ehxx DAROUN SIMCOE COUNTY CARLEY Mrs Charles Ball Drillia spent low days the end of the week with Mr and Mrs Orville Armstrong Mr and Mn William Gill Daphne and Rodney of Button ville Air and Mrs Barry Arm strong Orillia and Mr and Mrs Ernest Langley and droold oi PriNs Corner were visitors with Mr and Mrs George Fleet Mr and Mrs Garnet John stonc and children of Oshawa were visitors with Mr and Mrs Everette Iahnstcne Mrs Thomas Exell Mrs Wil iiam Gallop and son Jimmie and Mr and hirs Andy Laknt as and baby lane were visitors with Mr and Mrs Orville Arm strong TOTTENHIIM Mrs Lowery of Schom berg visited friends in town Sunday last Mrs Orr of Richmond Hill is spcnding few days with her daughter Mrs Len Aber nethy John Delaney of Schomberg visited during thewcckend with his son Alvin Mrs Harvey hiaginughlcn has returned home mm lengthy visit with her brother and sis tuinlaw Mr and Mrs Mc Adam of Carrying Place LEGION NEWS The open house stag euchre hold in Toitenham Legion Hall Nov 21 was iairly well attend ed about 40 being present 32 taking part in the play eight tables First prize went to the team at ibm hiarsden and Bob Thomson second to Ted hier raw and John Tth third to Barney Hannah and Doug Cas sun Consolation prize wont to Ab Dmry and Dan Galbraith The novelty draw price was won by Stephenson Partners were also drawn Congratula tions to the winners From now on as the outside work is being completed in tho rural areas in creased attendanco is anticipatv ed at these open house gather ings as well as the regular mcct ings LOCALVISI ING hir and rs hicrvin Dale and Debbie of Schombcrg and Mrs Wipe visited on Sun day with the latterx mother lilrs John Easton Ark Eden Nursnig Home Stroud Mr and Mrs Oliver Pettit sprnt Sunday with friends in Sheiburne TELEVISION PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 29 000 rn Worncus Show 40 1m Yen mneito 500 anie Daulc 530 IIucklebcrry llound News Headlines Nationl Business Farm Market iiupart News non Jamicson Weather Sports Pirrrs nerton Tho Law and Mr Jon Bachelor rainsr Pilydntc We Tho People News Magazine motoruiions can TV Now The Weatherman Today in Spam Community New Highwuy Ptroi THURSDAY NOVEMBER so 1045 Text Plttcm ltomper Room rapeyo and Pals Noonduy Report News Wenihor SportI Farm Report Coming Events 100 Niovie Tile Outcast Open Housu School Telecast Penpll and Places nopa Around the Sun Tho Womens Show Lets Look Alberta Gomc Farm Raul paulo Dirk Tracey News Headline Man From Marl rnrni illlrkct Report New Don Jlmiuon weather Sports Pierre Berton Th0 Plintstoner CFTO CHANNE WEDNESDAY Nnvzmunu 29 400 Proicssors Hideaway Whirlybirrls Sports Weather ay Piorro nertou News Bachelor Father 20 Questions 71 Sunset strip NHL Hockey The Ilrn Coleman Show Tho Detectives News Weather sport Men at Destiny Better Late THURSDAY Novnhinln 10 1030 New Fran and Easy Channel Nine Theatre Candlelight lo Algeria Scionco Fiction Thsoiro News Professors Hideawly Whirlyhirds sports Weather By Pierre agrton New gt The Run McCoy showdown 91431 83823 s9 apergmer co one sub Pe asssga =3 sonar99¢ 28 When you move that new lialiyaiiives iii when you of uniï¬uu Irmteavetynpe ily occasion Your Weltan We on 5°13 $323 an an greetings from on re gioua civic and business leaders When the occasion arises phone FA 66302 omoucnoooooqoooooooooooooo oooooooioooooooooioooooo wchoms whoops 710 000 900 Tho Real slccoys Sir Francis brak My Three sou Tho Deicnncn Lilli Country Junction 1010 Dangerous Robin 1100 wow Now 1115 This Weatherman Tody in Sports Community News 1135 Notion City FRIDAY DECEMBER 1045 Test Pattern 1100 Romper Room 1200 Popcyo Ind Pals 1110 Noondy Report News weather Spam Farm Report Corning moot Movie Love liunor Goodbyo Oreo House Patlnd Ernio Friend Giunt sing Rng Around The Womenl Show Kim Prnsrr 3111211 11915619 by opeyzx or News Headlines Popcyos TV Party Farm Market Report Nuws Don Jamiclon Wcoihcr spurts Pierre uerion iattior Knows Best Donna nerd Show Country Hocdown Car 51 Tommy Ambroso Perry Mason 1030 The Dutnclive 1100 CBC TV News 1115 The Weatherman Today in Sports Community Now Iiiovln My sister Eileen TORONTO 1100 Thostro At Eight Night Holds Terror 020 Big Four Playback 1000 An Evening With Fred Astaire 1100 News Wcathor sport 1125 Men of Destiny 1130 Better Late FRIDAY DECEMBER 1030 News 1015 Free and Easy 130 Channel Theatre 349 GESS sawea cocoa E32238 Enenriru ms In on 1135 Words and Music Playhouse Now Profussors Whirlybirdl Sports Westhor By Pierro Berton News Lou Agase Show West Coast Wagon raiu Have Gun Will Travel country Styln Law and Mr Jones News weather Sport aetinr Late Frtda Night Theatre Tflpe Threat 8222 Hideaway guinea SS EFFEVumngmgsns menu enema TONIGHT The Prime Minisigr RIGHT HONOURABLE lOHN DIEFENBAKER CKVRTV CHANNEL pm If your carrier has 11 please oi arrived by 11111 phone PA 82433 Ard Copy Will Ba Delivered To Your Home THERE IS NO CHARG FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF cans AND TRUCKS Mr and Mrs Kevin Keogh and children have returned item Weeks stay at the home air and Mrs Bernard Swaile Aurora Mr and Mrs William Elliott were recent visitors with Mr and Mrs lesley Hammond of Guelph Christmas meeting at the Womens institute will be held at the home oi the president Mrs Leonard Aberaetby the lirst Wednesday in December Plans are being made or candlelight service in Tnttenham United Church Sunday Dec 24 Mrs Robert Kanun and child ren of Toronto were weekend guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Fred laird NEWTON ROBINSON Mrs Russell Rowe has return ed home alter spending week with Toronto lricnds Mr and lilrs Dean were Sunday visitors with Iilrs Leeson 111 and lilrs Lorne West and famin and Mr and Mrs Charles Wilson of Toronto wcrc Sunday guests oi lllr and Mrs Lloyd Coborn The Hnughian families and Mr and hire Earl Bell and family had family reunion with Mr and Mrs Ralph Hnughton at lilorkdule on Sun day Cathy Houghton of iiiarkdnie is spending week with hot grondparenis Mr and Mrs lioughton Merrie Menagerie Someday sen theyll all be my MIDHIIIIST Mr and Mrs Lorna Greer and Nancy were guests at the Forriysincinir wedding Satur day in Weston NEW SCHOOL The new school in liiidhurst is well on the way to comple tion it is upectod to be open tor classes the beginning of the year Sorry to report little Karen Olwer is patient in Royal Victoria Hospital SILVER WEDDING Congratulations are in order LARRY BRANNON or hlr and lilrs lorne OISEI who celebrated their 15th wed gling anniversary Tuesday Nov hlr and Mrs Hugh Proctor spent the weekend at their summer home They then closed it tor the season liiidllurst WA catered to the Hog Producers banquet in the school room at the United Chub ch Monday evening ELLESMERECAIRNS Congratulations to Cairns and Bill Ellesmere who were married in Craighunt last Saturday CHRISTMAS CONCERT Keep Monday Dec 11 open to in for the lilidhurst United Church Sunday school concert Children are selling tickets Guest artist will be Wendy Hicks 0t CKVR TV followed by several chil drens numbers course Santa Claus will come early MOUNT ST LOUIS Mr and Mrs Philip King and iamily motorcdsto Toronto on Saturday to attend the wedding of Jacqueline King and Francis Eourrie Shirley King Pcnctnng spent few days at her home here Rosemary Buchanan spent last weekend with iriends in Midland Mrs Dorothy Miller attend the music instruction school at Coldwoter and Elmvale Bernard Eelanger and Troughton of Toronto spent the weekend with Mrs Eugene Bei anger CONTRACT BRIDGE BY JAY BECKER South dealer NorthSouth vulnerable dollTH 435 91093 Kim KQ32 mac 23 15 anon AJIOBEI aoum oaxa 91117342 110 +35 Thebidding South West North East 10 Pass 34 av Opening leadfour of bs Skill in defense is not some thing to be ignored especially since you are defender in half the deals you play To de feat game the opponents have bid is just as important as making game contract your side has undertaken Many players who stub their toes on defense would have even more trouble were it not for the use of various conven tions devised long ago to cum WEST 41097612 bat the declarer The signal the fourthbest lend the top of sequence play and many other conventions widely by all classes of players are of invaluable assistance in den tense Ono convention not used as much as it should he is this suitpreference signal Its chief applicationo in 11 d5 where defender rutis card For simple case of this kind We have todays deal are South is playing four West leads club East ink es the queen with the ace and has no trouble diagnosing the lead as singleton lie returns the seven which West ruffs What should West play now if we look at all four hands it is clear that West will get the best result it he returns dia mond But West sees own hand and the dummys and he might be tempted to re turn spade If he were to do this South would make the con tract However West being familiar with the suitpreference conven tion returns the two of dia monds He knows that East re turned the lowest possible club and therefore wants the lower suit as between spades and diamonds led back If nst had held the ace of spades he would haw returned the in ck of clubs to ask for the higher ranking suit High means high and low means low East wins the diamond with the queen and also cashes the ace he knows declarer has two diamonds because West led the deuce his fourth best Now East plays anottier club which causes South to lose trump trick and go down two 200 points Tomorrow boomerang play DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS Reach all 11 Medley 121o appear 18 Canned word zMiddle coal IEPEXEDM blood 16 Incite vessel 17Eaat Indian 8Widen herb 9Ta mature JR Rome mammo coin ilvo 19Knle 14le Ends 22 Emerald ing 17Wesi Point 24 Biblical freshman judge 19 shed blood 25 Charlatans 20Wapiti 29 Biblical 21 Little yr well 30Virginla 31Atiorgied with feathers 33Castora mother 375mm pig 38Gathorec of eels 39 Stimulate 41A I100 421mm out 44Duteh cheese 45 Spanish jacket 481unlaiun rulers DOWN LAbsolute WT col oq ass Unltdd States for ono 25 Chart 23 Scam 26 Texas re source 27 Rare 25 Al armed 32 Ore guns Sen Wayne 34 Evada 35 Put on 36 shema non 11055 as Hell em zmom away any 70X non 47 n4 rrom mmz rm on azrum rrmd cnmz man um anon m3 ii Yumdnyn Ann 89 Egyptian earth god 49 For 41 Service mana clubs Shinto 48 Hesitatlon sound ouz SAWYER NEEDA NEW OKAYWE DAN TO MATCH FEELLIKE IM MARRlED TO CENTIPEDE DEW ï¬EALLYy MY DEAka IGNORANCE 0F WUR FAMILY HiSTDRY MOST DISTRESSING pgvonmoseo AND so MAYBE GREATGREAFGIZEAT ETCE ER GRAND DADDY PEUON DID may HERE EH WONDERFUL M0 HER WUVE SAVED ME in GAUJJWS only his IM HOMEANYBODY WANT THE CAR KEYS YOU CAN USE THE CA2 LATERI HAVE HAIR APPOINTMENT our ILL NEED rr THEN rore MOVIE SEEMS FOOLlSil TO PUT ANTIFREEIE THE CAR IT NEVER EVEN Miz JONES you PROMISED To Fix yank GATE MONTH AGO BUT irs sTiLL KEEPING us WHATS THAT SPEAK LIP GRAN DMA MUGGS AND SKEETER LOOK It ii LIST EiEKYEOW THE sumpmwa SUSPECT V2 OF Pï¬bOYALTY Elizas LASTWEEK WASA NECK MY KISSINALINTCAME OFA BAD WEEKFORM FORAViGiT AN IVE HAD GETA llAlRCui KEEP MY FACE WARSHEB AN WEAR NECKTIE EVER SINCE NEVER RENEWIE THE POWER OF THE COMMUNIST HARDDRE GROUP OF DillYA DOZEN ORGANIIED iiilS DEMONSTRATiDN FETISH ONEOF OilR BEST EFFDRTS 10 CREME SEWER RELATIONS wmi WEIMIWVERNUEIIIIICIIWN 1o liothRMLVAMiSAKl MWJAPINESFDIGNITIRES iSA COMPLETE FMSCO THE M95 SIWTO IT iIiATItIBY COULDNTGET ER in FORTHREEIIOU MDNFGIIIINER ogLIeivs THE NAVAL AIR STATION 61 iWOSllGI EECAUSF OFTIIE DEMONSTRATIO THATS quiz NEIGHBORS boo PIERRE MANNERs wueu its earns you THERES No us JIIMPS ii auas voumuiio NECKM Kissguvouï¬g CNEEIGAIKE mm action on surges