Dec 17 Safe Driving Week Hope To Reduce Tragic Toll By JACK VAN DUSEN OTTAWA tCllOQ the ba sis of normal experience It couidbe expected that at least 10 persons would be killed and 286 injured in 936 traffic ac cidcnts each day in the first week of December But Dec has been desig nated as SafeDriving Week in Canada inc sponsoring Canadian Highway Safety Council hopes the toll will be substantially lower because of wide public ity campaign and concerted safety efforts by the council police forces municipalities and provinces during the week No road deaths would be pos sible if every motorist and pe dcstrian drove and walked as he knows he should says Arch Bryce the councils exec utive director Unfortunately human nature is predictable to the degree that we must expect 53 traffic deaths during SafeDriving Week 350 Million Space Needles Still In Package LEXINGTON Muss APlA powerful US satellitetracking radar has picked up evidence that 350000000 tiny copper filaA mcnis sent aloft Oct 21 in an air force communications test are still orbiting in packagh instead of cloud The Massachusetts Institute of Technologys Lincoln Lahor atory said It is carrying out cal culations and experiments as to why the copper hairs seemingly have not been released The purpose of the experi ment was to spread band of the tiny needles in an orbit 2100 miles above the earth The fine wires were to have formed thick cloud about fivemiies wirlc and 25 miles deepwith the wires generally quarter mile apart The announcement Monday said Lincoln Laboratorys Mill stone Hill radar at Westiord liass has picked up contacts on three occasions Nov Nov 15 and Nov 22 with what may be the package six inches in diameter and 17 inches longas it passed about 2000 miles overhead Each of the 350000000 tiny copper ï¬lamentsii dispersed into the planned cloudwas ex pectcd to act as tuned dipole to reflect radio waves back to earth in theory such sparse cloud might have made possible world wide communications system free from enemy inter ieronco or eavesdropping I962 MODELS AVAILABLE STARTING AT $21535 WINNIPEG WIIII WINNERS sitRay Ash GlRoger Hamlin GitRoger Savoic GitStove Patrick MCornel Piper flSMike Wright STFrank Rigney loNorm Routnus 71Forrel Fuston TitCM Luining 77Emie Pitts TILRon Mendmore Winnipeg Blue Bombers litDick Thornton liKen Ploen izHnl Lcdynrd ldRiek Potter ZlCharlle Shepard EatJack Delveaux MNiek Miller zsRay Yuueb zonaz Nogle 276on Rowland iiiGerry Jamel iZHenry Jonzon At that rate the cost in hos pital expenses lost work hours and damages will total $5300 000 There were deaths in the week last year and 52 in the previous year Of the 6100000 persons who drove Canadas 5250000 vehi cles last year 500000 were in volved in accidents or tinishes with the law with such grim statistics as these Canadians will be urged on radio television Ihrough newspapers in the classroom and from the pulpit to take ex tra precautions during the an mial Christmas season safely drive Mr ry says Canadians spend lot of time worrying about the havoc that nuclear bomb could cause ihey ignore the lives that are being lost right at my front doorand yoursevery day of the week The 60yearvold native at Toronto who has spent many years trying to save the lives of others through tratflc safety says sometimes we get dis couraged at the public apathy BLAMES DRUNKENNESS RCMP Commissioner Harvison endorsing the week writes that during the usual hustle and bustle associated By DON HANRIGHT OTTAWA CPA single Eng lish language radio network is being built across Canada by Ihc CBC and its privatelyowncd affiliated stations Negotiations now are in pro gress and the new system is ex pecth to be ready for operation by late next year or early 1963 In effect it will be return to the situation in 1944 before the single network oi that day was split into the existing Trans Canada and Dominion hookups Combined those two systems now stretch across six time zones and include 170 private and CBC radio stations which are within reach of 96 to 98 per cent of the Canadian popula tion Consolidation of these focili ties into one network will not reduce the population coverage nor is it expected to make much difference in cost Main object is to provide as good or better program ser vice with fewer stations ending duplication now existing in sev eral areas across the country For example it often hap Building English Language Network Across Canada hours pens that CBC network pro gram will be broadcast at the same time by private and CBC station in the samecity or some area or by two priv atc affiliates Ending this duplication will mean dropping several stations from the CBC radio system At present the TransCanada network has 15 CBC stations and 30 private stations plus 65 lowpower CBC relay stations set up in small communities The Dominion network con sists of 49 privatelysowned sta tions across Canada being fed with programs from single CBC station in Toronto The basic Trans Canada of iiliotes are required to take i2 hours week oi CBC program ming hut in fact they take an average oi 24 hours The Dom inion network average is eight to 10 hours with affiliates re quired to take at least five The question at which stations are to be dropped when the new network is armed is the sticky point When CBC net work program is sponsored the majority at the private aitiliutes share in the revenue Address applications to Phone PA 33414 BUILDING SUPERINTENDENT REQUIRED For Masonic Building Ai ll OWEN STREET man tnrnLlIni with building mainsunance and heating Living accommodation available in the building FELT sz Kempenfelt Drive Secretary Treasurer masonic Temple Co Ltd with Christmas and New Years festivities there are many dis tractions which contribute to in attention on the port of both drivers and pedestriansoften resulting in accidents The most serious menace is the drinking driver and the drinking pedestrian He Warns that all law enforce ment agencies will be on the alert for those offenders Prime Minister Diefenbaker has urged Canadians to de velop habits of utmost caution and vigilance not only during SaleDriving Week but dulng every day and every week of the year Last year 90152 persons were injured and 327 were killed in accidents that cost 5338310001 No statistics however im pressive can conjure up pic ture of the true price we pay for our carelessnessthe indi vidual misery which follows in the wake of screaming tires and wreckage on ourroads says Health Minister Monteith Gunmen Attack Belfast Bus BELFAST tAP Four gun menbelieved to be members of the outlawed lrish Republi can Army ambushed bus near the Irish border Monday night ordered the passengers out and set it afire After the men made off the driver and passengers beat out the names The bus was damaged only slightly LVE srrnn wanna YOU ans Youll instii notes or com veniento lubtlo tan or one when you see the upon at BALL PLAN ING IIILL co and plan modernization protect thltli bring your kitchen up to the minute Come in soon and let advise you give you Free Estimates on 11 the materials or this ion and explain ourAlly ways to payi For at Home Estimates II THE BALLPLANING MILL CO LTD 43 Anal St PA 82456 Willie Maintains Olï¬cial Duty His Point Margin Again For Meg NEW YORK iAP Willie Marshall of Hershey Bears still leads the American Hockey League scoring race the first player this season to hold first place for more than week Marshall has goals and 11 assists for no poinLII one more than Brian Kilrea of Springï¬eld Indians who moved up with an eight point production last week Marshall land Dick Gam ble of Rochester Americans have the most goals in Alex Faulkner of Rochester has the most assists Marcel Paille of Springï¬eld and Bobby Perrcault of Hershey are in virtual tie for the goal tending lead Paille has given up 21 goals in to games for 210 average while Perreault has Iilowed at in 16 games for 113 average Situations like this cease to be LONDON Reuters Prin cm Margaret carried out her first official duty Monday since the birth of her son just over three weeks ago She and the Queen Mother acting as counsellors of state LI TE BARRIE EXAMINER TUEDAY NOVEhmlZB an during the Queens absence held prin oouncfl at Clar ence House to sign official doo urnents and attend to attain of stats on the Queens behalf iry An sum wm PHONE PA um DYCKS FOOD MARKET Top Quality Front of Beef Hind Quarter of But Side of Park GUARANTEED problem when your car is equipped with Goodyear Suburbanites Why Because Suburbanites give you unmatched traction for all winter driving conditions Theres THINKand youll buy SUBURBAN made only by GoonyWEAR 10 SATISFY DYCKS FOOD MARKET ISO Collier St Phone PA $5339 For Delivery 0N ZELLERS EASY CREDIT PLAN ZELLERS LTD IO DUNLOP ST PA 52450 oi mics extra long wear too when roads are clear Enjoy therenowned safety dependability and quietness of Suburbanites at new lower prices this year Dont get caught shortput them on your car now ITES $1 RCA VICTOR THE MOST TRUSTED NAME IN TELEVISION GREY CUP SPECIAL lo RCA VICTOR Show You All The Sights and Sounds of EIIIIIIIJIIS GREATEST spurns arson SEE THIS SPECIAL AND CHECK ITS OUTSTANDING FEATURES ONLY 25m DOWN 1100 PER MONTH FOR MONTHS ONLY I062 RCA VICTOR CAN BRING YOU THESE TREMENDOUSFEATURESI 23 FULL picture screen more to corner ESTATUNER better reception for distant sta ons ZtlLeo Lewis IllRon Lutourcile asRoger Hogherg taGeorge Druxmnn ltGar Warren Hack Bruzell sZDnve Burkholder sanmi Gray Stltod Tlnmcnluk SSTed Milkllechuk 567Ed Kotowicll 259 picture corner INNISFIL ST TVr stéadiest picture balanced fidelity FM sound from two speakers copper bonded circuits with year guarantee SIMCOE DISTRICT COOP PA 66531 THE 1962 ENSIGN HAMILTON BIG lOIIII WINNERS Hamilton Tiger Cats zitMilan Wall 9T0nl Dublinski loBernle Foloncy 11Fflxlik Cosentino 14Al Rogers 15Zeno Karol lsKea Kiirea 17Grimt McKee iiiTom Grant zitCarver Shannon ZlEalph Gnldaton EbDon Sulherln onion rIIIIs TELEVISION Shwillia Taylor slJohn Barrow SirGino DeNobIle ilkBob Minihune ssRon Ray loTom Moran 7lCnm Fraser 7310111 Moulton yiPetc Neumnnn 15Ponl Dekkcr WHal Patterson 24Foui Palmer tsGeny MeDnugall zipGamay Henley BilRon Howell 30Larry Hickman 44Don Caraway iiiChet Mikszn SlEardimun Cureton SBVinoa Scott SITEllison Kelly ssGeorge Lallclch