Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Nov 1961, p. 2

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VETERAN LIBERAL HONORED Gardiner the veteran Liberal politician who will col ebrnto his 70th birthday this month was on hand in Regina tor the annual Liberal con vention llir Gardineriorm er Saskatchewan premier and federal minister of agricul ture is recovering from on operation last month On his loft is his son Will the msrnv ber of the legislature for lifel vilio iCP Photo Sunnidale Reeve Gets Acc neeve Lloyd Pridhom and Willard Downer were elected by aeclamntion yesterday asrcevo and deputy renve respectively of Sunnldula Township Those who qualified for coun cil are Wesley Bates Everton Lawrence and George Bailey Elwood Giffen and llop kins were nominated but have not qualified yet Two members of the school board Mrs Margaret Loader and William Peltorsun were elected by acclamation Leonard Abernathyihas duall ficd for reeve of chumseth Township Garfield Hall also nominated for the office has until oclock this evening to qualify Garnet Breedon was elected deputy reeve qualifylng for council were Donald Way Restord Long and William Mllligan Vernon Con Elect Reeve Olv Cookstown lra Wilson was elected reeve of Cookstowu by acclamatlon yesterdy afternoon at the towns nomination meeting Four have qualified to run for council They are Louis Monkmau Norman Cook Eldon Neilly and John Edney Dr McKay and Norman Broie iiavealso been nominated and haveuntil oclock tonight to qualify If either or both thesemen guilty electionswill be held onday Compiled Dom storm goma Steel Dom Tar umiuilun Alberta Gas as web or antrenl ass of the nk digging Horns Pit Home 01 Hudson Bay Hill lass KObade flax on In Accept inland MG inter Nicks1 Cdn 8k 0f Com can Breweries CPR Canada Cement can Chemical 11 DI ego not Em Con Paper flnfllmlll Gas ls 8nd sissy lull In Labs Norsnda can Husk camp out Carl psi nia Con Gunner rs Hollingor KcrnAiidlgon Lamqua tang Lao garlilmslsfl prolet Openilskl lit 16v 13 11 as Danison Hall co Mines am to 630 pm Monday The presiding minister voodoo JEhovalls For more than iii years 20 ex iroooxsmsrgscniutm 151831955 Exquisite Pld Famous Play Hordes Farm Interprov pipe Mac Po all iv Massey in MINING lamation ncli also nominated has until oclock tonight to qualify Lawrence Copaland and Frank Lisk were elected to the town silltp school board by acclame on Reeve lifervyn Denney who has retired from Essa Township Council was replaced yesterday by Sanford Page Deputy rceva Samuel Johnson will be opposed by George Davis Contesting the three council seats are Kenneth Blanchard Eugene Smith Morgan Murphy Philip Carr and Stewart Dor mott Lloyd McLaughlin and Maurv ice Miller were elected by ac clamatlon to the township school board Elections will be held from 10 Introduces New Bible Translation Brown of the Barrie congre gation of Jehovahs Witnesses announced today the beginning of an intensive campaign to introduce the New World trans lation of the Holy Scriptures prepared by the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society policy making body bfthe worlds Witnesses parts commissioned for the pro jecl have been working with original manuscripts in Hebrew Aramaic and Greek to produce this translation Nor DAL Moore Corp Oshawa Pacific sch Fem NllpaG uc as Run Steinberg Tar DD Ell lraqr Can Pips Trans lit Pips Traders Via Tcxacp int Us We er 615W amont gr Gordon esp Rock ultcd ou Vonlulll wow so 20 55 196 silo Labor Council New Executive Barrie District lit meeting of Barrie and District Labor Council in Bar rie Union Hall Dunlap Street East new executive for llle was elected Positions were fill ed as follows President leck Powson vice president Don Sanford Secre tary Rod Penman Treasurer Steve Wiggins Sergeant at Arms Torn Cornish Executive board members Slit Owens Ed English Nich ED Hope To Enlice More Tourists From Europe OfllAWA CF Resources Minister Dlnsdale and the Ca nadian government travel bu rcau are convinced that Canada must go into the business of con vmcing more Europeans to take their vacations to Canada Mr Dinsdale told delegates at Mondays opening session of the three day federal provincial tourist cues that the Unith Kingdom and Europe present very sizable long ranse potential for Canadas tourist industry He noted that do per cent of cansdas deficit on travel Was wtth overseas countries It is certainly urgent that we study ways and means of par lflwlilE this deficit by stepping up our travel income from abroad be said Travel bureau director Alan Field said he is convinced that Europe is potentially great market igut any decision to go after European travellers by opening up Canadian tourist office overseas or by direct ad vertising is matter of govern ment policy The estimates of the travel bu reau now are before the Irsas ury Board It is understood they contain sumifar the promo ion at the Cauedian tourist in dustry in Europe Mr Dinsdale said that while the conference keynote is an overseastravel there must be no letup In the campaign to have more and more in ex cans spend their vacations in Canada FINDS SKELETON FRANKLINVIILE NJ AP humor in woods near his home Saturday came upon head heWn coffin balding the skeleton of man police believe killed himself In weird fashion nearly empty can of what up neared to be cyanide rested bc side the skeleton Police said he TEE BARRY EXAMINER WAY Home It 1001 INNISiIl NOTES Township Elections Creating Interest 61 The final total of the some meat roll for the township will amount to summer This total does not ineludo the Cookstown portion formerly an of the township which will come the Municipality of Cookltown when combined with the other three portion in that area with that prompted the total means an increase of Wood for the township rates to be calculated for ma tax levy SIMILAR CONDXTION Dle townships of Medalo and Wood sro ox erlsncln conde lion that coud sully spoon in lnnlsfll The summer residents there are melting an effort to fill the council with members from their own associations lists of local residents has 1230 voters on the list whereas there are said to be some 15000 possible voters from the hour resident owners However the Grgfv Cup game may be the de ding factor in how many of these turn up to vote It could he that greater pro portion of the local residents will be out to vote believing that there ll the chance of the city residents coming up The die uto seemed to havd started en the summer reit dcnts objected to commercially mg their portion of the area The summer pro erties provlds most of the amp oymsnt in the summer area with most of the year round residents being em ployed in some capacity by tho nonrcrldent property owners Recently we read that Judge ruled that nonresident owner were not entitled to become mumber oi the council This was on st Josephs island where two successful candidates were ruled lnollgibls to be memv hers few years back when Big Bay Point was considering theiormatian oi village luv nlsfll had ruling that non resident would be classed ellg thin and entitled to he consld cred as part of the population It leaves the whole matter unv decided The Muskoka residents are asking that legislation be enact ed to permit the holding of an election on the Saturday pre ceding the Thanksgiving holi day They also want pulling places established handy to the maronty of the nonresident ratepayers Wes her usually talch hand in lnnislll and often the voila day turns out to be such the most people do not can to drive up and vote leaving it for tho local residents to decide lnnlsfll lslmhors ratepayers would be uits satisfied if the final vote acts and represent tivs In council to represent their use and interests TOIB EXAMS David Armstrong Ill of Mr sud Mrs Frank Arms strong of Pslmwlck was pre sented with silver medal by the institute of Chartered Act constants when he tool top hon ors in the intermediate lroup examinations Mr Armstrong who received his primary education at Blroud and his secondary at the Burris District Collegiate is new spa plo ed as Junior seeounlsal wi Toronto firm Among the canmtulsunns he received was certificate from his principal at the collegiate Bowman showlng that from 1051 to 1951 he we pro mated an merit to all form without examinations lie had received bursary of two to assist him with his university education Mr Armstrong rev cclved his bachelors degree in Applied Science then went on to site tbeoccountants course It is very gratifying to have the pleasure of mentioning local personage who shows such ability 40 YEARS MARRIED 0n Beturda afternoon lllli evening relatves friends and neighbors visited the horns of Mr and Mrs Dalton Lennon in Tollsndal where this coup are now living retired follow or 40 yssrs of married ills end ths raisin ofstamlly The lamp srly cesslnn of lnnlslil SCHOOL BOARD Innlsfll Number Two area is facing building program in this coming term according to chairman Fraser Sutherland who says at least three rooms will be needed for the school The present board has been responsible in part for keeping to separate units spread across the ownship it found that transportation was necessary to It seats In some of tho outly lng schools to enable pupils in another area to be seated There are three new lrants for this board 5p WEATHER rescalier Forecasts issued by the Tel onto weather office at 430 am Synopsis Today will be possv iny the coldest so far this sea son in Ontario with variable cloud cover and few snowflur ries continuing in many areas moderating trend is indicated for Wednesday However even colder arctic air already on the move out of the far north is expected to invade northwest arn Ontario late Wadaesday Lake St Clair Lake Erie Southern Lake Huron Niagara regions Windsor Lyndon Ha ml tom Variable cloudiness and cold with few snowflurriee to day Partly cloudy with moder ating temperatures Wednesday Winds northwest to to on today light tonight becoming south erly 15 Wednesday afternoon Northern Lake lluron Geor gian Bay rcslons Cloudy and paid with snownurrles sud dilltv mg snow today diminishing to night Wednesday partly cloudy With moderating temperatures Winds northwest 15 to 25 teddy becoming light late tonight Lake Ontario restart Torpnto Partly cloudy and cold with few snowflurriss today Mainly clear tonight Partly cloudy with moderate day temperatures Winds northwest Motor Car Worker suitors Injury Aleck Foley Little Lake is in Royal Victoria Hospital suf faring from broken right arm Mr Foley an employee of Dangerfield Motors was at Work yesterday on Hydro trunk when the accident oc 15 to today becoming light late tonight Haliburton Timasaml Coch reoa regions North Bay Hud hluy Cloudy and cold with ac casional snowfl as today Mainly cloudy with mode at lng temperatures Wednss ay Winds northwest 15 to as today lisht Wednesday Alsoma Sault Ste Marie White River regional Partly cloudy and cold today cloudy audtmlldsr tonight and Wednesv day Turnlng colder again with snowflurries Wednesday night Winds light today southerly on Wednesday Onliia Declares Leslie Frost Day DRILLIA Wednesday has been declared agile Frost Day in this Sirocco County town and the residents plan parade and reecptlun to honor the armor premier MI and Mrs Frost will be welcomed at the UNR station at 230 pm and erode involve ins two bands towns two fire truclrs and all living tanner mayorswill wind through the streets to thecommunity den tre where presentation will be made at pm Mr Frost born in Orlllls now lives in Lindsay mos DE EN Malsyna iron ore producbmt of 4000090 tons in the first seven mnuths of 1961 was 1000 000 tons higher than the same period in 1960 SKATES BAUER TOTS Hood on the tall con RLDERMilNlC CANDIDATE Favors Better Deal For City Employees ly JIM ITOIT wont tell You when was born but Ill tell you where Alderman lloy llsrselhis crack ed when this reporter ulied him his age Mr llsrsellvs who suffers from throat ailment had been given clean bill of health by his doctor and an pounced today that he would run ones again for alderman in word tour was born on my fathers farm at Wyovale he said worked on the form as well going to school and left at is before completing public school Look of education has been one of my drawbacks on council GOES TO WORK When he left school he went to work for the CNR at Allan dale Station 10 cents an hour to hours adsy After couple of years of this he decided to Change John and began work as driver for an oil company That was In 101i Roy re cells delivered coal oil and fuel oil with horse and wagon remember deliver cd fuel to the first garage to open in Barrie and made the ROY MAISELLUE first deliveries of fuel to Camp Borden when it opened Later in laid the horse and wagon were traded in for truck the first truck In llarrls lot of people gave that one second look Roy says There was no starter It had solid tires radiator at tho Will Advocate Transport Ideas By ROBERT RICE OTTAWA CF Some far reachingeven revolutionary proposais for Canadas troubled transport industry will be placed soon before the federal cabinet The mew ideas heralding some touchy political problems for the government will be spelled out in the second volume of the report of tha MacPhor son royal commission in trans portatlon due to be delivered early next month to films Min istsr Diclenbaker Transport circles expect the mport to lay out detailed blue pr at for Canadas future trans portation system that will con front the government with some fundamental decisions With the second roport ex pected anytime now the trans ort industry is digging deeply nto the alreadypublic first voi tlrne tor clues on the key pro pusan still to come In its first report liade pub llo last April the commission hammered out its general nttl tuda on transportation which in essence is that competition is fact of life now for the rail ways and other forms of trans port REDUCE REGULATION Eesed on the findings in the first volume hereswhat the second volume will probably propose new national transport policy aimed at letting compo tition achieve what public rggu lation sought to do in the post minimum of regulation almost deregulation designed chlslly to protect shippers who do not reap the benefits of com petition wlth wherever controls tliat are retalned beartng in reasonably equitable fashion on all carriers new formula for meet ing railway revenue needs scrapping the postwar Practice pl acrossthevbosrd freight rats Increases that always provoked provincial protest national transport tribur cal to coordinate research and planning as they affect all forms of transport fresh limit at federal sull stdy policies that use the rail ways as means at siding spe cific regions or ship ers with all carriers being me eligible for whatever subsidies that are continued The sec reveal the initial recommendations for system of shrinking subsidies to volume will also How long would ale behind the help the railways get rid or on profitablepcssengcr trains and uneconomic brunch lines By stripping away the costly frills and by tying freight rates to cost rather than value at service the railways should be flexible and in fighting trim for what the commission calls the era of competitive co exist enca in transport Such streamlining process ior the railways would hear heavlly on their work force al ready facin layoffs throusb the ntrpduc ion on automation and technological devices DEATHS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Tillman MexicoCarlos Es trada Sartre 86 political col urnnlst oi the morningdaily newspaper Nuticlas who had been sharply critical of the states flnunmal management at water projects and of the gov eruur personally beaten to death in his hotel room TarantosDr Lorne Pierce 71 who retired last year up editor of Byerson Press Toronto Gporge Watson Stewart museum and fun mar Opera pruducer Who came to Canada from Glasgow in in and formed the Canadian Oper atic Society in the early 19205 Deliver Colo Rev Chris topher Walsh ea native of Ireland who became an expert horseman and rilleman while Assigned in his youth to lio rnan Catholic mission Post in the mountains of Colorado back of the engine and it wouldnt go more than 10 miles an hour in l922 Mr llarsellus cat out of the oil delivery business and biought butcher store in Bar 10 He ran this store for nine years in 1933 he rejoined the CNR on paint gang painting bridges and section houses lie was foreman at painting crew when the throat illness first struck him in ms OFF WORK was off work for ihm years boy says The doc tors didnt tell me what was Wrong with pm lot of new pic think they know what is wrong still dont know my self when come back to the CNR they kept me on as crossing guard until was pen sionod off in 1955 had been approached bo fore by the people of Allcndall to run for council and wasnt Interested flay says when was pcnsioned off they asked me again thought it over and decided to give it it try Even as boy llfr lliurr sollus says had ideas about getting into municipal politics My father George hiarscllus was rccve of Tiny Township and wanted to follow inrhis footsteps Alderman llorsoilus feels that thsro is too muchdovorih ism in the present city council Three or tour of them get huddled together and tqu busi ncsa he says Half of us know what Is going on and half of is dont BETTER DONE If elected ltny would llllslo see better deal for city em ployees HOW Oil family man lst on $120 an hourl he asks Id also like to see better working conditions They should have better toilet and washing lacilities in the buildings where they work and sat lm also in favor Mr Mait solllls says of the city talc the over garbage collection and the bus servico The eldermana wife Jennie died in loss There are three children Mrs Lorne Glllhaaly Mrs Marjorie Phillips and son Vernon who is complaints manager forch Telegraph In Toronto Mr Marselius is msmbcr of St Georges Anglican Church in Aliandnle He is member at Elmvalo Orange Lodge No 991 and recently received certificate recognizing his 50 years of association with the Orange movement CHRISTMAS PERMS $2000 $1500 and $1000 555 50 rm Dec 19m RUBYS BEAUTY SALONS 1M DUNLOP ST PA 84423 l7 ESSA ROAD PA 55811 JOE BEAVER SUGGESTS FOR THE HANDY MAN AND we WORKSHOP Shopmata V4 Drill Shopmste Handssw Shopmate Sander $2295 Shopmela Jig Saw $2295 Shgamale Arm Saw Ad iustabie BEAVER lUMBER 127 BRADFORD ST $25000 last It seems like lot of moneymore probably than Width evidently got in the coffin closed the lid and drank the poison Ho wearldentifled as Richard Walsh 27 missing since last Jan 21 mu prose sorrys snocxs Balls Edn Dynn Lsks Dursult thtssy Emilia ouwaouashaw sons evaded industrial down 63 Balls down 34 Utilities up 34 T030an nuns EXCHANGE man 44 Gold down 24 Metals up 53 Hill llp 19 you luvs eve bed in cash at one time But from the viewpoint of widow with thin young childrcn the aunties is not how lunch but how long How long would it provide food clothing shelter and the other basic noocssitles of life Would it bridge these important years when the children need their mothers fulltime love and care Viewed from this standpoint the 325000 begins to shrink lets say with careful budgeting the widow might manage on 5300 month At this rate $25000 would last less than years This approach to financial security provides practical measuring rod for life insurance If youd like In check how much income your life insurance would produce and for how iongiust ask the Man from Manufacturers He has measuring device called Scourin Graph that will help you View the life insurance you now own in new light nc chlieatlnn of course GIRLS FIGURE $895 up MENS $995 up LADIES $995 up TRADEIN Youa oro SKATES ON NEW or user Skate Sharpening Specially GOLDS sues ssawcs llA CLAFPERTON Barrlea Original Ice Skate Exchange Industrlals up HARRY MAKE yous AFFOINIMENT Now let Us Check Your Car Fun THAT SPECIAL Now canisrwis roman WHEEL ALIGNMENT flea Up For wnaar asasucmn auooK Absononn PERSONALIZED SERVICE CHRISTMAS COMPLETE 911ch CARDS ENDSUSPEN510N ovnnmco 82202 iFAVERO 27 TORONTO ST PflOTDGRAPHER 20 Dunlap PA sftilt son UNUSUAL GIFTS sss BARRIE GOVElélglelENT SURPLUS wmrsn coins AMBS W007 as aluocuLARs MICROSCOPES HUNTiNG KNIVES BARRIE GOVERNMENT SURPLUS STORE Dunlap St PA 60622 tlvinanan lttu Representative BAillilE Tel PA 95594 IHI ms MANUFACTURERS LIF millsnice COMPANY

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