AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY cnowu iiiiL EVENING CIRCLE Evening Circle of the United Church held the November meeting at Mrs Maurice Par tridges with it present Mrs William Clark opened with web ry then all sang Blest he the tie that binds lrs Miles Hicklt ling read an editoria forgive us our Christmases r1tten by Rev William Bothwell hi rsi Howard Partridge read the min utes report on the rummage sale was given by the treasur er lttrsi Go Atkinson During the business session there was discussion on joining the United Federation of Women Mrs Lew nard Edgerton gave vivid talk on her recent trip to New York Next meeting is the annual meeting at Mrs Edgcrtons on Dec 12 Roll call bring some thing appropriate to and to the Fred Victor Mission in Ton onto ALLISTON Mr and Mrs Charles Man ning of Arthur were recent vis itors at the home of their soninlaw and daughter ir and Mrs Torn Dunn Allistoa POTATO AWARD Congratulations to Ross Brett oi Alliston fill on winning the Grand Champion Award given by King Calcium Co for yield of 638 bushels of potatoes to the acre during the past season This tops last years winner Ron Bcattie oi Alliston at 513 bushels NEW WELL FOR TOWN There has been shortage of water in Alliston during the past few months and there was some anxiety while the search for suitable well site was being investigated Drilling went on for some length at time Public Utilities Commis sion finally was successiul and three wells will soon be com pleted The lowest tender for the TELEVISION PROGRAMS new pump house or this well was tmm Bulrnaa Alliston and he obtained the contract for $3825 Tests on the well or gross capacity are satistactory and it is expected that Alliston will be using the water by December TWO RESIGNATIONS Everyone was sorry to hear that Ken Mann at Baxter Lab oratories has resigned from the Alliston Planning Board and that John Bowerman ha resigned his post as town solicitor Both have done fine job and will be greatly missed in tliesde partments Mrs Anna Green flew from htalton to Windsor recently to attend the Ontario Conierence on Education RNTEN MILLS The weekly card party hoid Tuesday night with seven tables playing Prizes won by Ladies Mary Cavanaugh and Lil Rich ardson Men George Fraiick Reed Richardson Christmas tree cutting is the order of the day at present Mrs Scott visited over the weekend at Mrs Glen Richard sons at Gravenhurst Mervin Todd left this week end for his new position near Orangeville Mr Eoyse from Severn Bridge is replacing him here EGBERT UNITED CHURCH WA Egbert United Church WA met at the home Hazel Brole with 13 members and five visitors present The presi dent Hazel Broloy presided Meeting opened with hymn and prayer Scripture was read by Mrs Thompson The les son thought Our Villlng Scrw ice was read by Phyllis Beat ty it was decided that each member should bring pm to send to the Ontario Hospital at cxva CHANNEL BARRIE TUBIDAY NOVEMBER Womens Show Arthur Halnu Show Mike Mercu Cartoon Par News Headline Loam to Draw Farm Market Report News Dori Jamieaan Weather Spam Ben Casey Gary Moore Show tied Skltilan Background One Step Beyond CDC TV News The Weatherman Todly In Sports Community New 11410 Interpol Calling WEDNESDAY NOVIMBEK 29 1045 Test Pattern Romper Roam Popeye and Pain Noondly Report News Weather Sport Farm Report Coming miean Movla iYnung Wives Tall Mile do Paris itIusle Break Friendly Giant Maggin Maniac The Womens Show Yes Yes Nanette nozzle Dania Huckleberry Hound Newl Headlines Nations Business Farm Market Report News non Yamielnn weather Sports Pintre Berton The Law and Mr Janu Bachelor Father 2732 asaaass 58 mcoeama 23 gSmuaMobg asle sfnPyslirryuur aoo Floydto 000 We The Fee is 1000 News Main no 1030 exploration 1100 CBC TV News 1115 The Weatherman Today in arts Communit cw 1110 Highway atrol THURSDAY wovamnzn so 1045 Test Pattern 11ao nompcr Room 1200 Papaya and Fair 1230 Noonday nopnrt ans Weather sports Form In on Coming ems Movie The Outcast Open House School Telecast home and Places hope Around the Sun Tan Womens Show Lets Look Aihcrta Game ram nozzle Dazzle Dick Tracey Ncwa Headline Man Front Mars Farm litsrkct Report News Don Jamieson Weather Sports nitm Horton The Flintstones The Real McCoys Sir Francis Drake My Three Sons The Delenders Country Junction Dangerous Roma in News The Weatherman Today in Sports Communi New Naked city as hibhgaufdu assessesaes bi sssss PPPPds mpgswu CFTO CHANNEL TORONTO TtlzaaaY Novxntnan 2a 030 sports Pcntaag Put on the parcel whether it is or man woman or child Names were drawn for exchange of Christmas gills Meeting closed with hymn and benediction alter which dain tylunrh was served WOODS EUCHRE woods Euchre Club held the weekly party on Vednesd ay evening with live tables playing High prizes were won by Kath leeu Mooney and Gary Vaodorp ladies lone hands Doris Mat thews mens Frank Feltis Low prizes were won by Esther Downer and Alfred Euchre is heldpin Woods School every Wednesday Everybody is welcome Come and bring your lriends and enjoy the evening Mr and Mrs Bruce Braley Squrboro spent Saturday with Mrs Hazel Broloy Mr and Mrs itoger Reive Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Cecil Whiteside Mr John Anderson and Sally Susan and Jackie spent Sunday in Toronto CONTRACT BRIDGE BY JAY BECKER West dealer NonhSouth vulnerable NORTH AAQm mus one +AKQ WEST EAST anvoiaz you oaxoioor 40703 scum Axes vicqmios or 4106 Tnabldcung West North East anutn Pass 14 so Pass Pass to Pita 44 Pass so Pnaai Opening lead nine of dia moods The ciiebid ot the opponents suit is supposed to show void or the ace of that suit but there are times when the cue bid is used to show big hand even though the adverse suit is not under firstround control As an illustration of such situation we have this hand when North had to decide what to do over Souths three heart bid The hand looked slammish to Northlie had 22 highCard points but he didnt know whether th diam were under Cantrell He therefore bid four dia monds to alert South to the possibility of slam How ever South felt he had very Rookies Playing Pretty Tight TORONTO CP The book ies stout champions of the East in every Grey Cup game for the last 40 years are playing it close to the West this year The opening line on the Grey Cup next Saturday is to and take your choice Translated it in you must put up $6 to win 85bat you may take your choice of teams There is no point spread and nought however when South have been too difficult for West UTOPIA Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Jack Himna happy par cuts of ï¬ne wee daughter at Humber Memorial Hospital Tor onto Wednesday Nov 22 PMATO CLUB BANQUET Mr and Mrs Frank Elphick Mr and Mrs Allen Miller Mr and Mrs Hector iuinbuil and Mrs Couisoa attended the 500 BushelPotato Clubs turkey ban q1t in Alilston Wednesday night Mrs Couison won the lucky ticket prize lovely ei ectne clock donated by Crest Hardware EUCHRE PARTY Thursday night wet and not inviting found it tables at eu chre player on hand Prize winners were Ladies high score Reta Turnbull with 95 mens high score Gary nirn huli lone hands Arthur Hoi mcs and Mrs Maynard consolation prizes Day Cre emore and Ruby McCann Next week there will be special priz es for the iiith euchrc of the month LARRYinANNON BLONBIE little beyond the values he had already shown so he signed oil with four heartsi North was still not satisfied that slam was impossible and he made further cuehid in spades This time South couldnt ignore his partners JULIET JONES ti uKemGET SOMErHING nyrrenem Fsz 519125 TONIGHT MY HE DOESNT LIKE LIVER HE WONT EAT CALVES BRAINS HE HATES MUrmN IDUR NAME PELION WAS MYAMIDEN NAME 7112 caucus AneAVeiiY FAMILYMUCH ULDERYNAN THE VAN ravens MYNAMEPEIJONWIS MY MOTHER MAIDEN NAME JUST FORGOT ABOUT GUESS HAYED WAS MATTER OF FILT REAL ODDBALL NAME OVER ON THE MAYFLDWER AHDIHEN SHUTTLED BETWEEN MT VERNON AND GRANTS TUMB pleas any longer and showed secondround control of dia monds This was all that North want ad to hear and he Jumped to six hearts The fine bidding came to goofed in the play West led the nine of diamonds and South mode the mistake of ducking in dummy This turnEd out to be fatal because East played the deuce for West to switch to some other suit it didnt take long or West looking at seven spades in his own hand and three in dummy to decide that East was void of spades So he led spade and South went down one If declarer had covered the nin of diamonds with the jack he would have made the contract course if East had in voked the slamdoublingv ca vention and doubled six hearts Souths fate would have been sealed with an opening spade load The double would ave called for lead other than diamonds and it would not WINGEYCS WHOSE SNAZZY CAR FOLKS PAPKED our rooms EVERYTHING iT THE GEEATE ST WHAT GOOD EVEN SEAT BELTS SEAT WILL DO WINGEY to find the killing lead Tomorrow The suitpretere convention DONALD DUCK REMOTE TERRITORY Sixteenthvcentury Portuguese slave hunters were believed the first white men to penetrate the remote Brazilian state of Mato Grosso Reds Sell Pena To Maple Leafs THE WAY HE ears Ha WONT BE ABLE To FASTEN THEM TARPA Fla CF Cincin nati Reds today announced the sale of righthanded pitcher 0r lando Pena to Toronto Maple m2 eowaiizas arenamu 400 Profesflors Hideaway 640 Weather sou Whirlyhlrds sis Pierre Berton 650 News 700 Leave it To Beaver THE BLACK irlél INCLHFEE 415m no favorite although the bet Leaofs oi the international ada is convinced that by game THIS EMBLEM 150 Zane Gr Theatre aoo Theatre aim Secret or at Ives 930 Checkmate 1030 Peter Gunn 11oo News Weather Sports 1115 Men or Destiny 1130 Better Late mommy NCWSMBBR 29 News Free ud Ealy Channel Tantra convoy Lea any ï¬gfluiflécipï¬ï¬ In Ta ernl In notiï¬able errant lal Hamilton TigeeraLs will be favored by about three points to take Winnipeg Blue Bombers The conservative odds were drawn up after the TigerCats overcame 257 firstgame deli cit in the twogame totalpoint Eastern Conference final against Toronto Argonauts Ha Penn had 128 wonlost rec ord with the rnational League Jersey City Jerseys and Toronto last season The Reds also announced the purchase of relief pitcher Dave Sister from Washingoon Senat ors for $75000 The 30yearold right hander had record milton took the series 5527 in with the Senators in in games pinyhouu overtime last season News Professors ninewry pigm DAILY cnosswoan awfulre Barton Am weave identiï¬es your Sunset Strip stamina hfln°¥inn now 59m wricoiit Wilton tn flstuka MiZorwoeémi SW 12Girls name again name are anner Latl gagesration 0spawn at 2am Va cents nah AY ma clams flrrna or prestige in the Eoiiï¬m slung coronary non basinscandcivieiitaol Eggnï¬duwmm Beach sosirug It 8LGurden comm Candlelight 1n Ailerta hum 63 $001 my Science Fiction Theatre 17Nm1b9r manLtnk 855mm For information call PA 66302 Coot0 wOKlEIXM NW YII WAS GIVEN THJOB HONORARY OIEEE 531055 LEADER W12 Til TEAM JHEV SAY CAN MAKE MORE NOISETNAN ANY TEN KIDS r5 sasssssassas an Eppsflwmnsnpu GRANDMA mm uriiiitiï¬iurrecnvrtvmntzn rreiiiimrr atrium gloom mng gwoirmrsuommro umai 5° 25 Furnished 20 Roman 835mm our ourqu moo unoenmno Weather 37Amanuat emperor pod mmnmmonxmmi THE Yourii urnnoise 87Leava RYNMAHKII one ldiizuaui McCoy 253212 22and out Sh covertn hrane WEL WAGON a0o Tnmruewnat lei at 306mm em Night Holds error Big Four rinyirncr 32 95 preï¬x maximum With Fred 335rmsh map 351 11110 News weather Sports 1115 Men 111 Destiny 1130 Better Late 3451amese measure 36 iRefusal to Ell cilantro iiiiss Yflll measure If your carrier map not arrived by pm to mend please phone old shoes 46 African PA 82433 Ari Copy Will Be Delivered To Your Home nowzq THERE is NO CHARGE roa THIS SERVICE 33 21mm VALLEY TAXI or acquire an DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS 335 nounu opeConant this nee nae auz SAWYER sues TRVIMGJD RECHARGE Ami ion unwoimo TDIMKE lTm me some MUGGS AND SKEETER