday by Premier Robarts The public accounts commlt tee is responsible or looking over government expenditures and there has already been dis cusslon this session at possible revamping of the commlttee to make it more effective dont care who the chair man is so long as hes good one Mr Robarts said in fur ther discussion of the commit tee when Liberal Lender John Wintermeyer suggested an op position member for the post But the premier said he mild also like the wannltteo to hold Its sitting In private so no one is pilloried or cmtzht in crossï¬re at political partismr ship There seems to he great desire on the part of the oppo sition to have an opposition member as chairman Im anx loIn to see how the opposition feels about ln camera mecb ings The premier suggested that another committee the stand tog committee on problems of golernmeot be allowed to continue its Investigations into such questions as the workings of the public accounts body To do this he suggested that the problems of government committee meet during the Christmas recess and prepare an interim report on the pub lic accounts committee so its re commendations could be dis cussed when the legislature re convenes after the holidays Pearson Asks New Slogans REGINA CF Liboral Leader tester Pearson Tues day night proposed slogans for two opposing political parties Travel talk and tax for the Progressive Conservatives and Promise promise promise for the New Democratic Party Mr Pearson the main speaker at the closing banquet of the Saskatchewan Lib at annual convention outlined two major isues on which the Lib eral party will fight the next iedcral election One Is the Progressive Con servatives andling oi the United Kingdoms plan to enter the European Common Market The other is unemployment and the related recession and slow LUESTE FOR THE SMART THRIFTY down on the Canadian economy Mr Pearson said Mr Pearson suggested the Canadian government should have told Britain immediately that it was an independent coun try and if Britain felt it neces sary to join the ECM because the more you can expand the THE Rutth EXAMINER WEDNESDAY NOV 19 boundaries at tree trade the better for all at us Then Mr Pearson said the govemment should have asked Britain to do its best to protect the Commonwealth countries YOULL BE PROUD TO SERVE GIFTS FOR THE HANDYMAN £35 HAND TOOLS POWER T0015 and ATTACHMENTS WORK BENCH sALL PLANING MILL LTD 48 AnnaSt PA 52496 USE ZELLERS CREDIT PLAN FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPINGI N0 DOWN PAYMENT RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS GIFTRIGHT 20PC FLATWARE SET SAVE $122 ENGLISH DINNERWARE Save $102 Elegant Ambas sador pattern Starter set ZMC solid stainless steel set exquisite Evening Song pat tern Service tor six beautifully giltboxed Reg $7991 Zeller 677 GiftSpecial $5 33 ZELlERGIFTSPECIAI BONE coma CuyandSaucer Choice of fluted shapes trimmed with dainty givin Special £3 floral motifs Stockup now for Christmas 27PC PUNCH SET Elegant Pm cut crystalglass Set complete with not punch bowl base 12 matching cups and hangers ladle Only 4PC TRAYTABLE SET Kingsize 21 by 16 allmetal 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