West Proposes New Plan For Berlin Settlement By JOHN HIGHTOWER WASHINGTON AP The Western powers are considering making proposals to Russia early next year tor settlement at the Berlin crisis They wril be designed to strengthen the security of West Berlin against Communist pressures and to as sure Irce access to the city irom West Germany The proposals may embrace plan for creation at an Inter nationally controlled highway corridor between West Berlin and West Germany as sug gested by President Kennedy in an interview published Tuesday in Russia What the president had in mind on this project was not spelled out but he has oppor CIIPSULE NEWS TO HARRY PRINCE GANGIOK Sikkim Reuters The heirapparent to the throne at this tiny Himalayan kingdom was iormnliy betrothed Tues day tn Hope Cooke oi Seal Hart hor Me 2lyearold college girl Miss Cooke an Episcopal lnn who met the prince Budd hist during visit to Darjeel ing India three years ago Is in Sikkim learning the language LABEL FILMS PLEA WASHINGTON AP The motion picture industry was askcd Tuesday to label its films voluntarily so parents will know which ones are unsuitable ior children and for young people committee at Roman Catho lic bishops in report to the churchs hierarchy said unless the industry does this popular demand will force mandatory iilm classifying system in the states and communities VACCINE HOPES DENVER Colo tAP Dr Jonas Salk told doctors hiesday there are bright hopes for single vaccine warding off up to 100 virus diseases He said the vaccine possibly could prevent some cancers and nerve dis eases which may be caused by viruses in yet unknown ways Or it cancer viruses are found they could be put in the super vaccine SUNDAY DANCES MONTREAL judge Tuesday ruled dancing is en tertainment and does nnt all under the jurisdiction of Que becs Lords Day Observance Act In dismissing seven charges against downtown dance hall for being open Sun days Judge Pascal Lachapolle agreed with the deience that dancing is an entertainment corresponding to plays motion pictures and athletic eventsall allowed on Sundays in Quebec DOUBTS RISE DAUPHIN Man AP Ag riculture Minister Alvin Hamil ton said Tuesday that because of the threat oi competition he doubts that cattle prices will in crease much more He said in radio interview that ii cattle prices go much higher then producers of turkeys and broil ers can move in and take the market away And if cattle prices rise another $1 or $2 hundredweight this will draw American beef into Canada Simeon Shopping tunity at press conference to day to explain his ideas il he wishes to do so The prospective Western plan tor Berlin coupled with new ex ploratory talks with the Soviet government is expected by no thoritia here to lead to an east wut toreign ministers contor ence in few months But US oiticials say the ne gotiations thus loreseen will be prolonged and extremely diiii cult and no compromise solu tion of the Berlin dispute is in sight gt Liquor Guide For Students TORONTO CPI study guide to alcoholism to teach students about liquor has been issued by the Ontario depart ment of education The guide is booklet pre pared ior the department by the Alcoholism and Drug Addic tion Research Foundation of On tnrio Statistics included in the booklet showthat 2500000 of Ontarios population of 3600000 drink and 85000 are alcoholics The guide says many diiier ent reasons exist tor drinking or abstaining and that many dit fercnt ways exist of using and regarding liquor other than those in the students own home and among his friends The booklet will he the basis of talks between teachers and students or 14 your and over Hunt For Gold Soon To Finish ANCHORAGE ReuterstThe huntior gold in Alaskas oncee rich districts of Fairbanks and Nome will come In virtual standstill within two years The death knell has been sounded by the United States Smelling and Refining Com pany the only big company still operating in the districts By late 1962 or 1963 an uiiicial says operations at both Nome and Fairbanks will he brought to halt The companys withdrawal from the Alaskan goidiields will mark the end of an era for this farnorthern state The almost deserted iields will be vivid contrast to the days 63 years ago when the cry of gold here and in the Klondike at Canadas neighbor ing Yukon Territory touched oii one at the most dramatic pop ulation migrations in history Then gold was the dream of everyone and prospectors ar riving here expected to iind it lying like pebbles on the Nome beach and in mother lodes in the creeks near Fairbanks The Kennedy interview with Alexei Adxhubel editor of the Soviet government newspaper lzvestia and wntinlaw oi Pre mier Khrushchev dramatically illustrated the complete conflict at aims on Berlin issues with which Russia and the West are approaching negotiations The conflict of aims devel oped in what was really an ex change of views between Adz hubei and Kennedy AdLhubei is believed herein have chosen this technique so that when the an record at the interview was published in lzvestia niesday readers in Russia were pre sented with the Soviet as well as the Western viewpoint Kennedy said that the desire of the Vestem powers is to maintain very limited num ber of US British and French troops in West Berlin and to have for example an interna tional administration on the au tobahn German superhighway so that goods and people can move freely in and out BERLIN TS CORE Kennedy made the Berlin problem the central concern of most at his discussion with Adzhuhei although he said the great long range threat to peace is the Kremlins eiiort to push the Communist system outward taking over one coun try otter another US officials predicted that sometime allowing meeting of Western foreign ministers in Paris in mid December the Western powers will present to the Soviet Union their proposals or Berlin settlement These proposals are expected to be aimed in the first in stance at strengthening the Western position in relation to Berlin and the declared long rangc purposes of reuniting East and West Germany In other words they will be the starting point tor bargaining FloraCheque Gilt Certificates For Flowers Plants Let your loved ones choose the floral gift they want when they want it wherever they are Come in today and let us tell you more about the ideal way to give the periect giit Fendleys Flowers 74 Blake St PA 85975 xp2 SCENIC DAYS TO CALIFORNIA VIA CHICAGO BY TRAIN For modem trains convantent depend able schedules choice of sconIc routes various travel plans PHONE 84400 Pay Later Plan Available Canadian National Phone PA 82429 3AM EXAMINER WEDNESDAY NOV ml Absurd Promotion Boosts DrugPrices Inquiry Told YTIAWA CPI Promotional activities when carried to ob surd and ridiculous extremes can result in keeping up phar maceutical drug prices Re strictive Trade Practices Com mission inquiry was told nies day The commission today was expected to conclude its public sessions across Canada in an eliori to learn whether mon opolistic situation exists relat ing to the sale manulacture and distribution pharmaceut ical drugs in Tuesdays session hiacieod representing the di rector oi investigation hnd re search under the Combines Act argued in closing statem eat that while there appeared to he no pricing agreement among pharmaceutical ru compon ies certain practices tended to maintain prices at high lev el Unlike some other industries he said there was no real competition in price but money spent copromotion and adver tising could be wasteiul and ex travagant This might result in profits being down but prices remaining up Disagreement with Mr Mac Leods testimony was expressed by Hume of Toronto general legal counsel Canadian thmaceutlcal Manufacturers Association ltir Hume said no one could seriously argue that any busi nessman would deliberately be extravagant and nastetul to cut down his profits it had been shown that companies had to resort to promotion to keep their share in the market He considered much at the evidence presented before th commission was merely an ex pression oi opinion and com mented on the general lack oi public interest in the commis sions sittings illPlllll NOW PilY LilTiilt on our handy Budget Plan Dont delay repairs to your car Seo us tmiay OilliiiEIiIlELD Motors Ltd 66 Collier EL PA 82181 To The Ratepayers oi Township Oi innisiii Your vote and influence respectfully solicited by J05 coullltllllE FOR REEVE for 19621963 Seven consecutive years yopr representative on council Few Oblaetlvos with Cooperation of Council continuation of high standard road construction Ind paving Consider the advisability of holding plebiscite re ward system for election purponc only Appointment of park committee budget to advertise lnnlstii and our Inks shores Consider an independent committee for Court of Appeal For transportation phone T4R2iStroud collect Their NCES SPECIAL CHRISTMAS BONUS GIFT TO YOU FREE TRIP NEW YORK FREE TRANSPORTATION to NEW YORK 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