II LEGAL NOTICES VESPRA rownsmp MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS Noiice is hereby given that the election oi candidates or the oilicc of three auricillars or the Tcnvnship oi espra and two Trustees or Vesprs School Area No will be hold SATURDAY DECEMBER 1961 FRO 930 TD 630 PI at the ioJowlng places Division No lGeorge Thmpsons House Thompson DRO Division Nu ZTawnship Hall Midhurst George Coulis DR0 Division No SFrnnkcain tlna Service Cundles North Keri Miller DR0 Division No 4Orange liall tiincsing lrvine Johnston DRO Dil ion ho 5Grcniel Hall Clitiard Ford DIl0 Div ion No GEdcnvalc Hall McNahb DRO Division No 7Scotls Stare Anion Iills Scott DRO Division iio oBnr liall frernddlc Mrs Bert Hooper DR0 EARL RICHARDSON Township Clerk sonny Is GOOD DAY so was roux WANT AD In the BARRlE EXAMINER PHONE PA Mud I3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Saturday December EM SHARP tor the estate at the late DElIPSTER Lot 23 Concession Eu Township two miles south Elsa Station and mile east Auction sale at arm stack lm plements hsy grain straw sad household iurnlture Terms cash Na reserve as the estate must be settled JERRY COUGHLIN auctioneer AUCTION SALE Saturday Dec 12 Noon Sharp Auction sale of arm slack im plements hay grain straw RERSONALS wows COLUMN LEARN HAIHDRESSING chcrruneat Chortsrsd School Through training in all bran ch beauty culture DZRWIN HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 12 WORSLEY ST PA H961 anusv saor Coldm sy mus animator to on home nun Eunice gt Hus or um LOST FOUND wouu rrrty who lound the nuth between John ltrnt and remark on Saturday ura ins vllsu lllwhons PA Hots QFARMERS MARKET monsoon Arlnn snty umr Cam mgau Tole Haul ï¬lz BARN EXAMINER WEDNESDAY NOV 29 1961 21 HUBEBT I150 Chfllet lir omen telphone 53 an II or ssh ply to Alth nil or his llama AUTOMOTIVE WATSON MOTORS STAYNER CHEVROLET OLDSMOEILED cm can not EAL ogunmous smvrcn NO SMOKE IO HELP WANTED gt 130 man mi lumber wood and some houses MALE HELP 1050 ENVOY SEDAN hold etlccts tor tf°ihfllnï¬idpéiéi WW BULDNG Sif2lil SIMCOE CPUNTY NEWS SUPERINTENDENT Township miles south at 1959 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE SEDAN RUGBY RE highway ii at GnsolineAlley Another oneownsr car that LI clean both inside end out with FOR MASOSIEQQUEIEDING on miles straight north at MARRIAGE MOTOR CARS FOB HALE COUNSEUJR are your Dalston George 12 home or lllr and Mrs Tyson value ln mechanically round and attractive car 1959 METEOR CYLINDER Conch smsrtly twotoned in blue and white and good mechanical condition 11 OWEN STREET Good appernm man familiar with building maintenance and heating Apartment available in building the the overhcad bridge oil Shanty Bay Road Terms cash No reserve as the owner Is in ill health and the arms are in the hands at the Real Estate Sorry to hear Mrs William Robertson has pneumonia We all wish her at speedy rccovcny HI IIOMEMAKERS Lnngmnn with good attend ance itlr Langmnn chaired the meeting chcral items oi busi ness were discusscd and dcolt with Final plans wcrc ad as In the Christmas party with to mi in Fealures Sndlrslllne World rum mnm Now that we know marria were right back whcr ge is 5050 proposition we started from 1958 VOLKSWAGEN COACH Address applications on Congratulations to the leutler the VI in Rugby school on clean little economy car In good shape mechanicllly snurtly ï¬nished in blue FELT SecretaryTran Masonic Temple Co Ltd s2 Kempenlelt Drive JERRY COUGHLIN Aucllonecr Mrs Albert Anderson and girls at the Hi Homemaking CI uh Friday cvcning Dec 815 on the display or their rccqrd Eicciion oilicers took place Iiuilting is dune with guns Guns are music for killin Safely Rules the Stressed As our woods become more populated with huntcrs year by 1958 FORD DELUXE V8 COACH standard drive and custom radio twotoned in coral and grey 1958 MERCURY SEDAN With automatic drive and custom radio All exceptionally clean our in good mechanical candltion II LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDERE AND OTHERS All persons having claims as iollows president Ecrnnl Johnston iirst viceprcsident Ray Rutherford secretary Don nchcarI treasurer Iinnk Van Nort The meeting closed the hostess scrvcd lunch Phane PA MN nrpunncn IALKIMAN nquirld by Guide am Solltnl lpiriflnsl rrllcmd Goad worktns canol Inlu and cornle beneï¬ts book recipe boxes and school lunches on which there had been lot oi work MOIan Moore and Gail Cuppage lor the demonstration at dilicrcnt Now docs huntcr siriy lilnlte sense or avcr 1112 ha or handles gun It most Ccllfllll ly lacs The one blisic tIIlt to remem You are cordially invited to us these and mlny other dependable uscd cars at our Sales Lot on Main Street East MIN AL CIUIPS WI Euch TeL No Wulll such Mu nor MAIN ruinr ms Annimum Mt um am out PERSONALS 3mm wm no 91 Burn 1min AUCTION SALES VIAU morons LTD Rsmblar Hiliman 10 DOWN 17 GOWAN ST PA 66488 WHO ELSE WANTS NEW CAR Buy It Now With LowCost LiteInsurEd 500m PLAN WAN THE BANK OI NOVA SCOTIA HAROLD JORY MOTORS mnmrrl and STANDARD DEALERS Repairs to All Makes 0ML and NA Towing IS EAYEIELD PA 5416 MIDTOWN YEAR END CLEARANCE 1901 Pontiac Parisienne $2725 1961 Ford Fairlsne $1900 1961 Pontiac Laurentlan $2550 1960 Chev Biscayne $1725 lQSDBulck Hardtop $1880 1958 Chev Delray $1195 1956 Chev Sedan $680 1950 Ford Custom $595 1955 Oldsmobile 88 Sedan $587 All cars reconditioned and guaranteed Same with automa tic transmission radio and snow tires 41 ESSA nosn ROY HAWKINS su ronnnc for mu cylinder four door origins rnd body in A1 shlpl rsle hon rn Miss tor lurther dstl II 1555 nurcx sednn for sale res and black snlrh saso with only its phone an own custom ndla dawn Teln 159 EDBEL carrnlr two door hlrdto Like It Full culp ea rsa in mnmfr less DDDOE Sudan or gï¬lu trnnlmztillznvorl PA lTEJII III rlaghnnr 1951 DKw Sutton Wilson to Tokegnaw thrgousgout own In it own Telephanl PA OI9llly ms honor for rate our door Clean throu hunt nndio Four mw tlru sllphono Ora altlr Dm 19 WEILY JEEP VIII In rine tourwheat driva so Apply 11 Burton Ava phone PA M01 51 DODGE new front tires wlndrhleld wnshers plugtn heItA er Motor good Eddy lair Tele phone PA oosl7 evenings 1956 RAMBLER Euplr or II our door custom porn mechanical condition rim nu use Only on down Tllcrhone PA 37951 1951 DODGE Custom Etstton WI gen vs four door two tons in excellent candltlan ms or Inst olltr as monthly wiil cany 1th down to rlltlble person liar Dhonl PA 58309 liter pm inns WTD TO any ORV HARDY MOTORS BARRIES NEWEST CAR LOT URGENTLY REQUIRES USED CARS TRADE UP OR DOWN WE WILL LEND YOU MONEY ON YOUR PRSENT CAR 176 BRADFORD STREET PHONE PA 34272 CAI WANTED or wrecking my nr modol tel ham 4588111 sis non our arr ulna aid on We trifle up or down FAI Ilndllo Mata Esll Rand BID Ill PA 891 rryinn Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA szm BILL FULLTON WIHII Incl ToL No Wan lech llme OILEI ol RCM Sta tlon Idsr will not be nspbmlbll tor any debt incurred in nun wtthnut written eonInt IItr this dltlÂ¥ovlmb¢r I961 GOING WEST DHVI our nl ns Illa model an to Vulcou vlr Oslo11 Edmonton Ruins wt bn prls rmmn Servle Llrnltld ms oi remain an in IIUDY OEOUF II lorrnln all improvement course or those who would 11k to talks lull III at their uplblllttu plrtlcu 1er than who went to over some social Gllllcultln such shyness llck ol sellexpression ar hck at ultconrldenra srrtaurly Intcruted antes Ire Inked to telnphone sum immldlltlll or man hllomlltlont ADDING MACHINES TypeWrilers For Christmas liltl Good sel ection oi reconditioned stand ards from $3450 New Portables from $0995 lyoar guarantee Easy terms ADDING MACHINES Good selectlan now from $3050 STAR Business Machines 14 Bradford St PA 66595 CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS AND CHRISTMAS TREES BEZZANT NURSERIES co Johnson St PA 60247 GIFTS FOR HER LA DE BONNAIRE nailstyling Studio 105 Napier St CHRISTMAS concurs sin rantls ea $1250 PERMS tla sis PEEMS also TEENAGERS $550 PA 82698 BILL LEBOEUF JEWELLERS DiAMONDS Cash Credit Layaway No Interest art carrying Charles 52 DUNLOP 51 WEST 13433343 Want Ads SELL Most Anythingj PHONE PA lflld Ely in writing to nor its aminer WANT school boys 1MB Earn up lo SALES HELP AGENTS Avlmnun tut hourly Auction sale at ilrm stock and Lot ti Concession 14 West Gwllllmbury one mile east at Cookstown an Broken Front Terms cash GREG OLEARY Auctioneer Smith Rutter MACKS MENS WEAR Good selection of viyella 17 Jewel Watches $1495 lmmldiltely BI is er wait in mm um In new on delivery 1mm only those liltn to want need apply Tele hone Jack Graham in Mime app msn Ior ruuts work to is hours AUCTION SALE WEDNESDAY NOV 29 EM mplnments hay and straw for MRS JAMES WRIGHT FRANK WEBB Clerk Tottenharrl 9364905 GIFTS FOR HIM FURNITURE 137 Dunlop St 60245 PA 60246 PLATFORM ROCKERS NYIJONEREIZE $2995 sonvrcn SAVINGS SATISFACTION BARRIE Stamp 8t Coin 17 Bayfiéid 51 Buy Him Catalogueifor hChristmss or Qood Album srAMPs COINS 33 DUNLOP ST WEST PA 89641 Sweaters $395 up socks $150 LOIFTS FOR FAMILY STENNICKS JEWELLERY 5127 DUNLOP ST Boxed Christmas Cards Holiday Sing Along With Mitch against the Estate at CHARLES HENRY HORTON late oI the Township oi Innisllll in the County at Simcac Re tired Fnrmcr who died an the 30th day at August 1961 are required to tile proot at some with the undersigned solicitors tor the Exccutors by the lst day at December 1961 altar which date the cslate will be distributed Dated in Barrie Ontario this 13M day at November 1961 STEWART ESTEN MCTURK and MILLS Drawer ss Barrie Ont Solicitor for the Exccutors WARNS LIBERALS REGINA CPi Liberal Leader Ross Thatcher said Tuesday there may be snap provincial election in the spring He said theCCF government may iind itself unable to deliver health plan or which it will be collecting millions of dollars in taxes GIFTS FOR FAMILY DiXIes Smoke Shop And Record Bar 106 Dunlap St GIFT IDEAS Rust Craft Greeting Cards Family Christmas Cards Morris Boxed Chocolates Best Quality Billfalds Pipes and Smokers Supplies Tree Lights and Decorations Visit Our Toylahd Party jokes and novelties Tinlair Watches AT OUR RECORD BAIT All the Christmas LPs All Giristmas selections with the best recording stars Mitch Miller Sing Alongs Ray Connit For Dancing Johnny Mathis Frank Sinatra Jane Morgan Connie Francis Perry Coma Pat Boone Bing Crosby Magus Jockson Seabreezezkecord Players and accessories Record Racks and Cases Buy Record Gilt Certificate JACKSONS DEPT STORE Earrles Most Famous Hausa of Bargains OUR MOTTO iS SATISFACTION 0R CASHMONEY REFUNDED SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE IN THE FAMILY Top Quality Rock Bottom Prices DIAL PA 87735 59 DUNLOP ST BARRIE ONT INQUIRE ABOUT OUR CONVENIENT and up Also Misc dun ECONOMICAL WEEKLY RATE ways of serving potatoes Marlon Moore who received her certificate and pin of county honors for completing six units The girls Tho Pnrslcy Partners Girls taking the course were Anderson lilnrion llornc Marion nlaorc Mrs Catherine Langnmn Heather Langman Rota Fitchctt Gail Cuppagc and Dawn Lackio AGRICULTURE FEDERATI0N tian oi Agriculture met at to rinmcd ihcmsclvcs Juan Thorne Knthclinc Rugby Group at the chrirn the Congratulationsto Jean and Gcorgc Anderson and Allan Johnson who all placed second with their calves in um Queens Guineas at the Royal Agricul tural Vintcr Fair in Toronto TITO HAS FLU BELGRADE litliters Yu gosiav President Tito 69 has influenza and his doctors have advised him to remain at home under treatment it was on nounccd Tuesday your hunter satety programs certainly make sense No paper or magazine writlcn for hunters would be complete without few words nboul this most important part at hunting There are some seasoned hun tors and voodsmcn who la 1ny think that all of this hue and cry about huntcr safety is slanted at the novices not them Let us considcr just for moment one very basic tact hcrnl all times is til gun is designed or kil alwtiys must he im respect Let us torn moment ann lyzc cw accidents uill guns The most common dents are cnuxcd by supposed 1y empty guns followed closely by the excuse that it moved so shot at it not identi fying the targct for sinc rry An Exomlncr Want ndF PIIQNEPA 82114