Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Nov 1961, p. 10

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TIME FOR 10 THE BARBIE EXAMINER TUESDAY NOVEMBER 28 lii ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTH DUNSMOKBAl the Royal Vlclt Ioria Hospital Danie en Sund November 26 MI to Mr and Mrs Norval Dunxmcrc ipre nir merei RR aarrie ton in dal Alan Pursiunt the Royal vie icria Hospital aarrie on Sunday November 26 ml to Pie and llrx Junllnua Peeuma loo lien Harrie ran tnria llospil Barrie day November 15 19 in Mr and am Ken Montana 11 don Crescent ran Michael John brother Ior Kim Scott and Susan lNTIulIxiiNG rAaliLl IIISTURDS can be written with clipping tram Dill Daily News apcr oi the Happy vents hirir LNGAGEHENIS and WEDDINGS Notice Ior these events are only so Bring them to the Clluilted Countel ni telo in Th llarrio Examiner PA ENGAGEMENTS VEATIIERBEE PETERSON Ilr and Mrs Russell Vulherbeo oi MlDuan announce the engage ment or their only daughter Joyce Ellcn to Mr Wayne Albert Peterson Inn or Mrs ll Peterson cl name The wedding to take place In llinrring United Church on Saturday December I6 ml at pm DEATHS REARDONAI his home be lroy Ontario on Monday Now ember 27 lsal Herbert Daniel heardon dear brother ol Louire neardon heating at the lcnneit Funeral Home is landlord St oarrir lunerrl service on Tim day November to at pm HI erment St Pauls cemetery up nlnfii IN MEMORIAM CLOUGIILEYIn loving mem cry deer husband and lather John Clqughley who passed away November 28 1955 Sunshine purer shadows rail Love and remembrance outlast munch remembered by wile nnd iamlly MURPHYIn loving memory at Bert hlurphy who passed away November as I957 Until the day brea shadows tlee Inndly remembered by wile Haxel and daughters loan end Jeanette CARDS OF THANKS DONNEYWe wish to exprcsl our llncere thanks to our nelgh bore irlends and rclltlvcs or their many act or kindness mess ages oi rympathy and beautliul flowers also donations to the Cancer Society the lennelt Fun eral Home Inc kind and eilieient service and Mr Page or III word or comlort and viriis aert onney and mixed DWINNELLWe wish to extend our heartleli thanks and apprecle atlon ior the many acts or kind nets messages or sympathy and beautllid floral altering from irienda neighbors and relative during the recent death at Mr lionn Dwinncli Special thanks to Penetang General Hospital and stall Mrs Boyd and Pethlck Funeral Home llIn Vera blight and family COMING EVENTS Mammoth Food Festival and Tea Everything In Christmas Foods WEDNESDAY NOV 29 TILL 530 PM PARISH HALL Adults 35c Children IISC NEW DEMOCRATIC PARTY PUBLIC MEETING ODD FELLOWS HALL Wed Nov 29 815 pm SPEAKER DWIGHT STOREY Canadian Legislative direc tor of Steelworkers Union THEME The New Democratic Party Policy For Labour KING EDWARD LADIES CHOIR CHRISTMAS CAROLS REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE RD CARSON EAI TOR 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to Lin lmnlrtnt Tbcatn MUST BE SOLD East end Five bedrooms and den living room and dining room lull basement new oil turnacc aluminum storms screens and doors Attached garage Owner will accept any reasonable otter Asking price $10500 Call Russell Carson PA 66481 or alter call PA 66161 ALLANDALE AREA Attractive home Situated on large lot Three bedrooms din ing room living room and kit chen Aluminum storms and screens Artcslan well This beautiful home may be had or reasonable price with terms to suit purchaser Call Ralph Doakc PA 66481 or alter call PA 60803 REDUCED Wcll built tour bedroom bliCk bungalow good north and lo cation Brand new Modern de sign Only $2800 down to one NHA mortgage Prestige area Call Russell Carson to ind out the amazingly low price PA oodol or alter call PA Mist BARGAIN What more could you ask than to get an older triplex in central location for only 52000 down showing better than average return on your invest ment For Iurthcr details call Ralph Boake PA 66481 orl alter call PA 60303 SPECIAL 93 on lake lront Year round home bedrooms oil turnace full basement Asking price $2000 For this bargain sec Ralph anke PA 66481 or after call PA 60803 PA 6648 Member at aarrie and Dlitrlct Real Estate Board Keith Marshall REAL ESTATE ROGERS Cs WANT AD PROPERTY FOR SALE CONNELL ONE DUNLOP STREET EAST First in Barrie Home ShinForemost in Quality at Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENINQS CALL am In MOOREPA in ROGERSPA will losrmPA wt CONNELL FA mu autism 51mm or manner Hm STATS BOARD CLIFE BROWN REALTOR 32 HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONES PA WI PA 60241 Member or the nani neal Lrtlil heard Smith CampbellPA was it Norman Joan LangPA um Fergus GarveyPA Hm Shelswell REAL ESTATE BROKER DUNLOP ST FIRST atOltTLiAGl FUNDS PA 89981 PA 08742 AVAILABLE17 nimm £07 0F VALUENo rm CHARGED lyeme Call loo Longun PA 601 Everett Sheidweu Gro coin Hovurd No CORBY Phone PA 64419 BROKER iack Willsan PA Hall Norman Sheller PA cmi PA Natl REAL ESTATE 96 Dlllllop SL OUTSIDE CITY PAINSWICK Ranch style three bedrooms large living room dining space and the cutest kitchen Broczcway is glossed In at both ends plus aluminum doors garage with cement lloors adjoining hrccze way splendid basement with oil furnace This is buy at $10500 STOREY AND HALF CITY LIMITS SOUTH For the handyman as the kitchen and two large bedrooms upstairs are not finished Living room and dining room are nlcely pan cllcd Make an alter rgc kitoiicn bedroom and bathroom all on main floor T0 RENT Two and three bedroom houses east end of Barrie location Oil hcated Large lot Excellent with garage 70 per month PEEL STREET This attractive tour bedroom storey and halt house is most com pact in excellent condition with very reasonably wcll landscaped grounds Heats Takes less than $200 Terms EXCELLENT PLAN CENTRE HALL Three bedrooms livingdining combination arborite kitchen Oak and tile floors This bungalow is an new street with new Dark across Full poured basement with steel beams Nicely tenccd back yard with trees Close to sEhools and stores MABEL MARSHALLPA 450 couavPA 05483 hIUItlEL IEFEERYPA oath REAL mnle nhom is CLAPPERTON sT BARRIE PA 042592 DAYS 0R EVENINGS FOR SALE OR RENT bedroom home in good resid ential district close to schools DUPLEX East end at city close to schools and shopping plaza Buy yourself home plus an in come Cnll now to inspect this one We have several good homes close to Barric reasonably priced with low down pay ments Moon PA 31350 FRANK NELLFS PA 66696 aiember Curie and District Real Estate Board Have You Found the Home You Want On treed corner landscaped If not make an appointment to see this one lot NHA approved three bedrooms Kitchen with large dining area Pc coloured bath with ceramic tile and vanity Plenty of storage cupboards Oil heated and divided basement Storms and screens Carport Good Location TELEPHONE PA 84281 HENDERSON REALTOR ls COLLIER 5mm PHONE PA 82678 YELLOW BRICK $13500 Fea tures an extra large bright kite chen and living room three bedrooms near St Vincent New exclusive listing Call Rita Scandrett KEMPENFELT DRIVEt This older six room home is in fair condition Forced air all heat ing New roofing Priced at only $7500 Call Percy Ford MOVING For complete moving service safer and easier Call COOKE CARTAGE STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT 43 Essa Rd Barrie PArkway S5575 PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT MORTGAGES BRINGS YOU CASH PA 82 RENTALS RENTALS ARTICLES for SALE 5FARMERS MARKET APTS HOUSES T0 RENT LAIGI nicely decorled two bed room healed rellcoptained apart ment Central toutch Children Helicon Telephoto PA MI mo Duo Apartmeal rumim ed retrinntar Parking rpm Adults only Telephone PA Mon nr apply tiny street Iowan hellcontained heated two bedroom upartment in wert gag Telephunl PA all liter six noon modern unlurnuhed bottle or NEIL Lovely DICK yard glolrllutlc $1 heagr Cilale to wn own meal eho PA spine Trina nooil Apartment ior rent unlurnlsbed sellcontained Renmpahia ran Available nltcr December Telephone mu SLmud lor iurtber internration oN nxnnoou lurnlihcd heal cd arlment cclt contained Lou or parking space Ttln our and brine eiosed Itll vfiazndah Tele ooe my Ii avenlnu bmi Cami one bellman apartment in new buuding Au tomatic washer and dryer rup lied Avauabla December in elcpheno PA Guns THREE 800MB and bath hue ment apartment Hot ater heated with ou Prl entrance Central ly Iurnlahco Tclb phona PA om or PA um SMALL DAEEMENT Apartment private entrance Stove and re lulutor Vcblly centIi lHeated cry noun ren ee ho PA H711 FIVE ROOM unturnished houre with gange on No on Highway Available December is Oil hut tug About live miles ironl Earric Telephona PA Waco ailer pm NEW MODERN our room and bath apartment in Angus Hct WI Icr heated Heat hydro water and range supplied Telephone Camp harden lay collect UNFUIINIalIEI three room apartment Ior rent on North St Ileated Plenty ot cupboard space Telephone at meal than or even lnzs at PA 84510 NEW AND aiodern one and two bedroom apartments overlooking tcenlckempenreit Bay Heat wa egu likinAglDduylnltor Inlvico em ih cilities PA also Two ROOM turnirhrd apartment Separate entrance Parking ncllitlcd and hydro in cludcd Five minutes walk Irom downtown Telephone PA Mm SMALL iive room cottage rear pl 101 Dunlop Vest Clean and warm sap monthly Garage Space heater included Adults Available December Tolnphonu PA Slain LARGE nrtmcni heated modern unturnlrhcd three rooms on ccn bathI hot water hedtcd laun dry room with dryer Available immediately Telephone PA ohm or PA Mars lor details nIonEItN three room unlurnlsh ed sell contained street level uglrtmcnt Laundry room Sult le tar couple One block Irom Post DIlIce For information tele phone PA azzos THREE noonls seli contulncd with sink and modern cupboards oil heated tiicd Ilonn kitchen piggy closet Epsom Extove and re era or supp su coil le Phone PA deans FoUIt noonl house or rent two bedrooms living room kitchen bath atoreroom Ail modern eon veniencer Space hcater and elec glgmstove supplied Telephone HE Two DEDRDOM Apartment in modern apartment building St Vincent and Grove area Bus ser vice Children allowed Janitor service Available early Decem her Telephone PA min evcningr SELF CONTAINED two room furnished heated apartment three piece bath lrnnt and back entran ces Sultablc ior bachelor or con pie Available Docambcr Apply on Dnylieid St PA 66716 UNFUltNISDED upstairs apart ment three rooms private bath Central location Oil Dustbd PriA vata not water tank In private homeno other tenants Avail able now Telephone PA 39757 MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE N0 BONUS Payments insured against accident sickness death CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST BARBIE PA 60203 RENTALS Low COST SPACE ior rent INFURNISHED Lower Duplex three large rooms sunporch and bath on heating Large back yard Close to downtown Available and or the month Telephona PA 517 FOUR lmonl Apartment tile bath unlurnlshed Stove and re trigerator supplied Centrally lo cated No children Available im mediately For turthcr internIa tion telephone PA 60141 FIVE koolli unturnirhed apart ment Living room with fireplace modern kitchen with dining area three bedrooms Use of laundry room immediate 11055255101 or 80 0M BOARD I100 AND sonic Clan to downtown Mill Street or inrtber ormatlnu 200 AND BOARD avauable or null man in private home Dun lap and Bndlord district rcle phnne PA Moss 300 AND DDARD or one or two persona Lunchel ackrd ii dcsircd Parking space elephan PA but Ier iurther details DOOM AND BOARD with molber ly care given or babies and children in my own homa by till week Apply to Box 7o Blrfll 2x aminer available Is Der ROOMS TO LET ROOM or rent Heated lurnllhed ullh rangette reingrraler and linen rupplied Apply at oi biary street or luriher information FURNISHED heated bedsitting room ior rent with rangeite and use or rctrigcrator Central loca tion Telephone PA lloaz Two LARGE unturnlahed room to rent in private home Locaico close to downtown would Duh an idelllmnli apartment Tclelt phone PA Mm FURNISHED bedroom or rent in private home located two blocks iron downtown llurineu man relerrcd Telephono PA Iual or lurthcr details ConIPLETzLY nilribbed Room tor rent with rcirlgcrator and stove also builtIn cupboardl Suitnble Ior one or two girls Telephone PA 51210 nLaVIhIoN Phuro blonde sharp picture on and 99 air Smoke shop 40 952 Mean egphon pl azD Ilzlnilt or sale due in Dear AITZNnON PLEASE Smoke shop to liapla Av PA Mm in addluon to rub stock lnr your convenienc ter milk came eta etc Open daily Imli pm sundaya noon to it pm IIPPnoxIlIATELY Chriltmn THE BANK OF NuVA SCOTlA gun VACUUII cleaner or sale good condillnn 31395 Tele hone PA ulna or sale Illnch Gun imoken needs we now carry bread bub FBUIT Er VEGETABLES APPLI CIDER lresh or Irerh iro en Ibo apple butter or break tait snack or anytime Wa buy tlllnn and hai phone PA 3320 Han Jun Talb FLOWERS PLANTS 7000 pruned Trees lnr immediate ale vill rell wholesale Tale phone ilcy lllckiing PA £4095 RADIO av niIFl NO MORE TV REPAIR BILLSI Buy New Set New With MOTORS LowCost LiloInsured SCOTIA PLAN LOAN LIVESTOCK WANTED Clearly Litter Carrier Sahara Telephone Limvalo ember also lyer Guernsey Cow due December Telephone man Zlmvrze Voaxallmz Plan tor rain not bind DAYolrkstgrpuPlsghs wee oi ppy ec cup cowl PA 63le as aUFNLII IWES lilo Cheviot Ram and sheiand Pony Karo icr ulc Apply to Alvin John till Eimvale or tolepbon 70ml Elva mm ColtHJEDALE tare yura old Drht Yorhbin Pin in welks old Black Shetland Pony Coll lo Puucu Rhoda Island Red and White Rock crou Thic phone tab4614 coomown AUTOMOTIVE moron CARS FOR SALE VIA LTD Rambler 8r Hillman 10 DOWN I7 GOWAN ST PA 66438 BRIGHT n00 tor rent Iwo beds Housekeeping ll desired For two quiet business gentlemen Parking space Telephone IA Hill allel pm uriIGIIT luiniahed bedroom lor rent in modern homc Board tloml Parking lacllitlcl available Gentleman prelerrcu Tcicphonc PA 85160 NICE CLEAN lurnllbcd room lor rent Located In east end district Parking space available Tele phone PA was tor Iurther ininr mation WANTED TO RENT WANran Dir COUPLE Four room unlurnllhcd apartment or duplex ground floor as soon possible Telephone PA mm ARTICLES for SALE NEWSPAPER MATS Sizes ilea Ideal ior lining hen houses attics garagesetc perfect insulator 25c PER DOZEN Apply The Barrio Examiner Barrie Ontario FURNACES FOR SALE FORCED AIR OIL OR GAS NEW $110 FINANCE RATE Phone Collect Strand 4le Woodward and Sons Heating Contractors RR Stroud STORE OWNERS Assorted quantity of old stock COUNTER SALES BOOKS SINGLE CARBON AUTOMATIC These books are in per fecl condition but have I95 on the date line REGULAR PRICE FROM I2c to 20c Clearing al9c ea plus PROVINCIAL SALES TAX Commercial Printing Dept Barrie Examiner WANTED Uied Typewriter leoe phone PA 60365 WE WILL PAY CASH or good used tilrnllure or any good and article Individual or content toils Phone PA b1421 Public Address system Televisions Refrigerator Moving Trucks 5FARMERS MARKET Highest prices paid tor dead or crippled cattle and horses ZENITH aim NO CHARGEI NICKS DEAD STOCK 76 BURTOR AVE EQUIPMENT FOR YOUR LINCOLN ARC WELDERS lac AMP $15500 COMPLETE HANDY HARDWARE ARTICLES WANTED ARTICLES FOR nan RENTALS mm Protectors to Projectors ecord Players McFADDEN Appliance 128 Penetang at St Vincent PA 89288 DEAD STOCK Small animals removed tree For tast service phone BARRIE PA 87751 collect or ask or II hours day1 day week RR Foxmead Ontario License No 139031 FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH FARM SUPPLIES SERVICE Cnsc New Holland David Brown Bentty Farm Eoulpmcnt PA H273 WINTER SNOW RACTOR loaders buckets blades Ii we havent got it well get it CASH TRADE TERMS ATTENTION FARMERS STROUD New Management tau PONTIAC or it cylinder our door Engine nd body in It Iiihpc Tclc hum Pit mm iurther dotll 1555 EUICK deln or rule NC and black Anllh Custom IIIIID 5150 with only 51 down reic Phone PA 7911 ms EDsEL Corsair hardto Like new Pully equip Bod rade accepted Telephon 66613 atter pm less Donal Sedan iar nle auto matic innsmission original paint mo Only 25 down Telephon PA uni Station thon 100 new throulhout and own or osso only 25 down Telephone PA Mist 1955 DODGE tor ralc tour door clean throughout Radio Four new tires Telephona Dro an alter Ii pm l9 WILLYS JEEP with ma en glne lourwheel drive use cub Apply at 71 Burton Ava Tele Phone PA 34501 1956 ItAnInLEII super for sale iour door custom rndlo pertch mechanical condition liust sell so Only as down Telephone PA aml 1951 DODGE Custom Station WI lon VB our door two tle in exeeuent condition can or but oilcr $15 monthly will carry will 550 down to reliable person Telm phone PA 89309 Min pm TRUCKS Sr TRAILERS 1950 MERCURY Pickup excellent condition new battery and snow tires mo For lurther inlorma tion telcphanc PA 04567 TWOTON Stake Truck lrsa Men eury 501 Art condition Low in are and good tires Write or in person Veto bran ca RC Ciovcr ratm Store Camp harden MOBILE HOMES 1557 lilouILE IIOhlE or dale General Northlander three bed rooms completely urnlsllcd tnv cludlng automatic washer oyl level ovcn rclrlgerhtor lull slxe bathroom Reasonable Telephone PA Maze PERSONALS WANTED one or two businesl Etrls or teachers to share turn ishcd heated Apartment Avail able now Apply Box 9o Elmo Examiner GOING WEST Drlva our new and late model cars to Vancou vci Calgary Edmonton Radial Winnipcg Gns paid Toronto DriveAway Service Limitedslas Yonge Street Toronto BA 5775 WOULDANYONE witnessing intal accident on Highway No 21 13th concession churnseth Township Sunday November iii llici ilo two door PHONE STROUD loRldh BUSINESS DIREC pm please phone collect bin SERVICE TORY Ask About Low Rates ByMonth or Year Telephone PA 32414 APPLIANCE MA5°NRY SERVICES If it can be built with Clean modem buildings Suitable tor commercial or light industrial Telephone PA 66515 NURSING HOMES ARK EDEN NURSING HOME BURTON AVENUE Private sale Ii room brick home built tor ram in living on landscaped lot 155 It deep Two room apartment on main floor Telephone PA o7 ItI ZONE overlooking tha bay rooms and bath attached garage will arrange to suit tenants Tele phone PA oesal alter MODERN heated unrurnlshed two bedroom apartment Itelrlgen liter and stove supplied Laundry laciiltIus Parking Overlooking park and bay Apply 11 St Vin AND SONGS Wednesday Dec 830 pm KING EDWARD SCHOOL Phone 66537 HAVE YOU TRIED Barrie Auction Rooms CHRISTMAS TREES 35000 trees on 25 acres ranging ram to years some ready for cutting Call Percy Ford BURTON AVENUE ADMISSION 50c Helen Smethurst at Lowrey Organ Elizabeth Chisholm at Piano Jean Dobson Director EUCHRE PARTY SATURDAY DECEMBER 030 RM CROWN HILL SCHOOL In aid oi the Junior Wonder Valley Hockey Club Mr and Mrs Edward Howard oi Grentel will be at home to lricnds and relatives on Sunday December 196 from to and to pm on the occasion ol their Golden Wedding Annie vcrrary YOU WOULDNT DISCONNECT your PHONE COUPLE OF DAYS WEEK because you know that good prospects might be trying loge Inrtouch with you during those periods when your phone service is discontinued Its the same with your ndvcre aiding People are buying every ay Dont let that business pass you nnd oven unita Hanover kitchen NEW BUNGALOW East end close to schools shopping cen tre and bay Lshaped dining and living area divided by planters Large kitchen three bedrooms ceramic tile bath room bright basement Low down payment $61 per month principal and interest Cali Em ecson Swain EVENINGS CALL RITA SCANDREII PA 84305 DOROTHY Wilcox PA oasla PDICY FORD PA Mash ElldERSIN SWAIN PA N505 Member oi Barrie and District and Real tstata Board MOVING Dont forget to transfer your INSURANCE and it you need extra coverage of any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 1001 OR PA 61002 lid Dunlap St ROSE lREAi brnra BROKER 1a TLFFIN STREET BARBIE CALL DAY on EVENING PA 82379 Member or the Barn Dis Real Estate SolTil LARGE three bedroom brick bun galow Lrbaped living and dining room with fireplace huilbln china cabinet Frigidaire bulltlin stove cupboards Dulltln vanity in bath room Hardwood liners Attached by becauseyour advertising is discontinued Entatlt0n image In atao Marion reseen one Go snW PA nhoinp man storms and screens and many THREE DEDIIODM modern brick price to Sex 96 Darria Examiner ldeal rensnnably as owner has other in terest to Maple Avenue Barrie Unlimited private funds avail able for any type of dwelling or construction anywhere MORTGAGESvIat Ind and bought laid and IIIIIIEEII and residential non exist Inga Broken PA Mona walkout basement cold room tras Telephone PA 50901 even lnga PA 61032 LOTS FOR SALE RESIDENTIAL Level Lot Slight backdrop Suitable ior lawcr apartment Telephone PA ssiaa PROPERTY WANTED bungalow or on bus line State Central location age and BUS OPPORTUNITIES SMOKE SHOP sundry store in excellent wn location tor retired gentleman or couple Good income Seuing Apply Glls Smoke Shop MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE IST AND 2ND MORTGAGE LOANS Free consultation No Obligation CALL PA 90901 MORTGAGE FUNDING 129 Dunlop St East over SIMPSONSSEARS Commercial loaned on no modllku nrrla him Tr All Examiner Want Ad PHONE IA 32414 Built tor this work Semi and private rooms kind nursing care good food TV rooms station wa gpn lair outings Telephone aorta rou APTS HOUSES T0 RENT FURNISHED three room apart muni East end on bus route Hydro stove and rcrrlgcratar sup plied Telephone PA biota UNFUDNISHED modern lie22d apartmentfor rent immediately Suit couple with one small chud Apply at Hosklna Bakery Elm vale or telephone Elmvnle LARGE two room uniurnishcd artment inc rent Living room ktchenette bedroom rangettc and relrlcerator Ground Ilaor Central Suitable for one or two Telephone PA 33616 UNFURNISHED Apartment rooms and bath ground floor Heated clean modern reibcn tailled Central location Parking Steve and reirigerator it required Telephone PA iltast LARGE HEATED Apartment Liv ing room dining room kitchen bedrooms and bath Sell contained Very central Plenty or storage Space Avauable now $95 monthly Telephone PA cam Eh AVAILAELE November two bedroom bungalow all convenien ces nil hent Renaunablc Tele phone Oakglalie Valley 1300 or Two acnnoom winterized lake front cottage at Mlnetl Point in side conveniences heavy wlrtrl ssh per month immediate passes stun Telephone PA Laws tor iurihar details UPPEII DUPLEX ior rent two bedrooms living room and kltclp en iully illed fourpiece bathe room on heated Laundry iaclli ties Vacant December Tele phone PA oazm DNFUILNISBED ona and two bed room apartments heated central ly located Kitchens with builtin cupboards Adults only Telephone AfiPgMED and after 515 pm PA Ccnt street or telephone PA mass ONE BEDROOM Apartment Owen and Grove Streets area Ample storage parking laundry room with dryer Available December Telephone PA 85331 or PA Gust or PA 667 UPPER DUPLEX one IEHLDOIH large living room and kitchenette Sellcontained Private entrance Dominion store area Heated WI tcr and electric paid 55 per month Available December Telephone PA Moos NEW nlonnnlv centrally located two bedroom apartment on rent llclrtgeratdr stove and laundry abilities Available immediately Janitor service Telephone PA pens for runner iniormauon FURNISHED Bedsitting ram with kitchen would rule couple er two girls Telephone PA M771 Two IzouMiurnlshed apartment private bath separate entrance Stove and reirlgeratpr Telephone PA sasia THREE Itoolii ground floor apart ment separate entrance and bath hcnt supplied Close to school Also three room maderniy dc eoraten apartment with nursery Each available December Telee phone PA alszzc UNFUIINISHED clean three roam heated apartment Kitchen has modern divider counter stove and rctrlgeratnr Three blocks Irom Post Ottlco Good parking Suit couple $50 monthly Tele phone PA omo UNFURNISIIED heated apart ment living room bedroom kitch en with Stove and retrigerator Lights and water supplied Park ing space Central location Tele he PA S3578 ior rurliier de an ROOM BOARD Itqu AND DOAItD available Close to downtown Gentleman preferred Lunchca packed it de sired Parking urea Telephone PA new and Second Hand Store 55 DUNLOP sr wnsr PHONE PA 32421 LLOYD DADY Carriage and large size crib In good conditionTele phone PA 09249 cast LOANSSim at $12 per month Telephona PA 60103 Crescent Finance 25 Dunlap St West CHILDS STATION Wagon tour feet long Large Tricycle also Mouton Coat alle 14 Very reason able Telephone PA 60513 HUDSON SEAL Cont ior sale size to Ladys nylon overshocs size 514 Fuwn Blanket Cont size in Apply 1035uphta Street West Darric alter pm BEST BUY in pruned Christmas Trees Your choice or Scotch Pine or Spruce $100 at term or $125 delivered Bert Maw Mlnesing phone 23 new TWO BUGS 12 15 oval anaped Chinese colors beige pink and green one 12 colors red dun rust Iilrovcr pattern Owncr must sell returning to England Apply box 94 Barrie Examine 12 Fisli SIIANTIES well con structed priced $35 each also con gallon and son gallon minnow tanks Apply vie Palmer 94 Kempenicit Drive Telephone PA 841451 WINTER COAT mans rnliiuln lined size 40 Two malls sports jackets size Ladys car coat stzo ll Ladys Iigure aknter size All lncxcciient condition Telephone PA iinaio RENTALS singer Electric Pert able Machines tor rent by the week or the month singer sew ing Centre Dunlop Street West filephnn PA amo or Elmvull CHRISTMAS Titans or Sale choice pruned Christmas trees pine or apruce any size Whoin sale or retail Reasonably priced Rasséll Illnw telephone Mlnealng Lch than pack or cl 29 Anna Street TONYS APPLIANCE AND TVSERVICE Service to all makes I47 DUNLOP ST PA I42 CARPENTRY BLOCK BRICK or STONE CALL SPROULE MASONRY CONTRACTOR For guaranteed workmanship at reasonable prices PA 60966 NEW HOMES Remodelling shinglingi porches recreation rooms Complete trimming to houses and garages BRUCE CAMERON PA 66071 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGIN EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Hanging Spray Painting Service Since 1920 RR Barrie PA 66956 DIAPER SERVICE EARRIES FINEST DIAPER SERVICE Twice weekly ylnkuy at deuvery ii FRANCIS or PA 68551 REAR Knrettel day DRIVING SCHOOL ORILLIA SCHOOL OF SAFE DRIVING Since 1956i FOR APPOHVTNENT CALL PA 68551 EXCAVATEN FILL GRAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Grading Water Delivery Crushed stone llalt yard Backhoe for hire DENNIS MORAN Barrio REFRIGERATION HOOD REFRIGERATION SERVICE Domestic Commercial Airconditioning ZtI PRATT STREET PHONEPA 64678 SANITARY DISPOSAL DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT We have been licensedto re move your dead and crippled gam animals under the above FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLEKI BARRIE PArkway oaol7 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE LICENSE sacax Try An Examiner Wani All PA 2907 PHONE PA 02414

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