Former Prime Vanier Welcomes Frondizrg 11 BARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY NOVEMBER 23 156i Will Discuss OAS With PM By JACK BEST UIIAWA CP President rturo Frondizi of Argentina alarmed an early meeting with Prime Minister Diefenbaker to day as he got down to the seri ous business of his four day state visit to Canada lie at here Monday nightmore than hours late nnd was warmly greeted at Uplands Airport by Governor General Vanter and Air Diefen baker Later the tail wiry press ident was guest of honor at state dinner andreccption at government house First item on todays busy schedule was conference bcV and lilr tween Mr Frondizi Dieicnbaker in the Prime Min isfcrs office in the East Block Reports lntcd Monday night that Mr Frondizi would take adrantageof the opportun fly to urge on the Prime Minis for that Canada accept member ship in the Organization of American States Canada has had the quostion of joining the inter American association under consideration for some time Last week Ar gentine Ambassador Angel Pe luiio told reporters Mr Fron dili likely would discuss the matter with Mr DieJcnbaker but expressed doubt that he would press for Canadian mem hership An unscheduled refuellt ling stop in New York ac counted for the delay in the ar rival of the Argentine Airlines Comet jet carrying Mr Imn dizi fmm Duenos Aircs and Trinidad Gen Vanler welcoming the president said his presence is an indication Unit the way lles open to closer and more fruit ful collaboration between Can ada and the South American re public We greet in you not only great democrat but also the head of peaceloving nation the GovernorGeneral said Mr Diefenbaker noted it was the first visit to Canada by an See Medical Profession Labor lit Odds On Health Services By JACK BEST OIIAWA CPiThe first re gionol hearings oi the royal commission on health services indicated that the medical pr0lt fession and organized labor will perhaps be the two principal an tagonists as the inquiry pro cceds The medical associations wont no part of any compulsory state run medical plan They prescribe instead an extension of voluntary insurance schemes with premiums of those unable to pay being borne by the gov ernment Labor on the other hand wants an about medical care program administered by the state The only health plan which we will support in full is one which is national in origin and administration allinclusive in scope and fully financed out of taxes of general application said the Newfoundland Federolt tion of Labor The Nova Scotin Federation of Labor called for public health plan run by branch of government with participating doctors being paid salary rather than feessforscrvico EASTERN SWING The doctors and labor spokes men as well as many other groups laid their positions be fore the commission during its two week swing through the Atlantic provinces This was the first phase of trans Canada hearings that eventually will take the panel and its chairmanChief Justice Emmett Hall of Saskatchewan to every province The panel is composed of two doctors dentist nurse an economist and an industrialist There was hardly facet of Canadas health care picture that was not touched on during the crowded days of sittings at Halifax St Johns Nfld Char lottetown and Fredericton AI together about 40 formal briefs were presented Through the hundreds of thousands of words of testimony piinted and oralran an evi dent oworeness that many Can adians are not receiving ade quate medical care and that something should be done to help them Governmt involve ment in any such action was vir tually taken for granted RIGHT TO HEALTH The feeling that some kind of action was about due recalled statement by Mr Justice Hall at Septembers preliminlt ary sittings in Ottawa The view appears to be de veloping taken into account in creasiugly by the governments that opportunity for good health is right possessed by all and should become available in one form or another to every citizen in Canada related theme at the Atlan tic hearings was that steps must be taken to bolster the supply of doctors dentists nurses and all other paramedi cal personnel The pressing nature of this problem was most vividly dem In Newfoundland where the commission learned of vast areas and thousands of people without domestic health care of any kind Many suggestions were ad vanced that government should help build up the supply of med ical personnel through direct subsidies to students Closely interested in the in quiry are the commercial in suranCc companies TO OFFER PLANS The Canadian Health Insur ance Association representing firms which write 96 per cent of all the commerciol medical insurance sold in Canada told the commission plans are being worked out whereby such cov crage would be available to all at reasonable cost At present there are certain persons cx oluded because of age and phy sical condition The association promised to supply details of the new plan at later hearing of the com mission Evidently doctor sponsored insurance groups principal competitors of the commercial organizationsalso are working on plans to extend coverage to everyone Tho provinces did not directly commit themselves on the exact hype of program they would Only once or twice during the entire two weeks were the emo lioncharged words state modis cine and socialized medi cine beard But such terms as comprehensive compul sory bureaucracy deter rent and overutilization got good locking around Commissioners questioned wit nerses closely in attempts to pin down the precise meaning of some of the aftused terms as they were employed in dis cussing statesupported medical plans WIDE SCOPE The commission has been given practically unlimited scope by the federal cabinet to examine the present state of health services in Canada and to recommend measures con sistent with fhe constitutional division of legislative powers in Canada to ensure that top quality health care is available to all Canadians In the spirit of his broad in structions and in line with Mr Justice Halls September state meal that our inquiry will be searching onefull fair and flexible he encourages the fullest expression of views by witnesses The leyearold jurist seems everconscious of the constitu tional trickiness of his position Many times during the Atlantic hearings he appeared to go out of his way to emphasize that federal participation in any comprehensive plan must be limited in contributing funds Administration wouldvbe in the hands of the provinces Minister Louis St Laurent who said that as prime minister he was chastised by the public for being photographed hold ing cigarette struck this do av MANS MUSING fiant pose during visit to Vancouver He was in the city for meeting of the Na tional Heart Foundation of which he is president Photo help his countrys economy Argentine head of state adds ing This is an historic occasA sion for Canadians as whole In reply President andizl said My presence in Ottawa is an indication of the increas ing interest with which Latin American countries follow the spectacular development of the Canadian nation Mr Fronditi leaves Ottawa Wednesday for oneday visit to Toronto Cnme Drive Winning Says IFK BOSTON CP Atlomey General Robert Kennedy said Monday us anti crime drive with new legal weapons has already becn felt by the im derworld But he told press confer ence four or five years may be required to cm strata its overall effectiveness He said new federal lgisla tion and the justice departv ments drive on top racketeers has already forced criminals to revise thcir operations at least temporarily in big time gambling he noted three major betting wire services in Minneapolis Arkan sas and New Orleans have been closed Kennedy quoted the head of the RCMP Commissioner Harvison as saying that be cause of the increased pressure on criminals in the US the situation will have to be watchs ed closely by Canada because some criminals may try to re establish there ITALIAN IIIONARCII Victor Emmanuel II was pro claimed first king of united ltaly in 1851 being succeeded by his son Humbert in 1378 BEBE Is BANNED Portuguese rebel Manuel Pinto centre struggles with two policemen putting him aboard an Air France jet in Rio de Janiero Brazil auth orities banned the return of Pinto and six other rebels to Brazil The group includes Captain Honiique Galvoo who doringly seized the Portugu cse liner Santa Maria last January The men had flown from Dakar alter their expul sion from Morocco but Brazil told them the country didnt want them either Steelworkers Algorna SAULT STE MARIE Ont UP The United Steelworkers 5ch MD Dr Cheddl Jagaa British Guiana premier who bid in vain for Canadian money to ELMVALE Two 501 ANNIVERSABIES Mr and Mrs Thomas Cooper celebrated their golden wedding anniversary at the home of their sonidlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Sims Whitby Thomas Cooper and Gertde Murphy were married at the home of the bridespareots Mr and Mrs Arthur Murphy of Alliston by Rev Bilk ey Nov 1011 Mr and Mrs Cooper farmed on the 7th concession of Flos Township and came to reside in Elmvale in 1547 They have one daughter and one son Dor is Mrs Sims of Whitby and Kenneth who resides on Concession There are seven grandchildren Mr and Mrs Cooper receiv ed many gifts and cards of congratulations Both are enjoy ing reasonably good health Mr and Mrs Ferguson Yonge Street Elmvale celebrat ed their golden wedding anniv ersary Edward Ferguson and 05 Ann Furlong were married by the BevxE Frank Salmon at the Rectory Nov 1911 Mr and Mrs Ferguson form ed on the 10m Concession of Flcs Township until 1948 wh on they moved to Elmvalc where they still reside They have two daughters and one son who were present for the happy occasion Jim of Deep River Florence Mrs Little of Leaside and Ada tMrs Ferguson of Ottawa family get together was held in Toronto in the form of dinner party at the Chez Paree Restraurant 0n returning home rclnt and friends gathered at their home in Elmvnle to extend best wishes to the couple Mr and Mrs Ferguson received many lovely gifts and cards of con gratulations and letters from Prime Minister Diefcnbokcr provincial secretary anemko Bishop Wilkinson of Toronto and the Rev Leckie Elm volc of America CLC and Algoma Steel Lion Limited reached new agreement Mon day night alter interrupted ne gotiations with conciliation hoard Terms of the agreement were withheld pending ratification by the membership of Local 2251 expected Wednesday Conciliation board hearings opened Nov 14 and lasted four days The union demanded sub stantial wage increases with no amounts stated plus better all round fringe benefits The benefits included supple menfary insurance improve ments in the pensions agree ment extension to the welfare planinvolving financial assist once for the union medical cen treand vacations with pay Two of the unions original de Reach New Agreement mantis were dropped These were the reduction of the work week to 32 hours from 40 hours with maintenance oi pay and an increase in shift premiums The company said its employ ees are already the best paid in Canada The hearing adjourned for one week during which time the uni ion and the company continued negotiations on their own It re sumed Monday morning Chairman Dickie of Tor onto announced Monday night the agreement had been reached At the Steel Company of Can ada Limited in Hamilton con ciliation proceedings under way month ago were adjourned in the hope settlement at Algomo would point the way to sim ilar solution at Stelco Experts Believe That Russia Hit Hard In Middle East By RUKMINI DEVI Canadian Press Correspondent BOMBAY tCP Experts in Communist affairs in India be Have the Soviet Union is having bod time in the Middle East The recent shakeup in the presidium of the central com mittee of the Soviet Communist party is being cited in this con nection The dropping of Nured din Mukhitdinov from theprc sidium is regarded as sign of Soviet setbacks in the area Mokhitdinov with his Mos lem name and central Asian background was key official perhaps the most important in the formulation of Moscows strategy in the Middle East He was entrusted with the task of selling the Soviet brand of Communist goodwill to the Mos lem nations In the initial stagesMukhit dinov succeeded to an extent that not only impressed his bosses in the Kremlin but caused distinct disquiet in west ern capitals He made sizable impact in Egypt Iraq and Afghanistan RECEIVED PRAISE At one time there were ru mors that Mukbitdinov was be ing groomed by Khrushchev for high ministerial post in Mos cow Middle East newspapers spoke of him warmly and praise came even from some religious leaders Then the reverse started In the last 18 months Soviet policy in the Middle East has encountered series of defeats Earlier this year there was sharp debate between Mos cow and Cairo with much namecalling Work on the As wan high dam is about year Enioy Winter GOLF in BERMUDA All Inclusive Tours from $22950 IFOR DAYS AND NIGHTS BARRIE TRAVEL SERVICE I02 Duillop PA sém behind schedule and the Egypt ians are known to be annoyed with the Russians for the delay in tunnelling muchneeded aid to the crucial project REDS HAIL SPLIT The split between Egypt and Syria and the consequent break up of the United Arab Res public has been hailed by Syrias Communists This is again held to be symptomatic of cooling off in the relations between the Kremlin and Nas ser The Soviet Union also has not been faring well in Iraq At the height of Mukhitdinovs influence it appeared that Iraq would go behind the Iron Cur tain Today Iraqi Communists are on the defensive Many Arab statesmen have recently assailed the Soviet re sumption of nuclear tests Observers think Mukhitdi novs replacement indicates that the Kremlin is displeased with his diplomatic failures ANCIENT ICE Glacial ice believed 2500 years old was found under mountain rock and soil in Not way in 1961 FREE Christmils light not string of Santa lights letb purchase or Tovs to the value of 1995 or over Cash Layaway or Budget at firestorm sronns so DUNLOP or PA 5535 Hotels Attitude Archaic Union Strike Tactics Idiotic TORONTO CPlThe man agcmcnt of the Royal York Ho tel and its striking employees came under heavy fire Monday from Progressive Conservav tivo member of the legislature Allan Lawrence member for Tomato St George sold per haps the time has come when both sides should be compelled to end the strike now in its eighth month Tcrming the managements attitud archaic and the strike leaders tactics idiotic Mr Lawrence said his purpose in speaking of the strike was to nail pox on both their houses He made the remarks in the legislature while moving adop tion of the address in reply to the Speech from the Throne Ho urged that Canadas pro sent rate of population growth be doubled called for new methods of adapting to Onta rioa growing urbanization sud gested constitutional confer ence to designate municipal provincial and federal responsi bilities and indicated the need for possible change in provin eial corporation tax in the face of intensified European camps tition SYMPAIEY FOR STRIKERS But his most biting comments were reserved for the Hotel strike wish to go on record as being in sympathy with the po sition of the strikers particu larly in regard to the job se curity issue which understand Developer Sues Town Planner Ior $200000 TORONTO CPLA $200000 damage suit brought by Tor onto land developer Joe Marv genstern against town planner Dr Fuludi opened in Sult promo Court Monday The nonsjury action is being heard before Mr Justice Spence Mr Morgenstern claims he bought 326 acres in Oakville in 1953 on the understanding with Dr Faludi then with the Oak villeTrafalgar Planning Board that the zoning bylaw would be changed switching the area from residential to oonunerclal property He planned to develop the property intoa shopping centre and relied on Dr Faludio in formation that he would recom mend to Oakvillc council that the bylaw be changed before the property was sold he sold Mr Morgeustern says Dr Fa ludi knowingly provided false and misleading evidence to council resulting in council re jecting the application to change the bylaw He said 1953 appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board also resulted in refusal to alter the zoning bylaw because of misleading information given by Dr Faludi Dr Foludl denied advising Mr Morgenstern denied know ledge of the impending pur chase and denied maldng false statements He also denied that Mr Morgeostern suffered dam ages sums SALLIES was and is even more so now the main issue in the dispute be said However he couldnt under stand why the Hotel and Club Employees Union iCLC called their strike at the height of the unemployment when strikers jobs could be easily filled The strike against the hotel which is operated by the Cana dian Pacific Railways should have been called in August not in April he said Perhaps merely waiting for both sides to get together vols CAPSULE NEWS Mail To Nowhere TORONTO tCPiMore than half the 150340 letters seized and rent to the undeliverable mail ofï¬ce in Ottawa to the year ending July 31 contained tickets and literature on the Jamaican Sweepstakes The statistic came to light in an appendix to the report of the Ontario attorncyAgencrals com mittec on gambling Of the total 1491 of the can celled addresscs were getting mail from the Jamaican Sweep stake enterprise Only 253 in volved the Irish Sweepstakes whose agents are believed to bring the tickets info the own try raher than use the mails Boy Hemanded LONDON Ont CFOThe 13 yearcld boy charged with mur der in the strangulation of seven yearold Sylvia Finite Nov 13 was remanded Monday to the Ontario Hospital for psychiatric examination The boy charged as being Juvenile delinquent in that he did commitmurder appeared in court with his parent and grandmother He was committed by Judge Fox on the recommend ation of Crown Attorney Savage Judge Fox ordered him to appear in juvenile court again Dec 15 The boy is represented by London lawyer it Poole Murder Charge HAMILTON CPlA Hamil ton man was arrested and charged with manslaughter Monday night minutes after coroners jury found he had beaten his housekeeper to death during drunken brawl Joseph Leblanc 57yearold lronworlrer was led from county court by two Hamilton detectives He had been under police guard during the Stahour hearing The allmale jury found that LcBlanc beat Mrs Rita Caron 38 to death in the residence where the woman had kept house for him nearly three Years Dimes March TOEon CF The presi dent of Qatar March of Dimes announced the organiza tion has changed its name to allow for possible broadening of its scope of activities Joseph Clark said the voluntary agencys off is name the Rehabilitation Foun dation for Poliomyelitis and Dr thopedically Disabled has been changed to the Rehabilitation Foundation for the Disabled untorily is unrealistic Perhaps although regrettably because the public now is being hurt more than the pa tieipants compulsion is necessary RAPE WINTERAIEYER in seconding the motion in re ply to the throne speech Maw rice Hamilton Progressive Cou servntive member forchfrcw North challenged itioo Leader John Wintermcycr to ex plain how the Liberals would pity for their education propos He Mr Vintermeyer pro poses to have the province takes over all or nearly all of the costs of primary and secondary education he said This would mean of course abolition of local school boards or reducing them to state of helplessness for if he is going to pay the piper you may be sure that he or his bureaucracy will Call the tuner Swiss Attempt To Reach Man Held In Cairo CAIRO tRcutersSwlss em bassy officials tried Monday to reach our members of French mission arrested Friday with five other persons on charges of plotting to assassinate Prc ident Nasser France which has not main tained diplomatic relations with Egypt since the 1956 Suez crisis asked the Swiss to Intervene on its behalf The government Monday night called the charges hescs which are so evidently incredible that they would not permit denial if it were not that they appear to have been advanced in an attempt to justify an un precedented violation of all in telnational rules The four officials Andra Mattel on Paul Bellivier Henri Mouton and Andre Mi quelwere members of mis oion investigating seizure of French property The five others were identi fied as Arlettc Paulette secre tory of the mission Yosmlno Conari French woman law yer Gabriel Icari on Italian iournalist and Alexander Papa dopoulos Greek journalist The charges against them in cluded the alleged assassination plot spying planning to estabï¬ liah clandestine radio in Cairo smuggling money abroad and distributing rive pamphlets IMPERIAL NOW SHOWING Adult Entertainment ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ootUMou moors unan PASSPORT To CHile H003 MAYER 1mm FASQINATING STOR NOW PLAYING Feature Time 700 had 920 pan OFA FABULOUS WOMAN JACK TORRENS Vioté ll Word The Electors of Innisfil Again wish to express my views on our road building and maintenance program We have bad year Road Building pro gramso for there are approxunately 20 mil es of roads which have been done over in the last years at cost to the taxpayers of fro $7000 to $10000 per mde dont know of any more expensive way to improve our road except to silver plate them special levy of approximately mills was imposed on the taxpayers each year to carry out this program believe that more sanerand realistic approachto this problem can and mustbe taken am confident that thiSIbarrler can be overcome and done so at 11 less than the present cost Some candidates wrll say that this cannot be done there is nothing that cant be done if we have the will and the know how to do it See tomorrows paper Jack Torrens FOR COUNCIL