PERSONALS wouLD flu Party who runes he mlltxesl helueen John Street and Ferndsle on Saturday cue to please ratanon FA Hsu STUD GROUP tannin imgrollmsnl seam In men It til IIII to am full use oer rsasbtuuu Flfiisuv those who want to our si dirllouulu our on or ulruprmlon or conndens Ilsytaully srtlns are uses to vescnono easel Immsdlstris tar mars inlormsuon voslnus couin Wm nlAUrY silo Coldusses by centred hlirdrflun In your own iwms Phone flsmlce 59551 or PA um IO HELP WANTED MALE near urchins OPPORTUNITY IF YOU CAN QUALIFY Well rated manufacturer re quires an experienced salesman with car for the Barrie Owen Sound Surnic area Ilan selected will have excellent or pcrtunlty for advancemml and will be encouraged and helped to earn more money year after year He will sell Itcms necessary for daily malntensncs In all com mercial industrial and Institu tioaai accounts lie will sell only top quality merchandise to cus tomers who buy or more times year Ila will enjoy unusual commission earnings to HELP WANTED aALcs new scanrs AVIIIAGI 56 hourly HIE Need three out acres use use for will work to hours Weekly Wrttl l0 Elmo sminn mg I3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE WEDNESDAY NOV 29 RM Auction sale of farm stock and Implements hay and straw for MRS JAMES WRIGHT Lot Concession 11 West Gwllllmhury one lnllc east of Cookstown on Bmken Front Terms cash FRANK WEBB Clerk GREG OLEARY Auctioneer Tottcnham 0304005 AUCTION SALEW Saturdaz December SHARP for the estate of the late DEMIATER Lot 25 Concession Essa Township two miles south of Essa station and It mile east Auction sale of farm stock lm plsmsnls hay grain straw and household lurnlture Terms cash No reserve as the estate must be settled JERRY COUGIILIN auctioneer Denied Share OI Rich Claims VANCOUVER CPI The longpending appeal of geolog lst Charles Stowoil for share in rich asbestos claim was dis with weekly advance arrange ments We will train In the factory and in the llold For personal interview call Mil LIVINGSTONE Royal Hotel Guelph Monday to Wednesday REQUIRED FOR MASONIC BUILDING AT ll OWEN STREET man familiar with building maintenance and heating Apartment available in building Address applications tox FELT Secretaryilrsasn Masonic Temple Co Ltd Kempcnialt Drlva Phone PA 83414 APPLIANCE IALEIMAN reï¬llild by mnlo ï¬rm Selling exper enee Preferred flood worklnl confli lions and company beneï¬ts Elly in wrltlal lo Box 05 amtner the after filing an appeal Irom tha missed Monday in BC Court of Appeal Stoweil Is sarvlng six monih term he receivad last week for blgumy Ho disappeared year ago dismissal of his suit for deo lcratlon that he was oneillih partnor in Mchms Lake as bestos claims later bought by Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Limited Stowell said that $100000 was paid plus 500000 shares of Cas siar and that he received only $4000 and 7500 shares from the four men who made the deal Cyril Woodlille told the court at appeal Monday that his law partner had interviewed Slow all in Oakalla Prisonnnd was given no Instructions to conti ace the appeal The court then granted the application at lawyer Bon nell for dismissal of the appeal for want of prosecution ARGENTINA PRESIDENT IN CANADA Presldent Arturo Frnndld of Argentina arrived in Ottawa for livsdsy stats visit to with GovernnrrGensrsl Vanier Canada at Phoi He Is shown here Upiands Airport right altar his plane landed Florida Group Bit Of FORT LAUDERDALE Fill CPITho Canadian Club at Fort Lauderdale an energetic social organization that has be come tiny bit of Canada in Florida is busily preparing for another winter season The club has mailing list of 350 members Some are yearv round residents at this area ltlost of them however spend at least part of tho year in Canada In addition to the 350 regular members scores of Canadians visit the club as tourists during tho winter Fort Laudardaie on the At Ianllo Ocean about so miles north of Miami has become something at mecca tor Canav dians It to estimated that III per cent of all tourists who come here during the season are from ADDING MACHINES Canada Klohn lormorl Hamilton distr ct ists are from Ontario and Que ment said an estimated 550000 tourists In all visited Fort Lau season Mamasnsum runs from Canada would moan gation of 02500 Port Credit Ont said meetings usuali are held on the last Thurs ay of each month There are no membesrhio fees said Mrs Irwin We have entertainment at each meeting speaker musical groups and so on We arrange east nights such as Monte nrlo night in February and we always have Christmas party with Santa Claus and all We hold on annual banquet In March and the season meetings and in Aril The club president for the 1061 02 season is Erv Barrett formerly of Toronto who spends summers at his cottage nonr Petcrborough Ont other Torontonisns are among the Principal nllicers Allan Gon dron Vicepresldcnt Mrs Mary Vivian treasurer Mrs lIlur rlot Harrison assistant treaflv urar and Miss Alma Ridlfly assistant secretary The Fort Lsuneroals club takes in this whale auroral urea Among nihar Canadian clubs In Florida are those at Miami at Lake Worth In the West Palm Beach district and at St Petarsbarg anada Valtcr Kishn the lubs publicity oiilcsr sald lived in the Most at the Canadian tour ec but there are large nlImi are train the hlarltimcs and was from Western Canada The citys publicity depart ardan in the lzvmonlh pariod nded lost Aug 31 Most of nurse came during the winter On this basis the 10 per cent isltlng Canadian touring dele Mra Earl Irwin the club scretary who formerly lived In GIFTS FOR HIM GIFTS FOR FAMILY Typewriters For Christmas gifts Good sel ection of recondltionsd stand ards from $8450 New Portables from $4905 year guarantee Easy terms ADDING MACHINES Good selection now from $3950 STAR Business Machines 24 Bradford St PA 66595 CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS AND CHRISTMAS TREES BEZZANT NURSERIES 69 Johnson St PA 60247 GIFTS FOR HER LA DE BONNAIRE Hair Styling Studio loo Napier st CHRISTMAS SPECIALS s10 PEBMS so $1250 rooms $10 sis PERMS 31250 TEENAGERS $550 PA 82698 BILL LEBOEUF JEWELLEBS DIAMON D5 Cash Credit Layaway No interest or carrying charges 52 DUNLOP ST WEST PA 88343 Smith Rutter Stamp Coin MACKS MENS WEAR Good selection of vtyella Dlxles Sinoké Shop And Record Bar 106 Dunlap St GIFT IDEAS Rust Craft Greeting Cards Boiled Christmas Cards Family Christmas Cards Morris Boxed Chocolates Best Quality Billfolds Pipes and Smokers Supplies Tree Lights and Decorations Visit Our Toyland Party jokes and novelties Timex Watches FURNITURE 137 Dunlap St 610245 PA 60246 PLATFORM ROCKERS NYLON FREIZE oases SERVICE SAVINGS SATISFACTION BARRIEV AT OUR RECORD BAR All the Christmas LPs Holiday Sing Along With Mitch All Christmas selections with the best recording stars Mitch Miller Sing Alongs Bay Counif For Dancing Johnny Mathis Frank Sinatra Jane Morgan Connie Francis Perry Como PatBuone Bing Crosby Maholla Jackson Saabresze Record Flayers and accessoriss Record Racks and Cases Buy Record Gift Certificate JACKSONS DEPT STORE Barries Most Famous House of Bargains our MDTTO IS SATISFACTION on CASH MONEY REFUNDED SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE IN THE FAMILY Top Quality Rock Bottom Prices DIAL PA 07735 I7 BayfieldSl Buy Him Catalogue for Christmas or Good Album STAMPS COINS 33 DUNLOP sr wear as com Sweaters $395 up socks $150 GIFTS FOR FAMILY warnen Immediately 111th Ilfnewï¬ilmry ifmcelmdnli Nil phone Iscls Grobsm class LEGAL NOTICES THE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT Licensing District Number operated by Carlo Sordonl of the Village of Wasaga Beach in the Province of Optario will make application at Special Meet Council Chambers Court House in the City of Harris in the County at Simcoe on Wednesday the 20th day of December 1031 DINING LOUNGE LICENCE for the following premises second floor thereof located on East Malnxstreet Wasaga Beach and situated on parts of lots ii and 10 according to registered Ontario whereon there is erected two storey building of frame construction with concrete foundation wherein suitable facilities Any rerson resident In the licensing district may object to the application and the grounds of objection in writing shall be filed trict whose address is 55 Lake Shore Blvd East TORONTO Ontario at least ten days before the meeting at which the appli DATED at Toronto this 20th day of November 1961 CARLO SORDONI Applicant OffASeason 1834 Dupont Street Toronto ant NOTICE or APPLICATION Licensing District Number TAKE NOTICE that John Maslonis of the Twp ongoronto Meeting of the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario to be heldat the Council Chambers Court House in the City of Barrie la the at the nous of 930 oclock In the lorenoon for the issuance of DINING LOUNGE LICENCE for the sale and consumption of LOUNGE LICENCE for the sale and consumption of liquor for the following premises in the Township of Toy County of Slmcoa at the intersection of Provincial Highways 12 and 108 application and the grounds ofobiaction in writing shall be filed with Mr Browne the deputy registrar of the licensing dis Dntario at least ten days before the meeting at which the appli cation is to be heard JOHN MASIONIS Applicant 1211 No Maiton Ontario THE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT Licensing District Number Joseph Scbanilec and Gerard Rodla all of the Township of Vest pro in the County of shame will make application at Speciai Council Chambers Court House in the City of Barrie In the County of Slmcoe on Wednesday the 20th day of December 1861 DINING ROOM LICENCE for the sale and consumption beer and wine with meals PUBLIC HOUSE for the sale and con esoorted by men are admitted for the following promises of the northwest quarter of Lot is in the 4th Concession of the Township of Vospra in the County of Simcoe lication and the grounds of objection in writing shall he filed Mr Browne the deputy registrar of the licensing dls rin at least ten days nature the meeting at which the aple on is to be heard out this 25rd day of November 1061 JOSEPH SCHANILEC GERARD ROCHA Applicants school boys sols Earn up 25 Willing to work used ply Tole NOTICE OF APPLICATION TAKE NOTICE that The Georgian Restaurant owned and ing or no Liquor Licence Board of Ontario to be held at the at the hour of 330 oclock in the forenoon for the issuance of The restaurant known as The Georgian Restaurantbeing the plan No 860 for the Village of Wasaga Beach in the Province of will be installed to comply withexisting regulations with Mr 11 Browne the deputy registrar of the licensing dis cation is to be heard Summer East Main Street Wasaga Beach THE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT Gore in the County of Peel will make application at Special County of Simcoa on Wednesday the 20th day of December 1961 liquor With meals New hotel building to be erected on part of Lot Concession An person resident in the licensing distrlcimay object to the trict whose address is 55 Lake Shore Blvd East TORONTO DATED at Brampton this 215i day of November 1961 NOTICE OF APPLICATION TAKE NOTILE that Karol Scbanllec Mrs Olga Schanllec Mesting of the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario to be held at the at the hour of 990 oclock in the lorenoon for the issuance of sumption of beer in premises towllich women only or woman Cedar Rail Restaurant RR N0 Barrie Ontario being part Any person resident in the licensing district may obiectto the whose address is 55 Lake Shore Blvd East TORONTO DATED at Barrie KAREL SCHANILEC OLGA SCHANILEC No It Barrie Ontario Most Anything Want Ads SELL PHONE IA 02414 17 Jewal Watches $14105 STENNICKS JEWELLERY 127 DUNLOP ST 59 DUNLOP ST BARRIE ONT INQUIRE ABOUT OUR CONVENIENT ECONOMICAL WEEKLY RATE and up Also Misc Gifts tlv govemment Monday ND had Its high point with its iudy Criticizes Rigid Socalism REGINA CPI Jud Ll Marsh Liberal member Par liament for Niagara Falls crit lcszed rigid socialist princi Ies oi the New Democratic any and the narrow nation alism of the federal Consorva In At the luncheon oliieislly clos ing the Saskatchewan Womens Liberal Association nrovlnc convention Miss La Marsh start out unemployment an is sus at stake federally Saskatchewan has ruflcrcd under kind at government that has smothered Initiative consequently losing people and1 Industry she said People have tell their farms and have gone out looking tor Job They have wanted to melts contribution and have found their contribution has no place Miss La Marsh said the Ie to Pi national convention Tile consensus in Ontario is that Mr Douglas INDP Leader Douglas is an interest ing cotertoincr The new party receives Ila long but not supporters she so 11 vi th te Cement Workers Postpone Strike ever year for winter works expected Federal officials estimate pro Winter Work OTTAWA tCPhlhs fedora governments fourth program oi nter works Incentives is hlld for record smashing run says Labor Minister Starr The lBfllSz program in on erstlon five weeks is running 17 Mr cent ahead at last winter In providing work It promises to be the best pro employ In an in cts and or creatln out his Starr sal rvlcw Under the plan the federal govsmment will pay hall the payroll ccsls at almost any cop pm ect undertaken by clpalty between Oct 15 As of Nov l7 7th labor de out and next April 30 partrpcat had received 3030 ap lcatlons and had accepted 07 of them The approved projects are to cart Iltii2iil000 cts so or accepted will ro de work this winter for WINS on is per cent more than in comparable period last win ROVINCEB PAY TOO Man days of work the best yardstick oi the employ ment Impact are estimatad at 3300022 This Is 17 per cent higher than for the correspond lag period your ago The bill or this as for as the cdaral treasury Is con ccrnod ls expected to be about 3240000011 so far In the llrst MONTREAL CPI Workclo in Winnipeg past cord at doci slon Monday on air schcdlllcd strike against the Canada Co rncni plant but tour at the companys plants in other cities ware closed by the walkout that began Nov 16 Company and union spokosv man said no further negotiav tions ona New York contract are In eight The old contract oxplrod Juno a0 Tile lost meotln between the company and oilclais at In United Cement lec and Gyp sum Workcrs International Un lon tcLCi took place Nov 10 The company has uttered 10 cent hourl wuss lacrosse live cents ths Irst your and ilvs the second In twovyear contract but has rejected union demands for lrlnge bencilts amounting to cents an hour The present bpsic wage ls $101 Closed by tho disputaare Plants In Port Colborne Bells vlile Woodstock and Montreal Workers at Hull Que have voted to strike but have not set date th th ro pi 12 El roll governments 50 per cent But Quebec rec winters of the program federal share of direct pay li costs was t50500tt00 Mast provincial governments ck up 25 par cent of the pay cost on tap at the federal covers 40 per cent living municipalities with payroll tab of only 10 per cent Quebec expects wintor works annrovod so lur to provide win tcr Jobs for 31410 workers at ost hall the national total The program has been pro grossivoly expand3d sinco was both in terms at prfllccls olv iblo for assistance and dum lieu of lederal help It now covers most municipal works except schools and school public ounda hospitals subways and unlclpallyowned buildings to be used for private industrial or business purposes For the first time the pro gram includes projects in ullor nr BARRY EXAMINER TUESDAY Newman 28 1901 ncentives Heading For Record Star garlized settlements when spee sorcd by community organ lrailon and adequately super Vlscd The program dellncs winter works projects as those do signed to create additional arr ployment during the period projects thatwould not have Eelcn tackled without federal cp Not The Tim To Watch Wait Speaker Warns CALGARY lCIIrlc IIr trans president of the Montreal and Canadian Stock EXCIIHIISOS today criticized the Canadian governmcnt for lack of positive leadership In seeking greater markets for Canadian produc CIS it is not time to watch and wait tic told the Ellens Cana dian Club vigorous when out government policy on trade ls necessary hlr Klernns Is on weeklong tour of the Western provinces On Friday speaking in Winni PLE ho Urged Canada to seek nssocloto membership in the Eu ropcon Common Market Grout llritain cannot protect our interest at the bargaining Ichlo half so well as we our selvcs he said today Refusal to negotiate or turnv lng our attention to the more Illusory targets oi North At lanticvtradlng community or is us Canada agreement will lorco Europa to turn to other sources of supply said Europes need for raw materials uivcs Canada powerful lever to bargain for favorable terms for entry Into the Common Market Speaking about agriculture in Europe he sold Canada can not stand idly by while the Common Market expands an on cultural potential that Is on economic by World price stand ards our policy must be to bar gain actively with Common Mar kul countries to secure and maintain our share of these markets not we need posi tive cummorclnl policy that will keep open the markets for our praduw Dangerous To Thus 00 years of trial and er ror resulted in gun barrel which satislied maior require ments ovar period of 60 years NEW MATERIAL Only lust recently in basic design at shotgun barrels has taken sudden turn with the introductlnn glass libsr barrels nelntsrcsmant with glass tiller Is not an entirely new concept In the sporting world Its effectiveness is well known to users tailing rails gall club shafts bows and arrows sklndlvcr spears and boats Modern engineers in many llsids Including aircrslt mu slla and rocket davelo mcnt have chosan slass It er com ponents because of their re workable lightness and strength thin steel tube is the basis or the new gun barrel Over this 500 miles of glass Six hundred years ago when firearms came into use they proved more dancer ous to the hunter thanto his human foo or animal prsyl All guns and artillery pieces required massive walls to con tain even low block pqwd er pressures Metals used by gunsmiths were of such question able character that axpladlnfl weapons were as common as the reasons for carrying them and safety measures took an odd turn During tho Isth can tury condemned prisoners were often made to do the firing and they couldnt run train their hazardous assignment be cause swardarmed soldiers stood on guard The history of lirearrns and barrels is also the history of mans advancement In the tech nological arts Metallurgy had so improved by the second hall at the 15th century that hand guns were extramaly popular for all classes oi people Gun hares were formed In those days by list strips of wrought iron hammered and heatwelded along mandrel spindle used as resale mold inetal This type of con eruction was so satisfactory that it was used until advances of the machine age made it possible to form gun bore by drilling solid stock SEEK STRENGTH The famous Damascus barrd added an improvement to the basic method by alternating strips of soft iron and steel wound spirally around the man drsl Strength and light eight combined in one barrel were the dream requirements of gun owners but even as late 1840 when the Whitney Arms Company first used steel in bar rels the walls now octagonal in Shape remained massive By the 1890s any metal but steel in barrel construction was out because the new smoke less gunpowder exerted prohibl tive pressures within weapon Gunsmiths developed strengthening trick of winding barrel with strong steel wire to increase its burst strength This cylindrical liner provided muscle without Is va weight boon to the marks man Then late in the 1800s Win ehester started using nickel alloy steels for barrels The Model1894 was the first ort ing repeating rifle designe ex clusively for smokeless powder shotshells The basic des gn at the Winchester 1697 Its Weight and the types of cartridge It used have been rnnst no Iliar In sportsmcns rifles up to he pre sent day By Somali Floods MDGADIS RU Routers Severe ilODdSJIIIihe Somali RBI public have created conditions which threaten famine and dis ease in disaster without paral lel in Somali history President Abdullah Osman said In broadcast Monday Try An Examiner Want Ad sauna rs sous scour ourooohs PRONGHORN ANTELOPE mile catamaran ber Hunger Threatened Firearms Once More Hunter are chemically fused and bond ed One third the weight but three times as strong as commonly available steel tho new fire arm ts taster pointing and had greater burst strengthlihan old iashioned gun barrels In addition to this Important saitsy factor savings are eifect ed because the barrel and re ceiver tot lightweight aluminum are lmpervious to rust orrot as result of exposure to weather EASY ON Aan in cold weather the barrel will not cause frostbite to the hands as steel barrel will do At the other extreme after fast round 01 trap the bar rol can be handled comfortably without danger of burning the unglovod hand Tested at temperatures from so degrees below zero to over 100 above the glass fibers proved resistant to transmission of cold or heat and fired smoothly and reliably throughout the tests Sportsmen will hail still anoth er advantage of this latest ad varies in gun barrel manufac ture improved balance Be cause it is lighter the guns weight is back against tha shoulder permitting superior speed and accuracy In shooting With so much good news all at one time or sportsmen de voted to shotgun sports there is little cause for complaint if sunsmith arts stay put for ano ther 60 yearsl By Jack Sords mommies AIlAMUSYIIII coursewor WWW