ERNIE PETRIMOUIX llrea Electricians Will Hear Hydro Inspector Speak local electrical contractors WILL have an opportunity to ask questions oi interpretation of the Hydro Electric Power Commissions ofttime misinter pretgd Brule or cocdhedbook when el ellamy inspector of Ontario Hydro speak at Tho mas Electriml Supplies Ltd showroom on December 6th The meeting to which all contrac tors in the area are invited will be at pm Questions are asked to be written and sent to Jordan Ab ercrornbie at Market Square in advance at the meeting They will be given to Mr Bellamy and answered in his talk question and answer period will follow the meeting SMOKELESS METHOD turkey may be singed with out smoking by misting above metal plate in which two tables ons ot wood alcohol have eenignited Collingwood Electors To Vote Only For Mayor Ilnd Council Despite acclnmationa tor the ollices of reeve and deputy reeve at nomination meeting on Monday Collingwood citizens WILI have to go to the polls next 3ch to elect mayor and coun ll iicDondidhlast enra Elmvale Legion Names Ofï¬cers Tom McKenzie was elected prï¬ident of the Elmvale Branch £62 Canadian Legion at regular meeting Competi roayor will have competition from SlanWallace alman not new to Collingwood town poli tics Mr Wallace has served on council has beenon commit tees and at one time chaired the town linance committee Porteoux last years deputyrecite was nominated and will be installed as reeve or the upcoming year Melvin llchean who has served on councrl was the only one nomin ated as deputyvreeve Six muncIUors must be elect ed and the lield of eight men nominated are experienced on council two at them being ex muyors lion was keen in the election Melvin Wright Harry Ball or various oiiices other ollicers elected were ï¬rst vicepresident Jock Fow ler second vicel pruideiit George Kirton service bureau otticer LIDydRitchle treas urer Chester Baker secretary Lloychitchie wellare oliicer Bob Gosling publicrelatioru Morley Ford Ted Carmichael Albert Dillon and Robert Jacks have all sat on councilandAl Ian Carmichael and Gordon Branilt are exmayora oi Col lingwood Two men Dick Brown who was on council last year and reeve Bill Clark will not run Borden Ofï¬cer Eng Society New Member TORONTO Peter Kï¬stjnnsen Camp Borden has been admitted to the prac tice the pmlession ol engin eering by the Association of Prolmional Engineer or On tarlo The APEO serves an the lie ensing body or the engineering profession in Ontario covering all branches engineering in cluding dvll electrical mech anical aeronautical and Indus trial chemical and metallurgi cal and mining Lt Kristlaoseo is technical stall officer RCASC Camp Borden Area Organists Meet in Barrie Members of the Barrie Centre or the Royal Canadian College of Organist met at the home of the chairman Lloyd hillord THE BARRTE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY NOV Barrie Howard Jerome prominent organist from Hamilton and member of the stall ot the Keatea Organ Company of Ac WARD TWO CANDIDATE Says More Parks Needed For Children Of Barrie By JIM srorr had no right to revoke the build Kims work in promoting min Eml pctrimmb 123 crs licence the planning league baseball and hockey IVE TEA SERVICE lllr and Mrs George llIc at Canada was laudcdto Laughlin ot Beaverton are the leadership he has given in examining silver ten scrv Holstein and dalrying circles ice that they received l0lt gother with four piece lug gage set and an illuminated address at George Mc Laughlin recognition dinner sponsored by the Ontario County Holstein Club and hold at Brnoklln United Church Mr McLaughlin is the pro FlnEerls BRIDGEPORT Conn AP familys live small children ranging in age from two to seven died Tuesday night in Tire in the home oillllr and Mrs Carlton Muse Fire olii dent of the Holstein Friesinn clals sold the blaze apparently Association of Canada and was touched oil by an Oil bur director of the Dairy Farmers ner INVENTOR Requires Financing For Inventions No in ventions Protected by Patent Will sell inter est Enormous potential Please send replies to olficer Roy Hider parade WI 15 593 marshal Roy Hider sergeant litarms Jock thitton assist in ant sergeantat arms Jack Brock poppy chairman Harry Ion an ton Ontario showed movies Borthwick and executive mem ld taken at the First international bersAlMlirtlnAINoltesJnclt L11 Organist Convention held in Moran and Milt Leonard 1959in England and played re Olilcers retiring lrbrn their Launch Site cording made during recitals posts thanked the branch mem given at the wounds bcrs or maintaining such WASAGA BE CH This newly tormed chapter of large attendance throughout Councillor JackAlinllgsdlzmiller R9Y51Candian 0911 the yearl land expressed tthe lattending recent meeting of gï¬ggfls if nguï¬ ope ila to new execuve oltawasaga Conservation bum man in his early tilctlcs board made mislake why did will obtain the some support Authority reports that organiz lfeungs be he Fermi Wlh ll Erlms fa Whid council have to follow up and alien has taken an option on gmbghnglz glfl dsmd becomes animated when he make one we tenacre parcel of land on the from Midland Elmvmengfï¬f talks about chlldren Mr Petrimoulx is also coo bank at the Nottawasaga my Newman and 005mm Ernie grew up as one of 11 cerned about the use outside adlolnlns Highway 26 and in our children Eli giglshangldsixhgysi labor lllheri Barrie workers are cluding the Glengarry Hleoric nygcï¬fgrd igafï¬gteghï¬i In laml lc nu unempoye Site some bl the luxuries oi lirebut Outside labor was brought snEaa snnnvE DANCE directors or 1962 but resigned They propose to develop this 73 P9 gum mum enjoyed the 61°5211 1331 in he SalS When they were Sheba Shrine Club whose to resume the treasurerx as launching centre so that may bplcl RigMW land phip at happy homo Wilding the Barrie Plozfayhille mfmbera are lrorn Barrie or duties people may put theirboats in taEyIlrensaurglII ame seem came from Dan men were ou war inn and Collin wood will be th suZlIileoIllllgIe Ilamiely may have Thems nothing to stop council holding the lingual Christmas EESL 305T DAY it To1 lolildtillgIglrldsilgllinIgnd use WhlIe EVheï¬hIp CE someuung to do with Ernieain telling the contractor to hire lo ladics night in the lbrm It 19 05 sube tre ls mainly of Interest to term children today caldlabor ltgaulg his made dinnerdance be the Club Pav 391233 fuï¬inimfmfle deparlnlent ole Eflï¬lgesodlide fl°g° con ition uil lig cr ll ores in sp ere mass globulin almost at Elm church ton car pctrimoulx and his wife of arranged gala welcome tor Pa 3mg Val membership Inquiries should been member at the board Marion have mm girls Mary 381133211 ï¬ning Iflllaltedfmg the former premier of Ontario that 9° be lime be directed to the Secretary at 5111081955 Amine lo nurse in training ance of members oalld guild 315 mm man glavreilghlnloeï¬l llliirlllthmlllnllall Boys mm Barrie KEEP BUSY at St Michaels Hospital in Wm now res es in BillllE he stays ha olrlle Toronto Lorelle 17 and Irene be spgclulolénlaellalnlrlg Elli gymlle€gurgmgfg Nï¬mflglgathe record rainbow CHRISTMAS of the lowest ro es iuven an on delinquency that linow His main outside interest is ville whicshmwasm papalling When Super Cmnnenm hall lIgeleUICUUllghlgeulnllhdg PERMS believe that recreation lor chll recreational work willi the ohil Barrie goll cluh dances during 9m more accessible should enco drenis lmporlant If We keep dren oi Barrio lie coached and the past summer 11 nde mmugh mam age marw more it tr $3009 $1500 them busy we keeothem out at organized an intermediate has streets as part or big par ea LO sE eémen trouble We need more parks kelbau team mm years in NEW KIWANIS MEMBER one of bands floats local his mam II0° for children in this city and we Barrie until it collapsed in 1959 R059 915° mm Em EM bye will quelliij mp need 11ï¬me recreauunal from lack or ï¬nancial support nlilanagér of The Bell Tele tlon at the town hall 31ml wnsstï¬gcprintcglgafigï¬z LESS 50A dlrector have been approached to liltmnetitéiéllbwtl lli°€ 10 caann WINNER way to the west before the Tm Pet211961 Mr Pelrlmoulll WW start the team ain he Anthony Mortar graduate of country was settled Windsor where his lather was says uh wonpdoï¬hflmse ms Club Of name It MidlandPenetangHigh School Indeed the early settlers of RUBYIS BEAUTY SALONS customs officer He attended feel that he same mug Wm weak cum mean is the top Carter Scholarship many parts or Simcoe County 24 DUNLOP ST public and high school in Wind ham aga 11 no Community House He was winner for Simcoe County in transported their supplies and PA H423 and liquor to theUnltedStates umbu51nd 5L Marva Church Duncan RI cow SL pie Central em to get it across the border This Santa adds to the guiety au chosen by acclimation for in Detroit for twoyears Ernie VASAGA BEACH Sweden The small peeled to me did WSW er was chairman or the meet D¥¢k nospnal pnanlnactsr on the ice on the WW me Ainley produced map Ernje was out of warm approved by the Ontario Re 1942 he joined De Vilhiss be laid along the beach front Barrie in 1953 he moved up here Rd Pumping stations wauld be plant Township of Flos This spot times stressed the need for the prescr this area who are among the ways With the present councils handl the authority to insist on each away or New business Plans provide for extensionaa BOX 92 THE BARRIE EXAMINER sor and spent year at Assump Enough Rpm from the people mwduccd by Edmunds 1961 having led all Grade 13 families into their holdings 11 555 3059 Prohibition was on in the He was recently made an hon CHOOSE FIRST WOMAN an that Some pretty color of the occasion with his songs next year includmg Mayor joined the police fame of the Several members of the Ontario DINNER GUESTS Warminster on Highway 12 Plain clothes and SW19 ing He introduced the other ELECTED TREASURER Stephen Hemsted who was We never found her was let showing the waged plan of seven months until he got job 5055305d Canada Limited at Windsor as and Mosley from 13th St as production manager of the located on me beach Mosley Mr Pelrimoulx is running would be made quite attractive One 01 he reasons why rm vation of the water systems of plder residents of the city The T0 reSidem ï¬ummfl ing of some issues dwelling or business place hook should be encouraged Also necessary 14 oz tins Best Buy Save 5c PDI s1 SPAGHETTI or Ready Cut MACARONI Ill Best Buy Save me Birds Eye Frozen on sI ORANGE JUICE Feature Save 15c Choice Crushed or Sliced PINEAPPLE Feature Save Title Smarts Fancy APPLE SAUCE Feature Save 8c Culverhouse Choice nlCED BEETS on £03 Sl Feature Snvellcl SAICO Brand KLEENEXTISSUE 5I TUNA FISH $1 Best Buy Save 15 16 tln Feature Save 5c sarco Mandarin Canned CHAMPION DOG FOOD CORANGES r5 sl Packages I3 was JELLY POWDERS oi Bottle Feature Savejzel Dole Fancy FOR FRUIT COCKTAIL is Ozllns Feature 4am in Culverhouse cables Eon 77 DESSERT PEARS Feature Save tlcl York Fancy Whole Kernel CORN Featuretr Slave 18c Fancy Quality SOCKEYESALMON Feature Save 24c Clarks Fancy TOMATO JUICE Save 14¢ Red and White PEANUT BUTTER Belt Buyl Save 16 White or Coloured PUREX TISSUES Best Buy Save 30c Regular or Chubby lb Cello Phys son sl oz tins son 20 oz tins PR 15 oz tins FOR Eli oz tin 20 oz tins son 31 oz lee box jar soil 8I Beat winter lo the punch and 34ch lilo iviiilliilllllr Feature Save 17c Smithl TOMATO KETCHUP Feature Save 23c In Chili Sauce CLARKSBEANS Save 17c Red and White Zï¬ï¬itfg 265 Now TRADE To net you on Suburban lteawere offering you these special savings Comes the rough weather Youll no safely on Subur EXTRA LEAN PICNIC STYLE SHOULDER PORK ROAST seEcranLvsEbEcrEp VALUE CHECKED RIB STEAKS EElElfsllallrbuclrr BEERS TIRELrv Fittillliililiirigï¬f SERVICE LTD lllllgllINNCEQMLOGNE ends 31 BRADFORD ST PA 66443 but any Jailhous 51bs8 CRISP GARDEN FRESH lion CUIIEEE in Barrie He began work in 1923 as Mn pelrimoulx is member ï¬genvligegï¬giggï¬ Ifï¬uwsatus tions Second award went to tnbutaries clerk with an morth firm of lhe Barrie Minor Athletics pm Shirley Mason Aluston Ind whose main export was hear Association the Knights of Col sANTA AVAILABLE third to Susan Taylorot Barn FIeethom 50 ESSA ROAD our customers were rum runlt dale is available to local ï¬rst time in town him will hers It was perfectly legal clubs and party groups as have man member in or them to pick up the honor 53 01335 0mm W11 19oz Mrs Richard St Amant in Canada but it was their proh Ill 0WD Slut and equipment She will with Eight men the oltice to do business but his retirement Mr Cowan was only met the middleman never one of Canadas most popular gaff sixfdAgï¬zfy Ree Is big brass Sntltlltihmfls spadammg WARMINSTER LONGEVITYV C0 songs Alter stint as bank clerk Bommuniw of law of Sandmd in 1973 met with the Wasagn Beach Vll wanls Club this lack were must have some elixir of long liked the work very much Inge Council Flos Council and Dr George Leggett dentist life Five residents there Ernie says lwas youngw1lll lnlbresled ratepayers and Central Key Club mem totalv544 years and the young lots at nerve and it really ap Vance commissium bers John Hennehry and Barry as is more 32 recall was when we joined with the Dem Fame in seven tï¬ï¬micgzï¬heflï¬ggmrgd Eeenxreelected htreizfsuéer rot storeln Barrie before going day search tor woman who which had been published in Me blwafms Cl ame Puma hikbeen aplmlllled had abandoned newme baby em or or 17 years Mr Al chief pharmacist at the Sol oca papers len was elected to the board of diers Memorial Hospital because the New and Ainle is the consultin en ineer PIh depmme at who Urew up this plgn Eat the 53 request of the Beach Council SUPERVISOR and his appointment has been described where the sewers 1° exiWl°35 he would be installed hOW they WWW Wlh V3119 mal would work and proposed plans as mam mush and or disposal Force mains would thecnme receiving clerk and leadmg in helm in 1950 be was made production Sewage mum be carried in manager or therlsmt 1n WIhEl pipe already installed under sor When De Vllhlss locatedln me bridge and east on Rive My job he says is to sli would be underground and com pervise all the work done in the pleter automatic lagoon or plant alsocontrol all mater oxidation pond acres in ex inl coming in andlout the teat would be situated in the has been in local politics since arises with this system 1955 has served oncouncil sev MrRoot MLA Dutterin Sim leral times and has been de coe and recently appointed to tented at the polls several the OWRC was present He that feel that my ward has is in the midstol tremendous been neglected An example of dï¬velopment Period All con this is Penctang Street Nothing earned feel great apprehensmn Has been done for the people in about the pollution of the water th since polluted waters here banltes but MM on nor llllgyoihatslfdneslrseet have been would destroy our source of in ms madeG WW tll flooded come It was pointed out that llulr Shivsum and Mr petrimnuk is Mai the village council would have mono reasonable length in other all have been words no new septic tanks undred per cent support of cauldbe installed and the cost uJI Ullllmllflnd would be distributed overall SPINACH 0522 he 29¢ GOURMEIS nELIGlrr Intmducory mm were students in the June examinn along the Nottawasaga and its 17A 59311 States or course he says so orarymomber oi the legion and dent the 10°F Hau Ana Penetang council for the lul characters used to come into and accordion playing Before Jerome Gignflc Reg Alaed Water Resources Committee Dinner guests at Barrie 16 few miles west of Orillia duty The only big case on members of the board and W3 Bert Allen has two years with the Tamblyn E0311 1932 When things mgh sewage system or the area Mr with the Ford Motor Sing the map Mr Ainley machine DPElBmli 913 to the river with smaller mains new plant the job he now holds Rive Rd and these loralderman in word two He and very little otlensive odour running this year he says is the province ot Ontario which road is in bad condition and sort this is doubly important log on to the system within IN BLISTNESS hardball 52iiéioleiir FRESH MUSHROOMS 49¢ the issue They should have de County Health Unit Dr Scott plaiqd their rcasolls think urging the adoption at the plan council handled the Steel Street as soon all possible