KEEPING IN THE TRIAL is part of the afternoon activ ities on ladics day out at the Barrie YM YWCA Owen Street This regular weekly WIIAT TO DO with the young try is no problem as Mrs Vince Ludlow takes over PEOPLE AND PLACES outing commenced more than month ago and is undcr the supervision of Mrs Ursula Hochner secretary of the girls and womens division of the Barrie in the baby sitting depart ment Above right Mrs OBrecht entertains two young misses Phone Eileen Dixon or Audrey Coulson FA NEW COMMITTEE The 196162 committee for the RCASC Officers Wives Club Camp Borden was formed re cently The committee includes Mrs Donna Crosby entertain merit Mrs Manon Heuchsn honorary president Mrs Gorrie president Caplnin Dor othy Doyle vicepresident Mrs Eileen Zink entertaimnent Mrs Shirley Brown treasurer Mrs Dolores Guy secretary and Mrs Doris McGaugh social convener The most recent project com pleted by the Wives Club was counting thousands of pennies collected by Camp Borden chool children for the UNICEF Mrs Allan of Medicine Hat Alberta and Mr and Mrs Gordon Allan of Rosemere Que bec were Saturday visitors at the homes of Mrs Lucas Owen Street and Good fellow Mary Street CHRISTMAS TEA Members of the Crystal Chap tcr SD of the LOVBA Al landafe have completed fin al arrangements for the annual ba zaar tea and bake sale to be held at the Allandale Hall Bur ton Avenue Wednesday afterno on Bake table conveners for the event are Mrs Agnes Robson Mrs Hattie Baker and Mrs Lorne Handy Sewing table conv veners Mrs Wallace Hurst and Mrs 2Lunda Gilhooley Candy table Mrs Agnes Wynes and Mrs Mae Corbett Mrs Harry Carter senior preoeptress will receive guests Mrs James Alk er will preside at the tea table RCASC OFFICERS MESS Among the guests from ar rie who attended the semia nual formal dinner dance at the Royal Canadian Army Service Alliston DES Hear Account M1am1 Meetmg ALLISTON SpeciallAt the regular meeting of the Five Star Chapter Order of Eastern Star Alliston members heard stimulating account of the re cent triennal assembly held in Miami Florida given by Mrs Theron HaWes who attended the convention Others attending from Alliston were Mrs Mina Stuart Mrs Annie Gibson Mrs Alice Hook Mrs Edyth Eowyer Mrs Mabel Whale Mrs Grace Arnott and Mrs Rhea Alderson There were also six members from Barrie Several busloads motored from Toronto to Miami There was total of 8020 women registered at the Font ainebleu Hotel Theme of the convention assembly was Let there be light Psalm 119 Numerous teas luncheons dim hers and receptions marked the occasion One reception of special sign ificance was in honor of Mrs Edward MabelkMaekereth of Kingsway Toronto who was elected as Right Worthy Grand Trustee of the Order Mrs Mackereth is the first Canadian to be elected to this post and will in due course head the worldwide organization has membership of over three million Bringing this honor closer to home is the fact that she is also an honorary member of lve Star Chapter AIilston All ï¬t use attending the convention felt they had been enriched by the experience Regular busi ness was attended to and the meeting adjourned followed by social hour Corps School Officers Mess Fri day evening last were Heber Smith QC for Simcoe North and Mrs Smith Osmond JRows QC Barrio city sol icitor and Mrs Rowe Mr and Mrs Harry Nutter Mr and Mrs Walls Mr and Mrs Rod Snider Major and Mrs Gerow Major and Mrs Way also Mr and Mrs Chittick of Allistnn The guests were welcomed by the Commandant Colonel Heuchnn CD and Mrs Hench an and the president oi the Mess Conunittee Major Burnham Present for the first time at function of this na ture were the Commandants parents Mr and Mrs Ross Heuchan of Hamilton Danci was to the music of the Gates Orchestn from Barrie EUROPEAN TOUR Mr and Mrs Henry Vander beek Toronto Street have turned to the city after four months holiday in Europe Mr and Mrs Vanderbeek made their headquarters at the home of Mr Vanderbeeks brotherin law Dr Homminga in Vad dineveen Holland and from there travelled to many other European countries The Barrie couple spent three weeks in the Scandinavian countries visiting Copenhagen Stockholm and Oslo Another trip took them to Austria where they visited Vien na Salzburg and Innsbruck They also spent several weeks in Switzerland France and Sp am They travelled via the SS Eyndam Dutch liner sailing from Montreal and docking Rotterdam Holland DANCE PARTY Saturday night dance party was held at the Sand Inns Gravenhurst in honor of th new chartered Kinetic Club of Gravenhurst Attending fr in Barrie wer Mr and Mrs Da vid Wyles Mr and Mrs Lorne Carter Mr and Mrs Harry iIadden Mr and Mrs Hap Lowe Mr and Mrs Gordon Teskey FLORIDA BOUND Mr and Mrs Alf Tompkins of Minets Point are enroute to Melbourne Florida where they will spend the winter months Mr and Mrs Harold Cooper Ross Stret visited with their daughter and soninlaw Mr Mrs lfardle and family of Aurora on Sunday AITENDS WORKSHOP George Bradley Drury Lane attended the seventh annual Work Shop held at me School for Retarded Children Beverley Street Toronto Saturday after noon Mrs Magluughlin Cumberland Street Mr and Mrs Harry Horton Stroud and Mr and Mrs Tom Blight Rh Shanty Bay attended the fun eral of Mrs Blights grandfa ther Wilson Magloughlin at Kleinburg Monday at For Expert Guaranteed TV REPAIR all makes Call noraco Beaumont At MONARCH REFRIGERATION PA 82059 THE STARS SAY By ESTEELLITA For Tomorrow Excellent eta influ ences This is the time to try and put over new ideasespe cially if they run along original or creative lines If plonning to travel midday will be an excel lent period tor getting under way For The Birthday If for row is your birthday the ycar ahetd promises much in the way of job gain if you are willing to take on some ad ditional responsibilities and put forth more effort than you have in the past beginning now Keep your eyes open to every possible chance for advance ment and do not bypass oppor tuniLies iust becuuse they in volve voluminous detail or few distasteful tasks change in activities could be the very spur needed to hasten your success between now andthc end of February If you will avoid extravagance cspccially during March and Apriland follow generally conservative policy you should find yourself in better finan cial position by mid1962 Look for good monetary breaks this December and next September Between May and August there is promise of highly stimuintlt ing adventures in the fields of travel and social life and both May and June will be fine for sentimental relationships also December of this year Woman Honored For Mail Setvice BRAINAED Alta CP Mrs Dora Mal Brainard 83 northwestern Alberta pioneer has been honored with cer tificate from PostmasterGem erai William Hamilton for so years of service in handling the malls The award followed closing of the Eainard post office on the east shore of Sinclair Lake 325 miles northwest of Edmonton and the retirement of Mrs Brainard It was in another role how ever that Ma Bralrard became known to Peace River resi dents The community named after her was the halfway point on the early wagon track that linked Ponce Coupe BC and Lake Saskatoon Alta Ma Brainards chicken din ners attracted trailworn home steaders the first commercial travellers and later dozens of district residents Travel Arrangements World Wide Service AIR SHIP BUS BAIL HOTELS RESORTS CRUISES CARRENTAIS OK Johnson and Co Ltd Dunlap Earri PA 541525 631 nay st Toronto sM sans Barrie Women Keep In Trim Ladles Day Out at the as rie ViiYWCA Owen Street is held every Thursday afternoon and consists of physical exercis es followed by friendly game of bridge While the women forget their domestic duties their youngsters are taken cocr of by pro gram specially planned to keep them happily occupied super vised by Mrs Vince Ludiow The obiect of the program is to provide recreational and educational program for young homemakcrs The program also provides an opportunity for women from various social and economic backgrounds to come together and get acquainted Among the members of th Barrie program are Mrs Cath erine Marshall Mrs Betty Mor rison Mrs Peggy Nesbitt Mrs Dorothy McFadden Mrs Carol Wallis Mrs Mildred Melcnlfc Mrs Cora Ottc Mrs Junita Bowness Mrs Shirley Gardner FASTEST SAW IN THE WEST COURTENAY BC CF llLrs Esther Forsam likes to recall the days when she was the fastest saw in the West in the world for that matter In 23 years of competition in log budring she never once was defeated last competed at Camp bell River 30 in 1950 said theattractive housewife but now guess Im too old She was winner of every Canadian and United States event she entered from the time she was talked into ladies handbucking saw off in 1937 She won the world title in Tacoma Wash in 1938 when she sliced through ZVrinch log in one minute me see onds But her biggest thrills were coming within second or two of champion mens times in training sessions Her toughest event was on stage in the Empress Hotel in Victoria at the 1940 Pa cific Logging Congress She defended her title successfully but the log skidded on the slippery floor of the stage with every stroke of her saw Her husband Uno taller with Comox Logging and Railway Company for 35 years was both her coach and sawfiler One explanation for her skill she says was the ex parlance of cutting firewood in her native Finland Hand bucking is becoming lost art Im afraid she said as she eyed her hus bands power saw Every thingss just too easy nowa days An Examiner What an PHONE PA 82414 YOUR CHRISTMAS PORTRAIT INTRODUCTION OFFER Free 8x10 Portrait with Each Sitting CAMERA CRAFT STUDIO Fred Grant St PA 213921 FINER BEND YOULLBEBRQUDTonnrr Recollect History Of Painswick WI special November meeting of the Painswick Womens In stitute was held at the home of Mrs Cook The president Mrs Charles Smith welcomed the guests and members tIrs Dalton Lennox dressed in the style of 1897 represent ed Mrs Adelaide Hunter Hood Iess the founder of Womens Institutes in Ontario Many of the members were also wearing styles as worn in em The minutes of the first Painswick Meeting were read by the secretary of that tirr Mrs Douglas Jones In addition the roll call was an swered by fire of the members who attended that first meeting Three of these are still mem bers at Painswick Institute On behalf of the Painswick WI life membership was pre sealed to charter member Mrs Carr by Mrs Cook Mrs Lloyd introduced Mrs Id Dawson District presid nt of the VI in this area who brought greetings from the dis trict and gave an interest outline of history of tho provin ces of Canada in the year the Wl groups were organized in each paper on the opening of the Adelaide Hoodless Home near St George Ontario was read by Mrs Lloyd An item of interest from the year 1848 on the unusual subject The day that Niagara Falls Went Dry was read by Mrs Mountain After the regular business social time brought the meeting to close flamez TIIE BARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY NOVEMER 28 1561 lackies Ideas Influence Group OTTAWA tCPVomen sup porters of theNew Democratic Party were urged Sunday to spread their ideas through im promptu group discussions and campaign tactics pioneered by Jacqueline Kennedy The advice came from Eva Lathom longtime YWCA of ilciai who is the partys new womens director at tea for local Socialist women Miss Litharn said Canadian women could be drawn more Founder Of Girls School Had Down To Earth Ideas WILLOUGHBY Ohio AP Mrs Margaret St John An drews cultured lady of the gaslight era had some strong ideas about young girls She believed that in addition to having standard education plus training in the housewifer arts girl should learn to be selfsupporting Years ahead of her time she persuaded her wealthy husband Wallace Corydon Andrcws to provide in his will for school which would reflect her ideas After the couple died in New York city hotel fire in 1899 it was found that Andrews had left some $3000000 for such an institution That bequest which now has grown to well over $9000DOO launched Andrews School for Girls remarkable tuitionlt free school that combines ele ments of the finishing school gith practical vocational train ECRUB FLOORS Here girls from wellIodo homes can learn to scrub floors and along with companions from less fortunate circumstan ces lean etiquette in the gra cious surroundings of the 275 acre campus All Andrews girls learn to be selfsupporting They have to Unless she is going to college no girl gets the high school diploma offered by Andrews un CoOrdinate New Nylon Fabric With Early American Furniture The whole textile world is so fascinating so livelyso full of interest to the homemaker as well as for the personal ward robe that we read avidly every bit of news pertaining to fabrics and their finishes One of the new items is ny lon fabric to be used in home decorating As many as four types of nylon have been com bined in this single fabric to give it heavy bond and handsome appearance twotone tweed made of these nylon fibers is especially designed for early American furniture and coordinated with it is plain fabric other de signs in nylon upholstery fabrics include chevron tweed leaf motifs and geometric patterns Once upon time we thought of nylon mainly as marvelous material for hosiery and lingerie but we had no idea of how ver satile nylon was to become how much it was to be used through out the home And now we have materials with unusual effects created by using four different types of nylon fibers all woven togalherl The same type of fibers can come with smooth finishes or fluffy textures plus the econom ical washability which every woman wants So every home maker really ought to make her self responsible for finding out all she can about the new tab TICS Very much in the fabric news these days is phony fur worn sofa might take on quite new lease on life if treated to one of the pretty new sofa pillows covered with phony fur in gay Pennsylvania Dutch print So if you havent already discovered the exciting lift that decorative pillows can give to your home now is wonderful time to experiment The latest cushion styles are smarter than everand easier to keep clean The trend is to ward the slirn line and the fab rics and colors fit any decor from formal and elegant to the most casual Some are made of plushy blend of Orion and rayon Others range from cotton to Irish or Belgian linen to sturdy yet pretty printed corduroy even to jacquard weaves in wide range of colors and pat terns An especially pleasing feature is that many new pillows have washable zippered covers This is of basic importnnce because unless pillow can be laundered in suds and rinses it is difficult to keep it clean and attractive RL CAMPBELL LTD Furniture Moving and Storage Commercial Warehousing Agents for North American Van Lines PA 66555 Relax In Rec Room Let us help you plan your Christ mas Gift to your home we will be happy to advise you on all or any con struction problem noobligation We use only in all jobs done the finest of building materials win more MILL CO LTD 4e ANNE 51 til she demonstrates that she can hold Job satisfactorily for at least six months For this type of training girls come to Andrews from all parts of the United States and foreign countries as well This year Ihere are seven foreign students among the 420 girls en rolled Miss Roberta Lee the schools petite energetic director says some 45 to 50 per cent of the girls come from broken homes since the girl who needs in drews is given preference other things being equal WAITING LIST There always is waiting list Some parents not their chil drens names on the list at age six to get them enrolled in the schools seventh gradethe ear liest Andrews will take them Sewing and dressmaking were the only vocational courses of frced when Andrews opened its doors in 1910 The changes in opportunities for women since that time are reflected in the changes in Andrews curric ulum Now girls can take art business clothing foods re tailing or cosmetology as major There are science courses and other college preparatory courses for those who plan to further their education There has been no change however in the schools basic purpose It is still practical school to render girls selfsup lpanting as stated on the letter ea Although the girls pay no tul tion they pay $225 semester to live in one of several cot tages on the campus JET FLIGHTS The worlds airlines in 1961 had about 620 jet aircraft in operation four times as many as in 1959 easily into discussion of poll tlcs if the subject was brought up casually at small social gathering rather than at for ma political meeting She also used women orgon izers to plan chain of small gatherings in private homes to watch New Democratic and public affairs programs on tel evision method used by the wife of the US president in his successful campaign last year Personalized Just for Yon stationery and thunkyou cords add that urtro touch of warmth to your sorrespondence Your name and address or initials are printed on white or coloured quality writing papers in beautiful raised tottering The Impression is dignified and oh so charming yet the cost is very low Choose your personalized stationery dinner napkins cocktail napkins coasters matches and playing cards horn tho many Available styles youll see in the personulizcd Just for You sample book RS They make wonderful gifts for family and friends too FOR APPOINTMENT with our REPRESENTATIVE TELEPHONE PHOTOL ITH PA 8282l IGolby Tram for 5059 and Vrcpnomyij cneck mass are CNMoneySuvers ASK YOUR 0N AGENT ABOUT ALL INGLUSIVE TRAVEL PLAII Good for travel to Winnipéq and West Ono low prim covers dumbingtars bad mealsown lips GROUP DISBOUNT PLAN Big savings on round trip for two or more adults where regular tare In Canada is 57 so or higher fAMILI fAiIE PLAN Sum 30 and upGa any Moll Tues Wed or Thurs ilon any day MAPLE pm LEAF PAGKAGE TOilRS wide variety of nilexpense tours to points in Canada and USA PARTY FARES 5m 25 to 45 Spatial savings for groups of or more travelling together by me ill NOWPAY LATER $10000 minimum 10 down up 1024 months to pay For Information phone PA 84400