FINE LINGUIST MONTREAL CPlAn attrac It lycarold leelander who program here We get ï¬re or speaks seven languages was the six years of Danish about our only woman among nine dela at English and two or three Ger gater at the Intentional Civil man belore we go to college Britains Deckhand Doodles lire Truly Startling Figures By Roi CURRIE Id THE BARRE mm WEDNESDAY NOV lRRlTAVT SMOKE The smoke should be avoided when burnln poison ivy plants since particles in the air may SMYTHE RETI Conn Smythe who was pres Idenl oi Maple Leaf Gardens or years resigned last week Occupying the position now is his son Staltord who along with llarold Ballard and John Basset purchased the elder Smyihcs shares or an estimated 82000000 ll by gaining control at about RES is GARDENS PRESIDENT $5 per cent of Garden stock Smythc senior the man who built thc Gardens becomes chairman of the board sue cceding hlacllrlcn 30Day Month Calendar Devised By Businessman WINNTPEG CPI Thirty days hath September April June and Novemberand in fact so have all the rest except December in new calendar devised by Winnipeg born New York businessman Maurice Freedman calls it the calendar oi the sun and says he hopes to prescnt it to the United Nations within year Some of its features Constant datesThe ï¬rst and 15thv for example are always Monday The 28th is always Sunday the Will Wednes day and so on Stablc monthsThe month like the year always starts on Monday and ends on the 30th except for December which has 55 days New names1V0 days with new names are added to the end of every month both entirely separate from the standard four weeks Newday and Uni day therefore form transi tion period from each month to the next Bonus holidayUniday which Is always the 3th is an auto matic universal holiday Since it follows Saturday and Sun day it creates three day weekend once month Now day the Both may be iaurth holiday or working day Mr Freeman says hes con vinced he has the answer to dissatisfaction with the Gregor Ian calendar which be con tends creates confusion and in efficiency resulting in billions of dollars of economic waste Another alternative that has gained some support is the world calendar which works on system of three 91day quarters and final saday Formerly Hunted Now Respected LONDON AmA few years ago AnLis Soteriades had $14000 reward on his head He was being hunted by police dogs and British troops in the mountainsroi Cyprus Today he moves respected and liked among the some British who were hunting him He has been received by the Queen in Buckingham Palace as Cypruss ï¬rst high commis sioner ambassador to Erit ain He has settled down com iortably among his former en EnliBS have always liked Eng land he says like the peo ple and their way of life These same people were shoot lng at him when he was No underground fighter in EOKA ranks during four years of Cypruss campaign for inde pendence quarter ending on Vorldsday It has live Iiiday months and seven zodoy months but has no constancy in dates holidays or working days per month The calendar of the sun has three oudny quarters and inial 95day quarter There are 25 working days month ex cept in December which has 30 The 42yearold inventor who grew up in Sioux Lookout 0nt has been involved with this sort oi thing for years As New tenant in the Canadian Navy he designed the standard naval filing system fouryear job that changed more than 1000 000 file numbers during the Second World War in the 19305 he devised sys tern of playing cards marked WIth the pointcount value in bridge He calls It the anti divor device designed to put sociability back into bridge He was in Winnipeg to dem onstrate other brldge aids that he and his wife have designed and are manulncturingu LONDON CPIOne oi the latest and most naming iigmcc to emerge In the affluent Brit ish society is the deckband dandy lie may be seen strutting through the streets of the pros perous Sullolk fishing town of lowestoit lie is easy to spot in his suit of Lilac or crushed straw berry hallbelted Jacket and bellbottom trouscrs and lishen mens gold earrings lie is prob ably in his late teens and earns about £16 550 week Higher up the status ladder although usually less flamboy ant Is the young sklpper who may earn up to 54000 511200 year All of them work hard and under the worst conditions for their money The fishing boom is credited jointly to government grants and the good North Sea lishing oi the last live years GROWN BY HALF Since 1957 the number of trawler has grown by half to more than 120 and by the end of next year nearly 140 will be sailing out oi Lowestolt This has led to growing de mand for skippers and crews Most of tho young blades now at the helm learned tho trade from their fathers and grand fathers Others left school early and worked as deckhands or went to the local technical college to learn the rudiments oi navigation and netmending Alter three months there on government grant layear old can go straight to sea At 16 he can earn £15 to £20 week and at no he can become mate trip to the fishing grounds of the cruel North San oltcn lasts from 10 to 12 days and if the llshing is good the men DYCKS FOOD MARKET Top Quality Fronts of Beef Hind Quarter of Beef Side of Pork GUARANTEED T0 SATISFY DYCKS FOOD MARKET 150 Collier St Phone PA 35339 for Delivery TOR ONLY ILIIIIn SilltES IIIISIIT HE llEllllll or man SilSll 15 COMBINATION STORM WINDOWS AND DOORS FOR EXTRA COMFORT Be snug and warm for the Holldayn and all winter through Buy quality Combination Storm Windows and Donn at BALL PLANING MlLL Theyre celfatoring so theres no putup and takedown with the change of reasons Theyll soon pay for them elm by helping to save up to on fuel bills average about four hour sleep day MONEY ATTRAm The money attracts recruits from many parts of Britain but iew can stand up to the stren uous life They think the money is there waiting to he picked up says David ltlulleoder 1+ yearold skipper but then they get washed about bit and lrozcn and seasick and they are all home again Most of the lkippers like ltlullender are married and have children The big spenders are the younger deckhand dnn dies Ive seen them gambling £50 time says gruff old skipper of 46 Think nothing of it either Terence Gower 17yearold second engineer has our col crtul suits They make you look differ ent he says Stand out in crowd like Recently there were reports the subsidies would end But now it has been conï¬rmed they will continue for another 10 years although on reduced scale AFRICAN DIAMon Tanganyikas din ex ports for the first seven months or 1961 were worth £8160000 or £514000 more than the some period the previous year éé from RCA PORTABLE TRANSISTOR RAnIos lop transistor quality and powerful perform ance Free 90 day warranty on parts and lab our All our transistors come giit boxed com plete with carrying case and batteries RADIOS Smlrtll liyled Mblnct with easyvtoread clock face five tune clrcult Sky Blue Surf Green spice nelge Shell Pink or Antique Whitnl lovely gilt for Worn on your liltl rcIIr The Gifts That Keep On Giving Aviation Organizationt training explained Sonia Dugol JACK TonRENs this end of the administra still cause rash To The Electors 0f INNISFIL believe that Program of Economy for the Township inaugurated by the Reeve and Council would do much to improve the work ing of Township affairs There is lots of room for this program in all departmean starting with council itself if this cannot be accomp Iished by them they should consult business administrator to put them on course that would lead to more efflelent and economic able operation of township affairs am sure tton can be improved if the proper course is followed This in turn can lead to worthwhile savings to our taxpayers See Tomorrows Paper Enrolling Your Funcbllo Vote Jack Torrens FOR COUNCIL DECEMBER 1961 $05 RCA VICTOR THE ELEGANT NEW 23 TELEVISION RADIO HIFl STEREO COMBINATION Features the noted New Vista TV tuner 23 Bonded Picture Tube safety glass is bonded permanently to tube face Mum reflection easy to clean Total Sound Stereo speaker system astube functions Complete FMIAM radio reception New 2speed Col laro automatic Record Changer Diamond Stylus Others From 2995 Breathtaking cabinet beauty built by skilled cabinet mak ers in RCA Victor Owen Sound plnnL Come see and hear this superb RCA Victor ior 1962 Model 2319610 As $3995 Reg 5395 Quality s499 Each Even Less with Your TradeInt insulate your attic area Materials to Insulate the average attic cost only $900 month RCA PORTABLE RECORD The Winston 23 Console Model Seandia ca binet in genuine walnut veneer Two speakers Tone control ll luminoted channel indicator Special Price 329 and had OTHER RCA GIFTS INCLUDE Stereo Portable TV Transistor Auto Radios Mantle Radios Pianorgans Many many others FOR HAPPY HANDMANI FOR HAPPY HANDYMANI Give him new hand or power tool for Christmas Choose from our complete selection Young or old theyll cer tainly appreciate clils oncl compact smartly styled manual mnnnural portable Avallnhla in two tone brown red or turquoise cablnet sz 95 and up TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED ON ALL DESIRED ITEMs REERIREIIIITIIJII III DUNLOP sT PA atoso AT HOME ESTIMATES NO OBLIGATION CALL THE BALL Plllllllllti MILL CO LTD I55 Hullsrs Give you so much more power for your money in Slllfll Tho Econumyï¬lr that tklmps out Ill III FRENCH MOTORS 15 Drama Street llartlc Dnlulo ha 48 ANNE ST PA 82496