Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Nov 1961, p. 2

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ITHE BARBIE EXAMINER Coun Mary Law MONDAY NOVEMBER 21 1961 Holstein Club Honors Member George hiddughlin oI Beavenon Ontario premdent of the HolsteinFrirslan Associa tion of Canada was honored at Would Fight Underground Rather Than Be Killed Playwright Lister Sinclair ad theory could on be tested Wth dressed Barrie Unitarian Fel The speaker concluded with human embryo uhichrl does comment on the aid of the West By Mrs Mary Law seeking re election to olnnisfii Council would like to sea the road pro gram as carried on by the pre sent council continued have not discussed this with the road supervisor but will investigate sugilestlons that may be made for the best way of handling the roads pro am she said in an micr vtew feel that we may be able to reduce the milirate and at the same time cuuhnue our expenditures to ensure as good it program as we have been carrying on 0N FINANCES Speaking of the financial con dition of which she was chair man this year Mrs Law thought that the position was good The percentage of un collccled taxes was somewhat higher Asked if she might consider the adoption of an stalment plan of paying taxes she said that it might make it caster tor the ratepayers and at the same time save consi erable in bank interest on loans She felt that the increased arrears might be owing to dif ficult time of some unemployed ratcpayers Asked if she felt that the increased assessment on lakcshore properties was justified Mrs Law claimed that the sales value of these propcrtics had increased and that basing the assessment on the perccnlge of values it was below the average across the country She thought not very likely that the tax burden would cause the lakeshore ar eas to ask for secession from the township Mrs Law felt that the over all assessment should be the basis of taxation and that one area should not pay on no lo creaso if all were not included IF ELECTED if am elected Will not sit on another Court of Revi sion Mrs Law said tl feel that this is not council maA ter and that outside persons should be on this court She denied that the assessor dominated the court when it consisted of members of coun cil The assessment commis sioncr was given budget hired his assistant and paid the expenses TODAYS STOCK PRICES Compiled by Flynn 93 Dunlop st Barrie MKS MARY LAW Mrs Law stated that she was not making any special appeal to the lakeshore vote but she did expect the womens vote to give her real support She feels that woman has equal value with the men on the mu nicipal council and that her record shows that she has car ried out her duties in credit able manner in the past and willcontlnue to do so favored the tweyear term of council as it gave the mom bers an opportunity to make some long term planning she said NOT ALWAYS PROFITABLE Deputy Reeve Joe Codirane took exception to the mention of his remarks about attending solos and making $1000 He claimed that not all his purchases turned out so well One of his specialties be sides buying weaned and young porkers is the purchase of re placement cows for dairy herds He keeps good quality of this stock on hand and sells to fur mers who need replacement cow in hurry He hopes the voters do not hold the desire to be at these sales against him but realize that he is also out to serve them to the best of his ability if man is success in his own business he should also be as good for tha public be claims recognition dinner sponsored by the Ontario County Holstein Cluh at Brooklin Cague Allision Smith Port Perry representing the Ontario Holstein Club In flying tribute to Mr McLaugh Bolh he and Mrs McLaughlin were presented with silver tea service fourpiece luggage set and an illuminated address The presentations were made by Holstein directors Roy Barker Voodbridge and James Me Leslie George Clemons secre tary of the association said George McLaughlin has dem onstrated ability and sound judgment in the executive work of the association he has made an important contribution as director of the dairy farmers of Canada and am sure be will continue to play an increasingly important part in the broader field of agriculture Insurance Man Taking Course Phil Score Barrie repres entative of an insurance firm left Saturday for an advanced training course at the comp anys head office in London Ontario The twoweek course will co ver personal estate planning tax service and estate adminis tralion lllr Sauve has been with the Barrie Branch for the past two years DEATHS llyVTllE CANADIAN runes Concord MILSenator Styles Mayor Willard Kinzie con gratulates construction com pany officials alter opening model home on Rose Street Bridges of New Hampshire 63 ranking it licnn on the United States Senate services committee and mem ber of the Scnate foreign rela tions committee MontrealJack Mackell 66 father of former ational Hockey league player Fleming Mackeil and player himself with Stanley Cup champion 0t tawa Senators in 192041 and 192122 of heart attack while watching football game on te levision Toronto Harold Living 67 retired construction company executive who played football with Hamilton Tigers in 1913 of heart attack while watching Hamilton football ston game on television New Westminster BC Billt Matt 63 former Liblt oral member of Parliament for New Westminster Huntlngdon Que Adam mishaps armed home in Sault Ste Marie deaths through Quebec and Alberta PROVINCIAL FIGURES Island dents or known suicides Ontario dead There were five deaths rc 1ported by lire Four were in Ontariothree of these in one There were two hunting fatal ities one each in Manitoba and British Columbia and four unclassified gt causes in Ontario Nova Scotia Individual provincial figures with traffic deaths bracketed Ontario 12 Quebec New Brunswick Manitoba British Columbia Alberta Newfoundland Nova Scotla i0 Saskat chewan Prince Edward This survey does not include natural deaths industrial accilt MAYOR OPENS MODEL HOME He shakes hands with Roy Rosenburgh vicepresident of Construction Morris Cait the companys president looks on Examiner Photo Accident T011 12 Over Weekend By TIIE CANADIA PRESS Traffic fatalities wcrc lighter this weekend but the category rcmoincd the most lethal in survey of accidental deaths con ducted by tho CanadianPress The survey taken from pm local times Friday to Midnight EST Sunday revealed an over all total of 34 accident victims 21 of them killed in highway ely island in Metropolitan Tor onto Gordon Grant Hardy 48 of Pcterborough killed Sa urdoy when his car collided headon with truck on Highway three miles west of Peterbor ough Daniel Stonefish 7i struck by car on Highway near Lambeth five miles south of London 0nt Saturday night John Spencer 21 of Hespe lcr who died in hospital Satur day night ol burns received in hunting cabin fire at Mongoose Lake 75 miles north of Sault Ste Marie DIE IN FIRE Mrs Lomalltigurcs 55 her daughter Beverly Ann and Mrs Figures mother Mrs lie icna James 77 who died when their home at Sault Ste Marie bumad early Sunday Fred Chamberlain 20 of Cui tus killed Saturday night when his shotgun accidentally dis charged as he climbed fence Mrs Florence Mueller of Monkton Ont who died Sun day night ol injuries received lowsth last night on the ques tion of ethics and religion and touched on such present day problem as nuclear war birth control immigration and the role of science Should we kill one quarter of humanity half three quar ters in nuclear war the speaker Everybody says they are against war but the terrible thing is that they all have reservations in the back of their minds If the prime min ister announced over the radio that war was imminent within 24 hours three quarters of the population would rally behind hllri for country and flag FIGHT BACK Mr Sinclair said that he would rather let the country be occupied and fight back through an underground movement for so years if necessary than be killed in nuclear conflict Mr Sinclair also blasted Can adas immigration policy have recently returned from Great Britain he said where there is controversy about the immigration to Brit ain of West lndinns and irlsh Ninety per cent of the pcople are against letting these people in Tney say why should they come in and take our jobs This question has not arisen in Can ada because we have not let it We have had restrictive immilt gratlon policies for years through the Asiatic quota and so on The playwright told his audi once that he had been trained as scientist and felt that there was misunderstanding of the role of science today He gave as an example the case of an Italian scientist who had devel oped human embryo lhepurpose of this he said was to investigate the theory of autoimmune reaction and to find possible cure for such diseases as arthritis This WEATHER Synopsis The unscnsonnbly mild weather of the last couple days has come to an end in Southern Ontario Temperatures were still near 40 this morning but cold northerly winds will drop temperatures steadily dur ing the day Considerable snow accompanied the cold outbreak through Northern Ontario Fre quent snowHurries and even few snowsqualu will occur in in twoear crash on Hig tile northerly flow off Georgian 15 miles west of Londomay but the rest of Southern An unidentiIiEd hitch hiker killtzd Saturday when the car in which he was riding over turned on Highway near Ontario will get only few snowilurries as wintry weather envelope the area Lake St Clair Lake Erie Sellar 63 publisher of the Mrs Martin Doyle drowned Fem southern Lake Huron Niagara not show the autoimmune re action There was great out cry against this experiment on the grounds that man was try ing to create lesttube babies and was tampeng with the sec reLI of life N01 AWARE Mr Sinclair also felt that the public was not aware of the consequences of nuclear war and the devastation it would cause The scientists themselves be said were most aware of and most concamed over the use of nuclear wea as The scale is entirely dif erent now One bomb has more destructive power than all the weapons used by man in all previous wars in cluding the Second World War Mr Sinclair also commented on fallout shelters read Jules Fiieffer cer toon recently It told how to stock shelter with canned goods clothing fresh water and machine gun The caption was if you cant get Russian got an American The speaker was also concem ed oycr the problem of the ex panding world population POPULATION UP The population of Britain for instance he said has incrcusv ed to times during the centuries since the agricultural revolution when man ceased to be lone hunter and formed agricultural communities it has expanded tenfold again since the indus trial rcvolulion It has been said that the bird of war is the stark not the eagle am not afraid of Russia or the United States The country am wor ried about is Chino They feel think wrongly that they can come out of nuclear war on top of the situation because they have such large population and because their industrial de velopment is so disperscd FORECAST Snowflurries and local snow squalls ending late today Partly cloudy tonight and Tues day Winds northerly 20 today light on Tuesday Algoma Sault Ste Marie White River regions Mostly cloudy and cold today tow pa riods of light snow Clear to night and Tuesday Winds northerly 15 light tonight and Tuesday Cochrane northern Georgian Bay Timagnmi regions North Bay Sudbury Cloudy and cold with occasional light snow to day Partly cloudy tonight and Tuesday Winds northerly 2t decreasing to light this evening em nations to underdeveloped countries Canada for inslancc gives its surplus wheat Thats fine but its not really noble to give something you have too much of feel that we who are so rich in comparison to the poor countries wiu have to give to the extent that it visibly lowers our standard of living We are so rich and they are so poor and this situation cant lst am afraid of the consequences CARMAN DOWN EY Vespra Reeve Is lieElected Vespra Township Rccve Car men Downey was returned by acclamation at nomination meeting held Saturday in Mid hurst Hall DeputyAReove Wal ter Forbes was also returned Former cil members Wellington Dobson Cari Doran and Russell Harris were nomin ated for the three council seats Les Bertram was also nominat ed and had until 12 noon today to qualify Running for the two school board seats in Area No were Hunter Russell Dalton Slessor and Mrs Vina Jones Mrs Jones has not yet qualified and had until 12 noon today to do so Cecil Ward Thomas McKee John Downey were elected by acclomaiion for the Area school board Two board mem bers Graydon Giffen and Mor ris Pattersom whose terms of office had expired were also re turned if Mrs Jones andor Les Bor tram qualify elcclions will be held from 930 am to 630 pm next Saturday in the Irvine River just north of Guelph Friday night when her car failed to negotiate turn and plunged over the river bank Lloyd Alexander Donn is of St Marys killed in twocar collision near Stratford early Sa turday Jarvis Francis Burke 28 of Kirktieid killed Saturday night Lake Ontario Haliburton re gions Windsor London Hamil ton Torontfi Cloudy and much colder today Occasional light rain changing to few snowflur ries this morning Partly cloudy tonight1 Tuostéllay1 lYinds northcr 10 to all to ay ig on Emma 32 may St Catharines Southern Georgian Bay 32 northern Lake Huron regions 73 weekly Huntingdon Gleaner Toronto Frederick Albert Waghoroe 73 former president of the Ontario Lacrosse Associ ation and the Toronto Hockey League TorontoWilliam Arthur Ly diatt at founder of the mega zine Marketing who received the Award of Merit from the Association of Canadian Adver momma Dom Found non Stores Dona Tal Enqulsita PM Famous Play at Lake GIL Pow Etudes Finn Horne Pit Home on Hudson Bay Into Imp Tobacco In OII lml Accr Forecast Temperatures Low tonight High Tuesday Windsor 20 35 St Thomas 20 32 London 20 32 Kitchener 20 32 Wingham 15 30 Nor OnL MG Moore corp Oshawa Pacific Pete Pcm Pipe Que Nat far Ron Hummus Royal Bank rttoAtgnni Snlldn shitrm Simpson Stafford Steel of CID 11 PANIC DROWN CARTAGENA Colombia AP 15yearold boy dropped lighted match on gasoline can aboard launch ferrying 30 passengers Saturday Before the crew could throw the flaming can overboard number of pas sengers panicked and jumped overboard Eleven of them were Aioestos Ahltlbi Alum Steel Aluminium on Also Steel six of Montreal Bfink of us nail Tcl Brazilian an on BX Power Eda an of Corn Breweries WV St George Davies CONSTRUCTlON LTD Inland ginnila Cement Inter mil 6V2 Intelprov Jockey canmen on sun Norud Gllnrlnr hi can Hus Hollinger camp Chin CcnDcllllo Con Dentson Con Hall Sullivan Falconbrfdga pea Mine Lamqua Lone Nometal Onealh 3109 Lair nutault wusey Latin nownouns NEW Industrial up 91 Rails an Club La Ma Peweu My Massey Fer We KernAddilon Maritime at stetnhcls Tor Dom Bk ripe Tran can rip Trans Mt Pipe Trader Fin Texaco nntnn Gan Walker GkW Quemovit Sher Gordon Steep iioclr United on Venture wuror ass 535 CTN ITOCKB American Black Bay Bash noun evenness up 19 venue down rannm STOCK EXCHANGE mm dustrlals up Golds up 50 Metal down 13 Dill up 11 la Sees Time When glllone Will Not 11 Waghorne chairman of the certification board of the Association of Professional En gineers of Ontario was guest speaker at the meeting of the local association held in the Co nadinn General Electric Audilt torium jlhe purpose of the meeting was to acquaint industry the Epard of Education the munici Charge Driver iter Mishap fA collision at Napier and Van couver Streets early yesterday morning resulted in $1300 dam age and charge of careless driving ECars driven by John Crawford strong of as Puget Street ago Archie LaWrence Foster 01 of ER Barrie were involv eiz in the accident Jlhe Stewart car sustained 90 damage and Fosters V2lt lo received an estimated $500 amnge xFoster was charged with care driving and alllng to stop stop sign 11 erLiAN ctwwrn CLIROME AP preview of Italys decennial census indl hates the population total now is 50463000 an increase of 61 per 68m since 10911 Experience Be Enough pality of Barrie and the Armed Forces with the certification program for engineering techni cians and technologists Mr Waghorne said Our exr panding economy has intensi fled the demand for technicians who are required in engineering devaiopment work and to help produce and maintain complex equipment and its product These jobs require man with combination of basic scientific skill thus freeing pro fessional engineers for the more creative and supervisory tasks for which their training especlt ially fits them he said The certification program was established four years ago to define more clearly the area of responsibility and skills in which the engineering technician finds himself He is also given the opportunity through examina tions set by the fAP improve hi lasi practical experience is gradual decreasing to the vanishing point and by the year 1970 an applicant will be certified only on the basis of his education plus the required two years of suitable experience jean garrick HAIRSIYLIETS BVBmkWBD mom PM Ineclnl linden RIIEI by Appointment only com TIME tor anENAuuns He said The importance of PA laser on Maple Avenue tisers in 1941 when his car crashed into sub drowned Cloudy and much colder today 30 in the plan follow for protecting my family and providing retirement income for myself just canttake chances on mattersras important as theseso Iln basing my financial program on life insomniac with substantial savings failures With the help of my London Life representative Ive made sure that my wife and children will be well provided for if my life should be cut short And if live to retirement my insurance guarantees me definite income which can never lose and which will continue for my lifetime London Insurance Company Head Oflice London comm

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